Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Paul Allen and Robert Bigelow are not such men. And yet one can not help but wonder: What if they poured their combined billions into cultivating a thriving, healthy and harmonious global community here on Earth?
Imagine the transformative power their resources could wield in countering the forces of greed and destruction that threaten to reduce our planet to ashes.
- Cedar
Sun Tzu, who lived from 544–496 BC, famously said: 'An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes' Note the many male heads of state around the world who are often labelled warmongers and seem eager to unleash brutality and use destructive weapons against innocent populations across multiple nations. Currently, 92 countries are embroiled in brutal conflicts and wars involving both international and civil strife. |