As we continue on this journey you may like to join me in my online self-study course. The first session looks at discovering the legacies of our heritage, who our kindred or allies are and why? What now? Where to from here?
I have made these comprehensive two monthly sessions very accessible at only AUD$30 in my desire to help prepare participants as well as possible to navigate the intense changes and what lies beyond. Continue Reading >>>
Personal Consultation with Cedar
I urge you to imagine this glyph in 3D - soft focus on the centre for a few minutes and you may see the arms of the portal move.
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Vesica Pisces - Fox Hill, nr Liddington, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 9th August
What does the vesica pisces indicate to you?
The vesica pisces has always held enormous significance for me - and no more so than at this illuminating time as a certain section of humanity evolves in spiritual maturity beyond a 3D Earth and all that it entails into 4D, 5D and beyond. The beautiful basket weave in the mandorla of this crop glyph speaks to me of the overlapping and unified field connecting worlds.
It also symbolises a balanced loving relationship where two individuals unite in part, while keeping and developing their individuality and self-sovereignty.
We will be exploring the crop circle phenomena and what they demonstrate in one of the Clarity for Life course sessions in 2016.
First Take Care of Yourself and Your Loved Ones
My personal focus is always on the positive and I view predictions with great discernment and urge you to do so too. My counsel is always to trust your own intuition, take personal responsibility and prepare wisely for your loved ones and then some, and spread kindness and generosity wherever you can.
The following video gives some of the major influences - watch with discernment and please do your own homework. Self-Sovereignty is the key.