No-one can miss the crescendos or profusion of challenging events in progress. Yet, we CAN turn away from the old world IF we CHOOSE to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and DISCIPLINE ourselves to self-mastery. We are co-creating the New Earth by empowering and liberating ourselves from the habitual behaviour and dysfunctional systems that have kept us small. The exquisite kaleidoscope of our True Selves clicks into harmonic perfection as we turn from the old by energising and putting our highest goals into practice. I urge you to put down the popcorn and not pay attention to the seductiveness of the craziness as it builds to more and more chaos day by day by day. Many of our entrenched leaders, corporations and media are continuing to fan the flames of degradation, abuse, greed, conflict and destruction. Old habits and dysfunctional beliefs die hard, yet I see the rest of June and July CRITICAL to our liberation. |
Tip: Turn off the 'news' or gloss it only once in a while.
Tip: The solution is SPIRITUAL, not political. Look for exceptional spiritual mentors.
Strong dark forces are doing everything they can to keep us sucked in, and it takes enormous discipline to break free of the habits of their contrived reality that has kept us imprisoned for millennia.
Break free of the Gordian knots!
It's up to us, not 'them'!
To freedom and life!