We are beginning to see revelations of corruption, with citizens shocked by the sweetheart deals, bribery, and other unsavoury activities that the so-called "cream of the crop" engage in.
Imagine if the resources spent on training and building weapons, espionage, wars, destruction, and subsequent rebuilding were instead directed towards peacemaking and feeding the world.
There are approximately 12,500 nuclear warheads globally. A single nuclear explosion can destroy a city and kill millions. Considering there are about 4,416 cities with populations over 150,000 globally, this suggests a capacity to destroy urban centres multiple times over.
Nuclear winter, resulting from widespread firestorms caused by multiple detonations, could inject soot into the stratosphere, blocking sunlight and drastically reducing global temperatures. This could lead to widespread agricultural collapse and famine.
With this in mind, it wouldn't surprise me if someone is foolish and egotistical enough to initiate a nuclear conflict, which would lead to the death of millions or billions, the collapse of infrastructure, including governments. Civil wars have already begun in many countries unable to govern equitably. More are on the horizon unless we make a drastic shift away from the left/right antagonism and come together for the survival of humanity.
- Cedar Rivers