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'Honour their life by discovering yourself - coming fully to your own self.' - Mooji
20 KEYS OF CONSCIOUS CREATION Guiding Principles of the Unified Field - GreggBraden.com
As our world enters into deeper levels of the planetary shift with resultant escalations of unfolding drama, we are continually being reminded about where we place our attention. The act of focusing our awareness with positive group consciousness in the Unified Field is one way that we can greatly assist the consciousness shift while remaining centered and balanced as the old power structures dissolve. The minimum number of people require to "jump-start" a change in consciousness is the square root of one percent of a population. My beloved Soul Sister,
You’ve begun your journey back Home to what you call 'The Beyond'. What a dazzling celebration and Homecoming awaited you. Party on My Darling. I smile, as I know there is not one tiny detail that will escape your vigilant attention. Wonderful new adventures of discovery with cherished loved ones have already begun. You enriched my life, and the lives of countless others - both known and unknown, beyond measure. You brought out the very best in me, and everyone you touched, by your loving and joyous nature. The memory of you will inspire others to make their own unique creations of beauty. I’m imagining an ever-growing legacy of gardens, paintings, poems, weavings, singing, cooking, healing, study, sacred spaces, animal shelters, the planting of forests, ever-more deepening relationships, and all manner of creative endeavours established in Sally’s name. Team Sally, aka The Insomniacs, has already started receiving reports of some of these creations, along with some of your experiences of last night’s visitations by you in your Freedom. Please feel welcome to post your Sally Stories and photos below. Thank you for your beautiful messages and contributions. Your words of sincerity touch me deeply and an extra special thank you to Nick who helped Sal have the most conscious and thoughtful passing imaginable. We were honoured to midwife Sal’s swift and graceful delivery to ‘The Beyond’ at 9 pm on 22.2.2018 and we will witness Sal’s cremation at 5 pm today, 23 February 2018 in Brisbane. Sally's Victorian family and friends will have a celebration to disperse her ashes in her beautiful childhood hometown of Warrnambool, Victoria on Friday 2 March at 6.30pm. Cedar and Nick intend to have a private celebration to disperse a second container of ashes in three of her favourite places in Nature in and around her home on the Mid North Coast. We encourage you to celebrate Our Sally in your own special ways. So beautiful and courageous to the end. With Love Always Cedar Dear Readers,
Take great care in these days leading up to the Autumn/Spring Equinox on Wednesday 21 March and beyond. It feels as though the tendrils of powerful cosmic energies are helping recalibrate those of us who choose greater evolution.
If you're wondering what else to do you may consider helping others raise their expectations to the highest possible expressions of beauty, wisdom, and grace. In Love, Cedar These magical, and some say mythical fish due to the rare sightings, have a special meaning to Sal & I. They are very unique in that the male gets pregnant and deliver their offspring. They are monogamous and mate for life. On the 9th January, following the collection of Sal’s new car, we took the dogs for a walk and then decided to go out for a walk/run. We did a 10km circuit that took us around Seaforth, down to the Spit, across the spit bridge and along the path around the water. We’d stopped at a pontoon to dip feet in the water and cool off. There were lots of jelly fish around, so we watched them for a few minutes before deciding to head back up the hill. As we were leaving we noticed a spot that had lots of jelly fish, so stopped to watch them, as we were looking into the water I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, and pointed it out to Sal... it was a seahorse feeding in the seaweed on the side of the pontoon. Neither of us had ever seen anything like it. We would have spent a good 40 minutes watching it, but neither of us had a phone to take a photo or video the experience. At one point, it even came up to the surface, and turned to look at us, watched us for a minute, then went back down to carry on feeding. Sal wanted to go back and get a camera, but as we got up to leave, he turned around and 'rode' off through the water.
It was like it was there just for us, and when we decided to go, so did it! When we got back we told Cedar all about our amazing experience while trying to work out which one of the 50+ species of seahorse it was. We believe it was a ‘Great Seahorse’ as they are known to be found in Sydney. Turns out my Celtic Zodiac Sign is, yes, you guessed it... the seahorse! While walking round the long rainforest track on January 16th, there were some big flying bugs buzzing around us that Sally called ‘flying seahorses’. Jump forward to March 10th, two weeks after Sally passed, and we’re celebrating her birthday at one of her most treasured places, the rainforest centre. I walked around the track and a few minutes from Sal’s favourite spot, Crystal Shower Falls, I passed a mum and two daughters. I notice one of the girls had a tattoo of a seahorse... was this a sign from Sal?? They caught me up as I was looking over Crystal Shower Falls, and I had to ask the girl if I could make a strange request, and explained about Sal passing away, and our amazing experience with the seahorse down in Sydney. Kayla/Kaylee was very happy to oblige. Turns out she was quite spiritual and an empath too. Thank you Sally xxx Cedar Says: Seahorses are extremely shy so 40 minutes viewing it was a rare event in itself. I marvelled with Sal and Nick when they came back all shiny-eyed and excited having watched its antics for so long on January 9th, then again on Sal’s 39th birthday two days ago on March 10th when Nick came back with his tattoo experience at Crystal Falls of the seahorse… this stunning location is one of the three favoured places Sal asked us to disperse her ashes. A massive thank you to all who have sent me guidance and messages about the creative and personal ways Sal has appeared to you, and how she is touching the lives of people all over the world from The All That Is. I now call her Sally Everywhere and although still deeply grieving, I marvel at this new and unfamiliar reality Nick and I are dwelling in with Sal. Sal’s passing on 22.2.18 appears intricately associated in the upcoming opportunity for an awakening and massive leap in evolution for those who choose it and she relayed to me ‘just as you and Nick helped midwife me to The Beyond, I will help midwife you to The New Earth.’ Sal uses whatever she can from The Beyond to offer solace and guidance - symbols, dreams, numbers, visions, dictation, telepathy etc. You are most welcome to share your experiences of Sal in the comments here. Humans who have said YES! to greater awareness of their multi-dimensionality and Soul-Self are in the process of a major evolutionary leap in consciousness. In the days and weeks ahead I’ll continue adding the names and links to exceptional teachers, healers, and commentators of the greater good who are dedicated to helping readers navigate the massive changes in their lives and the intense energies impacting our planet now. Please see the archives to the right for additional material. Links for Maree Batchelor and Tolec Possible Timing of The Event - The 'Cosmic Soon' May Be Soon Upon Us An Evolutionary Leap in Consciousness The Event involves massive waves of electromagnetic energy emanating from the Great Central Sun through our sun impacting everything in our solar system and beyond. Mother Earth will become a 5D planet as will all life upon her if they choose. Humans will either choose to remain in the Old Earth while others of us are diligently preparing for the New Earth. Readers will have noticed that life has gone synchronous and signs such as 2.22, 3.33, 11.11 etc are obvious features that evolutionary change is occurring. The Creative Source (God/Goddess) uses mathematics, sound, energy, and consciousness to create. Those of awareness have been experiencing what may be called Ascension Symptoms and my collated article has now received 1063863 views. I urge you to read the article and highlight the symptoms you’ve been experiencing Will Hamilton of Connecting Consciousness Group in Australia on Fb During a skype meeting with Simon Parkes last week, he confirmed that Gaia would receive a powerful EMP strike originating from Source on 18 March 2018. On the one hand this may result in an increase of our frequency to bring us closer to a 5D experience and it may also interrupt the smooth supply of food and water in which case being prepared for this will be a practical response to this information. Cedar I have been deeply preparing for this to ride it through myself given the massive changes and my pace-makered heart, and so that I may help others - many people will be extremely confused and anxious as a consequence of The Wave. Some of Dolores Cannon trained QHHT practitioners report similar times given by clients. Allison Coe won’t give a date though often refers to the first quarter of 2018 and in a later video mentions late March. I call it ‘the cosmic soon’ that’s been coming for the 3 decades that I’ve been waiting for since my awakening at the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. You will find masses of clues of how you can best prepare now in the videos and links given here. Also Krsanna Duran sends out daily Timestar Forecasts and Announcements and is one of my preferred messengers and teachers in this complex arena of predictions, prophecy, and profound earth and cosmic knowledge. If interested you can ask for Krsanna’s mailing list here. I encourage every household to have at least 3 days and preferably 3 weeks of food and water stored for everyone including pets, and to have discussions with all members of what you would like to experience in the New Earth. Fill an exercise book with your imaginings as in 5D we will instantly receive whatever we imagine. Keep your focus positive. We have the opportunity to create the finest new lives beyond any pain, struggle, war, abuse and avarice. There's an enormous amount of work to do both here and there. Great maturity and wisdom are essential. Think through the possible consequences of your decisions.
The Prophecy of Mystic Peter Deunov (1944)A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by “Ascension”. |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life