Today is Good Friday April 2nd, 2021 in Australia, a Christian holiday commemorating the suffering of Jesus and his death at Calvary. On my walk around the Wetlands this morning, I contemplated a recent in-depth conversation with Sal, Jesus and Mother Mary in late February 2021 with Kirilly Frost's assistance - a gifted Melbourne Medium.
Religion is a touchy subject, and I don't want to offend anyone or dishonour their beliefs, so I asked Sal for clarity about whether to share or not. Immediately, she guided me to take a side path and there before me was Sal's approval signed off on the footpath - in her handwriting! She had clearly guided 'someones' hand to sign her name. |
Sal was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household, and during the weeks leading up to her passing on 22.2.2018, she said to me: 'I want to see if I can find out how true the bible is'.
I, too, was raised in a Christian household. Still, I rejected religion at an early age because I couldn't reconcile the largely patriarchal focus, the hypocrisy I experienced by the priests and some congregation members, the violence in converting others of different spiritual practices, and the cruelty in so many Bible passages. Sal resonated more with Buddhist teachings and was one of nature's white magicians, while I relate more to mysticism, natural lore and the tenets of Cosmic Law.
Cedar: Before Sal passed, she said to me, 'When I go over, I'm going to check out how true the bible is'. Has she had an opportunity to do that with all her farm and healing work?
Kirrily: She's so funny. She said, 'Apparently, Jesus was a carpenter, and I'm a farmer.'
Jesus just smiled and said of the bible, 'It is largely untrue.' He guides us to the gospels that have been hidden, like the teachings of the Nag Hammadi and the Essene Gospels. There are many more that have not yet risen. They speak of 'A World of Light'.
'The World of Light' is now hanging in the balance, corrupted by the darkness within those that seek power. The darkness is unable to stand for long in the brilliance of the creation of Light. Those teachings will rise as the world dissolves, and many of those beings who invade with darkness will perish.
The boundaries that separate your world into countries will potentially dissolve. That is the intention of where 'The World of Light' is leading us. As long as there is a claim to ownership of land, humanity will always perceive themselves as separate, and when that ownership ceases, you become One, and you recognise there is no need for walls and fences.
Kirrily: Sally, are you building your farm in that way? Click the blue link for explanation.
Sal: Yes. I have conversed with Jesus. His words are captivating, and I mostly resonate with them, but I cannot relate the being I had listened to with what I heard and read about him through religion when I was embodied. I do not know that man that they have spoken of.
Jesus: It is wrong to think that the crucifixion was one time or one event. There is a death and a rebirth that occurs when our body goes to sleep at night. It appears as though when the dawn rises, the possibility of 'The World of Light' is restored because there is no time separating within this 'World of Light'.
(Lots of private information about my purpose, his loving support and what comes next for me).
I also had what you'd perceive as a little bit of gipsy within me. I walked where my feet would take me, and I knew that I would never have a home that existed outside of myself and my belief in God. I did not search for that home, and I did not search for those roots. My purpose was to teach.
Your roots are always with you, and part of you is following your feet. You will walk from one community into the next but what you seek is what you have already within you. Place your palms often on the Earth because you can hear Her. She talks to you. The Voice that you hear inside of the Earth belongs to my Mother. It does not matter what form she comes in. She essentially created the Earth, and my Father, which I perceive as God, essentially created the heavens. I was born in The In-Between. Have a contemplation about what being in The In-Between might mean to both of us. I have been waiting for some time to be in conversation with you.
Cedar: Almost 75 years! On the 16th of March, 75 years!
He just giggled and said, 'Yes. When you are in conversation with me in the future, you will recognise that I have always, always been there.'
Kirrily: Sally just blew you a kiss, and it turned into one of your gorgeous Orb friends, and I said to Jesus, where did those Orbs come from? He's got a great sense of humour, and he picked up one of those child's bubble-makers and blew you a 'thought' and all of these orbs came blowing out of the bubble-maker. He's funny. He's so deep.
Jesus: The world by which you have known it has gone. That world has dissolved. In the dissolution of that world, it is vulnerable, so at the moment, you are in a vulnerable state for attack or control. At the same time that that's occurring, there are multidimensional beings and experiences that are going to be used to create the new world. Everything that is needed in creating this 'World of Light' is within you.
Cedar: Should I keep posting? Do I keep doing it? I don't want to waste time by going up dead ends and wrong alleyways. I want to put my energies in the right place. Is it better to keep having the thoughts and following the patterns and frequencies?
Jesus: Many didn't listen to me either! When you put things out there, remember that one of your kindred communities is already established in the unseen world. You're actually in communication with future generations whether you realise that or not.
Posting the truth is leading a trail that is going to be followed in the future. There are times when you might be less direct, or there will also be times when you will be extraordinarily direct. Follow your lead on that point of difference.
(We discussed a great deal about the escalating violence and who is killing other humans and how.) Those that have been slaughtered in fear will rise in the world unseen to walk the pathway on the blueprint that you are already writing for them. A large part of what you are doing is writing a blueprint for future generations that haven't incarnated yet. History is often recorded before it has actually arrived.
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I, too, was raised in a Christian household. Still, I rejected religion at an early age because I couldn't reconcile the largely patriarchal focus, the hypocrisy I experienced by the priests and some congregation members, the violence in converting others of different spiritual practices, and the cruelty in so many Bible passages. Sal resonated more with Buddhist teachings and was one of nature's white magicians, while I relate more to mysticism, natural lore and the tenets of Cosmic Law.
Cedar: Before Sal passed, she said to me, 'When I go over, I'm going to check out how true the bible is'. Has she had an opportunity to do that with all her farm and healing work?
Kirrily: She's so funny. She said, 'Apparently, Jesus was a carpenter, and I'm a farmer.'
Jesus just smiled and said of the bible, 'It is largely untrue.' He guides us to the gospels that have been hidden, like the teachings of the Nag Hammadi and the Essene Gospels. There are many more that have not yet risen. They speak of 'A World of Light'.
'The World of Light' is now hanging in the balance, corrupted by the darkness within those that seek power. The darkness is unable to stand for long in the brilliance of the creation of Light. Those teachings will rise as the world dissolves, and many of those beings who invade with darkness will perish.
The boundaries that separate your world into countries will potentially dissolve. That is the intention of where 'The World of Light' is leading us. As long as there is a claim to ownership of land, humanity will always perceive themselves as separate, and when that ownership ceases, you become One, and you recognise there is no need for walls and fences.
Kirrily: Sally, are you building your farm in that way? Click the blue link for explanation.
Sal: Yes. I have conversed with Jesus. His words are captivating, and I mostly resonate with them, but I cannot relate the being I had listened to with what I heard and read about him through religion when I was embodied. I do not know that man that they have spoken of.
Jesus: It is wrong to think that the crucifixion was one time or one event. There is a death and a rebirth that occurs when our body goes to sleep at night. It appears as though when the dawn rises, the possibility of 'The World of Light' is restored because there is no time separating within this 'World of Light'.
(Lots of private information about my purpose, his loving support and what comes next for me).
I also had what you'd perceive as a little bit of gipsy within me. I walked where my feet would take me, and I knew that I would never have a home that existed outside of myself and my belief in God. I did not search for that home, and I did not search for those roots. My purpose was to teach.
Your roots are always with you, and part of you is following your feet. You will walk from one community into the next but what you seek is what you have already within you. Place your palms often on the Earth because you can hear Her. She talks to you. The Voice that you hear inside of the Earth belongs to my Mother. It does not matter what form she comes in. She essentially created the Earth, and my Father, which I perceive as God, essentially created the heavens. I was born in The In-Between. Have a contemplation about what being in The In-Between might mean to both of us. I have been waiting for some time to be in conversation with you.
Cedar: Almost 75 years! On the 16th of March, 75 years!
He just giggled and said, 'Yes. When you are in conversation with me in the future, you will recognise that I have always, always been there.'
Kirrily: Sally just blew you a kiss, and it turned into one of your gorgeous Orb friends, and I said to Jesus, where did those Orbs come from? He's got a great sense of humour, and he picked up one of those child's bubble-makers and blew you a 'thought' and all of these orbs came blowing out of the bubble-maker. He's funny. He's so deep.
Jesus: The world by which you have known it has gone. That world has dissolved. In the dissolution of that world, it is vulnerable, so at the moment, you are in a vulnerable state for attack or control. At the same time that that's occurring, there are multidimensional beings and experiences that are going to be used to create the new world. Everything that is needed in creating this 'World of Light' is within you.
Cedar: Should I keep posting? Do I keep doing it? I don't want to waste time by going up dead ends and wrong alleyways. I want to put my energies in the right place. Is it better to keep having the thoughts and following the patterns and frequencies?
Jesus: Many didn't listen to me either! When you put things out there, remember that one of your kindred communities is already established in the unseen world. You're actually in communication with future generations whether you realise that or not.
Posting the truth is leading a trail that is going to be followed in the future. There are times when you might be less direct, or there will also be times when you will be extraordinarily direct. Follow your lead on that point of difference.
(We discussed a great deal about the escalating violence and who is killing other humans and how.) Those that have been slaughtered in fear will rise in the world unseen to walk the pathway on the blueprint that you are already writing for them. A large part of what you are doing is writing a blueprint for future generations that haven't incarnated yet. History is often recorded before it has actually arrived.
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