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![]() Hello Dear Readers I've stressed the importance of living in the present and the need for constant preparation including doing our Equinox Dreaming for excellent reasons as you know if you have been following the breadcrumbs here on my blog and elswhere. Everyone with an ear to the spiralling of the cycles and what they might bring is fully aware of the current energies and solar energies that are bathing and recoding all life on Earth. It appears this is a first in our galactic history and it will affect everything in our solar system. Dates for the major activities are not possible to give though sensitive and observant people will feel the energies here and more approaching. It feels imminent to me. By now you will have prepared yourselves as best you can physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically and spiritually for this eventuality and how the energies might impact your life and the life of your beloveds and others. Imagine If You Will Our Sun, like God, is a sentient being Our Earth, like Goddess, is a sentient being Millions on Earth are sentient beings, and some without souls are not Our Sun is a living portal - an open gateway to galaxies beyond galaxies Conscious Cosmic Energies and Light gathering at the galactic core Massive flares of Light and Energies pulsing through Our Sun Witnessing the geometry in everything and pulsating light codes Choose. Birthing comes either of stress or conscious cooperation or both Effective ways of dealing with ascension symptoms and swift awakening Darkness disappearing from Planet Earth over time Vibrational solar light eradicating darkness on Earth Evolution of human consciousness Unity replacing duality The confusion that comes of living in a new reality and ways of adjusting Grid systems failing for a time - power, internet, transportation, etc How you and the people around you deal with unresolved trauma What might we expect during and immediately after The Event/s Some familiar people fading and disappearing from your life Escalating challenges of weather and water events Your new and imaginative creations Yourself as a fully awakened and liberated person The Real Truth of Life as Most Have Not Known It .... to be continued ~ Cedar Every Cell In Our Body Is Being Re-Wired - Everything on Earth Is Solar Powered
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair - Khalil Gibran It's impossible to imagine a more potent season than the one approaching us on Saturday 22 September 2018. I have identified areas of my old life that I wish to retain and clarified new interests that I feel are incredibly important to give energy to at this time .... Among MY new creations this Spring are: * Raising awareness about the health of the RIVERS of the WORLD - essential to life on earth * A new creative endeavour to be revealed when I'm ready plus other personal intentions * Anticipating and preparing for the needs to assist people affected by the convergence of change * New articles on conscious dying, The Beyond and the grieving process * Further Messages from Sally * Involvement in some of Sadhguru's various initiatives SUGGESTION for the YOUR EQUINOX 1. Clarify any EXPANDED or NEW creations you wish to energise this new season. 2. BEGIN by taking ONE of your initiatives to quantum jump it into reality with ease. 3. Study the picture and IN YOUR WAY review and say goodbye to the old season and VISION and STEP OVER THE LINE INTO THE NEW. You are most welcome to post comments about your experiences if you wish. Please scroll down for lots of other posts and do check the archives in the right hand column. The Spring/Autumn Equinox is on 22/23 September, so now is a great time to review our goals, recalibrate ourselves and renew our focus.
I've been doing a month-long housesit and pet minding gig in the beautiful Castlemaine/Daylesford/Hepburn Springs/Maldon area in Victoria. Coming back here felt like a lovely Homecoming as I used to frequent these places in the 80's and 90's during the era of running my Spiral Bookshop in Fitzroy, Melbourne. It's been a wonderful time catching up with old friends, exploring the area, personal reassessment, deep contemplation, remarkable connection with SAL on the other side, and participation in Sadhguru's Online Course 'Inner Engineering.' I've been letting go of so very many things from my old life and taking brand new things on. For years and years I've been very active on Facebook in fact almost since it's beginning and I won't be posting much anymore primarily because I rarely get meaningful interaction or feedback on what I share so I can only assume there is little real interest in what I post. I so appreciate the regulars who take the time to respond to my thoughts and messages. An important aspect of my reset is that the folks around me now also give and respond which makes life fully balanced and very sweet indeed. Nevertheless, I've had a superb time on Facebook and am so grateful to have met many remarkable people and also to have had instant access to riveting, funny, informative and diverse material. I will visit Fb every day mostly on read-only mode and will continue posting on my blog as the stats are always very encouraging. I now have so much more time each day to pursue my new directions. Some time ago I wrote some articles to help with Solstice and Equinox Planning - links below Although I was coming to this decision to spend much less time on social media for quite some time - my detailed Spring Equinox Dreaming and Visioning revealed a deep desire to put my energies and hands-on involvement into several new areas that also matter greatly to me. My interests will become evident right here on my blog soon. Solstices and Equinoxes The New Frontiers of Multidimensionality Thank you readers for over ONE and a QUARTER MILLION views of my collation about Ascension Symptoms I'll collate aspects of my recent conversation with SAL and Lynn and post them here on my blog in the Spring. :) If you come to me as a victim I will not support you. ![]() 'Trust and belief in yourself are important. Fix yourself up. Don't look to others to fix you up, stitch you up or sew you up.' I had a remarkable time connecting with SAL for 75 minutes on 12.9.2018 via our mutual friend Lynn Norris Psychic-Medium. I was beyond excited at this opportunity to communicate with SAL in this way as these experiences of the 'unknown' of Home are so enriching and elevate my current awareness immeasurably. Lynn and I spoke by Skype so we had visuals of each other and it was fascinating to see Lynn using SAL's hand movements and unique Sally gestures and language. I had prepared a page of questions - all of which were addressed in full. Random Question to Contemplate: What are some of the things you LOVE TO DO and/or are MOST PASSIONATE about that you've pursued in the past few weeks? The Spring/Autumn Equinox is on Saturday 22 September so now is a great time to review our goals and recalibrate our focus. “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.” ― Terence McKenna Those who understand the consciousness and connectedness of all sentient beings who have been paying attention knew that eventually, the greedy and evil behaviour of so very many humans would ultimately affect even the extreme patience of Mother Earth. That time has arrived against the hard work and pure intentions of good people. Hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, ice and snow, floods, droughts, loss and lack are no doubt the outcomes of human pollution, toxicity, mining, war, killing, greed etc. The intensity of weather-related events will continue the upsurge perhaps for months and even years. As always innocent people, animals and the environment suffer due to the unconscious actions of the ones who are greedy and hungry for power. Living with this intense conditions will take enormous skill for millions - even billions. Massive change requires time to assess, integrate, rest and possibly action anew in your personal lives. Invest your energy wisely at this time. Remember three great assets are common sense, self-responsibility and patience. Don’t sweat the small stuff and ensure you have sufficient food, water, fuel and cash to cover the needs of everyone in your charge including pets and animals. Choose between focusing on and thus energising detrimental shenanigans or awakening to further divine realms of your new life. Discovery is infinite. Curiosity, receptivity and expansiveness are fundamental. Jaffa the cat and I are sitting in the sun, enjoying the new spring life that’s emerging, integrating and be-ing.
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life