The subtleties of Her language and songs are known by the indigenous, shamans, sensitives, trees, vegetation, animals, birds, insects, marine life, bigfoot, and the elementals. However, it is clear Her language is far too subtle for those who continue their march for blind consumerism and monetary wealth.
Now Mother Earth is SHOUTING. Thanks to the internet and instant access to information, never before in human history have so many people been aware of Her desperate plight. Most continents are currently suffering massive out-of-control fires, droughts, floods, storms and depletion of rivers and food produce.
Climate diaspora has only just begun. In the coming months and years, we will see millions forced out of their homes and livelihoods due to climate change. Indeed you and I might even be among the climate refugees.
Decades ago, I predicted there would come a time when we will beg traditional indigenous people to teach us how to live in sacredness with Nature. To date, numerous ignorant governments and corporations have had the indigenous slaughtered, separated, corralled, persecuted and exploited and now fires, floods, drought, mining and deforestation are destroying their homelands.
Caring people who love Nature understand the depths of the problems and have been working tirelessly for years - although many are exhausted. Children are leading the way in many cases to awaken the sleeping masses to PLEASE accept the science and DO SOMETHING. They urgently need every willing person to come on board and join them to take appropriate action.
There is a tremendous conscious awakening occurring at present, and it is possible to turn the current dystopia into utopia within the decade. To do this, individuals must urgently work to become shamans, caretakers or conservationists to interact mindfully with the natural world.
These current situations offer opportunities for humans to awaken. While millions of animal and plant species will become extinct - new ones will emerge, and Mother Earth will regenerate after the fires, floods and droughts.
Awaken, Homo Luminous.
| Please watch the video to the left for Chris Grisom's wonderful initiative. I'm on board! Please also comment below if you'd like to share your initiative or links to anything you are involved in to support our beautiful planet. |
Sally's Etheric Plant Medicine Healing Elixir
I play soft music and use the voice feature on my computer to slowly read the following transcript of Sally's healing meditation involving flowers, plants, crystals and her beautiful heart love and energy. This is a simple yet effective meditation when you engage your innate powers of visualisation, relaxation and imagination.
Sally's Plant Medicine Healing Meditation
You walk through a field of lavender and feel the lavender under your hands. You then walk through a field of sunflowers and gently touch and feel the sunflowers. Listen to the birds. Feel the happiness they bring with their energy. Love for the Light. There are sunflowers as far as the eye can see. You look up and are greeted by Sally. She's SO happy to see you. She gives you a Sally hug and takes hold of your hand to take you on a journey. She asked you to bring one person along for healing. Bring your person in. Sally hugs them. You all continue to walk along the pathway. You come to a sheer veil.
Sally opens that veil and asks you to enter the world of plant medicine and flowers of all descriptions - healing herbs, shrubs, vegetables, trees with unusual bark, and vines with fruit on them. You walk with Sally through these plants amazed at the feelings that come from them, the energy, the colour, the smells - the whole world in this moment. Look around - wander all over the place through the vines and the trees. TALK to the flowers, the plants, and the trees.
Focus on any part of your body that you want healed - keep talking to the plants in the maze of plants - these plants heal - and this healing energy seeps into your whole body system. You come to an open grassy area - you and your friend sit upon the grass - even the grass has a healing energy. Sally comes and sits down with you on the grass. She has a bottle of elixir for you in her hand and one for your friend. The plants know what your body needs - and in that bottle is your healing elixir. It's only a small bottle. You take the lid off, and you drink - feeling the love and the energy going into every part of your body you wish to heal. Take some time to feel your body respond to the essence of the flowers and the plants
Now Sally hands you and your friend a yellow flower. This is an edible flower that heals any part of your body that you want healed. Taste the petals of the flower - how sweet they are. You can feel the healing energy of that flower seeping through your bones, your muscles, all of your body.
There is one more flower Sally wishes to give you and your friend. It's a beautiful purple flower. This flower is the highest vibration of healing energy in the whole plant world. Take this flower. Smell and touch it. Allow the essence of this flower to seep into your body. Your entire body has been blessed and healed by the plants.
You look over in the grassy area and you see a bed has been made out of plant fibre and bark for your friend to lay down. Your friend lays down on the bed, knowing and trusting in the plant system. The frequency of these plants is what's needed for healing. You leave your friend there, and you continue to walk along the path through the world of plants. Sally's by your side - her long red hair is flowing in the gentle breeze. Her face is happy with eyes smiling as you walk together through the plant system.
You come to another veil and Sally bids you farewell. She asks you always to remember the healing properties of the plant whenever you need healing or if you are sad or depressed. You give your thanks for how grateful you are to be able to enter the plant world like this and to be able to meet up with Sally and receive the knowledge she has passed on from the plants.
Sally wants you all to know is how powerful and awesome you are. Never forget that. You now have entered a whole new world of newness so remember to be in it.
She opens the veil and steps inside, blowing kisses and waving farewell.