On the bright side, the travails have brought marvellous innovations, splendid homeschooling, re-adjusted relationships, and the discovery of new skills. Some have heightened their psi abilities such as telepathy, astral projection, clairvoyance, hydrokinesis, levitation, zoolingualism, shielding, invisibility, teleportation, mind reading, herbaphony, precognition, energy healing, and more. And if like me, you're over 70, my tip is to think of yourself as at least twenty years younger and in radiant health and never refer to yourself as 'getting old'. Age is not a number it's an energy.
Just as traditional indigenous and ancients have known, more will find our stellar connections and family of origin among the Star Nations. Along with our human families, this will bring added meaning and more will discover why we're blessed to be here on Earth during this transformative decade and how and why our good vibrations affect not only all on Earth but those far beyond.
Terra is one of the most beautiful and resourceful planets in the cosmos with Her huge diversity of life. We're known as humans on Earth, and galactically as Terrans because Earth is known as Terra. It is alternatively known as Gaia, Shan or Tellus. Preparation for interaction with off-planet beings is paramount, as 2023 could be the year of more disclosure of extraterrestrials. Therefore, accurate information and discernment are essential because there will continue to be a great deal of misinformation, negative journalism and trickery by those with power over the population.
As a personal experiencer and long-time researcher, I'm well aware of the mischievous charlatans masquerading as true believers and influencers amongst the good-hearted genuine experiencers and teachers. I'll never give the names or space to the shonky ones and encourage you to be vigilant and trust your inner knowing for those teaching the truth. I urge you also not to publish or pass on the crazy agendas of the dark so-called light-workers.
In the past, governments have refused life-giving and advanced technology from extraterrestrials that would progress humans - choosing their advanced weapons technology instead to ensure superiority in fighting their much-loved wars. Beware of getting caught up in silly conversations of 'Do they exist?', ridiculous government 'exposure' articles, or getting waylaid by the dark agendas of certain ETs because, just as in humanity - depraved evil also exists among ETs - but thankfully most races are benevolent. While innumerable species live in the cosmos, twenty-two different ET races are known to be involved in co-creating life on Earth. It raises the fascinating question of whether we have extraterrestrial DNA in our human lineage, and if so, could we all be hybrids?
Familiarising Ourselves with the Work of Authentic Experiencers and Researchers
Jasmuheen's Darkroom Retreats - Source feeding and meeting Intergalactic Kin - superb videos
Elena Danaan, experiencer, shaman, druid and author of 'A Gift from the Stars, 'The Seeders' etc
Dr Michael Salla interviews well-respected people in the field
Alex Collier has had decades as an Andromedan experiencer.
Penny Kelly's original Star Nation is in the Pleiades.
Linda Moulton Howe's research website is earthfiles.com
Vashta's Galactic Art Jean-Luc Bozzoli Jasmuheen Sacred Art
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