Update on the 3 Gorges Dam, ChinaUpdate on 3 Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River - I've been watching this for months and the risk of the dam breaking is still tragically high. Flooding has already affected more than 58 million people. (that's twice the population of Australia). There are thousands of towns and cities and about 450 million people living in the direct path of the flooding and tidal wave that would result from the dam's collapse. The damage would be unimaginable and beyond catastrophic.
The world at large has become a hell realm mainly because we have elected puppy dogs to govern us. Puppies are yet to learn common sense, discipline, discernment, fair play, peacefulness, the consequences of their actions and how not to be greedy or wilfully destructive. They appear to have overrun the wise and responsible ones doing their best to make Mother Earth a creative and safe sanctuary for the enjoyment of all. Numerous countries are lead by those seemingly frozen in early adolescence. My own country of Australia is just one of innumerable examples worldwide where juvenile leadership reflects the wishes of the voters who either elected them or succumbed to their power or media propaganda. The growing complexity of challenges now demands that we all rapidly grow to greater psychological, emotional, financial, mental and spiritual maturity. Pure and simple, we have to put aside our childish ways and grow up. Unless we urgently engage our 'inner adult', governments, countries, currencies, physical and mental health, housing, trade, access to food and water will collapse, and ever more people broken. I have faith that we CAN RIGHT THE GOOD SHIP PLANET EARTH. The 400-metre long container ship Ever Given blocking the Suez Canal is an appropriate metaphor. What will be found among the 20,000 containers? I have faith they can readjust it though not before trade is affected and some businesses and people destroyed possibly over the remainder of the year. Alternate shipping routes via Africa and Russia and those not yet discovered will be found. Humanity too can seek alternatives and set a practical new course if we race to stop the rot, plan carefully and act responsibly.
The First Wave of Ascension - Early FoundersFirst wave to fully Ascend with their Light-Body into the next holographic reality are those who could be called The Early Founders builders of a New Civilization.
These are the souls who have detached themselves from this reality. Their blueprint for this 3:D incarnation have been karmic free and not to engage so much in this reality or to create many emotional ties, rather to accumulate inner knowledge and wisdom. Most of them are highly evolved souls with high self-awareness and awareness of their mission. They are brave souls who have gone through dense realities before. A kind of karmic protection has been placed in their energy field. We all have different individual roles from where we came, the roles we had embraced and played throughout the creation of many civilizations. Some of us have been great scientists, some were powerful healers, some were inventors, and some were guiders. We are specialized in some areas and incarnated in these roles several times. We have once again agreed on embracing these roles. Many have been recruited, some have waited for ages, and some came when the Great Call went out. We all had the energetic match to incarnate on a dense planet. Some even chose a body with limitations so they could understand certain aspects of human nature. Their blueprint of the physical body has served as a catalyst for the evolution of their soul and sometimes to create the learning and understanding that would be shared with their Collectives and on New Earth. Most of us have carefully chosen the right body and the incarnation blueprint. We have done so in teams that would later connect and create the first communities. When the first foundation would be laid, more souls from our own collectives would be born into these communities on New Earth. These are the souls with advanced knowledge in all fields of science and life and highly gifted. They will not be born with oblivion, as we have done in this reality. It has been a large collaboration by the Greater Cosmic forces to incarnate in teams and strategic order to create the first communities on New Earth. All these communities would later be connected and lay the first foundation of a New Civilization. These communities will be unique in their own ways and function as one - civilization with new values and creative co-creation in a world full of wonder and magic - to co-create something brand new, a world of beauty and freedom just as Gaia was meant to be. Brother Bilal on Facebook It astonishes me that so many still seem to think that criticising political and corporate leaders will somehow result in a change in their behaviour and focus. It's most unlikely, so why give them so much of your precious intelligence and energy?
These are the very people and war-mongers that created the Old World. Now in 2021, we are witnessing their implosion due to their avariciousness, elitism, violence, misogyny, cruelty, debauchery, theft, ineptitude and corruption. The good people of the world have the numbers to succeed, but not if we focus on the old world rather than the new. If individuals work on themselves rigorously to rise in consciousness, empower themselves and join together to co-create a New World, we will be victorious. We are right on the tipping point. The outcome is not written. You and I are writing it with every thought and action. Penny Kelly, myself, and clearly some of you are working day and night to give life to fine details the new blueprints, codes and templates required. One thing is for sure, we must be as fit as humanly possible to pull this off, and Penny gives detailed information in her book 'Getting Well Again: Introduction to New Version and Why We Need Vitamins and Minerals' available from Amazon and in PDF form on her website 'consciousnessandfire' Infinite gratitude to the Co-Creators. Please take care of yourselves, as many of us are targeted. Protect yourselves and stay strong in your endeavours and clear-sighted in your vision. There's such reward in the doing and even more in the outcomes.
There may be a massive vulnerability for children, young people and adults
as humanity and systems transition from the Old World to the New World. You may wish to teach all children to meditate as part of their morning and bedtime ritual or out in nature. Be an example. Make it fun and for short periods of time every day. * Teach this breathing technique to toddlers and preschool-age kids. Picture a big balloon that you want to inflate. Breathe in slowly and deeply to ensure the balloon will be big. Breathe out very slowly so the balloon does not pop. When you are upset, make your balloon. * Research the free apps with stories and guided and music meditations for kids.
By now, anyone with a pulse and a glow has accepted that there is no returning to the world we grew up in - indeed the world we knew prior to March 2020. It's inspiring and heartening to witness many self-reliant ones adjusting to the changes and utilising their imagination and skills to create anew from a place of empowerment. This time last year 2020 Australia had just emerged from horrendous fires then the virus hit round about now. This week 2021 millions are suffering the effects of widespread flooding in populated areas and farmland. I extend my deepest condolences to all who have experienced loss and my deepest respect to all working to alleviate suffering in myriad ways. Penny Kelly continues to work 48 hours a day she provides a blueprint for a new paradigm for those willing to heed her guidance. In Penny's video on my link, she outlines the 12 Spheres of Influence for our consideration. We have much work to do in recreating ourselves, our loved ones, our community and the New Earth paradigm. Reality is fluid. Trust your still, small voice and follow the guidance from a place of empowerment and excitement about what you will establish rather than fear of what 'may' come. It's all up to us now. Go well. For those curious about how my 21-day raw food cleanse is going, I'd say not too bad at all! I'm into my second week, but my injuries make it difficult to chop and impossible to grate veggies and fruit. Healing is slow, but it IS happening. I've had NO carbs, NO added sugar, and NO dairy though my greatest achievement has been overcoming my addiction to English Breakfast Tea and coffee with caffeine. After 60+ years of daily consumption of caffeine, I'm proud that I did it all without a 12 Step Program! AND I've lost a few totally unnecessary kilograms. Akiane's latest magnificent painting 'Freedom'
Thank you so much, beautiful friends, for your heartwarming posts, messages, emails, texts, flowers, gifts and phone calls. This is a lovely patterned web we're weaving, as I have heard from FB friends from every continent except Antarctica, and I guess that's understandable.
Today I opened the door to an exciting new era. I've had an EXTRA-ordinary day largely due to YOUR thoughtfulness, kindness and excitement about decisions I've confirmed. (More on that another time). I say heartwarming because the foundations of this glorious New Earth we're co-creating are built on all things of the heart and imagination. Ordinarily, I'd respond individually, so I hope you'll understand my combined message of gratitude to ALL of YOU for your lovely birthday messages. Briefly > On Sunday, I took a flying freaking fall off a friend's electric scooter, bounced along a cement culvert then mowed the nature strip with my face, hands, knees and feet. I'm bruised all over and feeling very sorry for myself, but oh so thankful there wasn't more damage. I spent 6 hours Sunday in the hospital getting X-rays and a CT scan and having fractures to my left pinky put in a cast which was all free of cost. I'm so very grateful for the Australian Health System, thanks to PM Bob Hawke, who introduced Medicare in 1984. I'm now starting to mend though it's going to be ?? weeks before I can type properly, and this note is a laborious one-finger job. My friend Lizzie dressed the multiple grazes with aloe vera gel, and now they're healing really well, and Brenda stayed Sunday night to make sure I didn't conk out unattended. One thrilling decision I confirmed today after not one but SEVEN synchronicities and signposts is that I'll be packing for Perth and SW Western Australia for a holiday mid-year and hope to meet up with some of my WA friends when I'm there. Thank you once again, Friends. You and people like you make this challenging journey all worthwhile. Let's stick together and take our Dreams and Creations to new heights. I started Roota's 21-Day Raw Food Cleanse today because I want more vim, vitality, radiance and inner cleanliness. It's a fascinating exercise setting up my fridge, kitchen and pantry to a raw-food-ready state (and doing so with a pounding head from caffeine withdrawals from over 6 decades of imbibing upon waking - wake up - turn on the kettle - ahhhh coffee yum). Amy Weir's collection of fabulous recipes Alan Watts
To become a Realised Being is to become real ... be honest
The Pleiadians love the flexibility of being a being able to dissolve into sound or become a being of light or to generate light into what looks like a physical being ... We humans are moving to a capacity that will allow us to do some of those same things'
"The first step to awakening is, to be honest with yourself .... to become a Realised Being is to become real, which means that you're seeing what's really going on and what's really being said and what's really not happening or what's really being hinted at .... you stop fooling yourself, you stop lying to yourself, you stop pretending that somebody's going to save you and you start being real and that's what saves yourself." - Penny Kelly
Do this 17 Second Ritual Every Morning to Manifest What You Want
A dear friend Lizzie told me about Abraham's 17 Second Process, and now I'm paying it forward to YOU. I use this technique every morning upon awakening, and I can vouch for the effectiveness of the process. Lizzie and I get together once or twice a week to discuss what some might call 'awesome synchronicities' and others 'miracles!!!!' They are all that and more. I see these creations as us taking full responsibility for our lives and manifestations. I sometimes enrol my Guides, so another level of High Magic is added as they often provide signposts and unexpected manifestations before I even know I need or want them. An added touch of gratitude: When I searched for a video to demonstrate the process to you, I thought it was adorable that it started with sunflowers and a wee bird - two of my most meaningful symbols. Apropos my post of March 4th - according to Penny Kelly's, Sal's and my visions: The good news is that CCP's plans for Oz appear to have STALLED and as it looks at this time that at least many places will be safe. This could be because so many more are awakening in Australia, and China is now between a rock and a hard place.
The entire world situation is so volatile, and great gratitude to all my readers who are doing exceptional work to heal the collective by raising the frequency. Please keep clarifying the world you want and working on clearing any personal blockages or toxicity as it really is helping the whole. Hold that space of love …. and protecting at least one region. It really is up to us and human consciousness. I keep holding the vision of Australia being a beacon of immense awakening to our True Selves and anchor for a paradisiacal New Earth. My Prayer: I ask for purification of the entire continent that constitutes Australia to be clear and receptive to awaken the population sufficiently to co-create and anchor a paradisiacal New Earth, thereby being a beacon of possibilities for the global population and beyond.
I think ALL humans, regardless of politics and religion, must UNITE. IF we choose the BEST from every party and organisation to lead, humanity might just survive - even thrive.
Nevertheless, this video is full of gems and signposts from a very advanced mind. Thank you, clif, for your tireless work in helping to turn this disaster around, hopefully.
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life