* A basic living wage for all
* Affordable housing for all
* Free exceptional education for our children
* Jobs for everyone who wants one
* Ensure no one goes hungry, thirsty or homeless
* Free health and well-being programs
* Urgent upgrades to the health of our soil and rivers
* Greater support for Science, Technology and The Arts
* Rewards for locally manufactured goods and new innovations
* A better deal for our farmers and gardeners
* Support for home and community food-producing gardens
* Authentic programs that value the elderly
* Abolish payroll taxes to create jobs and stimulate the economy
* Flat tax rate of 1% for ALL regardless of income
* A cap on foreign ownership of land, businesses, media
* A cap on corporate election donations
* An anti-corruption committee with genuine power
* Keeping religion and nepotism out of politics
* Dismissal of any politician guilty of sexual harassment
* A Wise Council of 3 to approve Govt spending over $500 million
* Drug and alcohol testing of politicians before parliamentary sessions and whenever representing the citizens
* Your ideas go here _______________