Everyone (and every living thing) has a doppelgänger or reflection though not necessarily in current physical form as explored in this video. | Have you met your doppelganger? Consider the possibility that there may be a perfect replica of you already dwelling on the New Earth at a ratio of 5% material and 95% non-material. Perhaps members of certain Star Nations assist in this co-creation and in helping you connect with your double. Everyone and everything has the capacity to regenerate because of their doppelgänger. This is good news for those mourning the loss of millions of plant and animal species due to fires, bad practices and extreme weather. |
Thank you to everyone who participated in the meditation to save the Amazon Rainforest. Great Gratitude to all the individuals and groups visualising an end to fires wherever they are raging in the world. It rained in my little town last night. As I gave thanks, I imagined steady rain dousing flames, ending droughts and helping restore land and rivers to health wherever needed. Please also hold the intention for people with pure hearts to be stewards of this beautiful and sacred planet. See the animal species recovered and the forests regenerated. 3 minute worldwide meditation to save the Amazon Rainforest. Connecting Consciousness members and others who feel inclined to join us. Thursday 29th August 10pm British Summer Time... 7am Friday Sydney AEST Time and Date Calculator As usual, I'll also be adding dousing other purpose lit fires in Siberia, Arctic, Central Africa, The Middle East and Europe While on my meditation walk by the river yesterday, I contemplated the health of the cells in my body. I pondered the ratio of the radiant cells compared to the distorted and 'unconscious' cells. Don't quote me on my research as I give this by way of example, as nobody knows. There are a lot. The number of molecules in a typical human cell is somewhere between 5 million and 23 trillion per cell and the number of cells in the human body is estimated to be between 37 and 50 trillion. In my mind, I examined just one cell in my determination to reset my physical body to perfect health. I decided to use this one cell as an example of radiant, unbridled health in the belief that all the other trillions of 'monkeys' to catch on and emulate. The cosmic waves of light flooding the Earth at present are enabling instant manifestation or close to it, especially for those who attune. As sweet synchronicity has it, I was led to listen to Kryon's latest talk in Ottawa on August 17, 2019. He spoke about this very subject and much more. I'll gloss a few of the points to give you the gist and urge you to listen to at least his first two talks. Kryon Invisible Things Part 1 by Kryon
When your soul is born, it is clean and pure A baby comes in with no sight bias until age 6 Humans come in with the ability to see many spectrums of dimensionality Survival ones become 'reality' - sacred invisible friends fade away Invisible energies/helpers for humanity are all around you So much invisible power at our disposal for a confluence of love on this planet Invisible Things Part 2 Those with unbiased sight see colours, multidimensional things, Science has identified over 13 dimensions of reality Billions of parts in one DNA molecule Inside double helix strands m-d unity Akash, select which lifetime to look at, Energy of all your past lives are contained in the double helix The stuff of the stars Soul and DNA awakening - New Human There is a field around every DNA molecule - all identical Trillions of them and all of these fields connect Maturity schedule is in there All the fields overlap - all communicate instantly together Consciousness is part of that DNA - not brain Spontaneous remission when all fields around all molecules instantly change DNA can pattern/imprint certain attributes Review textbooks from Lemuria Cellular coherence - Field around the DNA The sacredness of Higher Self lies in the field Intuition, oversoul - golden lining around every molecule OUTSIDE the molecule - not biology - it's in the field own body system Past lives on the DNA ladder - select to open the door to each life The evolvement of human consciousness Can understand what you learnt from each past life Consciousness. Oversoul. Piece of God. Oneness. Unification. Mastery You'll Remember ![]() I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me. I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more. I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there. I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said " it's me." You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there. It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew... In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me. 'The Family' Doco on Netflix It’s not about faith. It’s about power. The Family explores the history of a quietly powerful religious organisation with strong ties to worldwide politics. Jeff Sharlet, an insider skilfully reveals the real so-called 'Christian' power brokers above politicians and why the world has gone ultra-conservative 'in the name of Jesus'. He investigates the intentionally invisible reach of The Family to control the most influential people in almost every country on Earth. I remember being appalled when George Bush claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, thereby slaughtering millions and destroying their homes and livelihoods. The bible is old propaganda written in far different times from millennia ago by unenlightened men about the teachings of one who by all accounts may well have been enlightened. There's much to be angry about regarding the injustices, abuses, killings and destruction at the end of this era and commencement of the new. Please remember to take the eagle's eye view of The Observer and choose your words and activism carefully.
Awakening Ones are breaking through to the True Reality so we must be very savvy about where we put our energies. Time is precious. Courage is needed. Intelligence is key. Imagination is creative. Levity is crucial. Wisdom is essential. Love is the glue. More Reasons Why We Must Urgently Raise Our Frequency
Mother Earth is a living sentient being who loves and cares deeply for all Her precious lifeforms. The human brain can't understand the complexity of Her immense consciousness, as few understand even their own. She has been so patient with the humans as they ignited, gouged, bored, polluted, and used and abused Her natural resources with little gratitude for the bounties received. The subtleties of Her language and songs are known by the indigenous, shamans, sensitives, trees, vegetation, animals, birds, insects, marine life, bigfoot, and the elementals. However, it is clear Her language is far too subtle for those who continue their march for blind consumerism and monetary wealth. Now Mother Earth is SHOUTING. Thanks to the internet and instant access to information, never before in human history have so many people been aware of Her desperate plight. Most continents are currently suffering massive out-of-control fires, droughts, floods, storms and depletion of rivers and food produce. Climate diaspora has only just begun. In the coming months and years, we will see millions forced out of their homes and livelihoods due to climate change. Indeed you and I might even be among the climate refugees. Decades ago, I predicted there would come a time when we will beg traditional indigenous people to teach us how to live in sacredness with Nature. To date, numerous ignorant governments and corporations have had the indigenous slaughtered, separated, corralled, persecuted and exploited and now fires, floods, drought, mining and deforestation are destroying their homelands. Caring people who love Nature understand the depths of the problems and have been working tirelessly for years - although many are exhausted. Children are leading the way in many cases to awaken the sleeping masses to PLEASE accept the science and DO SOMETHING. They urgently need every willing person to come on board and join them to take appropriate action. There is a tremendous conscious awakening occurring at present, and it is possible to turn the current dystopia into utopia within the decade. To do this, individuals must urgently work to become shamans, caretakers or conservationists to interact mindfully with the natural world. These current situations offer opportunities for humans to awaken. While millions of animal and plant species will become extinct - new ones will emerge, and Mother Earth will regenerate after the fires, floods and droughts. Awaken, Homo Luminous.
Sally's Etheric Plant Medicine Healing Elixir Readers will know Sally has a passion for the natural world and healing with Nature's gifts. She has a profound knowledge of essential oils, herbs, elixirs and now what is becoming known as Celestial Essences which involve very high vibrational natural, gem and starry elixirs. Our friend and psychic medium Lynn Norris invited Sally to lead a guided section for her weekly meditation group in Dorrigo.
I play soft music and use the voice feature on my computer to slowly read the following transcript of Sally's healing meditation involving flowers, plants, crystals and her beautiful heart love and energy. This is a simple yet effective meditation when you engage your innate powers of visualisation, relaxation and imagination. Sally's Plant Medicine Healing Meditation You walk through a field of lavender and feel the lavender under your hands. You then walk through a field of sunflowers and gently touch and feel the sunflowers. Listen to the birds. Feel the happiness they bring with their energy. Love for the Light. There are sunflowers as far as the eye can see. You look up and are greeted by Sally. She's SO happy to see you. She gives you a Sally hug and takes hold of your hand to take you on a journey. She asked you to bring one person along for healing. Bring your person in. Sally hugs them. You all continue to walk along the pathway. You come to a sheer veil. Sally opens that veil and asks you to enter the world of plant medicine and flowers of all descriptions - healing herbs, shrubs, vegetables, trees with unusual bark, and vines with fruit on them. You walk with Sally through these plants amazed at the feelings that come from them, the energy, the colour, the smells - the whole world in this moment. Look around - wander all over the place through the vines and the trees. TALK to the flowers, the plants, and the trees. Focus on any part of your body that you want healed - keep talking to the plants in the maze of plants - these plants heal - and this healing energy seeps into your whole body system. You come to an open grassy area - you and your friend sit upon the grass - even the grass has a healing energy. Sally comes and sits down with you on the grass. She has a bottle of elixir for you in her hand and one for your friend. The plants know what your body needs - and in that bottle is your healing elixir. It's only a small bottle. You take the lid off, and you drink - feeling the love and the energy going into every part of your body you wish to heal. Take some time to feel your body respond to the essence of the flowers and the plants Now Sally hands you and your friend a yellow flower. This is an edible flower that heals any part of your body that you want healed. Taste the petals of the flower - how sweet they are. You can feel the healing energy of that flower seeping through your bones, your muscles, all of your body. There is one more flower Sally wishes to give you and your friend. It's a beautiful purple flower. This flower is the highest vibration of healing energy in the whole plant world. Take this flower. Smell and touch it. Allow the essence of this flower to seep into your body. Your entire body has been blessed and healed by the plants. You look over in the grassy area and you see a bed has been made out of plant fibre and bark for your friend to lay down. Your friend lays down on the bed, knowing and trusting in the plant system. The frequency of these plants is what's needed for healing. You leave your friend there, and you continue to walk along the path through the world of plants. Sally's by your side - her long red hair is flowing in the gentle breeze. Her face is happy with eyes smiling as you walk together through the plant system. You come to another veil and Sally bids you farewell. She asks you always to remember the healing properties of the plant whenever you need healing or if you are sad or depressed. You give your thanks for how grateful you are to be able to enter the plant world like this and to be able to meet up with Sally and receive the knowledge she has passed on from the plants. Sally wants you all to know is how powerful and awesome you are. Never forget that. You now have entered a whole new world of newness so remember to be in it. She opens the veil and steps inside, blowing kisses and waving farewell. Swaruu of Erra, Pleiades calls it how it is. Each Observer Race does its studies. Humans are hostile and are not ready for full disclosure or mass contact. Project First Contact ended around November 2016 mostly due to lack of interest and lack of results. 'Humans have suffered trauma after trauma and keep searching for the meaning of life.... The human being as a race will do the impossible to avoid facing its own shadow.... YOU are your own tyrants. Of course you are victims but what will you DO ABOUT IT TODAY? Swaruu discusses Ascension as an individual process; veil of forgetfulness; Van Allen radiation belt; Cabal and corrupt governments and so much more.
The FORESTS are the world's natural pantries, pharmacies, doctors, nurses, pristine ecosystems, and regenerators of carbon dioxide. Major wildfires have (been?) ignited across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Overlords and their minions have it wrong. Their corrupt, destructive policies for short-term profit for minerals, timber, hamburgers and oil are being revealed. Culprits must be tried and appropriate justice would be for them to work tirelessly for the environment - from prison - for the rest of their natural life for destroying millions of lifeforms and habitats, and quality of air, waterways and soil. Another call for VEGETARIANISM or VEGANISM? or at least a reduction in meat consumption?? - Worldwide destruction of rainforests along with animal cruelty and health issues. Thumbs up to all the vegans, vegetarians and fruitarians.
Why? Northern Hemisphere 'The main source of about 60-70% of forest fires in Siberia, is violation of fire safety rules by people while in the forest. There are also speculations that some people are causing fires intentionally, to conceal their illegal logging activities.... Some agencies estimate that the burned area so far, has exceeded 33.000 square kilometers.' Southern Hemisphere “Just four commodities—beef, soy, palm oil, and wood products—drive the majority of tropical deforestation… Of the four major deforestation drivers, beef has by far the largest impact. Converting forest to pasture for beef cattle, largely in Latin America, is responsible for destroying 2.71 million hectares of tropical forest each year. After a sleepless, restless night I received the wonderful news from Jane Milligan that it's raining 🌧 in parts of the Amazon. I enrolled Sal 🌻 and her Team The Invincibles and I feel sure your dad Spike and his amazing Team will also be onto it. Readers might like to ask for the assistance of those in Spirit and from members of the Star Nations too. They HAVE to be invited due to the cosmic law of non-interference. These are the last photos I'll post of the problem as I feel it's more productive to hold visions of the solutions. The monumental cosmic 'soon' is in the process of arriving, and many awakening and awakened ones are sharing their profound experiences in blogs and articles and on social media. The Great Shift that many of us have intuitively and otherwise known about for years and decades is upon us, and the complete tipping point from the illusion into True Reality could happen any day now. I'm witnessing massive shifts in friendships and relationships, and it's certainly true in my life. 'Old Earth' associations were brought together by chemistry, similar interests, possibly now outmoded vows, necessity, arrangement, locality, workplace colleagues, etc. Many of these have outgrown their viability because it's necessary for us to be in Absolute Truth. The foundations of friendship and relationships of the 'New Earth' are harmonics, alchemy, frequency, energy, vibration and resonance. The Quantum Field is a magical mystery reality of bliss and pure heart connectedness. Taking Back Your Power One crucial question is how to navigate our relationships with others with integrity and kindness when the spark has gone out due to not being of like-frequency? If it feels like you're on a different timeline - you probably are. You've done intense inner work to overcome their triggers, processed with therapists and friends, raged, ranted, confronted, explained, prayed, cried, meditated and mediated and used every tool in your kitbag of life skills. You must work to find peaceful resolve and sovereignty IF there are some negatives in your milieu or at a distance or on The Other Side who still consume your valuable mind space. You may need to go against the grain by being seemingly ruthless and prepare for grieving those you're releasing from your life. In some cases, it may feel like actual death. Those who trigger us can take up far too much of our precious time and energy. As a super-sensitive, I have identified the low-frequency characteristics in others that I choose not to be around or give any more time to. They are the committed narcissists, energy vampires, victims, addicts, racists, misogynists, homophobes, religious and political fundamentalists, gossips, bullies, fair-weather friends, the avaricious, greedy, stubborn, mean, lazy, complacent, disrespectful ones and The Evils - you get the gist. I feel sure you could identify your list of non-resonant people too if you wish. The High Frequency Resonance Lounge - (aka The Lift Your Game Lounge) Going Nowhere? Quarantine Those Who Only Provide Dreary Circular Thoughts What to do with recurring thoughts and unwanted visitors that play over and over in your mind without resolution? I urge you to construct a new and unique method that works for you. I did just that. Knowing that the Imaginal Realm is more real than present 3D Earth - one day I playfully created a Resonance Lounge for those who I had fallen out of favour with and vice versa. I refuse to dumb myself down so I filled a huge space for them with every imaginable high vibrational feature a visitor could possibly want - domestic and wild animals and birds, waterfalls and swimming holes, forests, flowers and rivers to enjoy. I included an eternally stocked art studio sophisticated music centre, a he-shed and a she-shed and a never-ending supply of items with which to create. Self Knowledge, Self Responsibility, Loving Myself and Sovereignty The fantastic thing is that it works!! After I've processed to the very best of my ability and left no stone unturned, anytime a destructive character enters my mind stage right or left uninvited I gently but firmly send them to The Lounge. I immediately nip them in the bud. I close beautiful golden drapes between The Lounge and myself then erase them or it by choosing a life-affirming thought or activity. The fascinating thing is that so many intruders become bored with the game because I refuse to pick up the ball they've thrown at me. The high resonance of beauty sends the addicts away, looking for a fix while others sit and enjoy creating new things or appreciating the silence of observing the beauty of the natural world. While I appreciate their role in my story I pay little heed to them now as I'm far too excited and busy doing everything I can to help co-create a glorious new future for myself and others. Your feedback and comments are always welcome at the comments feature below. The New Earth is a dimensional realm of faster vibrational frequency. If you wish to 'relocate' to the New Earth, it is advisable to be mindful of everything you put into your physical avatar, the thoughts you choose to think and your moment by moment words and actions.
Fully conscious living is the key. - Cedar The Archives in the right column are dripping with signposts from my discoveries and musings. Isha Home School "Anything that you pursue you'll always remember. Anything that's imposed on you will never add to your life. This is the basics on which the school is structured..... We want them to have the best time of their life here. 13.8.2019 I was psychically shown a single chessboard on a table with some of the pieces in various moves. It was explained to me that most other humans and I live life like this on a one-level chessboard. I was then shown a multilayered chessboard or three-dimensional construct similar to a Rubik's cube with the pieces arranged on the many layers of moving squares. I was told that I and many others are in the process of entering these multidimensional realities. We are needing to learn to navigate these complex living situations but not to be too concerned as we'll have all the help necessary in learning the new methods. Our training has already well and truly begun with increased déjà vu's, synchronicities, bilocation, timeline jumping, and Mandela effect occurrences. Imagine my surprise while listening to Cosmic Agency to the below right 'Interesting Details' on the 18.8 at the 4.30-minute mark and more precisely at 6.06 minutes where Gosia explains this exact process with detailed clarity.
Dear Readers - Remember to check out the videos in the column to the right. I update them daily. My office today. Massive day at work. Cue the pelicans. Cue the seagulls. Cue the dolphins. Cue the laughter of children. Cue the paddle boarder. Cue the UFO. It's as good as it gets Look Through the Eyes of Infinity
In this critical time in the history of our little blue pearl and the third planet from the sun, it's impossible to overstate the importance of grounding our most beautiful imaginings into physical manifestation. Way back in 1981 I created SPIRAL out of thin air - and sold 14 years later in 1995 such is often the way of small business. Spiral Bookshop, Publishers and Metaphysical Centre in the heart of Smith Street Fitzroy was fortunate to have the most beautiful customers. A loving and supportive community developed around us as interest in spiritual and personal development grew. I wonder if any of my readers remember SPIRAL in those years from 1981 - 1995? The '80s were the halcyon days of massive spiritual awakenings, particularly after the energetic effects of the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987. I was nudged mightily at the time, and so was Lee Carroll who began channelling an entity from 'beyond the veil' called 'Kryon' in 1989. Spiral stocked his books from the beginning, so I've been fortunate in having Kryon as a constant companion for almost 30 years. Lee's dedication to bringing Kryon's teachings to a broad audience continue to help me immeasurably in my awakening journey. In the early 90's I was so very blessed to have two of the most hard-working and amiable staff ever when my sisters Chris Hooper and Rhonda Sebastian joined me to help run Spiral. I was thrilled to hear my l'il sister Chris who now promotes Kryon in Oz and NZ speaking at the end of this remarkable video. If you're looking for clarity about these times and techniques for how to navigate the changes, then I heartily recommend 'Kryon August 2019 - Divine Human'.
Some of you precious people may be feeling sore, exhausted, depressed, have strange sleep patterns, and even purging by vomiting or the runs. Fortunately, we all know we are recalibrating our human blueprint and need to release any old unwanted patterning and entities that reside within. Keep clearing and protecting yourself. Do the inner work. Assess your living situation and finances. You know what to do. Trust your intuition and follow its prompting. Rest when tired. Place a beautiful cocoon of protection around yourself. Change unwanted habits. Reach for the NEW. Make the necessary changes. Spend an hour+ in Nature every day. Be as free as you can be. I wrap myself in an exquisite cocoon of aqua iridescent, pearlescent energy. It invigorates, elevates, protects and sends unwanteds on their way. They can't handle the frequency, positivity and joy.
Click on Previous below or Archives in the right hand column for much, much more. Even though we're five weeks from officially entering Spring in Oz - Nature tells us otherwise. I went to snap the blossom to prove my point and was greeted by a glorious kookaburra. I never tire of our splendid birds and wildlife. They bring such joy and delight to my heart and soul.
Palpa and Nazca Lines of Peru
Readers may like to consider the possibility that so-called 'mythological' Ancient Civilisations exist in subtler vibrational realms. Partly physical and mostly etheric thus even more 'real' than illusory like our 3D consensus Earth. When looking for inspiration for co-creating the New Earth, we may seek these 'lost' lands and cultures. The New Earth is currently being built on our memories, stories and imagination. We are that powerful. WE are co-creating it.
Read article by Simon E Davies here
8:8 Look Through the Eyes of Infinity
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life