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What a beautiful time it is moving into beloved March, where heightened, brilliant states of consciousness are coming through – more and more – in benevolent vibrancy that’s arising and lighting up so much quicker and also so much smoother. You’re moving into a whole other segue way of journeys within the 2018 levels – most importantly out of space and time – arising, moving, growing and flourishing with all of nature.
The intense segregation and separation is dissolving to where even the brilliant consciousness of the planet is also arising. The unveilments and unfoldments are growing and moving to where you can feel and sense – even at times hear – your multidimensional planes of consciousness that are arising and arising as if there are no veils. You’re becoming more astute to your consciousness, more clear with it, and of course more vibrant, that’s bringing forth so much of pure light consciousness that is also pure creator consciousness, activating and amplifying within you and throughout you; your body, your mind, your sub-psyche and emotional levels entirely. Full article at ... Namasté and Have A Blast, William & Mary Linville and the Universalis Team On Monday 19 Sal had a convulsion and we got an ambulance to bring her to emergency at the Princess Alexandra Hospital for a brain scan. We’ve been here for five hours and will bust her out after a report on scan and discharge. We’ve discussed every which way and feel she’s better at the short-term rental with us. 21st Thanks everyone - we're taking Sally Home to her much loved 'Lahuna' near Dorrigo - either very late tomorrow night or on Friday depending on when she's up for travel. Our trip to Brisbane was fruitless as the Gamma Knife and radiation treatment was far too risky as the tumours are growing and the inflammation is still there. We're keeping her pain at bay with strong pain relief. I am blessed by the exquisite beauty of this remarkable soul. She'll soon be in her private sanctuary and gardens with her beloved trees, birds and other visiting wildlife.
Facebook Post I was leaving the Urunga cafe with Sal on 21st October last year when she stopped to give a cheery good morning to a ’stranger’ who was sitting at a table outside having his breakfast. In one split second, I could see that magic was about to happen and continued on walking to allow them to weave their serendipitous meeting one-on-one. Thus began what I call the ‘Yin and Yang Lovers’ and ‘Then Sally Met Nick.' Sally’s loving partner Nick Texidor writes One moment I am thanking the stars for bringing me one, the next I am asking them for a miracle. Sally and I embarked on the most amazing journey just a few short months ago, yet it feels like we’ve talked, and listened, shared and laughed, loved and adored for years. It took one look, as cliched as that sounds, to know we were connected. I was magnetised, unable to avert my eyes. It is a once in a lifetime connection... beginning with what I can only describe as the universe, not just guiding us toward each other, but removing all subtleties, and casting us together with incredulous signs and synchronicities. Even then, it had to metaphorically slap me hard and give me a second chance!! It was a series of events that I wouldn’t have believed had It not happened to me. Our first meeting set the tone of what was to come. Nearly fifteen minutes of conversation that seemed to touch on so many subjects, we both left wanting more. So we exchanged numbers (a first time either of us had given our number to someone we'd just met), and arranged to meet the following day, and we simply carried on where we left off. It took an hour and a half just to order breakfast! The seed had been planted, and despite Sal leaving on a three-month trip a week later, it grew. Two weeks after she left, out of nowhere, my phone pinged, and a stunning photo of Sal looked up at me. My heart skipped. She’d just finished her workshop and was on her way to Perth. Re-connected, and with Sally settled in Perth, our ‘story’ took off at a rapid rate... messages bouncing back and forth in seemingly unsustainable quantities, yet they never abated. Within a week, we had arranged to meet in Melbourne for a long weekend and had everything booked. A few days prior to leaving, it was clear to both of us, this wasn’t just a weekend hanging out... we were hand delivering our hearts to each other. We had a life-changing weekend. We were the only two souls in Melbourne for four beautiful days, no one else existed on the planet. Sal’s comment said it all “I’m so happy, I could eat apple pie and custard”. Leaving her behind after that weekend, knowing we wouldn’t see each other for almost four weeks was heart-wrenching. There was no doubt from that point we were moving forward together. Following a couple of long weekends in Sydney, including seeing in the New Year with Cedar and Paul with great excitement and anticipation of the year ahead, Sally returned to the Mid North Coast where we began a new phase, turning homes into ‘our’ homes, buying furniture together and choosing to alternate weekends between Megan in the mountains, and the beaches of Urunga. Sally and Ross met, and he was as smitten as I. The roly poly’s across the lounge room floor sealed it for him. In her presence, I am home, and the world just about stops turning. We could sit together for hours, talking and laughing, or in complete silence, just enjoying each others company. Within three weeks of arriving home, our world was turned upside down. Sally’s cancer, which looked like she’d had it beat, had worsened and tumours had spread to her brain. We are now temporarily residing in Brisbane, wishing upon the stars for a miracle. Sally has a beauty that radiates from the core and a heart of gold to match. She is one of a kind. The most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting: inspiring, beautiful, courageous, brave, generous and loving. She's a fighter, a warrior, an angel. You are my guiding star, Sal, my hero, my ‘one-perfect-love’. You touched my heart and soul. I will love you forever, and beyond. Your FM xxxx Thank you all for your beautiful messages for Sal which she has received and absorbed, and great appreciation to those of you who are individually or in groups around the world sending Sal such powerful healing energy, prayers and songs. Sound and vibrational themes to clear the cancer tumours throughout her body is helpful too.
Two nights ago when Sal was so desperately ill I lay beside her in bed holding her hand with one of her sisters lying on the other side. I invited her sister to sing to Sal. There was silence for a long time then in the completely blackened room in her lovely voice she softly sang ‘Songbird’, one of Sal’s favourites by Eva Cassidy. Every song, prayer, thought, message, and expression of love helps recalibrate our beloved Sal’s body. My sister Chris facilitated Tibetan monks and audience chanting om tara tutara for Sal for 3 hours and more this past weekend in Melbourne. Healing love is instant and knows no distance. These types of focus are so effective. We believe in miracles. Sal has responded brilliantly to the outpouring of love, healing vibrations, chants and her own will to live as Nick’s photo shows. She actually got up yesterday and was responsive and joking and much of the head pain had subsided. Dear Friends It is with a heavy heart that I’m writing to tell you that our beloved Sally is extremely sick as the neuroendocrine cancer tumours she held at bay for a year have now tragically spread into her beautiful brain. Sal became very quiet in the last two weeks of January and started experiencing severe headaches on the 26 January. She had such a happy sojourn in Sydney with Nick, Paul and me for two weeks over New Years. Then when the headaches increased in severity and on the advice of her Doctor I took her to Coffs Harbour for a brain MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) on Friday 2 February. The MRI revealed a large tumour deep in the left side of her brain plus 2 smaller tumours in the same area, then new growth was shown on her latest MRI and the possibility of more tumours in a further scan on 15th February. As you can imagine we have explored every possible option employing a combination of the best natural health and allopathic methods. It seems that almost every day one of us is expressing gratitude for Australia’s fantastic medicos and medicare system. Sal’s wonderful local GP Dr Phil has gone above and beyond the call of duty and even accessed the ‘finest neurosurgeon in Australia’ only to learn that surgery to remove the tumours present too high a risk of paralysis and potential loss of speech and more. Sal took literally two seconds to register this news and firmly declined surgery. I understand that this tragic development will be shocking and painful for you so please rest assured that Sally is also lovingly supported by her partner Nick Texidor. Nick is exemplary in his gentle attentiveness and we have a very harmonious temporary short-term rental home in Spring Hill Brisbane. The proposed specialist plan of action is for Sal to have ten stereotactic radiation sessions at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. However, radiation therapy has not yet commenced as it takes meticulous planning to ensure Sal is getting the best dose for her specific tumours. There is still a very real risk that treatment may not be an option by next week because the inflammation around the large tumour is too acute at present. Sal is on high doses of steroids to hopefully address the swelling with regular morphine and long-lasting pain relief to help her cope with the excruciating head pain that she experiences in spasms many times throughout each day. Please understand that Our Sal can barely talk above a whisper and is unable to hold a conversation or receive visitors. If you would like to convey a message, one of us will read it to her when she’s up for it as her lucidity comes and goes. We ask for no flowers or gifts however we’d be most appreciative if anyone would like to make a financial contribution to help with the expensive rental, drugs, naturopathics, health foods, living expenses etc. We are so grateful to the two dear friends who have already made generous donations that have helped defray costs to date. I am administering Sal’s finances so you can either direct deposit into her Commonwealth of Australia account BSB 063 244 Account 1032 7568 or my PayPal at Cedar Rivers [email protected] Please write ‘Sally’ in the description. The radiation treatment may not be able to proceed and we really have no idea how long we will be in Brisbane. However, we have the first choice for extending the rental if needed with our real estate agent. The initial plan is/was to return home on the 11th March a day after Sal’s 39th birthday. Sal’s incredible courage in the face of all that is happening to her is truly remarkable. Her usual quick thinking multitasking abilities are now vague and she struggles to find words when she does have the strength or desire to speak. The photos show her journey with the last two taken on 15th February before she became bedridden. Please share this information however you wish and understand that we unfortunately cannot answer your individual comments. We will however, keep you updated regularly here. For Our Darling Sal - Her favourite artist Akiane creates a sanctuary of beauty in ‘The Garden’ I’ve had a life-long interest in parapsychology investigating many paranormal subjects including intuition, psychic skills, clairvoyance, remote viewing, manifestation, time-travel, spirit photography, ufology, channelling, ESP, deja vu, near-death experiences, reincarnation, telepathy, cosmology, magic, and mysticism. Parapsychology has been rejected throughout the ages and religions and governments have feared and suppressed these innate powers of interaction with the unseen worlds and the study of finer vibrational phenomena.
Linda Tellington-Jones is an extraordinary woman. I spent time snorkelling with her in Hawaii at Joan Ocean and Jean-Lucs Bozzoli’s home in the 90’s, then met her again at her ranch in New Mexico where she and others were making herbal remedies for people living with AIDS. She works with animals in a truly wonderful way and has been active in many fields including rescuing animals from their suffering in experimental laboratories and rehabilitating them.
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author and previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. Having grown up as the daughter of a coal miner in the north of England, she has since journeyed to more than seventy countries around the world and for the last nearly twenty years has lived in the sacred landscape of Avebury. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers both incarnate and discarnate of many traditions. New Thinking Allowed on youtube has some excellent discussions by interviewer Psychologist Jeffrey Mishlove PhD. "There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity. ‘Philosopher Rudolf Steiner talked of supernatural beings that feed on negative emotions’ … Be positive and at peace and starve them. "When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve." ~ Rudolph Steiner article You will have your own ways to protect yourself from negative influences. Here are seven suggestions 1. Keep your environment clean, zen, and smudge yourself and your home with cedar or sage frequently. You can make your own smudge from eucalyptus leaves or similar. 2. Do an energy clearing exercise on your body then encase yourself in a beautiful vibrational ‘egg’ of radiant energy quite close to your body. Nothing too flashy. Stay under their radar. 3. Ground yourself in Nature and immerse yourself in a column of love and protective light from your Higher Unlimited Self from high above to deep down into the Earth. 4. Create your own positive intentions and affirmations and repeat on a loop daily. 5. Do mirror work and other techniques to install and anchor your self-love and self-care. 6. 'No! You're not welcome here!' Be in control and clear while staying in a field of love. 7. Clean up your life if addicted to pornography, violence, alcohol, drugs, and rage. In 2008 I photographed certain types of energy vampires that were lurking around my then bedroom disturbing my sleep and diminishing my energy levels. Seeing ghouls such as these kinds alerted me to the need to devise protective strategies if I wanted to maintain my mental health and vibrancy. I haven't gone public with this selection of photos before as I haven't wanted to give them space. However, now with violence, rage, and mental health issues escalating it is important to consider that their may be other determining factors influencing our mental and physical health in order to deal with them effectively. The skills of experienced Energy Healers will be in great demand as we go forth. Select your practitioner with care and on recommendation as the devious beings in these spirit realms are not to be trifled with.
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life