Gratitude in Grief
Sally, my Soul Sister and housemate, died of a rare neuroendocrine cancer on 22 February 2018 just 16 days shy of her 39th birthday and a little over twelve months from diagnosis. Throughout our ten years of friendship, Sal and I had endlessly discussed our research into dying and the afterlife which she playfully called ‘Cedar’s favourite subject.’ We discussed dying over many years and how we might communicate with each other when one of us died. It worked - and we are in constant contact in the most ingenious ways, and I'm writing articles called MESSAGES FROM SALLY that I'll begin posting in June.
Here's a part of what I wrote on a sleepless night after she passed at 9 pm on 22.2.2018
My beloved Soul Sister,
You’ve begun your journey back Home to what you call 'The Beyond'. What a dazzling celebration and Homecoming awaited you. Party on My Darling. I smile, as I know there is not one tiny detail that will escape your careful attention. Incredible new adventures of discovery with cherished loved ones have already begun.
You enriched my life, and the lives of countless others - both known and unknown, beyond measure. You brought out the very best in me, and everyone you touched, by your loving and joyous nature.
The memory of you will inspire others to make their unique creations of beauty. I’m imagining an ever-growing legacy of gardens, paintings, poems, weavings, singing, cooking, healing, study, sacred spaces, animal shelters, the planting of forests, ever-more deepening relationships, and all manner of creative endeavours established in your name.
Thank you to those of you who have sent me accounts and photos of your creations in Sally's name.
Here's a part of what I wrote on a sleepless night after she passed at 9 pm on 22.2.2018
My beloved Soul Sister,
You’ve begun your journey back Home to what you call 'The Beyond'. What a dazzling celebration and Homecoming awaited you. Party on My Darling. I smile, as I know there is not one tiny detail that will escape your careful attention. Incredible new adventures of discovery with cherished loved ones have already begun.
You enriched my life, and the lives of countless others - both known and unknown, beyond measure. You brought out the very best in me, and everyone you touched, by your loving and joyous nature.
The memory of you will inspire others to make their unique creations of beauty. I’m imagining an ever-growing legacy of gardens, paintings, poems, weavings, singing, cooking, healing, study, sacred spaces, animal shelters, the planting of forests, ever-more deepening relationships, and all manner of creative endeavours established in your name.
Thank you to those of you who have sent me accounts and photos of your creations in Sally's name.
My Heartfelt Gratitude to My Family, Empathic Friends and Complete Strangers
Those who have lost loved ones of such deep connection as ours may understand my inconsolable grief of losing Sal in the physical. When I was supporting her through the thirteen months of her illness, my focus was entirely upon assisting her efforts for total healing, and I scarcely entertained the thought of Sal dying and how I and others might cope with such massive loss.
Yes, the death of a loved one is excruciatingly painful, and I feel blessed by the constant support of several loved ones. Very special ongoing gratitude to Sal’s partner Nick who always prioritised Sal’s needs and took time off work to be by her side assisting her every day throughout the escalation of her illness, her dying days, her death and cremation. He tended to Sal’s medication, cooked her delicious food even when she could no longer eat, welcomed visitors, sat with her throughout doctors’ and hospital visits, held her and comforted her throughout the days and nights of her passing, and consulted with me at all times about the best possible care for her.
My son Paul continues to provide a listening ear and gives sage advice from afar in Melbourne and my high school buddy Sandra - found again via Facebook after 50 years of lost contact - has supported me in every imaginable way. Sandra made thoughtful contact every day throughout Sal’s illness and her dying days and ongoing to this day. I feel so blessed to have these exceptional souls as my go-to people.
My Soul Sister and I had six happy years on the Dorrigo plateau, and our home was our sanctuary and playground where we were both free range and had free rein to live entirely without restraints of any kind. After she died in Brisbane, I found it impossible to be in our home on the Dorrigo plateau without her beautiful presence and constant singing and humming.
Nick is exceptionally empathic and sensitive to my needs and attitudes and me to his, and over many days he helped me carefully pack up Sal’s belongings and my own, and I will rent my lovely house in Megan possibly in July. Nick and I bonded so profoundly through all the challenges that we decided we wanted to continue sharing and so with a great deal of High Magic, we're now living in a magnificent home overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Our little tribe is growing as we welcome in other Souls of like heart and frequency and life is as good as it can be under the circumstances. The future looks very bright indeed.
Yes, the death of a loved one is excruciatingly painful, and I feel blessed by the constant support of several loved ones. Very special ongoing gratitude to Sal’s partner Nick who always prioritised Sal’s needs and took time off work to be by her side assisting her every day throughout the escalation of her illness, her dying days, her death and cremation. He tended to Sal’s medication, cooked her delicious food even when she could no longer eat, welcomed visitors, sat with her throughout doctors’ and hospital visits, held her and comforted her throughout the days and nights of her passing, and consulted with me at all times about the best possible care for her.
My son Paul continues to provide a listening ear and gives sage advice from afar in Melbourne and my high school buddy Sandra - found again via Facebook after 50 years of lost contact - has supported me in every imaginable way. Sandra made thoughtful contact every day throughout Sal’s illness and her dying days and ongoing to this day. I feel so blessed to have these exceptional souls as my go-to people.
My Soul Sister and I had six happy years on the Dorrigo plateau, and our home was our sanctuary and playground where we were both free range and had free rein to live entirely without restraints of any kind. After she died in Brisbane, I found it impossible to be in our home on the Dorrigo plateau without her beautiful presence and constant singing and humming.
Nick is exceptionally empathic and sensitive to my needs and attitudes and me to his, and over many days he helped me carefully pack up Sal’s belongings and my own, and I will rent my lovely house in Megan possibly in July. Nick and I bonded so profoundly through all the challenges that we decided we wanted to continue sharing and so with a great deal of High Magic, we're now living in a magnificent home overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Our little tribe is growing as we welcome in other Souls of like heart and frequency and life is as good as it can be under the circumstances. The future looks very bright indeed.
Some Caring Things that People Said and Did that Helped in My Acute Phase of Grief
"Gratitude shifts you to a higher frequency and attracts better things to you" ~ Mooji
I've thought and experienced a great deal more about the quality of gratitude over these past three months of sorrow. Gratitude is just an empty word unless genuine heart emotion is acknowledged and expressed either silently or in actions or words. Feelings of real appreciation can turn a stultified situation around and be instrumental in profound spiritual change and growth. I've experienced extensive expansion in multiple areas and have enormous gratitude for the thoughtful intentions, loving actions and unconditional support by so many. Thank you. ~ Cedar
I've thought and experienced a great deal more about the quality of gratitude over these past three months of sorrow. Gratitude is just an empty word unless genuine heart emotion is acknowledged and expressed either silently or in actions or words. Feelings of real appreciation can turn a stultified situation around and be instrumental in profound spiritual change and growth. I've experienced extensive expansion in multiple areas and have enormous gratitude for the thoughtful intentions, loving actions and unconditional support by so many. Thank you. ~ Cedar
Great Gratitude for the Many Creative Ways Sally and I Find to Communicate
After another long day working on my new article MESSAGES FROM SALLY Part 1 and communing deeply with her this Hafiz post from 2014 popped up on Facebook. Sally has a unique energy signature, and I know she wanted me to see this quote and she encouraged me to post it so that readers can become more familiar with their magnificence. Loved ones 'in the next room' find imaginative ways to communicate with us when we are open to receive their signs and follow through on their messages.
Gratitude for 5D+ Living
In My Father's house are many rooms/mansions.
If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2
After marvelling at SAL'S Hafiz quote, I then closed my computer and went to the kitchen to prepare a hot drink and turned on the TV to resume watching one of the last episodes of Orphan Black on Netflix. (Spoiler alert) The first words spoken were:
‘Some of you know what we’ve been through more than others, but you all knew S didn’t go anywhere without a fight and that fight was for all of us. Her people, her network, her family. She wrote us a letter, the three of us before she was taken. ‘Just remember my loves, death is nothing at all. I’ve only slipped into the next room. You can call me by my old familiar name. Put no sorrow in your tone. I promise we will laugh at this difficult passing when we meet again. All my Love S 24 May 2018
The Universal Angels are very busy helping us make connections. In May 2018 SAL led me to the remarkable work of Nathan Sanders Episode #1 of SYNCHRONICITY, MYSTICISM, & THE MANDELA EFFECT where Nathan talks about meeting SAM during his near-death experience in 2013. Nathan has an interesting Facebook group where he publishes SAM's messages to we Earth Angels daily.
Upcoming Article in June: MESSAGES FROM SALLY Part 1
You are invited to send me your experiences of Sally on the other side and how she's influenced your life - dated and with photos if possible - for Part 2 of MESSAGES FROM SALLY
CLARITY. Focus. Clair = CLEAR
New techniques are needed as we midwife ourselves and others into creative and peaceful new dimensional realms. I use a combination of Clairs to communicate with SAL and in my Clarity Consultations with clients. Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognisance, Clairempathy, Clairaudience, Claireloquence, added to these there are Clairsalience, Clairgustance, Clairscent, Clairtangency, and Clairessence.
We become much more receptive to the departed, and also open to higher vibrational living when we work to develop our Clairs.
In My Father's house are many rooms/mansions.
If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2
After marvelling at SAL'S Hafiz quote, I then closed my computer and went to the kitchen to prepare a hot drink and turned on the TV to resume watching one of the last episodes of Orphan Black on Netflix. (Spoiler alert) The first words spoken were:
‘Some of you know what we’ve been through more than others, but you all knew S didn’t go anywhere without a fight and that fight was for all of us. Her people, her network, her family. She wrote us a letter, the three of us before she was taken. ‘Just remember my loves, death is nothing at all. I’ve only slipped into the next room. You can call me by my old familiar name. Put no sorrow in your tone. I promise we will laugh at this difficult passing when we meet again. All my Love S 24 May 2018
The Universal Angels are very busy helping us make connections. In May 2018 SAL led me to the remarkable work of Nathan Sanders Episode #1 of SYNCHRONICITY, MYSTICISM, & THE MANDELA EFFECT where Nathan talks about meeting SAM during his near-death experience in 2013. Nathan has an interesting Facebook group where he publishes SAM's messages to we Earth Angels daily.
Upcoming Article in June: MESSAGES FROM SALLY Part 1
You are invited to send me your experiences of Sally on the other side and how she's influenced your life - dated and with photos if possible - for Part 2 of MESSAGES FROM SALLY
CLARITY. Focus. Clair = CLEAR
New techniques are needed as we midwife ourselves and others into creative and peaceful new dimensional realms. I use a combination of Clairs to communicate with SAL and in my Clarity Consultations with clients. Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognisance, Clairempathy, Clairaudience, Claireloquence, added to these there are Clairsalience, Clairgustance, Clairscent, Clairtangency, and Clairessence.
We become much more receptive to the departed, and also open to higher vibrational living when we work to develop our Clairs.