Private Psycho-Spiritual Consultations with Cedar
Sessions are interactive so please bring at least two or three written questions
and a clear idea of what you want to achieve.
30 minutes $70
1 hour $140
1.5 hours $200
Skype, Telephone or In Person
Cedar Rivers
Midwife for Change, New Earth Workshop Facilitator,
Psycho-Spiritual Guidance, Presenter
Conversations with Cedar
Groups up to eight questers and conversationalists
Topics are tailored to the needs and interests of your group on your
choice of the subject matter I share in the archives of my blog at
2.5 hours $50
Cedar’s Presentations and Interactive Workshops
Participants Are Invited to Choose ONE Topic From This List for Your Workshop with Friends
Groups of 6 - 20 Participants
Please bring
- 2 or 3 written questions
- vegetarian food to share for lunch or dinner
- blank book, pens and coloured pencils or textas
You will get the flavour of my focus by reading my blog, archives and free Clarity for Life Modules. Clarity, focus, and follow-through on your passions are essential for creating lives worth living in these extraordinary times of profound change.
It takes awareness and presence to connect body, mind and Higher Self/Selves. When we do this, we awaken further and progress from 3D through 4D, 5D and Beyond.
A Clarity Consultation with Cedar is interactive; therefore, it is necessary to write down your most important question/s or intentions and bring them to your session. Together we will unravel your next most practical steps for your life now and into the future.
Please contact me at [email protected]
Telephone or Skype Sessions are to be pre-paid by PayPal or direct deposit.
Please send your questions with your transaction details after we've organised a time for you by email.
When in-person, please be sure to arrive 10 minutes early for your session.
Payment Options
PayPal:- [email protected]
Direct Deposit Cedar Rivers Westpac bsb 732575 account number 501619
Sessions are interactive so please bring at least two or three written questions
and a clear idea of what you want to achieve.
30 minutes $70
1 hour $140
1.5 hours $200
Skype, Telephone or In Person
Cedar Rivers
Midwife for Change, New Earth Workshop Facilitator,
Psycho-Spiritual Guidance, Presenter
Conversations with Cedar
Groups up to eight questers and conversationalists
Topics are tailored to the needs and interests of your group on your
choice of the subject matter I share in the archives of my blog at
2.5 hours $50
Cedar’s Presentations and Interactive Workshops
Participants Are Invited to Choose ONE Topic From This List for Your Workshop with Friends
- Co-Creating the New Earth. Your Special Skills, Focus and Activities
- Finding your Soul Family and Co-Creating Community
- Finding Your Joy and Following Your Passions
- Updating Your Will including a Letters and Video Message to Benefactors
- Conscious Dying; Preparing the Space; Loving Communications
- The Afterlife; Life Review; New Contracts; Frequencies and Dimensions
- The Clairs and Mediumship; Grieving the loss of a loved one including the passing of a pet
- Connecting with Loved Ones on The Other Side in Spirit; Signs
- The Specific Work of New Earth Visionaries, Authors and Retreat Facilitators
- YOUR CHOICE from my archives eg: UFO and ET Technology; Channelled Wisdom, Spirit Photography
Groups of 6 - 20 Participants
Please bring
- 2 or 3 written questions
- vegetarian food to share for lunch or dinner
- blank book, pens and coloured pencils or textas
You will get the flavour of my focus by reading my blog, archives and free Clarity for Life Modules. Clarity, focus, and follow-through on your passions are essential for creating lives worth living in these extraordinary times of profound change.
It takes awareness and presence to connect body, mind and Higher Self/Selves. When we do this, we awaken further and progress from 3D through 4D, 5D and Beyond.
A Clarity Consultation with Cedar is interactive; therefore, it is necessary to write down your most important question/s or intentions and bring them to your session. Together we will unravel your next most practical steps for your life now and into the future.
Please contact me at [email protected]
Telephone or Skype Sessions are to be pre-paid by PayPal or direct deposit.
Please send your questions with your transaction details after we've organised a time for you by email.
When in-person, please be sure to arrive 10 minutes early for your session.
Payment Options
PayPal:- [email protected]
Direct Deposit Cedar Rivers Westpac bsb 732575 account number 501619
My collated article on Ascension Symptoms has had well over 1.85 million views. Read Here.
Journey into more loving relationships, higher consciousness, creativity, life direction, awakening symptoms, new and old relationships, kindred, relocating, expanding business, career changes, writing or revising your Will, death and dying, funeral or cremation preparations, grieving, The Afterlife, The Beyond, the new children, the new spirituality, innate spiritual skills, embodying your Higher Self, and masterfully adjusting to 3rd 4th and 5th multidimensional living.
These themes are also covered in my three online modules which are free for your exploration.
Clarity for Life aims to help you thrive during this period of unprecedented change.
Module 1 - Your Ancestors and Allies
Module 2 - Preparing for Change
Module 3 - The New Children