Remembering My Beloved Soul-Sister Sally Today and Through Eternity.
It's one year since Sal passed into The Great Beyond on 22.2.2018. In 2017 we had already begun planning what was to be the celebration to eclipse all parties at our funky local hall for her 40th birthday on the 10 March 2019.
We would have also been celebrating her graduation as a Naturopath. In her career, she had been a manager of a large delicatessen for a major food company, then a gifted massage therapist with a life-long interest in healing, wellbeing and the natural world and its mysteries.
Those who know Sal well know that she loves singing, and she sang daily around 'Lahuna', the home we shared on the Dorrigo Plateau - except when we had houseguests. 😃 Sally is singing karaoke in the clip below just a few months before she passed - 'Crazy' is an all-time favourite by Patsy Cline.
It's so easy to imagine her organising karaoke for tens of thousands of angels and the dearly departed making music in perfect harmony. I can almost hear her jamming with her favourite singers including Peggy Lee, Whitney Houston, Roy Orbison, Michael Jackson, Prince, Eva Cassidy, Robin Gibb, Buddy Holly, John Denver, Elvis, Patsy Cline, Karen Carpenter, Aretha Franklin, John Lennon, and a host of other singers and musicians who brought their genius into her world and enriched her life so much.
Thanks for shining your sweet love and thoughtfulness on so many of us, Sal
We would have also been celebrating her graduation as a Naturopath. In her career, she had been a manager of a large delicatessen for a major food company, then a gifted massage therapist with a life-long interest in healing, wellbeing and the natural world and its mysteries.
Those who know Sal well know that she loves singing, and she sang daily around 'Lahuna', the home we shared on the Dorrigo Plateau - except when we had houseguests. 😃 Sally is singing karaoke in the clip below just a few months before she passed - 'Crazy' is an all-time favourite by Patsy Cline.
It's so easy to imagine her organising karaoke for tens of thousands of angels and the dearly departed making music in perfect harmony. I can almost hear her jamming with her favourite singers including Peggy Lee, Whitney Houston, Roy Orbison, Michael Jackson, Prince, Eva Cassidy, Robin Gibb, Buddy Holly, John Denver, Elvis, Patsy Cline, Karen Carpenter, Aretha Franklin, John Lennon, and a host of other singers and musicians who brought their genius into her world and enriched her life so much.
Thanks for shining your sweet love and thoughtfulness on so many of us, Sal
Thank you to all who send beautiful pictures and messages from Sally. I treasure you sharing your marvellous stories about how Sal continues to touch your lives. When you contact Sal and me in this way, you do far more than engage the psychic internet in positive ways. Your personal messages of her healing, encouragement, playfulness, synchronicities, gentleness and helping with extraordinary connections and manifestations reflect the significant impact Sal has on this world - particularly in the realms of healing, guidance, celestial music, Sally's Celestial Essences, Nature and The Fae.
I once asked Psychic Medium Helen Gill ~ 'What's Sal doing at this 'moment'?
Oh, she's creating flowers!!
Please Click on the Lavender for My Slideshow Tribute of Sally
This is my first attempt at creating a video, and Sally, as always, gave me a helping hand. I've included two photos taken in December 2017 at the theatre where we saw the spectacular Carole King musical 'Beautiful'. I searched for the perfect accompanying music for my slideshow, and Carole King's 'Someone Who Believes in You' had the exact number of seconds and simply perfect lyrics.
Thanks, Sal, for nudging me from your Universal perspective
Thanks, Sal, for nudging me from your Universal perspective
A Soul Sister, Soul Brother or Soulmate is a kindred spirit where both people have an intense interest in and encouragement for each other's expansive growth at both the human and Soul levels.
Those who have the heightened 'clairs' to see and hear Sal consistently report how ecstatic she is - how she happily dances around and is lively, funny, mischievous, playful, glowing, healing, and so kind and loving - really as she was when embodied 'to the twentieth-degree polynomial.'🌻 (Big smile because even though I researched it, I still haven't a clue what that means).
I'm a claircognisant empath and receive packets of information of 'knowing' and am also getting excellent at taking dictation.
Her consistent messages are:
* Having a body is such a gift even when it brings pain and illness
* A body is an ingenious container for your Soul's Amazing Journey Through Life
* Live your life to the fullest. Wring it for all it's worth
* Do what you love to do
* Trust and believe in yourself
* Don’t stagnate. You know what to do
* Enjoy this gift of life
* Use your life as a playground
'Really encourage them to take my messages on board Pru and reassess their lives to make sure they're living life to the fullest.
You too.'
SAL says "Hello, I bring wishes fulfilled Sal came to me in a dream earlier in the year, Beaming like Sunflowers and with Glowing Eyes and a Radiant Aura |
'Tell them LIFE there on Earth is for ENJOYING. Keep it simple and have fun. PURE and SIMPLE.' Sally Sunflower 🌻 I feel Sal’s smile of satisfaction and happiness that you and I pick up on her messages. Such LOVE and joyousness all round.
SAL is forever sprinkling stardust, guidance, healing, and blowing kisses on those she knows and loves and even many
she didn't know in her short life on Earth. |
'This is nothingness, and everything and something. It is LOVE and LOVE brings you whatever you want. On earth I was looking for love everywhere - in corners, under the rug, here, there, everywhere, ... searching for love. When I crossed over Love greeted me and said 'oh - you want love' and so I'm enveloped in so much love - '1000 fold'.
It works this way if someone is focussed on resentment, anger, shame or guilt. Love says ... 'Oh you want resentment, anger, shame, guilt .... here you go' .... and you get to experience it '1000 fold'. You come to see it as an energy vibration, colour and essence - until you eventually say - ah I want more of that or I don't want that anymore.' - Sal
* How 'thin' the 'veil' is now * How much assistance you have from this side if only you ask * How your every thought, prayer and intention is heard * How much we are willing to guide and help you * How marvellous it is to have a physical body * How important it is to treat your body like a Temple * How swiftly your smallest thought of us brings us to you * That 'hell' is only a creation of the human mind * That you are much more than a human being * How dearly you are loved by your vast spiritual family Sally Sunflower
Sally's love for sunflowers began in babyhood and she has assumed this 'Spirit Name' to connect with many of us from The Other Side and to help guide us to 'pay close attention and learn from Nature.' The sunflower has become her trademark due to its vibrant beauty, characteristics, sunny disposition and the plethora of lessons it offers for those interested in delving deeper. I'm in telepathic/holographic communication with SAL and she over-lights me and frequently gives me subtle nudges. In one of her messages she suggested to 'Select a sunflower - or ANY flower - and sit with it for 'hours' to see what it reveals.' |
A dear friend Sylvia whom Sal's in constant contact with sends many messages of her signs. She and her son were out for a drive in the countryside in South Australia .... "turned round to come back on the badly damaged road, parked by the side of the road was a car with the number plate 'SALY 77' .. and it had a yellow background with green letters. What colours are a sunflower?? .. yellow and green.😊 Think she's giving you the thumbs up re the sunflower cake pic I sent you 😊😊 Insane, impossible, beyond comprehension what are the odds on how I would be there to see the number plate?!!!
On the drive back was thinking how did she do that?
When back at Victor Harbour, my son took a detour through back streets and while I'm pondering, looked up to see a number plate ..
MAGICK 😊 almost in answer to the question.
On the drive back was thinking how did she do that?
When back at Victor Harbour, my son took a detour through back streets and while I'm pondering, looked up to see a number plate ..
MAGICK 😊 almost in answer to the question.
Healers and individuals who employ essences of a natural kind may like to 'tune-in' to Sally's Celestial Essences.
Sal is creating an entirely new modality for healing which is available free for your benefit. It's just up to you to connect! |
Lynn and Sally in Conversation 21.2.2019
Sally was accompanied by a very tall high-frequency 'Being of Light' along with Lynn's Mother and Father and various others.
Lynn: What's your name?
Light Being: Atara.
(Cedar: I researched Atara - so thought-provoking - 'Atara Bio Complements its Cytotoxic T-cell Programs to Develop Potential Additional Treatments for Certain Cancers and Autoimmune Disorders - Royal *Brisbane Hospital Queensland - Note: Sally died of a rare neuroendocrine cancer in *Brisbane).
'As you can see, all those around us are Family. We operate on a frequency - here is your friend 'Sally'. All here you can see are frequencies. Just because they're there and I'm here - I'm no better than them - we're all equal - we just run on a different frequency. Every frequency is a level just like on Earth - so while we have different frequencies, we are all family.
Lynn: So Sally - what are you doing up there?
Sal: Sally's not really my name - it was the name given to me on Earth, so I could be identified. (Long discussion about her True Name and identification). I'll come to those who know me as Sally. 'Sally' doesn't exist here - we're all frequency.
You know how I used all the nutrition, knowledge of the body, herbs etc. and studied their properties in my 'Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) 'Naturopaths aim to treat the underlying causes of illness and disease. The core principle of "healing through nature" guides the naturopath’s use of nutrition, dietary counselling, herbal medicine, manual therapies, flower essences, lifestyle education and homeopathy.' at Endeavour College in *Brisbane - well, all the learning wasn't so much for 'down there' - it was for when I came Home so I could assist others 'up here' AND 'down there'. This also makes it possible to help you and your daughter and so many others with all that knowledge I learnt on Earth - and here. I'm learning from the best!
Sally was accompanied by a very tall high-frequency 'Being of Light' along with Lynn's Mother and Father and various others.
Lynn: What's your name?
Light Being: Atara.
(Cedar: I researched Atara - so thought-provoking - 'Atara Bio Complements its Cytotoxic T-cell Programs to Develop Potential Additional Treatments for Certain Cancers and Autoimmune Disorders - Royal *Brisbane Hospital Queensland - Note: Sally died of a rare neuroendocrine cancer in *Brisbane).
'As you can see, all those around us are Family. We operate on a frequency - here is your friend 'Sally'. All here you can see are frequencies. Just because they're there and I'm here - I'm no better than them - we're all equal - we just run on a different frequency. Every frequency is a level just like on Earth - so while we have different frequencies, we are all family.
Lynn: So Sally - what are you doing up there?
Sal: Sally's not really my name - it was the name given to me on Earth, so I could be identified. (Long discussion about her True Name and identification). I'll come to those who know me as Sally. 'Sally' doesn't exist here - we're all frequency.
You know how I used all the nutrition, knowledge of the body, herbs etc. and studied their properties in my 'Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) 'Naturopaths aim to treat the underlying causes of illness and disease. The core principle of "healing through nature" guides the naturopath’s use of nutrition, dietary counselling, herbal medicine, manual therapies, flower essences, lifestyle education and homeopathy.' at Endeavour College in *Brisbane - well, all the learning wasn't so much for 'down there' - it was for when I came Home so I could assist others 'up here' AND 'down there'. This also makes it possible to help you and your daughter and so many others with all that knowledge I learnt on Earth - and here. I'm learning from the best!
Heart-Felt Gratitude to Friends
Experiencing loss is a part of being human. Everyone grieves heart-wrenching pain over losing someone or something precious to them sometime in their lives. Often many times over.
I doubt that I'd still be upright and sane if not for the loving support through my continuing grief at the devastating loss of my Soul Sister and best friend, Sally.
I'd like to acknowledge these extra special friends with huge heart hugs of gratitude for their empathy, continuing assistance and ongoing thoughtfulness - Sandra, Nick, Lainey, Lynn, Jim, Deborah, Sylvia, Maureen, Helen, Ken, Samm, and so many more who send messages of enquiry, love and support.
The ebb and flow of life and friends.
Remember Sal's ever-deepening mantra is to LIVE LIFE! 🌻
I doubt that I'd still be upright and sane if not for the loving support through my continuing grief at the devastating loss of my Soul Sister and best friend, Sally.
I'd like to acknowledge these extra special friends with huge heart hugs of gratitude for their empathy, continuing assistance and ongoing thoughtfulness - Sandra, Nick, Lainey, Lynn, Jim, Deborah, Sylvia, Maureen, Helen, Ken, Samm, and so many more who send messages of enquiry, love and support.
The ebb and flow of life and friends.
Remember Sal's ever-deepening mantra is to LIVE LIFE! 🌻
2012 and Sal Began Singing Around Home Every Day at My Constant Encouragement
It's possible to live with a partner or housemate for a lifetime and only ever knowing your projection of them. Some never get to know another at the deepest most intimate levels. It's so worth taking the time and effort to enquire and really listen and also to open up and share your innermost interests, fears and personal desires. Assist each other wholeheartedly in discovering and navigating new territory. To Life!