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Please be very DISCERNING about conspiracy theorists perpetuating EVIL by promoting unsubstantiated gossip and accusations against others.
It worries me as I see so much slander and libel perpetuated by many who appear to be sexually immature themselves getting their rocks off by stirring the pedophile pot. Naming names without evidence and destroying careers, families and friendships is criminal. These extremely unwise reposts of questionable material will reverberate on the accusers sooner rather than later as time collapses before our very eyes. I think it's good policy to read the timelines of those who post vile information to get a good overview of what drives the informant - and then question our own motives if we choose to repost. I honestly think many are unaware of the incredibly creative power of words. The perpetrators simply have to be revealed and trail and judgement by social media is NOT the way. I no longer follow many popular informants who lack the wisdom to triple check to substantiate what they claim to be facts before spreading malicious lies. 28 July 2018 — Total Lunar Eclipse maximum at 6.21am — Sydney Global Event: Total Lunar Eclipse Begins: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 at 3:14 am Maximum: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 at 6:21 am 1.61 Magnitude Ends: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 at 6:55 am Duration: 3 hours, 41 minutes In preparation for the Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse #ahippychickwithastick and I had a four hour conversation that included our unexpected experiences with friends and families over each of us losing a cherished loved one - and wove in an in-depth exploration of what was, what is, and what appears to be riding in on the energies of this Lunar Eclipse 27/28 July 2018. We discussed much of what #AlunaAsh covers in her videos along with the possible ramifications of the incoming massive changes and how to observe, respond and soar with them. She then went for a walk on our local beach and created these magnificent Spirals in Sand. The SUN and The MOON
Expansion for Ascending Consciousness - TODD This may relate to The Event - Check out Todd Deviney of Enlightened Aspect Productions / Expansion for Ascending Consciousness - you may wish to filter out the interviewer - It was a practice session and she was caught unawares by the magnitude of what was occurring. Todd and I have been chatting about his book “Expansion for Ascending Consciousness” that is now available. He says: 'It goes deeply into the mechanics of consciousness and the Universe. The book is a complete game changer and was written in two months through my connection. It explains everything. My videos are only skimming the surface.' Click here to read some of Todd's articles on his Facebook page. The EVENT everyone is waiting for is the overpowering pulse of positive creational energy that is going to remove any traces of reverse rotational photonic spin -negativity- from this galaxy forever. What that means is that all responses associated with it (self-interest, hatred, anger, violence, etc..) will no longer exist. These manifestations resulted from the imbalance that occurs in consciousness when it absorbs negativity. When it is gone, the only thing remaining will be responses that result in unity with creational energy and I don’t need to list those.
It’s the fifth month anniversary of Sal’s passing, and she tenderly let me know it's time to spread some of her ashes in the Pacific Ocean and also at Our Home. Extraordinary happenings and realisations. SAL spoke of the importance of enjoying every single moment of LIFE and of having fun, fun, fun; of continuing to expand my consciousness and energy; and of working deeper to balance and strengthen my physical, emotional and mental bodies. So in my search for what is TRUE about existence - today I erased virtually ALL of my BELIEFS in an attempt to RESET myself to ORIGINAL HUMAN free of outside conditioning and impositions. As I held the container with Sal's ashes I watched the Sun playing exquisite iridescent colours in vibrant blue, pink, silver, gold and then indigo and green - I observed for a very long time. I’ve never seen these beautiful colours before in all my thousands of hours of watching the ocean…. …. a little boat appeared on the beam of sunlight across the ocean to where I watched on the beach! Cue The Ferryman! It kept appearing and disappearing in the Light. I saw it again on the beam right on the horizon and then disappear. Sal corrected me ‘The FerryWOMAN’ - smiles - who guided her deliverance safely to The Other Side. The sun is revealing so much and today’s crop circle is - for at least the third time the season - about the Sun and the construct of 12 and the Sun being a portal. I then travelled up the mountain to Lahuna and sat in the hut and at the waterfall and talked with Sal remembering all our fantastic times at this place and I spread her ashes at the very top along with a beautiful ochre-coloured gerbera flower .… the waters in our little stream will flow down through the Dorrigo Rainforest through the Bellinger Valley and into the Pacific Ocean where it will join with all the other oceans on this remarkable planet. Happy Trails Sal. I know you’re enjoying life there as much and more as you enjoyed living here. Precious Gift Created on 22.7.2018 by #ahippychickwithastickThis 'stranger' read your blog this morning and the image you created in my mind was one of peace and love. I have a vision of the beauty Sally's ashes will encounter on their journey to the sea. From trickling stream to the beautiful Bellinger, and then on to the mighty Pacific. I'm not a stalker.........it's just that your story resonates with me. I have been there. I spent time on Sam's beach yesterday and was guided to veer away from my normal drawings, and a sunflower emerged in the sand. I think it was meant for you. Sending it to you with a great big hug. #ahippychickwithastick Beloved Stranger/Sister - You're wonderful. I can't begin to imagine a more gorgeous gift - THANK YOU from my core! Yesterday I watched myself discard ALL I believed about EVERYTHING and I've gone back to 'original factory setting' .... as my focus is to know who I truly Am so that disintegration seems necessary. I'll post your gifts on my blog. I love you and I feel close to your Sam too on those beaches. Great Good Fortune to Meet #hippychickwithastickImmediately after posting the above messages I felt that lovely gentle nudge to 'get thee to the beach' so ever obediently I did - whereupon I was blessed to meet the woman who gifted me with the SUNFLOWER and is the creator of all the other wonderful mandalas. Deep and meaningful conversation flowed for the next three hours. She was on a roll this morning and had just finished creating 4 beautiful mandalas moments before I arrived. No, she's NOT breathing fire in the last photo! :)
Our INNER SAGE is needed now in this time of massive change on every level. I imagine most of us have done considerable work on healing our inner child, inner teenager, inner critic, and how we express ourselves as mature adult, partner, friend, sibling, mother, father, daughter, son, grandparent, grandchild, creative, colleague, leader, boss, etc. We may have examined our maturity levels and intelligence in the areas of IQ, emotions, finances, creativity, responsibility, etc. However, it appears that a great many leaders of countries and corporations are still frozen in time in their adolescent and as such are incapable of making mature and wise decisions. Decision-making is similar to playing chess - things need to be thought through many moves in advance. Our inner sage is needed now as the grids holding the false reality in place collapse to reveal what is true - and good and evil and imagine how we will respond to whatever comes our way that is outside our realm of influence. One of my own sage decisions is to post much less on social media. I have shared many of my epiphanies and precious interactions in the past and they rarely receive any interest or comments. This is understandable as it IS social media after all and personal happenings are often just of interest for the individual involved and perhaps one or two close ones. You may also consider the need to be discerning with all the new information coming your way and don't fall into the trap of proselytising or sharing willy-nilly. Randi Green on The Event and The Resetting
19.7.18 SAL shows up at significant times as if to confirm I'm on the right track. As I contemplate the possible effects of the energies of 22.7 regarding the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and the collapse of the time matrix as we know it - which coincidentally is the 5 month anniversary of SAL's passing, I was studying the monad and how I feel we have a great opportunity to 'become our Higher Selves' this July/August. I was looking for a pictorial representation for Physical, Soul, Higher Self, Monad, Source and there in the midst of them is SAL's signature Sunflower. I guess that's a YES to these Awakening energies in full throttle now. Thumbs up from SAL. Please stay focussed on the Awakening. The outer world of intense weather events, political mayhem, economic calamity, and other belief shattering shenanigans will vie for your attention over these coming days and weeks if you allow it. Please determine your highest priorities and pursue them with laser-like concentration.
On Friday 13th July Solar Eclipse I felt impulsed to 'walk the beach' rather than my usual path so I began walking in the opposite direction from where I found Sally's Rock at Shelly Beach. Every day I'm determined to do several thousand steps as an easy form of exercise and on my return journey I felt that familiar gentle nudge to 'veer left and walk towards that large circle of rocks' which I did and thereupon was overjoyed to discover the most exquisite design in the sand which was signed #ahippychickwithastick I did some sleuthing and found #ahippychickwithastick on instagram and promptly wrote to her and she graciously replied 'Hi Cedar, I'm so glad that finding my mandala on the beach made your day. It's lovely that others see my drawings before the tide takes them away. I was down Swimming Creek beach this afternoon and had a few people stop to tell me they had seen yesterday's drawing. I don't normally do them in public spaces, tend to head up the beach a bit where there's less foot traffic, but the sand at Main Beach yesterday was perfect and the beach was relatively quiet. Blessings to you, I will look for you on the beach. A fantastically fine Friday the 13th on my coastline. New Moon low tide, perfect sand, near deserted beach, humpbacks breaching on the horizon and partial solar eclipse energy had me in the zone. This day was a blessing. #ahippychickwithastick. Sally appreciated my fascination with crop circles that began in the mid-nineties as I always shared my discoveries of every season with her for the ten years of our friendship. The CircleMakers frequently point to the Sun, Earth, Stars and the Universe, energy and consciousness, and various warnings to humanity. The 2018 season also follows this theme, and serious researchers spend days, weeks, months and years deciphering the messages. Link to an excerpt from my beginning experiences of my 20 years interest in crop circles from my little ebook The New Frontier: multidimensionality. *** My best guess is that Sally is alerting me to broadcast this link to the crop circle created on the Solar Eclipse 13.7.2018 near Avebury in Wiltshire UK as a warning about the dangers of radiation to our Earth and all life OR it could be a radiating flash of light. *** I have my own rather personal ways of deciphering the messages of the CircleMakers and am always interested in the views of the experts. Here we are at the mid-point of this fantastic month of July, and intuitively I feel this intricate design portends a period of possible high solar flare activity and energy pulses. Those who are sensitive to changing atmospheric conditions may need to ensure perfect conditions to ride any electromagnetic and solar storms out - for me that means grounding in Nature, tracking the energies in my body, baths, lots of silent gathering of myself to maintain balance and sleeping whenever possible.
Simon Parkes makes reference to energy winds coming from the galactic centre .... 'Sand storms being reported on Mars are most likely energy winds coming from galactic centre. Earth's Van Allen belt should reduce any impact here - but watch for increased weather interruption in August and September. No comment or even slight acceptance of this by the establishment.' 'A flash of blinding light, sky looks pink-orange-purple and clouds are purple, not connected to the sun, the last call, ascension bandwagon, heart chakra activation, soul activation, connection to Spirit and Source'
Total diameter of Milky Way is 100,000 light years. 1 light year = 12 trillion kilometres. Our solar system is 28000 light years from centre.
Spiritual Initiation – Milestones to Enlightenment
Each of the initiations represents a major achievement in the long history of the soul’s journey through many incarnations. When an individual goes through an initiation, such an event is rare indeed. It has been said that there are no spiritual shortcuts in cosmos. This idea is very true, for soul evolution requires much inner labor, and many incarnations for full mastery to be achieved.
Observe you brain and mind. I'm excited about this NEW LIFE - sadly there are people and entities around who attack psychically and emotionally so I have devised all manner of really effective 'protective devices' from negative influences - I use what I call my 'golden condom' and seal myself in from mischief from any dimension and entity - I've photoshopped an idea of what I use then also encase myself in a glorious column of light direct from the Galactic Core over me and my golden condom into the heart of Mother Earth. Whatever works eh?!!! :) Works for me - and ironically when I fill it with consciousness and energy and life force there is no need for such 'protection'. Still, it helps to be aware and very discerning about who and what to allow into your field. Wise words from Rob Brezsny 'The cosmic cervix is dilated seven inches. Three more inches to go before the birth can safely happen. Until then, the contractions may be pretty intense.' I spent most of today's Solar Eclipse on Shelly Beach around the corner from my new home where I took the sunrise photo below. I made many good and major decisions while looking out over the ocean and as usual I was in lively telepathic communication with SAL. She suggested I REALLY absorb Eben Alexander's book Proof of Heaven so I've begun listening to his audiobook... Please send LEADERS great COMMON SENSE and WISDOM in these intense energies of the Solar Eclipse Super New Moon in Cancer >> 13 July 2018
Martinsell Hill, Nr Wooton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 7th July
Thanks to CropCircleConnector.com for the photo - more on the link above I half close my eyes and the glyph becomes 3 dimensional - spin it
Life changing phenomenom... Prior to my kundalini awakening I had no knowledge of what kundalini energy was. Like a bolt out of the blue, one unsuspecting evening, I was taken by complete surprise by this life changing phenomenon. My story is testimony to the fact that whilst walking the path of spiritual evolution, there is a time, place and natural order for everything... Our bodies are changing and we're making new neuronets.
Click here for stunning images to help prepare us for energetic awakenings 3 July 2018 Please consider establishing Circles of Elders in your community to support and mentor those undergoing massive change. I have a beautiful vision of interested women and men taking the initiative and establishing a Circle of Elders in your hometown - i.e. in towns and countries all over the world with their own unique structures and focus. There is such exponential change happening that we literally won’t know our ‘old selves’ by the end of the year. I used to think Circles would be composed of those with over 50 years of life experience - however, in this day and age wisdom not only comes with experiences - some are born with it. So, Elders can be of any age - anyone who has buckets of common sense, an attitude of service to others, is innovative with a willingness to accept responsibility and leadership for the good of others and a commitment to their own personal life purpose. I'd SO appreciate it if readers who see the value in this idea and establish, or who have developed a Circle to inform us in the comments here. 5 July 2018 This morning I was overjoyed to find a comment from Katie in New York telling me she is already watering the seed of this idea; an email from Christine inviting me to a fireside gathering then following workshop to continue the teachings of a senior aboriginal woman, teacher and healer; a message from a grandmother who has taken in a troubled child to raise - and the day has just begun.
'Circles of Elders' is a vision I've long held, and I feel sure others also have in their own unique ways and millions?? have already activated their role and volunteer guide and mentor. I silently stepped into this place of responsibility many years ago without fanfare - with just a laser-like determination to raise the bar on love, kindness, creativity, spirituality, and the care for people, animals and the environment in whatever ways I can. My energies go primarily into seeding (Seeder/Cedar) and mentoring in areas of so-called paranormal abilities which are actually entirely normal and innate, a greater understanding of death and the afterlife, and the psychological, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of our Great Awakening and transition to the New Earth of 4D and 5D consciousness. These Circles of Elders need to be self-organising so I won't be writing a blueprint as YOUR creations will vary immensely due to who is involved, your location and interests and energy. Some will continue to 'talk' and many like Katie, Christine and Sandra get organised and take action. The need to go beyond 'just talking' to 'just doing it' is great at this transformational time in our evolution. Imagine if everyone who steps up and identifies as Elder takes 100% responsibility for establishing their Circle and co-creates with others taking 100% adult responsibility. If your creation is to succeed it requires nothing less. It needs work and a willingness to make a difference and show up, take the initiative and commit then gather like-minded friends and colleagues to do the same and just do it! The baseline of exceptional kindness, humour, skill sharing, imagination, confidentiality, generosity, wisdom, mentoring and innovation remains the same whether you live in a village in Romania or South Africa, a city in the Netherlands or New Zealand or a remote region in Australia or Mongolia. Here is the briefest of briefest brainstorming to help get you started. I'm a great one for first establishing crystal clear CLARITY and getting details visually on a whiteboard or in a special book. I never post anything on my blog that I have not or would not do myself. Educate yourself from those you respect, honoured indigenous people, and Google and Siri. First formulate your specific question then merely ENQUIRE. Self-Organising Circles of Elders If not you, who?
I have no affiliation with these groups - however, they and others have done a terrific job of establishing the scaffolding for eldership, and their ideas will help in your creations. The Eldership Project Yarning Circles Wisdom Circles Elder Circle Women's Circle Man Mentor The greater majority of my work goes uncommented on, nevertheless, I continue in the trust that it inspires readers into more of their life purpose, self-knowledge and spiritual understanding. Please know I would genuinely appreciate reports on your creations as a result of this seeding of Circles of Elders.
Are you in a new or long-term relationship? Do you wish to attract a beloved into your life?
My questions and brief suggestions below are for all scenarios including for those of you who want to have a loving relationship solely with yourself. The energies that are escalating so quickly now are assisting us to accept only authentic relationships rather than workshops for self-knowledge as many have been in the past. The shadow and self-awareness examination is ongoing and these heightened and deepening aspects currently available take our life partner (and family and friend) relationships to a whole new level of intimacy, support and exploration. These brief musings are more potent when journaled so I urge you to write and discuss: 1. Do you wish to upgrade an existing partnership, develop a recently formed one, or call one in? Write what you want now. Open to it. Envision it. Claim it. Enjoy it. 2. It is not possible to have a loving relationship with another unless you genuinely love yourself. LIST 101 things that you love about yourself. 3. What are your great qualities, skills and interests? List what YOU BRING to a relationship. 4. How will you prepare yourself and your life and space for this new or deepening love? 5. What qualities do you want in a partner? 6. How do you envision today and the next three months? Then the next six months? Three years? 7. What level of commitment do you bring and what are your highest dreams for life together? "Sending you much love and healing energy #AlunaAsh. I so appreciate your exemplary guidance which you deliver with such caring and clarity. I’m spreading the word about your messages here on youtube on my blog and social media. They are a superb gift to my readers at this transformational time of evolutionary change. You do so much for US - is there anything I can do for YOU? '' Focus on what you DO want rather than what you don't. I urge YOU to craft and write down a minimum of ten things that you wish to co-create and manifest for yourself, loved ones, animals, wildlife, the environment, your community, country, career, creativity, consciousness, Mother Earth - and all your ideas go here _______________________>>>>
Please consider this: What if you were to now cut the cords to all relationships in this lifetime and past lives where there has been less than savoury connections or an inequality of reciprocity - give and take? Even past lives belong to the outmoded matrix and there are PORTALS NOW OPEN TO THE NEW - Co-create a whole NEW WAY and thus NEW EARTH with your Higher Self, Soul, Monad, Infinite Source, High-Level Guides, and your Kindred Team both in body and Spirit. How do you commune with your loved ones in Spirit? It appears many people understandably seek clairvoyant mediums for reassurance that their deceased loved ones are OK and to ascertain who they're with, then little further happens once that reassurance is received. From all I have researched and experienced a happy life after life is certain, yet loved ones are keen to work with us on our healing and projects if given half the chance. SAL helps and amuses me regularly and has appeared and assisted many, many people from her All-Seeing Oneness.
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life