The world is witnessing the absurdity of - Right bad v Left good OR Left bad V Right good - politics. Where in history has such opposition and competitiveness ever been successful for the good of all? Building Bridges by Learning from Nature: Ants demonstrate to humans how the benefits of working together achieve desired results. WISDOM and UNITY work. We will see the crumbling of oppositional politics, dictatorships and monarchies - perhaps in certain areas in our lifetimes - in favour of Wise Organising Councils. | |
Check out years of archives in right hand column and some favourite chants >>>>> Are you attempting to understand why you are on Earth at this time participating in the numerous issues and events impacting humans on every continent in 2020? Understanding the big galactic picture helps put things in perspective so we can navigate our way forward beyond the power and spin of less conscious yet immensely powerful influencers. Debbie Solaris is a Galactic Historian who shines a succinct light on the key intergalactic races past and present interacting with Earth humans. You may like to check out the drop-down links under Galactic History at Debbie's website for her overviews which are enhanced by Vashta Nerada's magnificent artwork.
A young veterinary technician gets in touch with her angelic lineage and overall soul mission, which is to be a protector of animals, in this informative and endearing Akashic Reading. We explore her many past lives working to protect and be an advocate for animals in this solar system and in various other star systems across this galaxy. This reading also showcases the differences between a starseed and the few lightworkers who comes from higher dimensional lineages, such as angelic families."
Geomagnetic unrest, solar flares, extreme weather, rage and mischief on the psychic internet, Schumann Resonance off the charts, chemicals, need I say more? Yes, sadly. Evil forces are doing their best to keep us small and have us argumentative, harassed, ill and controlled. These forces are well above Presidents, Prime Ministers and Governments in their power. I see them as depraved humans who use sophisticated technology such as frequency devices and direct energy weaponry to target the global population en masse and various individuals who are making a positive difference. These weapons may also be emitting the frequencies that are playing havoc in the oceans of the world killing our precious whales, dolphins and all manner of ocean life. You and I can use our superpowers - think Wonder Woman and Superman. Please protect yourself energetically to ward off and destroy any ghouls and evil beings out to debilitate your life-force. Consider getting in first by giving your Inner Warrior free rein to use High Magic to dispense of them and their horrendous agendas. Please click on the white type in the videos to visit EEARTS and Suspicious Observers sites
What price is paid for self-righteous adherence to fourth-hand information from dubious sources or believing 'the news' written by those with selfish and biased agendas?
Don't be surprised if the USA and the World don't have a winner in the United States Election on Tuesday 3 November. Results may not be precise or accepted for days and weeks - if not months. Crumbling and decay are obvious consequences of anything that has outgrown its natural life or usefulness - whether its a lettuce, a building, a body or a political system. The split and separation are evident to those vibrating at a different frequency. The Old Earth continues on its path of opposition, authoritarianism, hatred, competition, greed, corruption, violence, destruction, death and ownership. Simultaneously, the New Earth/s is forming, being remembered and reaccessed via our HEARTS and MINDS through the mechanism of our love, imagination and creativity. New Earth is thriving on parallel timelines where UNITY and ONENESS are the common denominators and thus lettuces, buildings, bodies and organising councils are totally transformed. The caterpillar has changed into a completely new creation which has emerged liberated and is delighting in its freedom. Numbers entering these realms are growing daily. It's a choice between the status quo and the known zone and the known unknown. "In the beginning was the word ..." Choose your focus and words wisely for they are the building blocks of creation. My heart goes out to you all, and I wrap you in love, safety and tenderness for the challenges many may be about to endure. When a politician - or any person for that matter - shows you who they are by their words and actions - believe them!
Upcoming Elections Worldwide In Many States and Countries: en.This next period in politics from 2020 to 2024 is the MOST CRITICAL in modern history. That's a massive statement I know, and I don't make it lightly as the leaders and parties soon to be elected or reelected are set to navigate their citizens through a time of increasing challenges. Consider, for example, the extreme weather and its effects of loss, destruction, jobs, food and water shortages, diaspora like never before, health issues, etc. Then there's the risk of escalating wars, a total economic reset, increasing poverty, crime, cruelty, hyperinflation and global depression. Voters, please think for yourself and ask yourself what matters most to you, your family and friends, your community, state and country and your role as a global citizen and cast your vote accordingly. We must prioritise PEOPLE and the ENVIRONMENT along with leaders who can UNITE the people rather than further divide them. I vote for wellbeing for all, prioritise for quality education, the arts and culture, renewables, fair trade, humanitarianism, clean water and nourishing food, accessible housing, and progressive innovations. During this age of transparency, the self-serving ones who lie, steal and cheat are thankfully being exposed, and they must be brought to justice. We do have exceptional politicians, yet sadly many are not in government as self-serving billionaires have influenced most of the major publications and news outlets and they have bought/bribed corrupt sitting politicians and unscrupulous corporate power brokers. It takes effort to read every party's policies and even more to ascertain if they intend honouring their election promises. Please vote for those with the highest ethics, maturity and vision for the future. In my state election in Queensland I'm voting Labor as the ruling authoritarian ultra conservative Murdoch/Liberal/National Party Coalition has reduced the Lucky Country to one I'm ashamed of because they have let us down. They serve only their fellow sic elites and not all 25,500,000 Australians or their role on the global stage.
A Selection of My Recent Viewing, Reading, Listening, Imaging
I've also been interested in scalar technology since the mid 80's when it was mentioned in a Soul reading I had during my Spiral Bookseller years.
Wholistic assessed issues such as integrity, philanthropy, transparency, alignment to higher purpose, and vibrational frequency of many worldwide and hugely influential corporations which are shocking - yet not surprisingly - low. In comparison, Sacha's three organisations all had extremely impressive percentages.
This is the current scientific understanding of our local universe. There are multiverses! 'One 2016 study estimated that the observable universe contains two trillion—or two million million—galaxies. Some of those distant systems are similar to our own Milky Way galaxy, while others are quite different.
'We couldn't get people off the couch.' Lack of government foresight and planning for essentials for jobseekers have farmers ploughing food into the ground due to a shortage of labour. At the same time, taxpayers are still paying thousands to watch TV, surf, play billiards and watch porn. Meanwhile, many other unemployed can't afford even to buy food staples, so we see charities inundated with requests for food by up to 78%. People have viable ideas to help navigate us through these crises, yet those in power keep bickering and competing among themselves aided and abetted by mainstream media.
As self-knowledge, self-respect and well-considered self-management become growing features for many individuals, so too do we attain the benefit of heightened intuition, the clairs, total transparency and connection to All-Knowing Source Energy.
What do you want more than anything now?
Only 2-3% of people worldwide who contract this virus die - hardly a pandemic except that it has destroyed millions of jobs and businesses and world economies are being entirely restructured as we speak. New surveillance laws are being slipped in with heightened powers for governments and law enforcement.
I'm okay with vaccinations being made available for those who choose to have them. However, they MUST NOT BE MADE MANDATORY for those like me who find them toxic, immoral and a means to make the few obscenely rich even more wealthy and powerful over the many.
Many even have plans for the dwellings, communal buildings, creative and wellbeing centres, gardens etc for their community. Many are already living their dream, some have partially achieved it, and for others, it's still yet to take form in the physical. I belong to the last group as I'm yet to meet more kindred who are in readiness to start the nitty-gritty planning and real movement into building the dream. My future visions show a massive return to the land. Tragically, much of this arises as a consequence of conflict in some cities, violence and civil war in pockets, foreign invasions, lack of jobs, economic hardship etc - ie: out of necessity rather than conscious choice in many cases. Simultaneously, many who have held their dream for so long will soon be so fed up with inequitable, incompetent leaders and systems that they will decide to take real and practical action and put down roots. While all this is happening, the broken systems will continue to implode as transparency reveals the extent of their greed, corruption and debt. The implosion/explosion will be hastened if we STOP feeding those wolves with our protests, time and energy. IMAGINE the view from space when looking down at MILLIONS OF FLOURISHING KINDRED CLUSTERS of 12, 20, 200, 2000 on every continent succeeding in making their communal dreams a creative reality! IMAGINE the benefits to our children's children. Imagine the fun, sublime creations and inventions. Learning through conflict is so yesterday. IMAGINE the joy, harmony and growth through living with kindred. How will we know your interest if you don't declare it? I believe the time is ripe and for some overripe for this so it feels appropriate to invite readers who are genuinely interested in a similar vision to declare their interest here in as much detail as you wish. I'll go first! I'm up for it and can go anywhere in the world. I've been discussing this here, and on my blog for years, so my views are well known by regular readers. A large percentage of the 7.8 billion global population has been in lockdown at some stage since March 2020 in an attempt to contain the spread of the illness. How people are dealing with the restrictions of being cocooned is mostly an individual choice. Those fortunate to have a conducive home situation and the financial means may well have chosen this corona era as a time to go within to transform themselves both consciously and creatively. The seers, psychics, and astrologers say the time is ripe for transparency for everything hidden. Some require acknowledgement and development of unrecognised talents on the one side and exposure and justice for those secretly involved in criminal and depraved behaviour on the other. Now, after seven months and regardless of the stage of change we may be in, it seems more chaos may be looming to yet again demand that we assess our situation and the positions of our loved ones so we can make informed new decisions. Conditions will markedly change at least for the next two years and quite possibly for the entire decade. What to do? Your choices at this stage will determine this next phase of your life. Here are some of my suggestions for your consideration:
In an increasingly volatile and polluted world, we urgently need leaders who can mediate and unify as the years between 2020 and 2024 will need to be handled with extreme care, maturity and wisdom. This election is, without a doubt, the most critical election in history - wherever you live in the world. Now more than ever, our regions and country need responsible leaders of integrity, vision, and skill to navigate us through the next four years and beyond. Some essential issues as I see them are health and wellbeing; education and skills building for all ages; food security for all Australians, export, aid and support for farmers, home and community gardeners; peacekeeping; renewable energy; retraining of workers in fossil fuel industries; water management and restoration of the vitality of our rivers and soil; rejuvenation of country towns; aged care; innovative new employment schemes for this decade; transparency and the establishment of anti-corruption councils in politics, banking and corporations; repurposing vacant government, religious and private buildings; the arts and culture; reduction of foreign ownership; humane relocation of refugees and sincere plans to end conflicts and war. I'll be enthusiastically supporting the Labor Party for Queensland, and urge you to study the policies of the parties so you can also make an informed decision. Here's a list of all the registered parties in Queensland with links to their websites.
We Must Have Fun
Why are Australian politicians selling our country to China? CCP has already moved in by stealth buying ports, airports, 9.2 million hectares of farming land, manufacturing businesses, commercial properties, water, housing, coal mines, wind farms - assets in every state.
Sentient (able to perceive or feel things) beings create personal and consensus realities with our intentions, thoughts, and emotions. Sensitive people and animals quickly pick up the thoughts and feelings of others which are the tools for manifesting creation. Mother Earth is a sentient being. She perceives and feels deeply for all her charges and thus absorbs the collective thoughts and emotions of 7.8 billion people, billions of animals, water, trillions of unseens and trillions of plants and trees. Fear, rage, wilful ignorance and hatred contribute to the extreme weather including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, droughts, mudslides etcetera which are also exacerbated by the removal by humans of forests, levelling of mountains to create dams and their pollution of soil, rivers and oceans. Numerous extraterrestrial races have been in contact with Earth humans for thousands of years. Their primary contact has been with the First Peoples of the world who have a deep and harmonious relationship with Mother Earth. Extraterrestrials have mostly been Observers of the activities by the many hostile, ignorant, fallen humans. The US Space FORCE to 'dominate space' is yet one more example of putting hostility before peace. The Universal Law of Non-Interference can only be overridden if there is a high probability of humanity destroying itself and their planet. All life is sacred and such destruction cannot be allowed as it would not only destroy life on earth - it would also affect the entire interconnected cosmos. - Cedar Transmission from Arcturian Collective - Humanity Must Urgently Prepare Tatanka Nehweh for Arcturian Collective ‘A galactic collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective DNA templating. We are a collective of Arcturian starbeings, part of the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies. We are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate. In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky. You must stay out of fear. It has become necessary for a (galactic) intervention to help humanity and planet Gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena occurring throughout the cosmos. The ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive. The time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignment to integrate these frequencies. We come to give you notice/warning of preparation. For what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it. ‘ (Tatanka is shown many starships beginning to encircle the globe, manifesting/materialising out of nowhere. They’re parked and observing. Frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the earth. These ships are creating a buffering forcefield/network generated to dissipate any vibrational impact from what is approaching the earth.) Please click here to read the full article On 23 September at 4.28 pm I was telepathically directed to take a series of photos of the sun. Six photographs precisely like the first one appeared, and then the seventh in the series had another planet or sun directly behind ours. (Please disregard the blue orb as it's a camera anomaly which often occurs when photographing the sky.)
PayPal and card donations for readers who have appreciated my work over the years and would like to support the self-publication of my new handbook on death, grief and the afterlife, which will be published in 2025.
All donations are very welcome. Thank you. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
September 2024
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life