Clarity for Life with Cedar Rivers
Let’s unite in celebration of the transformative energies that usher in the new season, spring turns to summer in the southern hemisphere, and autumn becomes winter in the northern hemisphere on the Solstice, Tuesday 22nd December 2015.
22 is known as a Master Number and The Master Builder. Now, more than ever it is wise to focus on what is going right with this world, rather than all that is wrong and evil. As master builders we find that whatever we focus upon truly builds in size and potency. This article and these exercises will help you find clarity about what you would like to build throughout the next three months and further into 2016.
22 is known as a Master Number and The Master Builder. Now, more than ever it is wise to focus on what is going right with this world, rather than all that is wrong and evil. As master builders we find that whatever we focus upon truly builds in size and potency. This article and these exercises will help you find clarity about what you would like to build throughout the next three months and further into 2016.
'Times are difficult globally; awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal. It’s becoming critical. We don’t need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger to what’s already here. It’s becoming essential that we learn how to relate sanely with difficult times. The earth seems to be beseeching us to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence. This is the best way that we can benefit others.’ - Pema Chodron
sol•stice (sŏlˈstĭs, sōlˈ-, sôlˈ-)
n. Either of two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs about June 21, when the sun is in the zenith at the tropic of Cancer; the winter solstice occurs about December 21, when the sun is over the tropic of Capricorn. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest.
n. A highest point or culmination.
n. Either of two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs about June 21, when the sun is in the zenith at the tropic of Cancer; the winter solstice occurs about December 21, when the sun is over the tropic of Capricorn. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest.
n. A highest point or culmination.
Whether you celebrate the Solstice with a gathering of friends or in a private and solitary manner, it is helpful to journey within to listen to the voice that whispers, and to choose your focus for the new season with the assistance of your inner wise guidance.
Solstice is a sacred time for gratitude, grounding in Nature, smudging, singing, drumming, silence, meditating, praying, mindful observation, dreaming, planning, visioning, creativity, slipping into different realities, journeying in joy, laughter, dancing, feasting, communing, service, embracing limitless opportunities, transformation, and turning your finest dreams into reality.
I’ve always seen the vesica pisces as the symbol of the master foundation for all creation.
This link gives many more descriptions >>>
Click for more images of the vesica pisces
Solstice is a sacred time for gratitude, grounding in Nature, smudging, singing, drumming, silence, meditating, praying, mindful observation, dreaming, planning, visioning, creativity, slipping into different realities, journeying in joy, laughter, dancing, feasting, communing, service, embracing limitless opportunities, transformation, and turning your finest dreams into reality.
I’ve always seen the vesica pisces as the symbol of the master foundation for all creation.
This link gives many more descriptions >>>
Click for more images of the vesica pisces
Your Personal Mandorla and Pre-Solstice Focus
Click to check out the Clarity for Life Self Study Online Program
Clarity for Life Module 1 Celebrating Your Ancestors and Allies
Clarity for Life Module 2 - General and Specific Preparedness
Clarity for Life Module 3 coming in March 2016 'The Luminous Children'
Those I call The Luminous Children have been variously described by others as star, indigo, crystal, quantum, new, rainbow, crystalline, and angels on earth. I have termed these shiny ones 'luminous' as they literally shine their inner beauty and essence.
These talented children and young people have not been disconnected from Source or conditioned to conform and are already changing the world for the better. Their abilities in many diverse areas are exceptional and paradigm changing. I see them as being the hope for co-creating a positive future for the Earth and an enlightened humanity.
Clarity for Life Module 1 Celebrating Your Ancestors and Allies
Clarity for Life Module 2 - General and Specific Preparedness
Clarity for Life Module 3 coming in March 2016 'The Luminous Children'
Those I call The Luminous Children have been variously described by others as star, indigo, crystal, quantum, new, rainbow, crystalline, and angels on earth. I have termed these shiny ones 'luminous' as they literally shine their inner beauty and essence.
These talented children and young people have not been disconnected from Source or conditioned to conform and are already changing the world for the better. Their abilities in many diverse areas are exceptional and paradigm changing. I see them as being the hope for co-creating a positive future for the Earth and an enlightened humanity.
Your Personal Mandala and Pre-Solstice Focus
If you were to create a Personal Mandala, what would you focus upon and how would you create it?
Jo Hilder posted her beautiful Gratitude Mandala on Facebook which is presented below with her kind permission.
Please email your comments and photos of your finished mandala to me at [email protected] if you'd like me to publish here on
Jo Hilder posted her beautiful Gratitude Mandala on Facebook which is presented below with her kind permission.
Please email your comments and photos of your finished mandala to me at [email protected] if you'd like me to publish here on
Absorb and Be Enriched
Some More Suggested Solstice Activities
Many thanks to '5 ways to celebrate the solstice'
Dancing around the maypole.