I remember, how I, a few years ago asked what on earth my soul was doing on this planet, as I always felt intensely, since birth, that I did not belong here.
The answer I got was: "You did not need to incarnate. But we asked you to incarnate and you then agreed to come." My first reaction then, was that I needed to have had my head read to have ever agreed to such!
Since then, my whole life changed, as I remembered whence I came and why I am here, my soul purpose and mission, to which I am totally dedicated to.
2023, is going to truly push us, as the volunteers, wayshowers and beacons of light, into leadership in much higher degrees, yet in a totally different way than before.
It is not so much to blaze a trail, but to lead via the open heart and unconditional love, even as we are transfiguring and morphing more and more. We are entering totally new territory, which even the cosmic counsels could not predict when we volunteered to be here.
We are not only pioneers in every sense, but cocreators, and we can only do this through the power of Love, Divine Love, working through us. As one with us. Inclusive of Source Light, Love, Power and Wisdom. The negative ego and lower self, transcended now, as the Higher Soul Self governs, guides, directs.
There is no place for brute force here, but for allowing the greater Divinity to manifest into form and being through us.
Prepare yourself for being gently transfigured into your true cosmic soul self, and know you are being called for far greater service, than ever before as your true soul genius ignites so that you can anchor this fully into the New Earth, as as an act of love, a gift of love. A miracle in the unfolding.
Thank you for being here with me at this momentous time.
Together we stand as one."
Judith Kusel