Australia is doomed unless the people make urgent changes to this deceitful and incompetent federal government.
Consider what mayhem and possible war will mean to you, your loved ones, colleagues and our country in general. Remember how Morrison's mentor Howard chose a long and destructive war that decimated the lives and livelihoods of thousands?
Morrison has one rule for his elite mates and another for we ordinary citizens. He is absent and evasive when leadership is needed then makes irresponsible policies on the run without consulting or informing the experts and leaders in the various fields who are obliged to carry out his foolish and dictatorial edicts.
#NoConfidenceInMorrisonJoyceLNP #Irresponsible #NotUpToTheJob #LNPMustResign
Regular readers know I use my clairs and remote viewing to see 'possible futures' - Australia's most prominent or likely future is too awful for relating in detail here, but I have left signposts all over my blog regarding the possibility of fascists ruling and stultifying our citizens and worse.
I suspect large swathes of Oz will be retrieved to some semblance of 'the lucky country' only IF ALL adults become much more self-aware and more active in their community and politically if we have any hope of stopping the rot and continuing to live relatively freely.