Dear Readers,
The following is a sampling of tweets from 22 - 28 October 2018 of Cobra's Teachings compiled by an avid student of Cobra's work. @Cobrainfo1 I'm posting in trust that the tweeter has accurately portrayed Cobra's material. You may explore more of the teaching and meditations at Cobra's website at
Cedar on Twitter
We as humans have been programmed in many layers from our 1st incarnation on this planet. We all come from different star systems.
We have surrendered to the implant process during reincarnation, which distorts our view of reality. This is the first layer of programming and is true for all humans.
The second layer is trauma based. In various lifetimes, in this one we have been exposed to shocking events have fragmented our personality. if something bad happens, a part of your consciousness goes unconscious and you are then no longer aware of that part.
This has been an intense part of the programme at the end of this Matrix era. When you ascend and raise your vibration, it is these subconscious parts that can be attacked during these times.
The third layer of programming we receive from our parents, especially our mothers. We receive our emotions from our mother. Our mother is afraid, we accept that as our own. Mother is overly critical, we accept that as our own; it becomes part of our personality.
The fourth layer of programming we receive in school.
The fifth layer of programming comes from the media, including social media etc.
The sixth layer of programming is related to scalar technology encompassing the planet.
We need to merge our personality with our Soul.
It is our responsibility to de-programme ourselves from these layers of The Matrix. For our Ascension we need to de-programme from all six and become one with our Higher Self. We need to merge our personality with our Soul.
To remove and erase all these programs is purpose of this. It will be difficult, as this will be challenging your belief systems. We are running out of time and we need to unlock and release a lot. Intense transformation needs to take place.
It’s helpful to global #Ascension process. You need to think with your own mind, compare, feel, discern and take here what is useful for you.
It is time to grow spiritually and personally in a short time for the time to come. Go into an active transformation action now.
You will know when The Event has happened. The Event will be televised. We will be active then and you need to be trained for this. This happens inside you. You need to go inside and discover your mission. Once you know, you can help.
Why were you born and are you here now? It is NOT because of your 9 – 5 job, your house, wife, kids, etc. Your purpose here is much bigger. That is TOP priority right NOW. Do not waste time. We have a limited number of days remaining. Each day matters!
Our perspective comes from our 5 senses and these are all programmed. When we look up to stars, we see about a 1000 of stars on a clear night.
There are 100.000.000 galaxies in the Universe. What you see is only a tiny fraction of reality, but all our beliefs are based on that. It is time to expand our horizons to include more into our reality. THAT is why we are here.
The #topletBombs will be difficult to clear as they are connected to the surface population. The #RM is making sure not to make them go off. No help is wanted nor asked from the surface population in this process; it is too risky.
The #LightForces will take care of this. #TopletBombs were invented by the #ChimeraGroup millions of years ago.
Your loved ones have their own free will ánd weaknesses. Help them to work on them. Attacks come through these weak spots. But whatever problems they face, they need to take responsibility and have the willingness to work on this themselves
Sometimes an attack on you comes through attacking your loved ones through their weak spots. Remember one important thing however: (dark) beings cannot attack where they are not invited. They are not powerful like that.
The problem was the #PrimaryAnomaly. This is a quantum field no one understands. When angels were submitted to the #PrimaryAnomaly, the dark forces were born.They have occupied certain parts of the Galaxy.
Some of them were transported from #Orion to this solar system in 1996. Earth is their last fortress: the only planet under their powers.
The #GalacticCentralSun provides energy inside and outside the Galaxy. It is the source of Light in this Galaxy and it is very strong. It is transmitted in the form of #Tachyons. They move faster than light. They are the first matter created when the Universe was born
#Tachyons don’t connect to matter. They can’t be corrupted or misused for negative purposes. They transmute negative energies in positive ones. They are able to transform the #PrimaryAnomaly and bring humanity into the new age and expanded consciousness
Cobra has built #TachyonChambers. He started this 14 years ago on instruction by the #Pleiadians. Now #TachyonChambers are spread across earth.
In cooperation with space agencies, products enriched with #Tachyon technology will become available on the planet. #Tachyon essence is beautiful, currently however The #Veil absorbs the #Tachyon particles.
The #AscensionProcess is both an individual and collective process. It is not only happening on this planet but throughout the Universe.
First the #AscensionProcess was moving forward gradually but now it is being accelerated faster and faster until the final breakthrough. All individual missions are part of this and assist the #AscensionPlan.
Do you remember? All of your lifetimes you have been preparing for something. You were preparing for THIS lifetime. Before incarnation in this life, together with your guides you made a plan on how to reach your mission now. It was a dynamic plan as much was unknown.
However this plan is still active in you. It can be accessed. Tomorrow we will go into that. You must however be absolutely honest with yourself. What you really want is not related to the 3rd Dimension.
Will you follow your inner voice or will you follow society? If you have heard you inner voice all your life, you are already following your own Ascension Plan. If not, you need to make the choice: your own Ascension Plan or society. You make that choice every single moment.
Go left or go right, the relevant doors will open. The easy option is to stay. When at the first level, you are not aware of the other levels. You can remain in your village and not ever travel anywhere.
Do the same job for 30 to 40 years, because your parents chose that for you. But people taking risks can discover The Matrix and go down the rabbit hole.
You will begin to discover the world is a stage, which has been engineered. You will discover your Free Will and your power. This is a power that can change the destiny of this planet.
History has always been written by a small group of individuals. When each of us here - 270 people - exercises our own Free Will, we can change the course of history on this planet.
For most people in the world their experience now is: ‘business as usual’. For the awakened ones these are unusual times. Something is going on with the planet and the solar system. Even scientists have confirmed that something is changing in our Galaxy.
If you follow your inner voice and act upon your mission, deeper levels of the game will present themselves. You make the choice; you have to do it yourself. Cobra is only here to present options.
The planetary situation is very unusual, but many things are happening from behind the scenes. You feel and sense it in your bones. But the mainstream media says, “nothing is going on and everything is normal”, because they want everyone to believe this in order to delay change.
There are 5 families in the world that control the mainstream media to keep the status quo, but they are aware that change will happen, as there are cosmic forces in play. The Galactic alignment is ongoing and they will not be able to stop it.
It is based on a cosmic cycle, which has been proven by scientific facts. The cycle has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes and the wobble in the Earth every 25.000 years or so. Because of this alignment the solar system goes into solar minimum.
The last time this happened was 13.000 years ago and caused a mass extinction event among animals and humans. We are now at the halfway point of the Precession cycle again. In this window we have a big possibility to change things and turn them around.
Big problems like global nuclear wars and WWIII, mass extinction of humanity and cataclysms have been prevented because of the collective work of Light Workers (1998-2000). People meditating have averted nuclear war. That is why we are not all dust right now.
On the other side, before incarnation you made a plan. Originally the plan was for The Event to happen in 1995. A group of souls would trigger this. However 80% of this group of Souls refused to awaken and carry out their mission. Just 20 (??)
People could have changed the destiny of the planet and did not. This timeline then collapsed. Then in 1996 there was the Chimera invasion.
Now Light Workers and Light Warriors are attacking each other. We need to get to our senses! And realize that we are playing with the destiny of the planet.
We are still in Galactic alignment and many things are possible. The time window for The Event runs 1975 to 2025. We need to plan for the planetary transformation, as this period is full of potential and breakthrough AND full of dangers. We are navigating these dangers right now.
DO NOT wait for anyone; they will do their part. On the surface we need to get things going, connect, cooperate and coordinate our missions
The Chimera and the bombs were discovered. Removing the toplet bombs is a task of the Galactic Forces; they have been removing them ever since.
We need a core group of people on the surface of the planet that is sensible enough, aware of and responsible for their triggers, reliable, sane and know what they need to do. The transformation of the population on the surface needs people on the ground.
The Galactic Superwave is a heartbeat, a pulsation from the Galactic Central Sun. The Galactic Sun is responsible for bringing us into a Higher Dimension. It happens every 13.000 years, one big wave and one smaller wave. This wave activates our physical Sun.
This is what people also have called ‘the solar flash’. It is not an isolated event; it is our sun reacting to the energy of the Galactic Superwave. The wave will not only affect our Sun but the whole Galaxy.
It travels through the Galaxy faster than the speed of light, emitting Tachyon and other particles. This wave will activate our Sun and through our sun, influence Earth. It will change physical matter, the Sun and life conditions on this planet.
The energy involves a lot of spiritual energy that activates us / our individual Ascension process.
The Superwave creates changes. Our Sun emits plasma in torus form and this creates a vortex that surrounds the whole solar system. On the edge of that torus is interstellar space, the heliopause.
This is an important area as a huge fleet billions of motherships is located in this plasmafield. These billions of motherships direct the energy from the Galactic Central Sun to Earth right now to guide the awakening of humans and prepare them for contact in the most optimal way
They need conductors of these high energy fields on the surface of the planet: physical incarnations through which they regulate this cosmic flow. The Cintamani project and grid is a huge success and stabilizes this energy, but it is not enough.
A certain amount of people is needed who can canalize this energy and stay stable when things start to happen and people start to freak out.
Do not go into fear or indifference. Focus your action, for example through meditation. This will change the course of what will happen and of all that is going on. A group of people is needed who are able to transmit this energy.
A torus is a higher dimensional breath of life that projects itself through a hyper dimensional doorway into lower dimensions. We all have a torus. An apple has a torus. The planet has a torus. The galaxy has a torus. A Soul Family has one too. Every being has a torus.
The openings at the poles of our planet are not physical; they are higher dimensional stargates where the energy rotates and shifts all the time. But now the energy of Gaia and its fields need to be healed. A lot needs to be removed.
Our political situation is a reflection of this and the Goddess Vortex is the reason for this. Archons have repressed the Goddess energies and originated their Archon grid in Iraq, because this is where the Goddess Vortex resides in Hassuna-Samarra on the border of Syria and Iraq
It is one of the most important ones on the planet. That is why they prevent peace from anchoring and keep wars ongoing there. Peace in that area would be a huge victory for the Light Forces. Syria is the barometer of Earth.
Cintamani grid in Antarctica counteracts dark grid which consists of Artificial Intelligence plasma and scalar technology being powered from Long Island. Big Brother is really watching you. They can hear everything you say out loud, write or read, but they cannot read your mind.
The Primary Anomaly is unknown to the Light forces and behaves like Murphy’s Law. Our human awareness is needed to dissolve it. Blissed out Masters in a cave will not resolve The Matrix.
Only by being inside the mess and being consciously aware of it and being a silent witness of what is going on, we will be able to transform and dissolve the Primary Anomaly.
The Cintamani project is about putting more energy points into the energy grid. Cintamani stones are conductors of energy. For every Cintamani stone on this planet a mothership is activated and putting energy into it.
Put the stone into the ground, a mothership will put the energy into the ground. Each time a stone gets planted in the ground it becomes a point for an Angelic being to anchor a vortex for the Goddess energy in the ground.
Next to mass meditations, it is the most powerful tool to transfer galactic energy to the surface.
In August 2017 we had the most successful mass meditation to date. This is important because it unified various groups. It was a collective effort between Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.
The number of people meditating was 3 to 4 million. It created a power in the unified consciousness.
The initiative of one person can have planetary consequences. The group here at the conference theoretically can change the world, if they follow their mission 100%.
We have 10s of millions of ascended beings and galactic forces helping us, including the Pleiadians, various secret Dragon groups, and Chinese Dragon groups. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
They are all supporting in a certain way. There is a lot of support. When you decide to follow your mission, you will get support in many unexpected ways.
Chemtrails are part of the mass extinction programme of the dark forces. They are only 1% effective and are a big waste of their resources. The Pleiadians will clear them after The Event.
If there is a civilisation where a critical mass of the people’s rights is violated military action may be taken. A Galactic military force will assist with the liberation of the planet. 27 January 2018 Earth is a Confederation planet and considered Galactic Confederation Domain
The Galactic Confederation Laws will be enforced on this planet with military force if necessary. The hostage situation is a complication however.
The plan for planetary liberation is to keep everyone alive and to liberate the planet in the best possible way. We are in the last phase of galactic wars and a liberation process that have been ongoing for 8 million years.
The situation is similar to WWII. The conflict is however happening mainly on the energetic instead of on the physical planes. The difference from WWII is that at that time we did not have hundreds of thousands of Light Workers meditating, as we do now.
If the Lightworkers would stop meditating, we would have WWIII within 2-3 days... Light Workers have prevented WWIII from happening through meditation. Any form of positive mass meditation is able to prevent such negative events.
All the problems you have now stem from the contract you agreed to in the past. That is the entry point for changing your problems. When you cancel the original contract, you can stop the attacks with the Law of Manifestation.
We have claimed our own Free Will or at least part of it now. The contract removal protocol can be repeated anytime. It will continue to release parts of the dark control and set you free.
There are two main implants. These are used to organize the social programming in the galaxy. But here on Earth things went further than that. Our society is the most programmed than anywhere else, anytime.
The liberation of Planet X in 1999 only took 2 weeks, but the people there were more awakened than the human population and groups here. They rebelled and liberated themselves.
1st primary implant
This implant separates our Soul from our personality. It splits us from the Source, separates God from man and Goddess from woman. This is the source of all religions. Religions were created to separate man from God.
To get to God you need a Priest and he negotiates for you and does the programming. This is how the Vatican was created and what the Vatican is all about. They are the intermediate between humanity and the divine consciousness.
If you want to dissolve this primary implant, you need to start to reconnect again with the Source. The main key for reconnection with Source is accessing your emotions. It is some intense emotional programming that needs to be undone.
A connection with Source/ your Higher Self is activated by Kundalini energy, located in the head. The Kundalini needs to rise all the way up to and out of the crown. You need to create a force in the head to push up the Kundalini.
The implants create a mental structure. This mental structure tells you how to behave and what you can and cannot do. Your emotions are the key to breakthrough.
2nd implant
The second implant we will be talking about today was put into the belly (solar plexus) at the time of Atlantis. It is located three fingers above the belly button.
The second implant divided male from female personalities and perspectives on life, and created huge misunderstandings. It separated us psychologically: men and women live in totally different worlds and realities.
The deepest aspect of this implant is that it creates a separation of love and sexual energy. Men are programmed in one way and females in another.
Women feel the heart energy, but not the sexual energy. Men feel the sexual energy, but not the heart energy. When men and women come together, they can only connect through the programme / The Matrix, but they cannot make a real connection as man and woman.
The idea for reconnecting is to connect both aspects. Men have trust issues and want to control and understand everything (that is why men like technology so much). They need to connect with their emotions.
Women generally allow the flow of energy because they have a form of basic trust and their heart energy flows through them to be able to raise children (that is why they like talking so much).
Women have a hard time to connect to their sexual energy because of the implant ánd because of 5.000 years of abuse. They need to connect with their sexual energy.
Your deeper beliefs have been implanted into you with the help of an electromagnetic field. To dissolve that, you need to triangulate and not identify with them anymore.
The most basic way to release the primary implant is to do the following: you write on a page, as long as you can manage, on the left side: I am God and then on the right side: I am not God. Feel and believe it too. Continue row after row.
This creates polarities. By putting the mind in both polarities at the same time you will dissolve the primary implant. To dissolve the other implant one can write, feel and believe: sex is love and sex is not love at the same time.
When the implants are gone, a spontaneous connection between your personality and your Soul will be possible. Then your Soul energy will come through.
If enough of the implants have been dissolved, the soul can integrate in the body and the Kundalini energy can emerge. When you remove the primary implant in your head by doing the 1st exercise enough times, your Soul will be able to enter your body and go downward.
When you remove the second implant in your solar plexus by doing the 2nd exercise enough times, your Kundalini energy will be able to rise upward.
When the upward going Kundalini meets the downward going Soul energy, a double column of Light will be created and you can manifest your ascension.
It creates portals into the 4thand 5th dimensions, dimensions outside space/time. By transcending space/time or the third dimension you can crack The Matrix. You become Neo as in the movie The Matrix.
Your Light Body is then a torus manifesting in the third dimension. You can activate part of your Light Body by creating a conscious connection with your Soul. Every time you connect with the Higher Dimensions a part of your Light Body is activated.
A Pleiadian spaceship is the Light Body of a Pleiadian being. By focussing and stabilizing the mind they can land at precise coordinates. If you want to ride a Light Body, you need to be stable in your mind. You can even use your body as a vehicle.
Incarnation is your own choice and a combination of Free Will and circumstances. The dark forces can push you into reincarnation and you can be tricked into false light.
The dark forces can give you limited options in, for example, your choice of parents, so that you do not wake up or are able to manifest your light. However, if you are able to overcome this, hold on to your inner light and succeed to fulfil your mission there is no stopping you
Sometimes you get the right parents and it is much easier. This situation is different every time and needs to be viewed case-by-case.
Using the manifestation process is KEY to your life and mission. A lot of books have been written about this, but all the information is incomplete. Many are frustrated about that.
Manifestation is an exact process: every thought and every action create ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. It is a Law of Physics. In the third dimension manifestation goes slower than in higher dimensions, but the process is the same.
You manifest in 3 steps:
1. Decision
2. Invocation
3. Physical Action
1. Decision
This is the most important step. It reflects your Free Will. We all are Divine Beings of Light: I decide what is Law in my Universe. External reality has to submit to this Law.
Our external reality is a reflection of past decisions of all involved. All on this planet is the combined manifestation of everyone.
The Free Will of most people is not clear. They do not know what they want. The Rothschild’s made the New World Order decision 250 years ago and they knew only their grand grand grand children would see it come to fruition. Their Free Will was so strong they ALMOST made it.
Your decision needs to be clear enough. With clear decisions we become powerful both individually and collectively. Getting clarity is the most important element. Ask yourself: What do I REALLY want? These regard your choices, priorities, desires etc. and make NO compromises.
Getting clarity requires being absolutely honest with yourself. If you are not honest, you have no clarity and without clarity, you can’t manifest. When you get clarity in your decisions and priorities then your Free Will sparks like a diamond and you will start manifesting
Reality will adapt to your decision. The whole Universe will change to the new vibrational pattern. The energy around you will rearrange. If you were able to see the energies around you, you would see this complete rearrangement.
Blocks to clear decisions
o Implants
o Expectations from your parents
o Expectations from society
These blocks shape a large part of your destiny. They make you adapt and compromise on what you want. Do NOT compromise on what YOU want.
2. Invocation
You can invoke your decision by imagining, visualizing, desiring, feeling, praying and dreaming about it. It is not about empty fantasizing; it is an emotional process and when you are clear you can imagine your dream into reality.
When you fantasize a lot about something there is a Higher Purpose. It happens for a reason. It can be anything. It is unique for each person, regardless what society says. This is the key to your mission. It is not about working hard.
It is something you are very compassionate about and want to do deeply. Your imagination is key and the map to your mission. However society might disapprove of it.
3. Physical action
If you do not take physical action, nothing happens. You need to take a STEP towards your decision and invocation. This is not always the case, but mostly.
The principle is the same for manifesting anything. We can manifest The Event by making a clear decision, invoking it and taking action. Many have taken the decision, but only few are taking action on the physical plane.
Everyone needs to DO something. Create a group and take physical action. We need a group of co-creators to manifest a joint vision of The Event. We all have a piece of the puzzle.
DO NOT GIVE UP! Manifest what you want according to the process and repeat and repeat. Keep going until it happens, as manifesting takes time. The time required is different for everything. DO NOT give up in the middle of the process. This will disrupt the manifestation process
Spread the idea of The Event into the mass consciousness. This will help to manifest The Event. Communicate it widely to individuals. Many people want it, but do not know it exists. Make them want it. Through video’s, art, a blog, your own words. Communicate it in your own way!
The dark forces will test your decision. They search for doubts, fears, insecurities and attack you on these weaknesses. However if you are 100% sure, they can’t do anything about it. They might attack people around you, for instance by giving them a physical problem.
That is unfortunate, but these people need to work at this themselves. A shaman for example is a catalyst for transformation, but the person has to do the changing themselves.
Archons are testers, unpleasant, but they will be removed. There is no mercy for them. Decision, willing to take a risk, is what transforms. Free Will is strongest, so they will lose!
St. Germain supports the manifestation process. During invocation call upon him and connect with him for support. A decision is a reflection of your I AM presence. Manifestation is what St. Germain has initiated and wants most. Your I AM presence is your Divine Will.
St. Germain created this process through inner alchemy. This creates the Divine marriage between your personality and Soul and manifests the Will of the Soul. In other words: the Will of the Soul manifests through inner alchemy to outer alchemy.
The easiest way to shape reality is to focus your attention on it (i.e. the desired reality). “Energy flows where attention goes”. The focus will increase it in your reality. If you think about something, this will happen. It is the Law of Attention.
You can use this principle to manifest abundance.
Many Light Workers have problems with money. So, buy a silver coin. Put it in your pocket and take it with you. Look at it every day. Focus your attention firmly on it then more will come. When you’ve got enough move to gold coins
Human Programming 101: Emotions, Memories & Implants
Many Lightworkers have been taken into several underground facilities around the world (mostly between 1996 & 2001)
The first stage of healing from any past trauma is to acknowledge it and to face it.
Demanifestation Filters
With Golden Light one can manifest a perfect life.
Manifesting is saying YES to something. Demanifesting is saying NO to something.
If you want to manifest the perfect life or your new plan, you need to demanifest anything you don’t want anymore.
If people keep yelling at you decide that they are not allowed to do this. You will be tested, but when your decision is strong enough, the other person will feel an energy shift, and stop. This is also how you can stop attacks from happening.
Just determine that it is NOT part of your reality and it will NOT happen. The process is the same as the manifestation process (decide, invoke and take action). Demanifesting can be easier; sometimes decision is enough.
If you are a very powerful being, your challenges are greater. When you become very powerful on a planetary scale, a small weakness can have drastic consequences.
The return of the Goddess is connected to the Galactic Wave of Love. When the Galactic Heart is activated, a huge Galactic Wave of Love (= energy) is emitted by the Galactic Central Sun.
This wave will transform our Solar system and our planet. It will remove all darkness. When it hits Earth everything on the surface will drastically transform.
The wave will pass through the energy fields and bodies of the most awakened individuals on the surface of the earth. As a result of the unfortunate events on the 27th January 2018, the Pleiadian Fleet has already initiated the incoming of this wave and the New Timeline.
Since that moment the Pleiadian Fleet has been extremely active in further awakening and preparing the most awakened on the planet to become conduits of this Galactic Wave of Love, through their energy fields and bodies.
Some aspects of the New Timeline are being released now. The most sane, healed and integrated, awakened individuals will begin to transmit through their bodies the energy of the Galactic Central Sun coming to them through the Fleets of the Galactic Confederation in space.
Through their bodies our STAR Brothers and STAR Sisters send the energies of the Galactic Wave of Love to Earth. These individuals will be the catalysts of the phase transition to a new society.
The Galactic Wave of Love will be the trigger through which humanity will change and face its New Reality.
2018 is a special time because it contains the completion of a galactic cycle and a cosmic cycle. 13,4 billion years ago it expanded; now it is getting smaller again. The Will of the Absolute descends right through the dimensions and clears the Primary Anomaly.
The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute, representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for transformation.
Goddess Energy is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity. When humanity started to awaken, it signalled the end of their control and suppression.
Goddess Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose.
The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed the planet.
The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain, Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18th Century.
The energy of the Goddess will change our perspective on everything on this planet. E.g. our physical bodies, art, and the way we communicate. It will transform human society, anchor the Galactic Wave of Love and prepare us for First Contact.
The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.
The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.
As part of the New Timeline actions are taken to actively reconnect Soul Families. It will be a connection with your true Soul Group. These connections will form base of the New Society. The societal transitions started decades ago, but nobody knew what we were transforming into
1stPhase: Tribe society
2ndPhase: Physical family society
Mother – father – child. This has been the case on this planet for the last 5000 years and is oriented towards bloodlines.
You are close to people of your bloodline. This is the case for humanity now, but not for the societies in the Galaxy or in the Inner Earth.
3rdPhase: Soul Family society
The transition into this started in 1945 at the end of WWII, after the big victory of the Galactic Confederation. It started to imprint ideas of a new society.
The Confederation attempted to make contact in the 1950s. The same imprint has led to the sexual revolution in the 1960s. It has created a gradual dissolve of the physical family.
Notes of the Budapest Cobra Ascension Conference, April 2018 by Richard Small
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The following is a sampling of tweets from 22 - 28 October 2018 of Cobra's Teachings compiled by an avid student of Cobra's work. @Cobrainfo1 I'm posting in trust that the tweeter has accurately portrayed Cobra's material. You may explore more of the teaching and meditations at Cobra's website at
Cedar on Twitter
We as humans have been programmed in many layers from our 1st incarnation on this planet. We all come from different star systems.
We have surrendered to the implant process during reincarnation, which distorts our view of reality. This is the first layer of programming and is true for all humans.
The second layer is trauma based. In various lifetimes, in this one we have been exposed to shocking events have fragmented our personality. if something bad happens, a part of your consciousness goes unconscious and you are then no longer aware of that part.
This has been an intense part of the programme at the end of this Matrix era. When you ascend and raise your vibration, it is these subconscious parts that can be attacked during these times.
The third layer of programming we receive from our parents, especially our mothers. We receive our emotions from our mother. Our mother is afraid, we accept that as our own. Mother is overly critical, we accept that as our own; it becomes part of our personality.
The fourth layer of programming we receive in school.
The fifth layer of programming comes from the media, including social media etc.
The sixth layer of programming is related to scalar technology encompassing the planet.
We need to merge our personality with our Soul.
It is our responsibility to de-programme ourselves from these layers of The Matrix. For our Ascension we need to de-programme from all six and become one with our Higher Self. We need to merge our personality with our Soul.
To remove and erase all these programs is purpose of this. It will be difficult, as this will be challenging your belief systems. We are running out of time and we need to unlock and release a lot. Intense transformation needs to take place.
It’s helpful to global #Ascension process. You need to think with your own mind, compare, feel, discern and take here what is useful for you.
It is time to grow spiritually and personally in a short time for the time to come. Go into an active transformation action now.
You will know when The Event has happened. The Event will be televised. We will be active then and you need to be trained for this. This happens inside you. You need to go inside and discover your mission. Once you know, you can help.
Why were you born and are you here now? It is NOT because of your 9 – 5 job, your house, wife, kids, etc. Your purpose here is much bigger. That is TOP priority right NOW. Do not waste time. We have a limited number of days remaining. Each day matters!
Our perspective comes from our 5 senses and these are all programmed. When we look up to stars, we see about a 1000 of stars on a clear night.
There are 100.000.000 galaxies in the Universe. What you see is only a tiny fraction of reality, but all our beliefs are based on that. It is time to expand our horizons to include more into our reality. THAT is why we are here.
The #topletBombs will be difficult to clear as they are connected to the surface population. The #RM is making sure not to make them go off. No help is wanted nor asked from the surface population in this process; it is too risky.
The #LightForces will take care of this. #TopletBombs were invented by the #ChimeraGroup millions of years ago.
Your loved ones have their own free will ánd weaknesses. Help them to work on them. Attacks come through these weak spots. But whatever problems they face, they need to take responsibility and have the willingness to work on this themselves
Sometimes an attack on you comes through attacking your loved ones through their weak spots. Remember one important thing however: (dark) beings cannot attack where they are not invited. They are not powerful like that.
The problem was the #PrimaryAnomaly. This is a quantum field no one understands. When angels were submitted to the #PrimaryAnomaly, the dark forces were born.They have occupied certain parts of the Galaxy.
Some of them were transported from #Orion to this solar system in 1996. Earth is their last fortress: the only planet under their powers.
The #GalacticCentralSun provides energy inside and outside the Galaxy. It is the source of Light in this Galaxy and it is very strong. It is transmitted in the form of #Tachyons. They move faster than light. They are the first matter created when the Universe was born
#Tachyons don’t connect to matter. They can’t be corrupted or misused for negative purposes. They transmute negative energies in positive ones. They are able to transform the #PrimaryAnomaly and bring humanity into the new age and expanded consciousness
Cobra has built #TachyonChambers. He started this 14 years ago on instruction by the #Pleiadians. Now #TachyonChambers are spread across earth.
In cooperation with space agencies, products enriched with #Tachyon technology will become available on the planet. #Tachyon essence is beautiful, currently however The #Veil absorbs the #Tachyon particles.
The #AscensionProcess is both an individual and collective process. It is not only happening on this planet but throughout the Universe.
First the #AscensionProcess was moving forward gradually but now it is being accelerated faster and faster until the final breakthrough. All individual missions are part of this and assist the #AscensionPlan.
Do you remember? All of your lifetimes you have been preparing for something. You were preparing for THIS lifetime. Before incarnation in this life, together with your guides you made a plan on how to reach your mission now. It was a dynamic plan as much was unknown.
However this plan is still active in you. It can be accessed. Tomorrow we will go into that. You must however be absolutely honest with yourself. What you really want is not related to the 3rd Dimension.
Will you follow your inner voice or will you follow society? If you have heard you inner voice all your life, you are already following your own Ascension Plan. If not, you need to make the choice: your own Ascension Plan or society. You make that choice every single moment.
Go left or go right, the relevant doors will open. The easy option is to stay. When at the first level, you are not aware of the other levels. You can remain in your village and not ever travel anywhere.
Do the same job for 30 to 40 years, because your parents chose that for you. But people taking risks can discover The Matrix and go down the rabbit hole.
You will begin to discover the world is a stage, which has been engineered. You will discover your Free Will and your power. This is a power that can change the destiny of this planet.
History has always been written by a small group of individuals. When each of us here - 270 people - exercises our own Free Will, we can change the course of history on this planet.
For most people in the world their experience now is: ‘business as usual’. For the awakened ones these are unusual times. Something is going on with the planet and the solar system. Even scientists have confirmed that something is changing in our Galaxy.
If you follow your inner voice and act upon your mission, deeper levels of the game will present themselves. You make the choice; you have to do it yourself. Cobra is only here to present options.
The planetary situation is very unusual, but many things are happening from behind the scenes. You feel and sense it in your bones. But the mainstream media says, “nothing is going on and everything is normal”, because they want everyone to believe this in order to delay change.
There are 5 families in the world that control the mainstream media to keep the status quo, but they are aware that change will happen, as there are cosmic forces in play. The Galactic alignment is ongoing and they will not be able to stop it.
It is based on a cosmic cycle, which has been proven by scientific facts. The cycle has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes and the wobble in the Earth every 25.000 years or so. Because of this alignment the solar system goes into solar minimum.
The last time this happened was 13.000 years ago and caused a mass extinction event among animals and humans. We are now at the halfway point of the Precession cycle again. In this window we have a big possibility to change things and turn them around.
Big problems like global nuclear wars and WWIII, mass extinction of humanity and cataclysms have been prevented because of the collective work of Light Workers (1998-2000). People meditating have averted nuclear war. That is why we are not all dust right now.
On the other side, before incarnation you made a plan. Originally the plan was for The Event to happen in 1995. A group of souls would trigger this. However 80% of this group of Souls refused to awaken and carry out their mission. Just 20 (??)
People could have changed the destiny of the planet and did not. This timeline then collapsed. Then in 1996 there was the Chimera invasion.
Now Light Workers and Light Warriors are attacking each other. We need to get to our senses! And realize that we are playing with the destiny of the planet.
We are still in Galactic alignment and many things are possible. The time window for The Event runs 1975 to 2025. We need to plan for the planetary transformation, as this period is full of potential and breakthrough AND full of dangers. We are navigating these dangers right now.
DO NOT wait for anyone; they will do their part. On the surface we need to get things going, connect, cooperate and coordinate our missions
The Chimera and the bombs were discovered. Removing the toplet bombs is a task of the Galactic Forces; they have been removing them ever since.
We need a core group of people on the surface of the planet that is sensible enough, aware of and responsible for their triggers, reliable, sane and know what they need to do. The transformation of the population on the surface needs people on the ground.
The Galactic Superwave is a heartbeat, a pulsation from the Galactic Central Sun. The Galactic Sun is responsible for bringing us into a Higher Dimension. It happens every 13.000 years, one big wave and one smaller wave. This wave activates our physical Sun.
This is what people also have called ‘the solar flash’. It is not an isolated event; it is our sun reacting to the energy of the Galactic Superwave. The wave will not only affect our Sun but the whole Galaxy.
It travels through the Galaxy faster than the speed of light, emitting Tachyon and other particles. This wave will activate our Sun and through our sun, influence Earth. It will change physical matter, the Sun and life conditions on this planet.
The energy involves a lot of spiritual energy that activates us / our individual Ascension process.
The Superwave creates changes. Our Sun emits plasma in torus form and this creates a vortex that surrounds the whole solar system. On the edge of that torus is interstellar space, the heliopause.
This is an important area as a huge fleet billions of motherships is located in this plasmafield. These billions of motherships direct the energy from the Galactic Central Sun to Earth right now to guide the awakening of humans and prepare them for contact in the most optimal way
They need conductors of these high energy fields on the surface of the planet: physical incarnations through which they regulate this cosmic flow. The Cintamani project and grid is a huge success and stabilizes this energy, but it is not enough.
A certain amount of people is needed who can canalize this energy and stay stable when things start to happen and people start to freak out.
Do not go into fear or indifference. Focus your action, for example through meditation. This will change the course of what will happen and of all that is going on. A group of people is needed who are able to transmit this energy.
A torus is a higher dimensional breath of life that projects itself through a hyper dimensional doorway into lower dimensions. We all have a torus. An apple has a torus. The planet has a torus. The galaxy has a torus. A Soul Family has one too. Every being has a torus.
The openings at the poles of our planet are not physical; they are higher dimensional stargates where the energy rotates and shifts all the time. But now the energy of Gaia and its fields need to be healed. A lot needs to be removed.
Our political situation is a reflection of this and the Goddess Vortex is the reason for this. Archons have repressed the Goddess energies and originated their Archon grid in Iraq, because this is where the Goddess Vortex resides in Hassuna-Samarra on the border of Syria and Iraq
It is one of the most important ones on the planet. That is why they prevent peace from anchoring and keep wars ongoing there. Peace in that area would be a huge victory for the Light Forces. Syria is the barometer of Earth.
Cintamani grid in Antarctica counteracts dark grid which consists of Artificial Intelligence plasma and scalar technology being powered from Long Island. Big Brother is really watching you. They can hear everything you say out loud, write or read, but they cannot read your mind.
The Primary Anomaly is unknown to the Light forces and behaves like Murphy’s Law. Our human awareness is needed to dissolve it. Blissed out Masters in a cave will not resolve The Matrix.
Only by being inside the mess and being consciously aware of it and being a silent witness of what is going on, we will be able to transform and dissolve the Primary Anomaly.
The Cintamani project is about putting more energy points into the energy grid. Cintamani stones are conductors of energy. For every Cintamani stone on this planet a mothership is activated and putting energy into it.
Put the stone into the ground, a mothership will put the energy into the ground. Each time a stone gets planted in the ground it becomes a point for an Angelic being to anchor a vortex for the Goddess energy in the ground.
Next to mass meditations, it is the most powerful tool to transfer galactic energy to the surface.
In August 2017 we had the most successful mass meditation to date. This is important because it unified various groups. It was a collective effort between Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Cobra.
The number of people meditating was 3 to 4 million. It created a power in the unified consciousness.
The initiative of one person can have planetary consequences. The group here at the conference theoretically can change the world, if they follow their mission 100%.
We have 10s of millions of ascended beings and galactic forces helping us, including the Pleiadians, various secret Dragon groups, and Chinese Dragon groups. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
They are all supporting in a certain way. There is a lot of support. When you decide to follow your mission, you will get support in many unexpected ways.
Chemtrails are part of the mass extinction programme of the dark forces. They are only 1% effective and are a big waste of their resources. The Pleiadians will clear them after The Event.
If there is a civilisation where a critical mass of the people’s rights is violated military action may be taken. A Galactic military force will assist with the liberation of the planet. 27 January 2018 Earth is a Confederation planet and considered Galactic Confederation Domain
The Galactic Confederation Laws will be enforced on this planet with military force if necessary. The hostage situation is a complication however.
The plan for planetary liberation is to keep everyone alive and to liberate the planet in the best possible way. We are in the last phase of galactic wars and a liberation process that have been ongoing for 8 million years.
The situation is similar to WWII. The conflict is however happening mainly on the energetic instead of on the physical planes. The difference from WWII is that at that time we did not have hundreds of thousands of Light Workers meditating, as we do now.
If the Lightworkers would stop meditating, we would have WWIII within 2-3 days... Light Workers have prevented WWIII from happening through meditation. Any form of positive mass meditation is able to prevent such negative events.
All the problems you have now stem from the contract you agreed to in the past. That is the entry point for changing your problems. When you cancel the original contract, you can stop the attacks with the Law of Manifestation.
We have claimed our own Free Will or at least part of it now. The contract removal protocol can be repeated anytime. It will continue to release parts of the dark control and set you free.
There are two main implants. These are used to organize the social programming in the galaxy. But here on Earth things went further than that. Our society is the most programmed than anywhere else, anytime.
The liberation of Planet X in 1999 only took 2 weeks, but the people there were more awakened than the human population and groups here. They rebelled and liberated themselves.
1st primary implant
This implant separates our Soul from our personality. It splits us from the Source, separates God from man and Goddess from woman. This is the source of all religions. Religions were created to separate man from God.
To get to God you need a Priest and he negotiates for you and does the programming. This is how the Vatican was created and what the Vatican is all about. They are the intermediate between humanity and the divine consciousness.
If you want to dissolve this primary implant, you need to start to reconnect again with the Source. The main key for reconnection with Source is accessing your emotions. It is some intense emotional programming that needs to be undone.
A connection with Source/ your Higher Self is activated by Kundalini energy, located in the head. The Kundalini needs to rise all the way up to and out of the crown. You need to create a force in the head to push up the Kundalini.
The implants create a mental structure. This mental structure tells you how to behave and what you can and cannot do. Your emotions are the key to breakthrough.
2nd implant
The second implant we will be talking about today was put into the belly (solar plexus) at the time of Atlantis. It is located three fingers above the belly button.
The second implant divided male from female personalities and perspectives on life, and created huge misunderstandings. It separated us psychologically: men and women live in totally different worlds and realities.
The deepest aspect of this implant is that it creates a separation of love and sexual energy. Men are programmed in one way and females in another.
Women feel the heart energy, but not the sexual energy. Men feel the sexual energy, but not the heart energy. When men and women come together, they can only connect through the programme / The Matrix, but they cannot make a real connection as man and woman.
The idea for reconnecting is to connect both aspects. Men have trust issues and want to control and understand everything (that is why men like technology so much). They need to connect with their emotions.
Women generally allow the flow of energy because they have a form of basic trust and their heart energy flows through them to be able to raise children (that is why they like talking so much).
Women have a hard time to connect to their sexual energy because of the implant ánd because of 5.000 years of abuse. They need to connect with their sexual energy.
Your deeper beliefs have been implanted into you with the help of an electromagnetic field. To dissolve that, you need to triangulate and not identify with them anymore.
The most basic way to release the primary implant is to do the following: you write on a page, as long as you can manage, on the left side: I am God and then on the right side: I am not God. Feel and believe it too. Continue row after row.
This creates polarities. By putting the mind in both polarities at the same time you will dissolve the primary implant. To dissolve the other implant one can write, feel and believe: sex is love and sex is not love at the same time.
When the implants are gone, a spontaneous connection between your personality and your Soul will be possible. Then your Soul energy will come through.
If enough of the implants have been dissolved, the soul can integrate in the body and the Kundalini energy can emerge. When you remove the primary implant in your head by doing the 1st exercise enough times, your Soul will be able to enter your body and go downward.
When you remove the second implant in your solar plexus by doing the 2nd exercise enough times, your Kundalini energy will be able to rise upward.
When the upward going Kundalini meets the downward going Soul energy, a double column of Light will be created and you can manifest your ascension.
It creates portals into the 4thand 5th dimensions, dimensions outside space/time. By transcending space/time or the third dimension you can crack The Matrix. You become Neo as in the movie The Matrix.
Your Light Body is then a torus manifesting in the third dimension. You can activate part of your Light Body by creating a conscious connection with your Soul. Every time you connect with the Higher Dimensions a part of your Light Body is activated.
A Pleiadian spaceship is the Light Body of a Pleiadian being. By focussing and stabilizing the mind they can land at precise coordinates. If you want to ride a Light Body, you need to be stable in your mind. You can even use your body as a vehicle.
Incarnation is your own choice and a combination of Free Will and circumstances. The dark forces can push you into reincarnation and you can be tricked into false light.
The dark forces can give you limited options in, for example, your choice of parents, so that you do not wake up or are able to manifest your light. However, if you are able to overcome this, hold on to your inner light and succeed to fulfil your mission there is no stopping you
Sometimes you get the right parents and it is much easier. This situation is different every time and needs to be viewed case-by-case.
Using the manifestation process is KEY to your life and mission. A lot of books have been written about this, but all the information is incomplete. Many are frustrated about that.
Manifestation is an exact process: every thought and every action create ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. It is a Law of Physics. In the third dimension manifestation goes slower than in higher dimensions, but the process is the same.
You manifest in 3 steps:
1. Decision
2. Invocation
3. Physical Action
1. Decision
This is the most important step. It reflects your Free Will. We all are Divine Beings of Light: I decide what is Law in my Universe. External reality has to submit to this Law.
Our external reality is a reflection of past decisions of all involved. All on this planet is the combined manifestation of everyone.
The Free Will of most people is not clear. They do not know what they want. The Rothschild’s made the New World Order decision 250 years ago and they knew only their grand grand grand children would see it come to fruition. Their Free Will was so strong they ALMOST made it.
Your decision needs to be clear enough. With clear decisions we become powerful both individually and collectively. Getting clarity is the most important element. Ask yourself: What do I REALLY want? These regard your choices, priorities, desires etc. and make NO compromises.
Getting clarity requires being absolutely honest with yourself. If you are not honest, you have no clarity and without clarity, you can’t manifest. When you get clarity in your decisions and priorities then your Free Will sparks like a diamond and you will start manifesting
Reality will adapt to your decision. The whole Universe will change to the new vibrational pattern. The energy around you will rearrange. If you were able to see the energies around you, you would see this complete rearrangement.
Blocks to clear decisions
o Implants
o Expectations from your parents
o Expectations from society
These blocks shape a large part of your destiny. They make you adapt and compromise on what you want. Do NOT compromise on what YOU want.
2. Invocation
You can invoke your decision by imagining, visualizing, desiring, feeling, praying and dreaming about it. It is not about empty fantasizing; it is an emotional process and when you are clear you can imagine your dream into reality.
When you fantasize a lot about something there is a Higher Purpose. It happens for a reason. It can be anything. It is unique for each person, regardless what society says. This is the key to your mission. It is not about working hard.
It is something you are very compassionate about and want to do deeply. Your imagination is key and the map to your mission. However society might disapprove of it.
3. Physical action
If you do not take physical action, nothing happens. You need to take a STEP towards your decision and invocation. This is not always the case, but mostly.
The principle is the same for manifesting anything. We can manifest The Event by making a clear decision, invoking it and taking action. Many have taken the decision, but only few are taking action on the physical plane.
Everyone needs to DO something. Create a group and take physical action. We need a group of co-creators to manifest a joint vision of The Event. We all have a piece of the puzzle.
DO NOT GIVE UP! Manifest what you want according to the process and repeat and repeat. Keep going until it happens, as manifesting takes time. The time required is different for everything. DO NOT give up in the middle of the process. This will disrupt the manifestation process
Spread the idea of The Event into the mass consciousness. This will help to manifest The Event. Communicate it widely to individuals. Many people want it, but do not know it exists. Make them want it. Through video’s, art, a blog, your own words. Communicate it in your own way!
The dark forces will test your decision. They search for doubts, fears, insecurities and attack you on these weaknesses. However if you are 100% sure, they can’t do anything about it. They might attack people around you, for instance by giving them a physical problem.
That is unfortunate, but these people need to work at this themselves. A shaman for example is a catalyst for transformation, but the person has to do the changing themselves.
Archons are testers, unpleasant, but they will be removed. There is no mercy for them. Decision, willing to take a risk, is what transforms. Free Will is strongest, so they will lose!
St. Germain supports the manifestation process. During invocation call upon him and connect with him for support. A decision is a reflection of your I AM presence. Manifestation is what St. Germain has initiated and wants most. Your I AM presence is your Divine Will.
St. Germain created this process through inner alchemy. This creates the Divine marriage between your personality and Soul and manifests the Will of the Soul. In other words: the Will of the Soul manifests through inner alchemy to outer alchemy.
The easiest way to shape reality is to focus your attention on it (i.e. the desired reality). “Energy flows where attention goes”. The focus will increase it in your reality. If you think about something, this will happen. It is the Law of Attention.
You can use this principle to manifest abundance.
Many Light Workers have problems with money. So, buy a silver coin. Put it in your pocket and take it with you. Look at it every day. Focus your attention firmly on it then more will come. When you’ve got enough move to gold coins
Human Programming 101: Emotions, Memories & Implants
Many Lightworkers have been taken into several underground facilities around the world (mostly between 1996 & 2001)
The first stage of healing from any past trauma is to acknowledge it and to face it.
Demanifestation Filters
With Golden Light one can manifest a perfect life.
Manifesting is saying YES to something. Demanifesting is saying NO to something.
If you want to manifest the perfect life or your new plan, you need to demanifest anything you don’t want anymore.
If people keep yelling at you decide that they are not allowed to do this. You will be tested, but when your decision is strong enough, the other person will feel an energy shift, and stop. This is also how you can stop attacks from happening.
Just determine that it is NOT part of your reality and it will NOT happen. The process is the same as the manifestation process (decide, invoke and take action). Demanifesting can be easier; sometimes decision is enough.
If you are a very powerful being, your challenges are greater. When you become very powerful on a planetary scale, a small weakness can have drastic consequences.
The return of the Goddess is connected to the Galactic Wave of Love. When the Galactic Heart is activated, a huge Galactic Wave of Love (= energy) is emitted by the Galactic Central Sun.
This wave will transform our Solar system and our planet. It will remove all darkness. When it hits Earth everything on the surface will drastically transform.
The wave will pass through the energy fields and bodies of the most awakened individuals on the surface of the earth. As a result of the unfortunate events on the 27th January 2018, the Pleiadian Fleet has already initiated the incoming of this wave and the New Timeline.
Since that moment the Pleiadian Fleet has been extremely active in further awakening and preparing the most awakened on the planet to become conduits of this Galactic Wave of Love, through their energy fields and bodies.
Some aspects of the New Timeline are being released now. The most sane, healed and integrated, awakened individuals will begin to transmit through their bodies the energy of the Galactic Central Sun coming to them through the Fleets of the Galactic Confederation in space.
Through their bodies our STAR Brothers and STAR Sisters send the energies of the Galactic Wave of Love to Earth. These individuals will be the catalysts of the phase transition to a new society.
The Galactic Wave of Love will be the trigger through which humanity will change and face its New Reality.
2018 is a special time because it contains the completion of a galactic cycle and a cosmic cycle. 13,4 billion years ago it expanded; now it is getting smaller again. The Will of the Absolute descends right through the dimensions and clears the Primary Anomaly.
The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute, representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for transformation.
Goddess Energy is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity. When humanity started to awaken, it signalled the end of their control and suppression.
Goddess Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose.
The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed the planet.
The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain, Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18th Century.
The energy of the Goddess will change our perspective on everything on this planet. E.g. our physical bodies, art, and the way we communicate. It will transform human society, anchor the Galactic Wave of Love and prepare us for First Contact.
The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.
The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.
As part of the New Timeline actions are taken to actively reconnect Soul Families. It will be a connection with your true Soul Group. These connections will form base of the New Society. The societal transitions started decades ago, but nobody knew what we were transforming into
1stPhase: Tribe society
2ndPhase: Physical family society
Mother – father – child. This has been the case on this planet for the last 5000 years and is oriented towards bloodlines.
You are close to people of your bloodline. This is the case for humanity now, but not for the societies in the Galaxy or in the Inner Earth.
3rdPhase: Soul Family society
The transition into this started in 1945 at the end of WWII, after the big victory of the Galactic Confederation. It started to imprint ideas of a new society.
The Confederation attempted to make contact in the 1950s. The same imprint has led to the sexual revolution in the 1960s. It has created a gradual dissolve of the physical family.
Notes of the Budapest Cobra Ascension Conference, April 2018 by Richard Small
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