I would like to see people take it upon themselves to translate this teaching into their first language and spread it widely throughout their networks. In this way, it will reach every culture on Earth to be studied as a foundational guide and sacred text for helping co-create the New Earth.
I want a world where everyone from age eighteen adds at least six of their own ideas over time and commits to taking one point per day for contemplation and research. After three months of mindful focus, discussion and journalling, they may then delve more in-depth on the aspects that excite their specific interests sufficiently to take the initiative to share their discoveries in their own unique ways.
Day 1: I want a world of great and stunning beauty in the solar system where the sun is young and waxing.
Day 2: I want a world of overflowing abundance for all.
Day 3: I want a world in which people see and experience their own power to choose a response instead of being sucked into over-reaction.
Day 84: I want a world where people see change as necessary and even good and do not get upset, but instead move forward quietly to create a new world populated by awakened humans.