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Thalidomide was first synthesised in 1952 by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Chemical Industry Basel (CIBA), but was discarded due to its lack of efficacy. In 1957, the German pharmaceutical company Chemie Gruenenthal acquired thalidomide and began developing it. Pharmacologist Herbert Keller recognised the active ingredient as a sedative and developed it into a drug. The toxicity of thalidomide was tested on several animals and it was introduced as a tranquilliser in 1956.
On 1 October 1957, Chemie Gruenenthal launched thalidomide on the market and began marketing it under the trade name Contergan. In the UK, thalidomide was authorised in 1958 by the Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Ltd, a subsidiary of Distillers Co Ltd (now part of Diageo plc), under the brand name Distaval. In the USA, Chemie Gruenenthal approached Smith, Kline & French (SKF), now GlaxoSmithKline, with a request to market and distribute the drug in North America. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution. By the mid-1950s, 14 pharmaceutical companies were marketing thalidomide in 46 countries under at least 37 different trade names. In November 1961, however, thalidomide was withdrawn from the market due to increasing evidence of its teratogenic (birth defect-causing) effects. To this day, unethical and greedy pharmaceutical companies ignore the potentially devastating consequences of inadequately tested or known defective drugs and vaccines and expose them to the public who accept them in good faith. How is it possible to love another if you can't love yourself? I truly believe that the problems in relationships and in the world in general stem from a lack of self-love and therefore an inability to give and receive love. I also believe that the meaning of life (in summary) is to live, give and love.
As Amjad Abedi says: 'Love, dear ones. Just Love. As much as you can. And see your life of matter transformed. Fighting against anything is an endless loop in the lower realms. Let Love be the one and only answer. The only reaction to any circumstance. Don't wait to leave this body to remember this.' 'If you feel like you are alone in the world. That too few have woken up. If you feel discouraged. Helpless. That nothing is happening. Stop looking at the big picture outside of you. Do the opposite. Focus inwards. In your heart. Let your breath show you the wonderful within.' Letters From Love - terrific video and letters from Elizabeth Gilbert and contributors. If you reach deep, way deep, into your mind, in just the correct spot, you will be able to touch & feel this 'iridescent drop' that you brought with you from your previous Life. The shimmering iridescence you will discover, is but a thin layer over another iridescent drop brought forward from yet a more previous Life. And so it goes. You add a thin layer of iridescence with each Life. Thus the drop grows over time, yet does not change size ever. It is said that it takes 85 million lives to earn from Universe the first birth into a Human Life. Thus just starting out, you have 85 million layers in your iridescent drop counting back all of your lives. Then you have had how many Human Lives? Hundreds...of thousands? Likely. Relatively rare are the Recently Graduated. Yes, Universe manifests them continuously, but their percentage of the population is steadily shrinking. Each Human Life adds a new layer of iridescence to your drop. Each of these will be more complex than the previous layer which it overlays. Each thin layer of iridescence is active. It moves constantly. It is dynamic energy in a constrained form. It is part of Your consciousness now. Each layer is conscious, though not of itself, but of its task. Each thin layer of shimmering iridescence is created at the cost of a soul. Eh? You thought you only had one soul for all Lives? Think again. No. Souls are containers, transport vehicles, and connectors for the Complexity that is a Human Life. Souls, as a container, a vessel, are conscious of YOUR LIFE, and its tasks within every second of your life, but not of itself. At the end of each life, that Life's soul is rendered down into everything you have learned and experienced in This Life to which that soul was a vessel. The vessel completes its final task preparing to be part of your next Human Life. You are actively contained in a soul, yet you also carry with you every soul you have ever used as an iridescent layer participating in your dynamic iridescent drop which you can locate, deep in your mind, if you seek it. If you never examine your iridescent drop, it is being wasted. What is this iridescent drop composed of all the lessons of all your many, diverse lives rendered down to shining brilliance? What does your intuition tell you it is? - Thank you clif high STOP PRESS clif high's linguistics indicate that by April '24 the normies are noticeably waking up and they wake up in June. Imagine that! It's only a small leap to imagine that those who are already quite awake to actual reality in many ways will experience deeper levels of awareness and wisdom. Sarah Westall Interviews clif high Aliens, Antarctica, the Big Event and even more Chaos coming Growing Your Own Food
During my research for the book I'm writing about death, dying, mourning and life after death, I've been coming across the most extraordinary works, one of which I'm sharing here. Joan Didion and John Dunne For almost four years now, we have been confronted with death on an almost daily basis. It comes into our living rooms in real time and many of the deaths are sudden, as we see in the numerous wars around the world. In addition, many of the silent generation and baby boomers are crossing over to the other side also. The Year of Magical Thinking (2005), by Joan Didion (1934–2021), is an account of the year following the death of the author's husband John Gregory Dunne (1932–2003).
Do you wonder why Palestinian lives have no value to the Zionists? Why they are exterminating innocent children, women and men? As always in history, when men go to war, it's about greed for valuable resources, land and water.
Transparency, Cooperation, and Reform: A Call to Politicians, Corporate Leaders, and Citizens11/20/2023
The actions of numerous leaders who have caused widespread suffering have irrevocably changed the global political landscape. The juvenile and reprehensible orders of many leaders who inflict suffering on millions of innocent people have changed the state of the world forever. The link shows many of the trouble spots, but when I look into my crystal ball, I see an intense escalation where many current governments fail and even fall, while fighting increases, economies collapse, inflation rises, political refugees seek refuge, mental and physical health problems skyrocket, and climate change reaches new problematic heights. I see many more countries changing shape and borders and more falling into civil war. Politicians who care about their citizens must not be afraid of radical change. The far-right, conservative media makes this difficult and readers need to question their sources and refuse to read or watch their current media sources if they don't like them. EXAMPLE: The Australian Labor Party does excellent work in many areas and questionable work when it comes to the bombing of Gaza by the cruel Israeli warmongers Netanyahu, Gallant and the IDF. Radical times call for radical change - In Australia, I believe the Labor Party will ONLY continue to govern if they enter into a coalition with the Greens and both parties swallow their pride and are prepared to make massive compromises and work more cooperatively with each other and the Independents than ever before. If they can't take this obvious step, I fear Australia will go under like many other countries. There is much intelligence and wisdom among some politicians, commentators and citizens, but too often, the loudest and most belligerent voices are heard and foolishly followed. Thank you to all of you who are taking a level-headed stance. Your considered opinions and actions are urgently needed if we are to chart a new course. - Cedar Furthermore and tragically, so many voters are not interested enough to question the sources of their news from a far-right, media-distorted, ultra-conservative leadership that does not uphold democratic values, promote social justice or prioritise the welfare of all citizens. Unfortunately, voters keep electing representatives despite their controversial reputations - as in numerous countries where leaders have a history of corruption and criminal convictions - such as Netanyahu with ongoing court cases. We don't have to look far to see the social, economic and political devastation caused by authoritarian and, in many cases, extremely fascist, unhinged and dictatorial rulers. The hope lies in the possibility that voters will become politically wiser and more informed before more beautiful countries are driven to ruin and citizens quivering wrecks or worse. The millions, if not billions, of people worldwide who demonstrated for justice this weekend give me hope that citizens will wake up in time and become thoroughly informed about the candidates and their policies before they go to the polls. It's Wise to Listen to Your Dreams and VisionsI've been following Joe (Jsnip4) from Realist News for years. He's a crypto squillionaire and has bought himself all the toys money can buy, including a helicopter and an aeroplane. He advocates for Trump at every opportunity. He searches for buried gold in the Grand Canyon. He is a family man and is good friends with other right wingers I follow, like clif high, Jean-Claude and Penny Kelly.
While I don't have crypto and think Trump is an appalling role model because he vilifies anyone who challenges him, whether in the Republican party or Democrats, judges, or leaders of countries - no one escapes his reckless put-downs in his quest to elevate himself and gain attention. Nonetheless, I like Joe, clif, Jean-Claude and Penny and think they do a great job, even though I filter out their conservative political biases. Last Wednesday, 11/15, as I was pottering around in my garden, I had a crystal clear vision of Joe in trouble while flying and subsequently crashing his plane. It was so vivid and repetitive that I seriously considered sending him a message on Twitter, even though he has no idea who I am. However, I comforted myself with the knowledge that he and all his friends are incredibly psychic and he also often reports his amazing prophetic dreams, so I told myself he would be safe. I was sad to learn that he had actually crashed his plane on 18 November but luckily survived apart from a few minor injuries. He has a short report here and a longer one on his YouTube channel with WooWoo Dude. Through these intense energies, many of us are becoming stronger in our natural powers, which some refer to as 'paranormal'. Do YOU follow the promptings of your dreams and visions and act on them? Joe's event has encouraged me to act more on mine, because maybe he wouldn't have flown on that day and totalled his plane.
No matter how difficult life may be, maintain your ability to love and find joy and freedom - Cedar Citizens play a crucial role in shaping a country's policies and expressing their opinions to politicians. Justin Trudeau, like any other political leader, faces feedback from the public on various issues. This includes concerns about Canada's stance on international matters, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is important to note that citizens have the right to voice their opinions and hold their leaders accountable. Trudeau, like any other leader, must consider the views of the public when making decisions. This can sometimes involve weighing Canada's relationships with other countries, including the United States and Israel, against the desires of its citizens. Engaging in constructive dialogue and expressing diverse perspectives is essential for a thriving democracy. It allows for a better understanding of the concerns and aspirations of the people, ultimately contributing to the development of well-informed policies. It's worth noting that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and sensitive issue, and there are differing opinions on how it should be addressed. A balanced approach to discussing such matters is essential to promote understanding and foster peaceful resolutions. By encouraging open communication and respecting diverse viewpoints, citizens can continue to make their voices heard and shape the direction of their country. I do so by what I write about and tweeting PM Albanese and Peter Dutton every day with my views.
3. The Stellar Gateway chakra is located about 12 to 18 inches above the head and is associated with our connection to the divine and cosmic consciousness. The lesson of the Stellar Gateway chakra is to transcend our limited self and merge with the divine, experiencing unity and oneness. The Universal Chakra is the portal to the limitless flow of creation. When this chakra is open, you can experience perfect harmony with the universe. This chakra allows you to use your light body, offering you unlimited access to the higher spiritual realms.
4. The Causal chakra is located at the back of the head, just above the neck, and is associated with our past lives, karmic patterns, and spiritual lessons. The lesson of the Causal chakra is to understand and heal our karmic patterns, release past traumas, and learn the lessons of our soul's journey. 5. The Soul Purpose chakra is located in front of the heart, at the level of the thymus gland, and is associated with our life purpose and soul's mission. The lesson of the Soul Purpose chakra is to discover and align with our true purpose, express our unique gifts, and contribute to the world. 6. The Higher Heart chakra is located between the heart and throat chakras and is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. The lesson of the Higher Heart chakra is to cultivate unconditional love, expand our capacity for compassion, and heal relationships. 7. The Universal Heart chakra is located above the heart chakra and is associated with divine love, unity, and connection with all beings. The lesson of the Universal Heart chakra is to experience and embody divine love, recognise the interconnectedness of all life, and live in harmony with the universe. Divine Gateway Chakra is the doorway to other realms and planes of existence. It is your Divine Portal of Light that enables your direct connection with the Divine Source. Your ascension journey is complete when this chakra is open, and you can experience total union with the Divinity. The lessons from the chakras are not fixed or rigid, and they may vary for each individual. The chakras provide a framework for self-exploration, personal growth, and spiritual development. By understanding and working with the chakras, we can cultivate balance, harmony, and well-being in our lives. Cities of Light: A Vision of Thriving Communities
In a world plagued by the inadequacies of the old paradigm, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of Cities of Light. These vibrant communities, scattered across the globe, have become a haven for millions who share a common vision, values and alternative forms of governance. These 'cities' have emerged from different sources, each in its own way. Some have formed around spiritual or religious philosophies and rely on the power of faith and connection. Others have developed as self-sufficient communities where people have come together to create a harmonious and sustainable living environment. Indigenous communities have also found solace in these cities of light, upholding the wisdom and traditions of their ancestors. Still others have developed around kinship domains, family enclaves, creative collectives, interest groups, and self-organised collectives. A sense of togetherness flourishes within their boundaries. People support each other and create an environment of growth and mutual aid. As the outdated structures of the old paradigm crumble and fade into oblivion, these communities will continue to thrive and demonstrate the strength of a collective vision. Unfortunately, all is not well beyond their borders. On every continent, including the remote reaches of Antarctica, the consequences of humanity's mismanagement are painfully clear. The reckless actions of misguided heads of state have led to extreme hardship as they impose their myopic views on their citizens, fuelling religious differences and territorial greed. Yet amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is also a spark of hope. Many in the enlightened communities have recognised their galactic origins. They are working hand in hand with kin from other Star Nations, pooling their knowledge and resources to develop new technologies, healing modalities and wisdom teachings that point the way to a better future for humanity. But even in this realm of progress, there are always divisions. Some people, burdened by conditioned criticism and division, try to undermine the efforts of their enlightened colleagues. These sceptics fail to recognise the importance of unity and cooperation and so hinder the spread of knowledge and enlightenment to those who are open to receiving it. Among the pioneers of the Cities of Light movement are Julie and Bill Ryder, who have dared to follow their dreams and co-found a City of Light in Montana. Their remarkable journey, chronicled on the galacticfacets.com website, inspires all who yearn to walk their own path to evolution and enlightenment. "The Gathering"," a testament to their unwavering determination, shines a light on the seed that was first planted, which eventually blossomed into a thriving community. The Cities of Light are a beacon of hope in the face of a crumbling world. They remind us that if we acknowledge our galactic origins, work together and pursue a vision of unity, we can create a future of safety, purpose and unlimited human potential. - Cedar Actor Cate Blanchett, a goodwill ambassador for the U.N.'s refugee agency UNHCR, urged the European Union to step up support of refugees and host countries and ensure the bloc's policy "focus on their protection and not on fortifying borders".
The Australian actress said she felt "shame and regret" over her country's hardline policies that for years has seen asylum-seekers sent to detention centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru and barred from settling in Australia. The Oscar-winning actor also urged Israel to accept a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. |
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August 2024
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
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Clarity for Life