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As I'm a third of the way through writing a handbook on dying, death, grief and the afterlife, I've been delving deeper and deeper into some of my greatest interests - consciousness and the journey of the soul, the soul family, the oversoul and what happens when we die. There are always synchronicities and today a film popped up on my YouTube stream even though I hadn't subscribed to the channel - so many of my questions were answered. It's a film called 'The Field' with Kryon and Lee Carroll, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart and many other wonderful souls. The film maker is Tsipi Raz. Much of The Field, released in 2019, was filmed in Israel and features scientific and spiritual experiments at the time for meditation, intention, music and songs for peace. You may like to take 2 hours to watch this profound exploration - a poignant way to end this challenging year and learn new skills for 2024.
There is a fabulous discussion on the soul and towards the end of the audio Aliens V Humans. Be prepared to have your mind blown - in a good way! The Phoenix Lights refers to a series of widely observed unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that were sighted in the skies over the U.S. state of Arizona, particularly in the Phoenix metropolitan area, on March 13, 1997. The event is one of the most well-documented and widely witnessed UFO sightings in modern history.
Timeline of Events: The sightings occurred in two distinct phases: First Phase: Earlier in the evening, witnesses reported seeing a formation of lights moving in a V-shape or boomerang pattern. Second Phase: Later that night, a series of stationary lights were reported over the Estrella Mountain range, which is located southwest of Phoenix. Eyewitness Accounts: Thousands of people reported seeing the lights, ranging from individuals in their homes to pilots, police officers, and military personnel. The reports came from a diverse range of people, adding credibility to the event. 'Throughout history, humankind has endured many cycles of extremes and calamities. Ancient stone records not only tell of these trials but also advance advice to future generations for surviving such trying times. We don’t have to take what the ancients are trying to tell us on faith. Science gives us the proof we need about the necessity of developing mutually beneficial relationships. As Gregg Braden examines Prophecy Rock from the Hopi people, we discover that their advice for mutual aid is confirmed by science, which shows us that cooperation is essential for ensuring humanity’s continuation.'
I urge readers to read the comments below Dr Salla's interview for a glimpse at how other listeners reviewed this jam packed interview. Kim's website Secret to Everything
Tim - Tactical Advisor and Diplomat Between Species
Predicting the exact circumstances that could lead to World War 111 is speculative, but sadly, the threats are numerous and very real.
Many countries have unresolved territorial disputes that could escalate into a full-blown war. For instance, disputes between China and Taiwan, Hamas and the Israelis, India and Pakistan over Kashmir and Russia and Ukraine over Crimea could escalate. Any major economic crisis could trigger a chain reaction that could lead to a world war. The global financial crisis of 2008 had a far-reaching impact on the world economy and could have led to a major conflict if the heads of state and government had not acted together. The rise of nationalist movements in different parts of the world could lead to a global conflict. With the increasing reliance on technology, cyber warfare could be a major cause of World War 111. Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure could disrupt the functioning of countries and lead to military retaliation. The possession of nuclear weapons by several countries has been a major deterrent to the outbreak of a world war. However, the use of nuclear weapons by any country could lead to a global conflict. The rise of non-state actors, such as terrorist organisations and cyber criminals, could escalate into a larger conflict if not responded to appropriately. Worsening climate change could lead to resource scarcity, environmental degradation and the displacement of populations. This could lead to conflicts over resources, mass migrations and new conflicts. Countries such as the United States, Russia, China and North Korea are investing heavily in their military capabilities. This arms race could set off a dangerous spiral of escalation and lead to a miscalculation or miscommunication that could trigger a global conflict. It is essential to realise that these are only potential scenarios and that the actual circumstances can vary greatly depending on the specifics of each situation. Prevention strategies should, therefore, focus on mitigating these risks rather than predicting the exact circumstances of a hypothetical conflict. The tragedy of nearly 100 wars on our planet is a reality that is difficult for most people to comprehend. However, the actions of individuals and organisations that oppose these atrocities are a testament to human resilience and empathy. These acts of protest, advocacy and aid are critical to challenging the warmongers and working for peace. They remind us that the responsibility for preventing violence lies not only with governments and international organisations, but also with every individual in our society. I cannot emphasise enough how grateful I am for the millions of wonderful people who are helping in practical ways, speaking their truth, marching for peace, petitioning, praying, writing letters to decision-makers, sending aid, informing their networks, challenging the mainstream media to report accurately, etc. The shameful acts of the men committing these atrocities will come back to haunt them in due course. This has always been the case. But until then, millions of innocent children, women and men will continue to be murdered, imprisoned, tortured and starved, and our beloved planet will continue to be decimated. Wars are always about greed for land and resources and the imposition of their superior fundamentalist religion. It is always about money and power and the rich profiting from war. Therefore, it is important to understand the economic background of wars to develop effective prevention strategies. There are other approaches to preventing a Third World War. Diplomacy, for example, involves negotiations and talks to resolve conflicts peacefully. Deterrence is another strategy in which powerful nations develop systems to prevent the outbreak of war, particularly through the use of nuclear weapons. Arms control is a measure that regulates the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation and use of weapons, and international organisations working together to shape policies that promote a more peaceful world. Although these strategies are currently being applied by various nations and organisations to some degree, it is important to remember that the real solution lies within ourselves. It is about raising our consciousness and that of the world's population, opening hearts and minds and thus reducing the likelihood of individuals causing harm to others. Only then can we truly hope to prevent the horrific spectacle of another world war? It requires a change in thinking, a recognition of our common humanity and a commitment to create a world where the value of life is paramount. We all know that we are at the end of one cosmic cycle and the beginning of a new one. If we turn our gaze inward, we can discover how to formulate our personal approach in this culminating phase. - Cedar Embrace the Sun's golden embrace, let solstice energies infuse your soul, Be still, let your spirit soar, and elevate your frequency whole. In the quiet of day and the hush of night, let love be your guiding star, Transmitting its warmth to every living thing, no matter where they are. .... and Befriend the Sun xxx @AmjadAbedi on X
Forewarned is forearmed - as IF we haven't had enough - yet I think we're just at the beginning of our 'trials' I agree with Amjad Abedi 'Vibrational gaps are becoming undeniably immense. You either sink or rise now. Depending on how you handle your emotional states. Everyone will soon face personal events that will shatter certainties, habits and attachments. For the sole neutral purpose of growing and evolving.' We're in this together! xxxx
Coordinated Attacks? Destructive Solar Flares?
Bashar on Open Contact2024 Year 1 - The Beginning of countdown to open contact. Bashar's formula is to: 1. Act on your excitement: Act on your passion and whatever is most exciting to you in the moment. Do this every moment that you can. 2. Do this to the best of your ability: Take it as far as you can go until you cannot take it any further. 3. Act on your excitement/passion with absolutely no insistence, assumption, or expectation of what the outcome should be.
The Tragedy of Greed, Hate and EntitlementThe world is currently grappling with nearly 100 devastating urban conflicts and long-term wars that have led to widespread humanitarian crises with devastating consequences for life and property. The impact of these conflicts has resulted in more than 100,000,000 people seeking refuge, highlighting the urgent need for international attention and support.
Major wars and conflicts that have had a significant destructive impact include: Russia/Ukraine: The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to a protracted humanitarian crisis that has displaced thousands of people and causing immense suffering for those caught in the crossfire. The Syrian Civil War, which began in 2011, has caused huge destruction, displaced millions of people and leading to a severe humanitarian crisis. The war has resulted in widespread hunger, thirst and terror among the affected population. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has been plagued by conflict for decades, resulting in widespread displacement, hunger and terror. The conflict has had devastating consequences for the country's population, with millions of people suffering. Burkina Faso is facing major challenges, including armed groups enforcing brutal sieges and committing war crimes. The conflict has led to the displacement of communities and a severe humanitarian crisis. Gaza/Israel: The ongoing conflict between the Gaza Strip and Israel has cost countless lives, destroyed infrastructure and increased the suffering of people in the region. Good people all around the world are speaking out against the atrocities and demanding a ceasefire. The war in Afghanistan, which has been going on for several years, has led to great devastation, displacement and a severe humanitarian crisis. Colombia has long suffered from an internal conflict that has caused immeasurable suffering and displacement. The conflict has had a profound impact on the country's population. Iraq has been plagued by conflict and violence for many years, resulting in widespread destruction, displacement and the conflict has left many people without access to essential goods. The ongoing civil war in Yemen is having a devastating impact on the country. The conflict has left millions of people in urgent need of humanitarian aid. The Somali Civil War has caused immeasurable suffering and displacement, leaving the population facing widespread hunger, thirst and terror. The conflict has torn communities apart and destroyed vital infrastructure. These conflicts have plunged unprecedented numbers of people into hunger, thirst and terror. Families and communities are being torn apart, infrastructure is being destroyed and food systems have collapsed. Attacks on schools and hospitals have increased, exacerbating the suffering of the affected populations. It is vital that we take immediate and concerted action to address these conflicts and prevent their further spread. In this way, we can save lives, protect communities and alleviate the immense humanitarian suffering caused by these conflicts. - Cedar In the early 2000s, I was guided to the sacred Kariong Glyphs (4,600 years old??) by Valerie Barrow and subsequently spent many days over many years studying them and introducing dear friends to them. I also spent days in the local council archives researching newspaper articles and letters by Raymond Johnson to experts in Egypt trying to decipher and authenticate the numerous hieroglyphs. I am deeply shocked that parts of these magnificent ancient artefacts are being wilfully destroyed. The destruction of such ancient artefacts is not only a loss to the local community, but to humanity as a whole. The locals have yet to find out who or what organisation ordered the destruction. Jake Cassar, a local environmentalist and educator who knows the land and wildlife there like the back of his hand, gives an overview of the destruction and the mystery in this video
Amjad Abedi on X read my thoughts!!!! 2024 will be a year of extremes. Perhaps to a degree never seen before. Darkness will reach a disconcerting level. Accentuating the decline of humanity. But divine light - unconditional love and universal consciousness intelligence - will also pour into the world as never before. Shadow or Light. Selfishness or altruism. Hate or Love. Everyone will have to decide. Make the unambiguous choice of Light. Adopt an indisputable, non-negotiable position. In all areas of life. No matter the circumstances. A firm inner stance. Which nothing and no-one can shake. While listening, compassion and acceptance will be the choice of a minority. All this is the result of the collective's parasitic energies rising to the surface. This new year will see sharply accentuated cleavages and disparities. Polarization will grow. Confrontation will replace dialogue. People with different opinions will see each other as enemies. Radicalization will increasingly become the norm. But the coming year will also offer an exceptional opportunity for awareness-raising. Because everything will be brought to light. Provided we're willing to open our eyes and question ourselves. The lack of respect for our planet. Pollution. Decades of intensive exploitation of our natural resources. The destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems. All this will increase ecological disasters tenfold. They will unfortunately reach new heights. Dictatorships regimes will grow stronger and more widespread. Democracies will falter. Some will sink. Several countries hitherto regarded as democratic will fall to authoritarian regimes. Violence in all its forms will grow in strength and spread to all strata of society. And by accepting to do so, to set in motion a process of transformation. To come out of darkness and into the light. To move from lies to truth. From selfishness to altruism. From greed to sharing. From resentment to forgiveness. And from hatred to unconditional love. In 2024, even more than in previous years, everything will be brought to light. Lies. Deceit. Errors. False beliefs. Suicidal and destructive attitudes. It'll be possible for all those who accept to question themselves to face the truth. To see what is right and what is wrong. The results of this immature attitude are pitiful. At all levels. The only enemy we have to face is our own ego. Not that of others. Once we get this, we can harness the power of Love that resides in our hearts. To create divine relationships. And live in peace and harmony. The only solution to save humanity is awareness and inner transformation. We must stop seeing the other as our enemy. That's what we've been doing for millennia. That's why we have never stopped quarrelling, fighting, killing each other and destroying our world. The only answer is Love. For nothing else exists. Not Hollywood love. Not matrix love corrupted by conditioning, attachments and codependency. Not linear mentalized love. Not human give-and-take love, made up of duties and obligations. Unconditional divine Love. Your true nature. More than a transformation, it's a real mutation that's about to take place. These beings will be part of this new humanity. That of divine humans who have made the clear and irrevocable choice to abandon their ego. In order to allow their consciousness to awaken. And take over. While it's true that in 2024, the world will be even darker than in the past. Light will also be brighter than ever. Those who choose Light - that is, peace, Love and all the qualities that flow from it - will experience an extraordinary transformation. A new humanity is being born. Made up of beings who have chosen Love, solidarity, sharing, tolerance, respect and benevolence. Who listen to their hearts and act consciously. May peace and Love grow in your heart. And spread throughout the world. May you join the new humanity. - Amjad I've read that only 30% of our soul is in our physical body???"Your soul never incarnates completely. While you're in a body you also exist in higher dimensions. Reaching beyond the physical self is what the spiritual search is about." - From the book "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers" BY: Annie Kagan "Another very interesting thing Dr. Michael Newton discovered in his research is that we will see people (in the afterlife) who we know are still alive on Earth as well. Even if their physical bodies are alive, they also have an energetic body that remains in the afterlife the entire time. His clients revealed that we project only a certain percentage of our total essence into the human form at any one time - the rest remains in the afterlife to guide and watch over what we are doing. If a soul were to project 100% of its energy into a body, it would fry the electrochemical circuits of the brain. The brain would be totally subjugated to the power of the soul, and this would eliminate the veiling (a necessary aspect of our evolution.) Without spiritual amnesia, we would not have the potential to grow; we would come into our physical incarnation on Earth already knowing everything." - David Wilcock Decline in Religious Beliefs and Church AttendanceApproximately 13% of U.S. adults have ceased attending religious services, with regular religious attendance being much less common among U.S. Catholics, of whom 35% say they attend monthly or more often . Additionally, in Germany, around 360,000 Catholics left the church in 2021 alone, and about 280,000 people left Protestant churches. In the U.S., church membership has declined more among Catholics, with 63% of Catholics belonging to a church, down from 76% twenty years ago . The decline in church attendance among Catholics may be attributed to factors such as the sexual abuse scandal, which may have driven away people who had only a tenuous connection to the faith.
Repurposing Disused Churches and Church Buildings Disused churches and church buildings are being repurposed in various ways to serve the needs of communities and adapt to changing societal trends: 1. Community Centres and Education Facilities: Many closed churches are being converted into community and education centres, providing spaces for various community activities and learning opportunities . 2. Affordable Housing: Some disused churches are being repurposed into affordable housing, addressing the need for housing in certain areas. 3. Cultural and Creative Spaces: Repurposing into creative arts spaces, museums, and creative hubs is another trend, allowing these buildings to continue contributing to the cultural fabric of their communities . 4. Collaborative Spaces: Churches are being transformed into collaborative spaces that draw people who might not otherwise come, fostering encounters and community engagement. 5. Nontraditional Worship Settings: Some churches are meeting for worship in nontraditional settings, such as dinner church settings where worship occurs over a meal rather than in a traditional sanctuary. 6. Community Service Centres: Churches are collaborating with community groups and organisations to serve people experiencing homelessness and other community needs. These repurposing efforts reflect a creative and adaptive approach to making use of disused churches and church buildings, ensuring that these spaces continue to serve the needs of their communities in meaningful ways. The religions that are experiencing growth and increased popularity in 2023 include: 1. Islam: Muslims are considered the world's fastest-growing religious group, with projections indicating a significant increase in their global population over the next half-century. 2. Hinduism:The Hindu population is projected to rise by 34%, from a little over 1 billion to nearly 1.4 billion, roughly keeping pace with overall population growth. 3. Shamanism: Shamanism is experiencing a notable increase in popularity, with the number of adherents in Britain growing significantly in recent years. 4. Paganism and Witchcraft: Witchcraft, which includes Wicca, paganism, folk magic, and other New Age traditions, is one of the fastest-growing spiritual paths in America, with a significant increase in adherents over the years. An ENORMOUS X-Class 2.8 SOLAR FLARE SUNBURST Has NOW Been Released and the Power of this ENERGY will Reach our Atmosphere over the Weekend. Please take care and use all the grounding exercises you can muster. Sensitivities may increase during this phase.
Australia has issued 860 visas to Palestinians and about 1,800 visas to Israelis. The visas have been issued over a six-week period amid the Israel-Gaza war.
Martin Armstrong's computer model 'Socrates' is an artificial intelligence system that monitors the whole world by tracking every market and global capital flows. It provides an international perspective on the financial world we live in and also monitors global news flows by looking for fundamental events that correlate with global trends. Socrates is designed to comprehensively address the cyclical aspect of the economy by covering the trend changes that the models do not understand. Socrates predicted the outbreak of World War III and pinpointed the start of the conflict in Ukraine. It shows that the situation is moving in that direction. This prediction emphasises the potential severity of the geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and the far-reaching consequences for global stability. One of Socrates' key predictions is that "2023 will be the year from hell". Socrates states that there is light at the end of the tunnel - in 2032. John Petersen sheds light on Socrates' predictions for the two periods from 2024 to 2028 and 2028 to 2032. Socrates highlights the volatile day May 7 or 8, 2024 (the date of the Russian election). Martin Armstrong: "The United States is now in the Decline & Fall phase. The 2024 election will be the turning point, and we are going to witness the rise of civil unrest, for NOBODY will now believe who won from either side." Martin Armstrong on Rumble
I agree 100% with all that Kelly and James are predicting for 2024. I would just add that I see a world wide swing to far far right ultra conservatists being voted in with all the added fundamentalism that it will bring.
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January 2025
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