Conversations with everyone, and I mean EVERYONE (except those who choose to focus on their victimhood, obsessions, and the past) indicate their awareness of profound new changes taking place while morphing in and out of various timelines. David calls this new phase ‘The Anything is Possible Timeline.’ The Summer/Winter Solstice on Wednesday December 21st will also usher in another significant shift. I urge you to gather with like minded friends to absorb the information in this video ‘Diverging Timelines: A New Beginning’ and to brainstorm with your loved ones what you wish to pay attention to now and into 2017 and beyond. You may like to also do the meditation ‘Choosing Your World’.
I choose not to give oxygen to the darkness of the actions of evil people. You won’t see posts about their atrocities on my blog. I care deeply for the victims of such evil, yet as I understand the laws of attraction and participation I do not wish to amplify the evil by feeding it my interest and energy. Instead, I choose to help co-create a world of beauty, love, kindness, and wisdom by focussing on these things. When enough of us actively pursue the finest intentions for life on earth, we will have created a Divine Earth in which to dwell and further create. Randi Green explains the mechanics of this with clarity in this short 36-minute teaching. Quantum Creation: YOU are the centre of your Universe. Seek out kindred with whom to deepen connections to other YOUniverses. Creations are more easily manifested when consciousness and energy are amplified. ~ Cedar
There are many teachers of the awakening/ascension processes and two in particular whose work I find invaluable and I thank them greatly for that. Randi Green in Denmark and Lisa Brown in Hawaii whose work differs in some areas yet is nevertheless all important in helping pave the way. They take very different approaches that help give greater understanding and form to my own discoveries as we take this giant leap in evolution. It requires intensely focussed work and the rewards are immeasurable. Randi Green has an enlightening series of videos on youtube and vimeo along with books and course materials on her website The SETAH Initiative Soft Disclosure: In her video (below) of a healing session ‘Working with the Dead Reptilian on my Table - Tall Whites’ Randi discusses the dissection of a reptilian entity removed from a client. Perhaps disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrials will take different forms to those we might imagine. Lisa Brown links to website Awakening to Remembering, book Navigating Dimensions, Soul Talk videos, free newsletter etc Whether you are just coming into awareness of your own Spiritual Awakening or have been consciously involved in your Ascension Journey for many years, we have something for every phase to assist you with expediting your expansion and Multi-Dimensional Mastery and Soul Embodiment process now. From free to courses to in-depth one-on-one catalyzing work, you get to choose! For how you experience your journey is totally up to you! We are here to guide, teach (re-educate) and assist for those who are ready! So jump in, explore and utilize every navigational tool that we share. We make all available and provide you with huge Quantum opportunities to JUMP a little bit or huge. We speak directly to your own soul and multi-dimensional aspects. You will be drawn/feel it when it's your time to incorporate these simple Navigation and Mastery tools into your flow too! CHET SNOW and HELEN WAMBACH DISCUSS POSSIBLE FUTURES
‘Back in the 1980s, Chet Snow and Helen Wambach published a book called Mass Dreams of the Future. Wambach used "future progression hypnosis" to gather info about the future, and Chet Snow was one of her best subjects. He saw a series of visions leading up to what sounds to me like a pole shift. He dated that event to 1998, which obviously has already passed. However, Snow believed in Edgar Cayce, who predicted the pole shift for 1998, which might have tainted Snow's visions. Or, perhaps, the timelines themselves have changed since Cayce, and the events will simply happen later.’ I suggest you disregard the dates given and trust your own instinct if this information resonates. Read article here >>> These times call for curiosity, attentiveness, and High Magic. Have you ever felt you may be living in a hybrid simulation or holographic insert labelled ‘Life’? Living a life somewhere between ‘The Truman Show’ and ‘Groundhog Day’ with 'something' quite ephemeral underlying it all that you can't quite access? Veils upon veils have dropped, noticeably since December 2012, and dots continue to be connected. Aha’s and synchronicities abound. Life is becoming evermore enthralling as ‘The Real’ beyond ‘The Reality Show’ is revealed.
Traversing the next weeks, months, and years will become known in earth and galactic history as the era when humans co-created a more evolved humanity by doing their inner work, clearing their own shadow aspects, seeking deeper understanding and wisdom, and being of service. Often, the means to awakening further may seem somewhat bizarre and sometimes quite intolerable. Please rest in the knowledge that we ARE indeed progressing, and continue to persevere with patience and pluck. ~ Cedar * Higher Qualities * Higher Heart * Higher Selves * Higher Input * Higher Output * Higher Magic * Higher Energetics * Higher Focus * Higher Awareness * Higher Multi-Dimensionality * Higher Thinking * Higher Disclosure * Higher Creativity * Higher Healing * Higher Frequency * Higher Receptivity * Higher Unification Gather with Starseed Tribes of Light to raise awareness and focussed intention, and to have fun. Quantum Jump a higher, finer reality, and lightness of being.
New and fresh insights contribute to our becoming luminous humans - 'When you begin seeing in new ways, images start leaping out of bathroom tiles and patterned fabric, number plates on cars become meaningful or humourous, you turn on the radio and hear the answer to your question in a song or interview, the clock shows double and triple numbers - 2:22, 4:44 5:55, 11:11, and shapes of animals and angels take form in the clouds and environment and you become more aware of all the synchronicities in your life.' - excerpt from The New Frontier: multidimensionalty
![]() 10/11 Update: Trump expressed in inglorious technicolour the racism, xenophobia, bigotry, sexism, misogyny, ablebodyism, anti-environment, in short the negative shadow of so many. That festering boil has now been lanced. An almost certain World War 111 has been averted. The status quo has been ripped to shreds. The 1% have had their day. This will go down in history as the day humanity took a major turn towards lifting its game to greater awareness. Be prepared to be very surprised in a good way. Let a New Renaissance begin! Kudos to all who vote. When you do please consider how YOUR VOTE will affect EVERYONE in the world. Me here in remote NSW Australia The Mongolian businesswoman The Filipino schoolboy The Indian orange grower The Chinese restauranteur The Bolivian mother The Russian father The Japanese teacher The Nepalese nun You get the picture. USA reaches every nook and cranny on the globe. The US has never NOT been at war, usually at the whims of the President (and above) and my country patters after the US into every ill-gotten war for ill-gotten gains. Travellers come to understand why USAmerica is so loathed. The decisions by #1 in the world, the President of The United States sways influence directly or indirectly over 7.5 billion people. In a country of say 50 million possible contenders, with so many geniuses and wonderful people, it beggers belief that these two poor specimens are the best US can do. One will almost immediately take on Russia and/or Iran - with how many of our, yours and their beautiful men, women, and children headed to the slaughterhouse? CONFLICT. The other will build walls of divisiveness, inflame bigotry, and focus on greed. PROFIT. If I could, I would vote GREENS whose issues centre around people and the environment. LIFE. Not for the faint hearted. US-centric report this time due to the huge volume of data. Report on the rest of the world coming in two weeks. Sharing part of an email chat I had with clif ‘self sufficient and self sovereign are the same thing if you think about it. So that cuts your work down to thinking about it one way or the other. So, take up permaculture is to do it outside yourself, take up meditation is to do it inside yourself. i betcha that if you got into permaculture, at some point you will realize you are meditating....and vice versa. Make sense? so permaculture / meditation or seaculture / scuba diving from clif high’ ‘Note this is a PDF (written) ALTA report in the original format. The range of this report is from November 2016 through to January 2048.
The Arrival. We have arrived. That impending ‘something developing’ that so many have felt for a very long time has arrived. Humans have been living at the two extremes of pure evil and exquisite beauty for some years now and noticeably since 2012. Uncanny metaphor. Remember, remember the 5th of November. Life as we have known it is clearly about to be changed forever with the ‘marker’ being the US Presidential Election on Tuesday 8th November. The two main contenders for President, representatives of the Archonic cruel, materialistic, enslaving, and fear-driven agendas which enrol the underdeveloped lower energy centre motivations of lust, greed, and control - is also shared by so many others in prime positions of power. The winner is too close to call though I suspect Hillary will win by a tiny margin and unlike Al Gore in 2000 when Bush won by corrupt means, Trump and his cohorts will not accept a Democratic win and more secrets and lies will be revealed that will disgust the world populace along with thinking US citizens. Look to the Independents for good governance. I’d vote GREEN if I could! Some of the Major Events Impacting Humanity’s Rebirth * Level of corruption exposed around the presidential election * Further rumblings of terrorism, treason, wars, and nuclear war * Further damaging hacking and fracking * Civil Wars and shortages of goods and services * Disruptions by intense solar flares, earth changes and magnetics. * Global financial crises, hyperinflation, stock market dip … * Possible intervention by off-planet beings * Actuality/metaphor Standing Rock Dakota. Water is Life V Corporate Greed * Skills required for quickening and spontaneous spiritual awakenings Cedar’s Suggestions * Focus on imagining how to live life as a fully awakened person * Endeavour to live as your Higher Self/Soul * Don’t feed the monster by giving in to fear or anxiety * Use common sense and wisdom in the days and weeks to come * Be kind and a beacon of light. Be proactive and resourceful * Be peaceful and loving to yourself and your kindred * Give your energy and attention to positive outcomes * Save seeds and grow food * Be discerning. Seek guidance from those you trust * Be generous with your skills and resources 'Seismic' Message from Simon ParkesFrom US chairman of Homeland Security has accused Hillary Clinton of Treason on main stream news FBI has called all available agents to Washington British MI5 and MI6 "Disgusted at Clintons" Just spoke to media contact The Independent newspaper in UK is going to break the news! Establishment newspapers in Britain to break news of possible child abuse and arrest! Hillary Clinton’s Personal Assistant has approached the FBI and is offering to "turn in state evidence" against Mrs Clinton. The FBI are seriously looking at the possibility and implications of arresting Mrs Clinton. In relation to Bill Clinton the FBI is looking at credible reports of alleged child abuse and the impact of his arrest on Capitol Hill. *** UK Independent - Watch this space Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT) The Divine Voices of Deva Premal and Miten As the world is hit by scandal after scandal and horror after horror I find listening to these beautiful musicians soothes my heart and soul.. Are you guys ready for multiple physical realities to run simultaneously and to actually experience more of this? We are moving into this "ability", if you will.... split realities... where one person can have one outcome and the another can have a whole completely different outcome/reality to experience...
Like the Mandela Effect that many have become aware of, different physical realities and some of us experienced several of these... in preparation.... Just because a whole collective has one experience, doesn't mean that everyone does.... this is how Old Earth/NEW Earth works... Old Earth will have it's own physical realities while NEW Earth has completely different ones.... Dimensions are vibrational existences and at first you access them in your sleep, drifting or tuning/re-focusing in your waking state, yet the overall vibration of your whole being gives you the ability to completely walk out of one dimension and into another. It also gives you the ability to occupy many simultaneously, while not anchoring in any of them, except for the ones you choose.... which is kind of awesome cool! So get ready, as your mind must stretch huge, your vibration must be the highest possible at all times, minus the moments you are clearing something from your cellular bodies.... The physical reality you physically experience is the one you hold the vibration for. The faster your cells move, the more Quantum your body is, the more you have the capability to jump from timeline to another with great ease... and these vibrations are providing the opportUNITY for more to have this capABILITY now. I love you. Have an amazing and magical everything! ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ on YouTube
I’m collating my personal stories of the effectiveness of Quantum Jumping, and those of my clients and friends. The irony is that my very first QJ was unintentional yet 100% effective. I’ve since found that spectacular results invariably come within 24 hours. I love it because it’s so clear, simple, effective, and it complements other work I do in the Quantum Field. From my QJ Journal #1 After watching all of Burt Goldman’s YouTube videos on his technique Quantum Jumping and studying his website, I asked myself - ‘Will I buy his set of cds?’ The cost was $200 I hovered over my paypal account - nah - as I didn’t have enough funds. 2 hours later while having lunch with Suzi who introduced me to her friend from Ireland - ‘Don’t buy them’ said Suzi's friend ‘I studied with Burt 10 years ago and have all his cds in the car - you can borrow them’. The Art of Quantum Jumping: How to Shift Your Reality in Big, Positive Ways by By Cynthia Sue Larson ‘The popular expression “quantum jump” is used in common English speech to describe a leap that is big—but to physicists, quantum jumps are tiny, discrete (indivisible), and abrupt. The idea of quantum particles is that they can exist in material form at one energy level or another, but not in between. When quantum particles are observed to make a quantum jump from one state to another, scientists watch them appear to blink on and off.’ Read the full article here Breakthrough. Imagine Consciously Becoming Your Higher Self/SoulImagine consciously living as your Higher Self/Soul. If the engine of the steam train in the picture represents your Higher Self/Soul, and the thousands of carriages are lifetimes, imagine the benefits of uncoupling. Thanks to Kryon for this analogy given in one of his many talks.
That which RULES NEW EARTH is vibrational Sacred Inner Love, Peace, Purity, Integrity, Honor, Kindness, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, Support, Contribution, Sharing and working/playing/co-existing together IN UNISON and through the simplicity of this NEW VALUE SYSTEM that is created out of the dissolution of the old....
As the New is continually birthed and re-birthed, you will see the old continue to dismantle, deconstruct, dissolve and in it's place all new realities emerge.... This is how these vibrational realities work. We build/are the FOUNDATIONS OF NEW EARTH .... each one taking responsibility for their actions, their thoughts, what they are putting out into the world, how each is managing, maintaining, mastering their own realities completely.... |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life