A case in point is that when I joined a so-called Spiritual Support Group late last year, I was disheartened by the level of toxic gossip, criticism, self-aggrandisement, avaricious, control and fluff by some in the group, yet when I really needed support, the forthcoming ones were dyed in the wool atheists with love in their hearts, common sense in spades, and genuine thoughtfulness of action.
Thank you for your exemplary ethics, honesty and fantastic work, Amanda. The Planet Earth Series - Penny KellyHi Everyone! Just want to encourage you all to keep an open mind. Don't jump to premature conclusions...because we just don't have the whole picture or story yet. It's still unfolding...and that's why it's really important to see the truth of our history, who is trying to influence us, and what kind of work we are really facing. That way, we will have the perspective needed when it's time to make decisions and take action. I know it's overwhelming at times, but the best of things can come from the worst people, and the worst disappointments can come from the best people. Stay in observation mode!! Things are now taking shape rapidly. --Penny PLANET EARTH SERIES: PART 5/9 -TRUMP AND OTHER INFLUENCERS In just 40 minutes Penny gives a remarkable summary of present day happenings in USA. The opposing view will come in Part 6. Essential study for all readers. Please keep and open mind to see where this all leads. On Bitchute On Odysee PLANET EARTH SERIES: PART 6/9 - DEVOLUTION PLANET EARTH SERIES: PART 7/9 - KIM GOGUEN AND THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM PLANET EARTH SERIES: PART 8/9 - THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM
A God’s-Eye View of Current Events - Shunyamurti Teaching
Dear Readers,
I'm aware that many of you continue to be touched by Sal's lovely essence and ever-present support. This is the last year I'll be writing a public tribute, though my connection to Sal is eternal. I'm posting on the 20th instead of the 22nd as my son arrives from Melbourne tomorrow for a week and I'll be on the computer much less plus 22:2:2022 is a day for deep introspection on The Mystery and my role in this increasingly hostile world. I trust you're navigating this changing world with confidence and resourcefulness. With Love, Cedar Please click the blue link to read my tribute to my beloved Sal.
Shunyamurti says so clearly what I know to be in the works by the ruling elite. His discussion on raising our vibrational frequency is a solution I also encourage. Shunyamurti gives a timely call to action to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet in order to counteract the warring state of Kali Yuga and the current world order: "The human spirit is now rising in the world, awakening to the nature of the situation on the phenomenal plane. And thus, the ruling elite are in a panic mode, and they recognise that they cannot prevent the tide from turning against them and from there being mass arrests for genocide and other crimes against humanity. And because of this they have to divert attention very quickly, and since they cannot prevent their own populations from rising against them in the West they will use Russian missiles to do it for them and Chinese weapons of mass destruction. And its for this reason for playing this last card that they have built massive underground cities with stockpiles of food and they are beginning to move into this next phase in which there will be massive destruction by other means than is currently happening. And this acceleration of events will have many implications because when the war goes kinetic, it will happen in space, under water, under the ground, and it will destroy everything in most parts of the world, and because the war will take place in cyberspace as well, it will cut communications, and it will disrupt every system and it will stop the import of food and fuel and other supplies. So their reverberation will strike everywhere. We must be prepared spiritually and psychologically...."
Dear Reader, Would you be willing to walk away from all you know and the material reality you have around you? Are you ready to turn away from the depraved diversionary methods that the evil Cabal has conjured to reduce the global population? Are you aware they have many more horrendous plans in store for all life on our beautiful planet - while they consider themselves 'safe' in their bunkers? I urge you to watch Feel the Vibes of Freedom several times as every individual must become skilled at working with the vibrational frequency and the subtle realms as a means of rising beyond the coming mayhem and literal melt-downs of people and property. Please prepare yourselves psychologically, mentally, practically, emotionally and spiritually so you can navigate the coming changes with purpose and confidence. - Cedar
Penny Kelly is a gifted remote viewer who looks into the near future using her clairvoyant skills. In this Look-See, Penny discusses the likely events from now until mid-May. (Not for the faint-hearted.) "When you refuse to fight back - you become legitimate, and the people who are hurting others become the illegitimate ones, and once the population is no longer on the side of the government, it's over for the government. So if they're foolish enough to send people out against a whole convoy of people - a whole country full of people saying "that's enough - stop what you're doing" - then it may come to blows - but we have to go through all the steps in an effort to get the government to listen. So here we are, trying to get the government to listen. So keep the pressure up." *** Penny Kelly - Clairvoyant Look-See Looking ahead from mid February to mid March 2022 *** I took notes! The Cabal desperately wants a war with Russia to cover up evidence of their criminality.
The New Earth is only one possibility. There are so many other civilisations that are out there that you might not be interested in the New Earth if you had experienced or visited a few of the others. Give yourself directions when you go to sleep to have an experience in another civilisation and keep giving that same direction over and over until you have that dream - you'll think it's a dream but it is actually going to be an experience .....' - Penny Kelly
Please send Light to all the influential decision-makers in this conflict to counteract the escalation of an all-out war. Stan Grant gives his perspective in "Putin strengthens Russian power, he has more than just Ukraine in his sights – and world war isn't unimaginable". Ukraine crisis: Russian invasion could start at ‘any time’, White House warns – live updates
Dear Friends, Please be extra discerning about your sources of information when studying the growing escalations of tensions between countries with nuclear weapons. Be highly vigilant as the mainstream media in general - the voice of the Controllers' propaganda machine - are continuing the line of 'keeping us safe'. Remember the deaths and misery as outcomes of invading Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? Libya? Syria? Yemen? Haiti? Bosnia? Croatia? and so many more countries? The Controllers are the Evils who brought these wars upon us and have plans for WW111 with worldwide destruction. They paint Putin to be the bad guy. It's part of their plan. Weaponry is USA's number 1 profit-making business. Look for the motives. Watch Israel, Iran and North Korea. The Controllers influence and provoke all sides and revel in widespread war for their nefarious reasons. ALGORITHMS controls social and mainstream media functions - they also control the proliferation of sophisticated weaponry, including nuclear bombs. You can explore some alternative information to mainstream media posted below. Such information will hopefully help counteract some of the MSM brainwashings of the populace. In the meantime, I recommend you listen to and absorb Shuyamurti's Teaching - The Algorithm Has No Rhyme or Reason. PLEASE hold the planet and leaders and decision-makers of all nations in Light. Talk up reason and peaceful solutions. Pour pure Light and prayers upon them and us all - so that we may hopefully influence diplomacy, mediation and peaceful outcomes - instead of unimaginable suffering, slaughter and annihilation in many diverse places. Sanity and a refusal to engage in war rests largely with the people now. - Cedar
This harmony is an energy - it is it a tune - it is a vibration - it is HUM - it is a HUM. This harmony is a HUM and if we can live in harmony the HUM will raise the vibration. Listen for the Hum. Listen for the HUM. Be quiet. Concentrate and focus. Listen for the HUM. Follow the HUM. Leave all the rest - it will die out. Follow the HUM. Harmony."
Hello Friends, Several days ago, a dear Facebook friend sent me a link to a brilliant talk, 'A Prophecy of The Future' by a professional Clairvoyant Medium presenting her experiences and visions about what is happening on Earth at this time and the glorious future she sees. She has chosen to remain anonymous, which I understand, as the information here will attract lots of negative commentary from cynics that waste valuable time. Time is a scarce commodity and is better spent focusing on educating and healing as many as possible and actively co-creating the New Earth. The Medium's information confirms many of my own experiences, views and visions concerning the reality of dark trickster entities and their reasons for keeping humanity in fear and suffering, the exciting imminent shift in consciousness and how it will come about, the importance of love, and how the willing will access and dwell in the New Earth. I encourage you to set aside 90 minutes of focused listening time where you won't be disturbed. In addition, I suggest you either take notes or use dictation-to-text as many will find this information needs genuine effort to absorb fully. Please put your current beliefs and opinions aside and listen with an open heart and mind. If the information resonates, share my link with your network with your preamble - and if it doesn't, just let it go and continue with life. I found this talk chock-full of important information highlighting the valuable support humans are receiving from many different off-planet species and preparation for possible daily UFO sightings that even mainstream media will report. It can also help make new, positive choices about the necessary actions to the age-old question: What Now? Enjoy and have courage. With love always, Cedar
Perception, Presence, Frequency, Energy, and Light The geologist tells us the white veins are caused by quartz settling into cracks in the harder rock. The mystic alerts us to rivers of Light and our ancestors and future selves in silent meditation. The calf symbolises one being adored by its mother in the quiet security of feeling safe within the herd. The poet writes, 'there's a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in' - An Anthem for Our Times. - Cedar Are we changing as a species? The New Human, how is this connected to labels such as ADHD, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, forms of Autism? Dysfunction or something remarkable? How are such labels connected to Encounters with Non-Human Intelligences? Why do some individuals identify specifically as human hybrids? A former flight attendant shares her story what she understands of her hybrid family. How is this connected the awakening of multidimensional awareness within? A Cosmic agenda? The New generations of human is this you?
Activation: What is hidden in dormant DNA? A key to who and what we are? How is this dormant DNA activated? What is the significance of the manifestation of’ light language,’ extraterrestrial art, scripts, symbols, and music that are expressed after Contact with Non-Human Intelligence? Why do so many experiences a ‘shift’ in consciousness exposed to such unusual Expressions? A ‘key’ to ‘activation? This workshop contains images, scripts, music and ET art that can impact on the observer. A workshop for those ready to hear see and experience frequencies which can activate those who are ready. Are you?" Click to see awesome video here
Rest assured, self-serving and corrupt governments will fall and the wisest among the people will step into positions of astute leadership for all. Iceland has successfully united the three major parties.
My dream is to have a series of Councils of Wise Ones to guide countries with sage advice. |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life