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December is packed with powerful energies bringing turbulence along with spectacular quantum change. I urge readers to continue focussing on the very best version of yourself and your other selves. RADICAL TRANSFORMATION of ourselves, systems and society is requiring exquisite and mindful navigation. The key is to stay present and trust your wise inner voice to guide your way.
Much has been said about the possible mass awakenings around this December Solstice 2020 primarily due to the continued down-pouring of solar energies and cosmic alignments that officially move us out of the Piscean Age and into the Age of Aquarius. Sensitive people have been feeling the effects for quite some time with many reporting periods of sleeplessness and high energy moving through the body. I've been reassessing lifetimes of my soul's learnings and preparing myself as best I can for massive changes in consciousness, systems management, lifestyles, global unrest and willingness for various forms of leadership. Build your skillset, maturity and spiritual elevation. There have been projections of 400% inflation in food costs by the end of 2022. We are already seeing shortages, crop failures, distribution problems and empty shelves. The effective use of time management as the pace of change is crucial. I've presented many solutions here in my archives over the years, and it's up to YOU to assess the usefulness of your current focuses and perspectives and whether self-reliance is important to you. For example I've often recommended intermittent fasting, reducing the size and number of nutritious meals and the necessity of a clean water source. Not all the 7.8 billion on Earth can work to make the changes deemed necessary for quality of life, yet I believe all readers are in a position to do so. I support you in your unique endeavours for preparedness for positive change - however that appears to you. Remember my motto is: Just do it! To Life! System Engineering is human and non-human intelligence that control this current world matrix. What is the matrix designed to do? - Jet Blake Sadly 'COLONY' on Netflix has come to an end too. THE ART of LISTENING requires genuine interest and curiosity, patience, understanding and asking open-ended questions.
Governments and family members would do well to give others ever more support and outlets for all people to express their concerns and fears as well as sharing their creativity, new ideas, innovations and skills. This also applies to all those working in essential services. Stress, arguments, suicides and domestic violence are rising and we must prepare for the possibility that the lockup will continue on and off in places at least through the remainder of 2020 and potentially through 2021. If space is limited at home you may be able to repurpose the garage, build a he-shed, she-shed or tiny home in the back or front yard, or put in a caravan or large tent for a private space for children and teenagers. Good idea? It is what it is - it's what's happening now. What terrific ideas have you instigated to meet the needs and challenges of this radically changing world? Thank you, Akiane for your presence and depth of talent. You are a precious gift to the world. Whether people experience your work - or not - your gracious essence portrayed in your self-portrait, videos and poetry imbues the very air we breathe.
'I knew this painting had to be done at a specific time and in this specific year ... That was the most challenging undertaking I had to do in my entire life - to face my own reflection. I didn't want to accept, and I refuse to accept that my very portrait was wearing dozens of masks - masks to me. .... Every night my insomnia was becoming worse and worse. I couldn't find my true self. Nothing was working.... Not only was I going through the most painful inner battle with my own reflection, the whole entire world became like a living nightmare .... I understood being able to accept who you are in this life is the most painful but meaningful battle we all will experience. No matter how many masks we put on, we cannot forget who we truly are inside." I've been sitting at The Passage for several hours looking over to mainland Australia while contemplating these transformational times humanity is currently traversing. I've been listening to a remarkable conversation between Shaman ERIL KAYA (Medium, Seer and Interdimensional Experiencer) and Lucas Alexander of Age of Truth TV
Readers seeking clarity about what is happening in the big picture on Earth and beyond will find reassurance from Eril's experiences and sound guidance. I took copious notes as I LOVED this interview - perhaps because his views reflect my own in all areas and his delivery is profoundly calming, informative and intelligent. Thank you Eril and Lucas for this illuminating discussion. New Earth World Council of Ethics - ‘An ethic is something that is in alignment with life …’ - Penny Kelly New Human, New Earth - Reality is a Joint venture. 'Trust your Love. Trust what you see. Trust your assessment. Trust your response. Hold that tremendous love all through the response.' As I see it - - - as governments worldwide are rapidly crumbling, they need to be replaced by Regional Councils of Wise Ones or some-such to help organise the best projects and outcomes for ALL. I encourage you to watch the video with friends and discuss Penny's suggestions AND where you are currently putting your focus - on the dying world view or the new. I'd love to see your well-considered suggestions put forward. Who would YOU like to represent your country or region for the World Council of Ethics OR your Regional Council? I'll go first!
Celebration and Ritual in Preparation for December Solstice Ceremonies or Retreats in Exactly One Month - Solstice 21:12:2020 = 19 = 10 = 1
It's a Choice Whether to Welcome * New Frequencies * New Beginnings * New Age * New Earth * New Galaxy * New Friends * New Communities * New Technology and Green Tech * Open Contact with ET I've enjoyed stilling my mind for twenty minutes twice daily. I will keep doing so in preparation for The Grand Conjunction where Jupiter and Saturn align with Aquarius on the December 21st Solstice. We officially welcome the New Earth on that day and together we will co-create it over the coming years. You're most welcome to join me on the psychic internet in your timing wherever you live in the world. Please rest if you feel exhausted as we are releasing eons of old patterning. Old systems are doing their utmost to keep us entangled and focussed on their dysfunctional agendas. We have much preparation to do in releasing what no longer works of the 'old' and to pave the way to wholeheartedly welcome the 'new'. "Oh my God, we have a chance. There is an opening and we don't have to descend into chaos and destruction ... Don't get too tangled up in what you see going on because it's all theatre, it's going to play out over the next two or three months .... we're going to have a world without war .... the vision of having a calm, peaceful regenerating world came in at the 11th hour .... we are in a life and death fight .....we need to move into our power, or give it up .... The Shift is a shift in consciousness .... " - Penny Kelly awakened in consciousness in 1979 Penny Kelly's Look-See to March 15, 2021* Trump as President (Ed I see Trump retaining the White House but there being NO WINNERS) * 50 year attempted coup masters in US fall away * Many whistleblowers on both sides * Details of Trump's election strategies seep out * Is a system based on socialism really that bad? * Media pushing idea of second wave of corona and lockdowns * Fines and jail for not wearing a mask - mistake backfires * Repressive political agenda * Jobs decline and unemployment goes up * Lot of small businesses hoping holiday season will save them * BLM arrests in some places * G Maxwell in news briefly - attempt on her life? Charms people easily * Colleges and Universities - fail exams - will they survive * More balanced approach to teaching * MSM shouting about Trump - losing investment for the 1% that own them * Exodus from cities continues, violence as Trump is called as President * Commercial real estate continues to fall * Mortgage rates fall further, harder to get as houses are harder to find * Censorship in social media, alt media find new platforms and something new * Financial system is holding together 15 December - 15 January 2021 * Continuing to withdraw children from school, homeschooling * Japan changing their alliance, shakeup, financial freedom * Christmas season not as financially active as usual * Counter suits against Trump, attempt by the left to stop the inauguration * Solar and wind won't replace oil * Mood change occurs over the holiday season, systems, reflecting on What now? 15 January - 15 February 2021 * Inauguration of Trump tight security * Firings of prominent figures government FBI CIA, Attorney General replaced? * Media brings Trump's past out, fake video?? * Attempted character assassination - Trump releases Epstein Island activities * Trump launches new infrastructure program roads, nuclear energy, new technology * Nuclear plants scheduled for decommission * Deep State supporters involved in trafficking searching fir something more honourable * Their pay not so good as illegal and shameful activities - work, ourselves and lives * More whistleblowers emerge on both sides * China is in crisis, hunger, ports bought back, HK won't give up, Falun Gong speak up re atrocities * Israel in crisis old guys against new kids, don't feel good about repression of Palestinians * Covid vaccinations available but there are few takers, not forced vaccines 15 February - 15 March 2021 * Weather in southern hemisphere, drought proves to be a disaster * Tensions in UK and Europe over covid restrictions are at breaking point * Crypto currency - slow ramp up - parallel to fiat system, gold and silver steady PLEASE CHECK OUT THE ARCHIVES >>>>>>>
I wrote the following on our Patreon CryptoViewing forum
In our Patreon CryptoViewing forum: I wrote the following: The pain and grief in our community is so understandable, and our beloved Hitomi had a tremendously positive impact on me as well. Her grace, beauty, extreme intelligence, artistry and super consciousness touched me deeply as she showed us how to develop our superpowers and consciousness. I express my deepest gratitude to Hitomi and thank the Team at CryptoViewing for introducing me to this wonderful woman. She has said that what she enjoys most is being a spiritual being and exploring the Universe. I believe we will learn of her tender and welcoming homecoming in time. Hitomi has begun the next part of her Soul's journey with her immensely expanded consciousness for ever more brilliant and never ending discoveries. May we honour her passing by feeling the full range of our emotions and setting the bar as high as we can to match the example she set with her refined love, wisdom and skill in being authentically her gracious self. My heartfelt condolences to all who loved Hitomi and to all who worked with her in such a deep and professional way. I am so grateful for her life and her extraordinary skills that she generously shared with so many. Her legacy will live on forever - and in ways we cannot yet imagine. She is and will continue to come to many of us to offer her sweet love and guidance, outshining those of us who appreciate her gracious essence and respect her genius. Update on Patreon CryptoViewing In the month of November, our friend Hitomi Akamatsu passed away. A victim of a violent crime near the sacred waterfall, she had ventured to the waterfall alone taking the back roads outside of the casa. The ensuing tension and despair among the community was eased somewhat when a group of mediums who were praying received a clear message from Hitomi stating that she had forgiven the young man involved, was in good shape and felt liberated. She also said that the manner of her passing was necessary in order to attain this liberation. This was further confirmed when the perpetrator confessed to police in every detail and said that she had appeared to him very lovingly and this had spooked him. For the last three and a half years our sister Hitomi had become a permanent fixture at the casa. She had come to heal from radiation poisoning caused by proximity to the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. She was a kind and gentle soul and a serious spiritual adept. She made great progress in her healing and many of you may have heard her tell the story of her healing at the Sunday Healing Stories sessions led by Melinda. What you may not be aware of is that Hitomi was a practicing Psychotherapist and held a Doctorate degree and 5 different university degrees in International Relations, Psychology, Computer Science, Cognitive Brain Science and Medical Science. She also was interested in remote viewing and apparently was quite good at it.
Lemurian Artifacts Found in AustraliaRemote Viewing The Annihilation of the Dinosaurs
Do you identify as a Cultural Creative? Ray and Sherry Anderson created a questionnaire to identify "Cultural Creatives" in Western society. The characteristics at this link were identified as qualities of a "Cultural Creative". Agreement with 10 or more indicates status as a "Cultural Creative". In fact the Cultural Creatives are simply the best informed people. They take in more of every kind of information through all the media, and are more discriminating about it as a result. Many successfully blend their personal experience with new views about how the world works, and why—their new values and commitments have rather organically grown out of their synthesis of all the information. Do the Quiz Here Bruce Lipton frequently refers to Cultural Creatives in his teachings "Science has now recognized that we only use the creative conscious mind about 5% of the day. For 95% of our lives, the conscious mind disconnects from controlling our behavior while its attention is redirected inwards in thought." "Cultural Creatives are not yet aware of themselves as a collective body, they do not recognize how powerful their voices could be." --Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead 'The general population doesn't know what's happening and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know.' --Noam Chomsky We have to go above Murdoch and Morrison; Boris Johnson; Trump and Biden to the leaders of the dark, corrupt ones that pull their strings. People want to be inspired by their leaders.
Government systems are broken If you live in a region or country where leadership pursues programs beneficial for their citizens, then you are fortunate indeed. Visionary, mature and wise leadership is thin on the ground, so it's essential to support and give gratitude to those leaders who have helped create and enable functional and wholesome lifestyles for you and yours. 11-11-2020 Update: Elections? The Great Reset? The Perfect Storm... for change? I urge you to listen closely to Penny Kelly's visions highlighting where humanity is now and likely to be in the near, immediate and far future. While Penny primarily focuses on the US, the information is relevant for everyone, wherever we live in the world.
Government systems are broken
I'd like to see urgent plans, programs and funding - here is a smattering of my suggestions for where we can either begin or further develop:
In all seriousness, our only hope is to govern ourselves
* VISION for NOW and the FUTURE * * IMMEDIATE ACTION * * SKILLS BUILDING * * UNITY of PURPOSE * 11:11 Dear Friends - It's so important that you take extra special care of yourselves and those around you. Sensitivities might be heightened so please keep your communications as open and as thoughtful as possible.
I'm currently reading Penny Kelly's superb account of her spontaneous kundalini awakening in the 1970's and I've often referred to my instincts about mass kundalini awakenings during these times so it's good to be prepared. 11:11 Blessings New Leadership Bringing the Pachamama to the Presidency - “With much commitment and love for Bolivia, with brother David Choquehuanca, we received the staff of the Amauta people. The energies of the Pachamama and of our ancestors accompany us. Thank you Bolivian people!” — From the Twitter feed of Bolivian President Elect Luis Arce David Choquehuanca
I'm not sure when I can write more fully about this as there are so many major issues clamouring to be addressed. In the meantime, I invite you to put your beliefs and opinions on pause while watching Penny's short video for content - then watch it again for possible implications. Then, if it resonates, please consider watching it with your household and friends to discuss any changes you'll make to your plans and what actions you will take if any. I, for one, know that I will be playing my part for what's left of my life in helping as much as humanly possible to assist you in co-creating the New Earth as old systems and governments continue collapsing all around the world. I'm so heartened to see so many of you creating magnificent lifestyles, creating beauty, supporting family and friends, helping others including animals wherever you can, and doing remarkable work in the face of immense challenges. Well done! Please keep up your grand creations and input as every action matters - perhaps more than you realise. In short, I believe much of this is about self-governance, self-responsibility, self-reliance and perfecting our own personal worlds. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Please be discerning with this information and reflect on your role in the current changes. They've only just begun. Tomorrow is 11:11:2020 - an auspicious date to open gateways to splendid new realms of possibilities and adventures. Happy Journeying.
Time Travellers
Wisdom says to pull back from all extraneous noise and chatter, go within and maintain your focus on The Great Awakening and Beyond. Time is short before the conditions are ripe for The Great Cosmic Click around the Solstice on 21 December 2020. A Selection of Focus Suggestions for Developing Your New Earth Consciousness
PayPal and card donations for readers who have appreciated my work over the years and would like to support the self-publication of my new handbook on death, grief and the afterlife, which will be published in 2025.
All donations are very welcome. Thank you. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
September 2024
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life