SAL and I know each other so well because we continuously ask questions anew and allow each other to expand on who we were yesterday. We do this also by asking each other good questions and really listening to the answers then responding appropriately.
An exciting development occurred last night when I woke around 2am. Most of my communications with SAL in Spirit have been through my heightened senses, and a new element was added last night. As I was coming out of my drowsiness, I heard SAL's voice as clear as a bell coming from a great distance, way above my bed and through the ceiling from the direction of 11 on the clock. Four words run together that I haven't heard for a long, long time. Whadddddayyyyaaaaaadoinnnnngggggg?
During the first half of 2012, SAL and I rented a lovely home in Bellingen in a row of houses with verandahs facing some beautiful and lively wetlands. A talking bird lived in a cage on the verandah next to ours and constantly asked 'What are you doing?' SAL absorbed this question into her vernacular, and for the next years I would often hear her call from another room in her best bird voice 'Whadddddayyyyaaaaaadoinnnnngggggg?'
I know to go deeper and then some with every message SAL brings to me from her higher universal consciousness and have been really exploring her question. YOU might like to join in too and please know I always appreciate feedback on your experiences. 'What are YOU doing?'
SAL loves music and has the most wonderful singing voice and memory for lyrics and artists. Recently she has been sending me songs with clear instructions to LISTEN to the lyrics anew as in HELLO a song SAL loved so much by Adele that I woke to on 8:9:2018 | In December 2017 Sal took me to see 'Beautiful - The Carole King Musical' in Sydney and this song 'magically' appeared on my screen on 9:9:2018. 'Tell them if they are feeling blue to just think of me and you' |
Everyone Experiences Grief
10/10 people die, and anyone - with a heart - experiences grief to varying degrees as it's such a uniquely personal process. So many have indicated that they have no idea how to approach someone who has suffered a bereavement, so I urge you to study up. Death is distressing for everyone. I personally found it unbearably painful when friends just kept silent, avoided and abandoned me, and some wanted me just to continue on and remain 'the same' person as I was before the terrible loss of my best friend and soul sister. Sadly, I lost many more friends than SAL.
Nevertheless, I've been so blessed to have three extraordinary friends who have held the line for me in every way, and in many cases, distant acquaintances and total strangers reached out in the most loving of ways. At times like these, we indeed find out who our fair weather friends are.
| If you're unsure how to approach a family member, friend, colleague or stranger - and if you care - it's important to educate yourself as there are some definite no-no's. Just do an internet search by typing in - 'Grief. What to do and say when a loved one dies' There are over 150 MILLION websites to choose from. |
SAL lived life to the fullest while in physicality and now in non-physicality is doing the same.
'Before you fall dead at least you must know this piece of life in its entirety ....' Sadhguru
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Lynn Norris Psychic Medium has early morning conversations with SAL and others. On Wednesday 5th September she made her bed much faster than usual, and knew SAL was helping her. (SAL often came into my bedroom and helped me make my bed, and it was always done perfectly in super quick time. SAL reports that she's back to go-go-go like she was before she got sick. Those who know SAL know 'full speed' was her modus operandi.) Every now and then since SAL's passing, Lynn and I make contact and work with this foreign way of finding a common language to enable SAL to share her experiences of 'HOME'. The three of us use language and metaphor somewhat differently and also view reality quite differently due to our personal studies and life experiences. Each time we refine our methods even more and are working on a system that also includes SAL's 'Light Being Guide' Kam and 'The Mob'. |
Lynn: I made the bed so quickly and knew SAL was helping - wants to talk through Lynn - she so excited ... go go go like before she got sick
SAL explained the locket she's been mentioning - is not a gift for me - it was a way to tell Lynn about the heart centre - with a key - that's the KEY - go into the heart. We all acknowledged our different ways of discussing things, views of reality and how to find a common language.
Seeds - the heart of the flower - same metaphor - go into the heart. Unlock your HEART - where the Soul is - it's the engine that drives the boat - pistons drive the energy to energy. Our thoughts start manifesting from our heart, the outcome of what we create depends on how we filter and process our thoughts.
When you are stressed, ill and confused as in dementia - you have filtered through the brain and bypassed your heart. Remember every thought becomes an action - it takes place in your heart - that is who you are.
Imagine a rainbow or any coloured ribbon - put the rainbow or ribbon in your head and slip down it to the heart - like a child. Slip down a ‘rainbow ribbon’ from the head to the heart.
It's like the centre of the Sun --- where every thought becomes manifested.
'Seeds, remember all the things we used to talk about - people would think we were off our rockers - well some did - it's not as complicated as we once talked about it's all so simple but we all used to function from the wrong place of being - so keep the heart open, step into it often enough - it's where you live always - it's where you create. Yay. '
Next Wednesday when we talk with Lynn make sure you have your rock. SAL can access everything, and she will bring The Mob to help explain and talk about things in an easy manner.
KAM is a Tall Light Being and is her Guide - he's from another planet. 'I always wanted to see an alien, now I have my own.'
I asked if she is now 100% well - yes and she is opening her heart more and more and more.
I asked SAL if she was OK with me using the metaphor of her Sally Sunflower - she replied with her usual humour ~ ’Of course, I love anything when it’s about me!!!!’
I asked what she calls the place where she is - 'Wholeness, 'Heaven', Oneness, HOME.'
SAL said You don't have to lose your body like she did to cross over the Rainbow Bridge - we can do it by seeing ourselves walking into the Essence. At first, you won't be able to comprehend everything as the vista is so vast and you see north, south, east and west all at once.
I told her I've been upset wondering if I could have done more during her final days of passing when I was dealing with so many demands from events, conflicting personalities, ensuring she was in no pain and unable to be with her in the way I would have liked. I was totally unprepared for not only losing SAL but for losing and subsequently grieving the loss of numerous friends.
SAL reassured me by saying: Don't worry, you did EXACTLY what was needed.
'As the body starts slowing down and you begin flying the coop - you're hovering and aligning everything and looking into Home - being in both places at once - wanting to make everyone happy before going into Spirit - crossing t's and dotting i's - totally aware of everyone's thoughts, conversations and needs. Only my physical body was affected by the illness and morphine. I saw everything and was honouring self and others and remembering what it's like to be on Earth.'
This illustration of the heart chakra - Anahata (Sanskrit) looks for all the world like a sunflower. I'll share more in Messages from SAL on my blog when I've integrated all that was shared.