Gently Bentley. We can be pretty sure that the blacked-out areas are hiding off-the-chart intense energies. Incoming Solar flares, CME's and intense waves of light will be frequent over this next short period. Lots of chatter about a time of more minor solar flares during July and August, perhaps even leading up to the imminent 'grand solar flare'. Please be sure to stay well-hydrated, rested and in good spirits during these heightened energies. | |
Think globally and act locally is a good motto for this decade. Please be a part of the solution during Mother Earth's immense cleansing. History has shown that criticism and violence never win in the end. Peaceful innovation is the only way forward. Think things through and how you want life to be now, given the new circumstances, while preparing for more possible shocks to come. There are 7.8 billion people on the planet, with climate change and extreme weather on every continent adding more stress to the illnesses, lockdowns, wars and poverty for millions. The tragedies of lives, homes and livelihoods continuing to be lost bring the understanding that challenges are escalating and lives and jobs will never return to what was once familiar. As governments are imploding, you and I are now responsible for co-creating sound foundations for a New Paradigm, A New Earth and creative, joyful existence. Following her kundalini experiences in the '70s and frequent visits from 'little men in brown robes' giving guidance, Penny Kelly has used her clairs and powers to read the big picture accurately. Her books, videos and classes help participants raise their consciousness and build exemplary systems for themselves and our planet in wholesome and beautiful ways.
In November 2020, Penny was barred in her clairvoyance in seeing aspects of the reasons behind the current chaos on the planet, and she hit 'A White Wall.' However, in July 2021, her time is appropriate for access to this information as more people have awakened and raised their consciousness, so she was permitted to see behind the wall. I urge readers to view The White Wall several times and absorb the information to discern what you might be able to do to further the Awakening and help lay the foundations for The New Earth. Penny's words at the end of the video, 'Take heart, I think we are turning the corner,' offer profound reassurance. I also found Penny's conversation with Jean-Claude @BeyondMystic at Odysee payperview 'Penny Kelly Uncensored' most exciting and helpful. Jean-Claude has suffered numerous takedowns of his sites, but he painstakingly works at getting them operative again. Blocking, loss and health issues are common tactics that the controllers use - that I can attest to are particularly heightened this year. Mother Earth is NOT punishing people and animals. She is doing what is necessary to cleanse and balance Herself. After millennia of abuse she has much more to do to counteract the abuses by dark humans and their controllers. Please pray for those who are suffering and help if you can.
Freedom Marches in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane - Mark my words - mainstream and social media will select the most provocative photos and we'll have wall to wall cropped photos of a man seemingly punching a horse (see the video of the police officer misusing the horse), a woman with The Blood of Christ banner, a police officer with paint on his shirt with others arresting people - thousands of words of criticism and threats of gaol and virtually no comments from marchers as to why they rallied.
Rivers in the sky continue downpouring relentlessly in swathes of every continent. Massive floods are ongoing in certain regions in China, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Austria, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, USA, Colombia, Iran, Uganda, Turkey, and many more countries. Individuals with smartphones are bringing the depths of the devastation into our living rooms. Every life is precious. If your area is affected would you please encourage everyone to use common sense when approaching or being caught in floodwaters? It's heart-warming to see so many wonderful volunteers and emergency services rescue and feed people and animals and helping with the massive clean-up efforts. Untold numbers across the globe are now homeless and surviving in atrocious conditions, with food crops and businesses destroyed.
Fifteen years ago I had a most memorable fortnight travelling throughout South Africa including four nights at Kruger National Park where I was blessed to see more varieties of animals than many locals see in a lifetime.
I also got a good sense of the tense relationships between races and the reasons for the need for high security. My heart aches for the two families I stayed with who make their living supplying food. Video 1 0.0-5.25 a monk's Mahasamadhi state. 5.25 Sadhguru - mahasamadhi in general and about great beings in indian culture... Video 2 Sadhguru's Daughter Radhe Jaggi describes her Mother's Mahasamadhi Day Video 3 Ultimate way of leaving the Physical Body - MahaSamadhi Video 4 How a Yogi drops his body
Seeds of a New World
Reality systems are seeded, rise to a peak, and fall. This is because corrupt individuals who are always looking to game the system eventually figure out how to do so as it rises to its peak, and it is the corruption that causes the whole thing to fall apart, leaving people to create new systems. For those who are awake and aware, it is quite clear that nothing is working and little is left of the world we grew up in. This leaves us with the task of rebuilding – a monumental challenge for a fragile and highly technical civilization teetering on the edge of collapse. The world we live in is the result of the consciousness we hold, and without a shift or expansion of that consciousness, any attempt to create a new world will only result in the same old ideas and structures. To get beyond these, it is necessary to create a whole new vision of what the world could be and how it would work. In this 1-day gathering, we will look at and discuss the 12 spheres of activity and meaning that form the foundations of a new world. So join us for an examination of the amazing possibilities and potentials of the new paradigm coming toward us, how that will shift your day-to-day, and a look at the kind of consciousness needed to unfold that new world. Livestream ticket includes access to replay for two weeks following the event. Ask Permission - written by Cosmic Dancer “Before cutting the branch of a tree or removing a flower, tell the spirit of the tree or plant what you are going to do, so that they can withdraw their energy from that place and not feel the cut so strong. When you go to nature and want to take a stone that was in the river, ask the river keeper if he allows you to take one of his sacred stones. If you have to climb a mountain or make a pilgrimage through the jungle, ask permission from the spirits and guardians of the place. It is very important that you communicate even if you do not feel, do not listen or do not see. Enter with respect to each place, since Nature listens to you, sees you and feels you. Every movement you make in the microcosm generates a great impact on the macrocosm. When you approach an animal, give thanks for the medicine it has for you. Honour life in its many forms and be aware that each being is fulfilling its purpose, nothing was created to fill spaces, everything and everyone is here remembering our mission, remembering who we are and awakening from the sacred dream to return home.”
9/11 at the New York Trade Centre ushered in extreme surveillance of the global population, horrific ongoing wars, extreme airport security and changes to immigration and deportation, all set in place by questionable decision-makers. Now 20 years later, with the global 'pandemic', similar evil or sometimes well-meaning though naive decision-makers plan eroding our freedoms further by demanding compulsory Covid19 Vaccinated Passports or Green Passes to travel and enter all manner of events and buildings, including restaurants, hotels, gyms, hairdressers, cinemas etc. How bad is this going to get? Amanda Ellis refers to police and military knocking on the door of your home, your sanctuary, insisting upon you taking the compulsory under-tested vaccination - likening this to a Hunger Games scenario of being hunted down. Amanda calls it a New Apartheid Passport, and her expressed views in this 14-minute video reflect my own. Briefly, my position of free will choice is to have the vaccine if you're well researched and want it but do not enforce restrictions on those of us who are well researched and choose not to have it. I do not doubt that mandatory vaccinations will bring on mayhem, mutiny and more deaths than covid and climate change combined. If you think this is extreme - think again - there is much more in the works. Earth has also been called a Prison Planet controlled by dark extraterrestrial forces and a minority of humans known as the cabal that carry out their orders. I've had horrible personal experiences of their techniques as some of us working on the foundations for A New Paradigm are targeted individuals. The evil ones have advanced weaponry and horrendously debilitating methods that they use to achieve their insidious results. Think of the worst prisons on Earth and understand that most of the population may soon be suffering such conditions unless the people resist and rise in peaceful rebellion and topple corrupt governments and shonky, self-serving, inept and corrupt decision-makers. It will take reconnecting to your inner divinity, effort and participation by everyone to Return Earth to the Garden and the people to freedom. Still, first, many more must become politically savvy and community-minded. We must know what we want and stand up for our rights. But, it will be worth it, and our children and grandchildren will be the beneficiaries of our astute efforts in this 'war'. PLEASE be sure to target your activism to the appropriate people and not get allies off-side by needlessly arguing and pontificating ... and PLEASE NEVER send links without your personal analysis of why you are sharing. Go well. Think through to careful conclusions. Know what you want in life and take action to achieve it. If thwarted by imposed restrictions - think again and go to Plan B, C or D as I am in the process of doing.
7:7 Returning to Source - Breathe in Light, Breathe out Love
Respected and true leaders are mature and wise role models who soothe, advise, acknowledge and guide the people under their care.
Instead, Prime Minister Morrison creates confusion, division and mayhem among the entire medical profession and the general population, then disappears from public view for five days and counting. Australia has a fair-weather PM as this has been his usual behaviour during all the severe crises Australia has suffered during his tenure. Unfortunately, few in the coalition are up to the demands of the job. Therefore, citizens must demand that he and his government resign immediately. Humanity is a hostile species yet it still astonishes me that declarations of war and actual war increase the popularity of the warmonger leaders. Only diplomacy and wisdom will prevent the escalation of conflicts now. I've posted three of Australia's 'leaders' that I consider to be versions/'clones' of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush. We must urgently educate ourselves in the current approaches by the C CP, Russia, US, UK and Australia etc Please educate yourselves and demand peaceful diplomacy of your leaders. Active Military Personnel Ch ina - 2,035,000 India - 1,443,921 United States - 1,385,727 Russia - 1,014,000 with huge reserves Australia - 59,000 Defence Minister Petter Dutton told the ABC the same day that war with China is a realistic prospect. “I don’t think it should be discounted,” he said. “People need to be realistic.” Prime Minister Scott Morrison chimed in, telling Sydney’s Daily Telegraph that Australia will be prepared for whatever comes. Morrison and Co are provoking C hina - They will expect allies to come to our aid little realising they'll be too busy on home turf to help. They courted Chinese money for cheap goods and to buy Australia's ports, airport, farms, water, dairies, forests, properties, businesses and trade deals. Australia is spending over $90 BILLION on (already obsolete) submarines. Shocking decision-making at the hands of incompetent politicians. Today the Liberal National Party are making over 900 changes and cuts to Medicare when the world is suffering an immense global health crisis. US Fleet Tracker
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life