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An interesting interview about The Wingmakers (our future selves) which helps clarify the many components of the material; the role of creativity - art, music, poetry, philosophy, mathematics, glyphs, cosmology etc; reverse engineered technology; the 7 activated centres on each continent; and The Long Path of self-responsibility and practising the six heart virtues of valour, appreciation, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and humility; suggestion that finding the 24th chamber relates to the activation of the 24th chromosome which helps create The New Human.
‘The dreamer dreams and the dreamer within the dream dreams.’ - Jane Roberts channel of Seth Reports from QHHT (Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioners reveal that clients are consistently reporting that a supernatural event is heading towards Earth and looks set to immerse everything upon the planet in a massive burst of energy sometime in the first three months of 2018. The ‘ascension symptoms’ many sensitives are experiencing indicate that the ‘edges’ of the wave of energy have already arrived in our solar system. Individuals are choosing in every moment, whether they are conscious of it or not, to either remain in the Old Earth of duality or midwife themselves into the higher frequency New Earth of Cosmic Consciousness. The New Children already live from their hearts and dwell in some of the multiple New Earths by skilfully intermingling in the Old. They can be identified by their extraordinary ‘supernatural’ abilities and connected consciousness. Confidence in the intuition and exponential use of the imagination provides sensational access to glorious realities, mind growth, and adventurous soul journeys. ~ Cedar
Seth says ‘You do not believe that the intellect is to be creative, imaginative or explorative. It is your stop watch. When you become too creative it says STOP. Not because that is the purpose of the intellect but because you believe that it is. Now when you are your Self you tune into what can be called the spacious mind or the Higher Intellect in which your intellectual faculties and imaginative faculties work together and there is no division between them……’
'Families are describing children from around the world with exceptional psychic abilities. In the deep region of Himalayas, people are reporting children are using sign languages which are unknown to their families and anyone around. Some in the region of Aksai Chin believe that these children regularly communicate with the extraterrestrials who are only visible to these children and communicate via telepathy. Mexican children also manifest similar behaviour, when many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings. The New Humans” have begun to emerge, and it is said that over 1000 children are able to ‘see’ with various parts of their bodies. China has a program for investigating children with similar abilities, which is taken very seriously by the Chinese Government in Beijing.
This video describes children with exceptional human functioning (EHF) who display similar patterns to Indigo or Starchildren. They display telekinetic abilities as well as other fascinating multi-dimensional skills, such as sensing another’s thoughts (telepathy). You wouldn’t believe how many of these kids are out there, they seem to be at genius level. The starchildren could be an integral part of a wake up call and it may be that through them we are being led to an understanding of this profound connection.' My Free Module on The New Children
‘We live in a solar system that’s been wracked with war, wracked, totally destroyed by war and we’re the last living planet in this place, and what we have now is a polarised human society that’s getting ready to launch nukes ….. we’re living that type of life that existed millions of years ago …. this has to come out so that humanity has a better understanding of its past so that we can hopefully avoid what happened in the past’ Thank you Courtney and your young remote viewers - millennials PrinCess, Melina, and Aziz - for this important, indeed crucial, information. My concern is that even good people are at war with each other because they are unaware of their own innate warring natures and shadow aspects. I’m very happy to promote your work on my blog and I’m preparing for the 14th when I can purchase your next dvd to study.
The Multiverse consists of quadrillions of planets, galaxies and universes, yet our every thought and word matters in this infinite and eternal scheme of reality creation. There is great interest from varied lifeforms all over the cosmos observing how and what humans are creating on our little blue planet in the boondocks of The Milky Way. ~ Cedar
Nature Bathing Helps Humans Become More Humane - make time to immerse yourself in Nature Bathing daily to help heal spirits and open hearts. Observe, commune, create, and experience your feelings in a forest, desert, ocean, river, stream, puddle, field, garden, vegetation, plant, flower, insect, animal, bird, fish, wind, air, etc
I find it disturbing when people in conversation refer to others as ‘sheeple’ i.e. ‘dumb’ sheep - as it is an intentional putdown of those who do not access the information or hold the same views as they do. Hoping for them to become ‘red pilled’ also throws a light on their arrogance. Funnily enough, it actually highlights the speaker’s own lack of consciousness and tolerance.
wiki says: The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between: Knowledge, freedom, adversity and the brutal truth of reality (red pill); Falsehood, security, happiness and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). Certainly the more I become aware, the more I’m in awe of the infinite extent of knowledge and wisdom available for anyone to pursue if, and when, interested. Why have interest in anyone else ‘waking up’? It’s their life and journey to do with as they wish and their are millions of Earth experiences. For too long the self-righteous ones ‘in the know’ have imposed their reality to suit their own agendas. I do see 2018 as the year when those who choose New Earth consciousness and living and all that it entails become more obvious. IF I feel the need to differentiate I prefer term ‘normies’ for those who accept the normal or consensus, conditioned reality - i.e. the average joe or jill. Marciniak/Pleiadians speak of how we will remember ‘Trump Times’ forever - (Moon Musings #139 at Bandcamp) I imagine in millennia to come IF humanity survives the man/boy leaders who fight over who has the biggest and best nuclear bomb and button - analyses these times will fill libraries. The P’s also suggest not to protest or do violence … ‘DO THINKING and DO HEALING’ instead.
Only by accessing and engaging the full capabilities of the HUMAN HEART can we ‘DO THINKING and DO HEALING’ The P’s offer a superb technique that I’m using rather than whining and becoming fearful. Golden spirals are a key element of creation. Close your eyes and picture one beautiful golden spiral and spin it on its side like a top - then see multiple golden spirals being birthed from it - bursts of golden spirals - millions of golden spirals - speak to nature and ask the forces of nature to help your fellow humans, to help ease fear, to help the land, the water, the air …. speak calmness to the troubled people and areas - give great gratitude and thanks. This is an audio Deep Trance Meditation (DTM) session by Dr. Douglas James Cottrell set to images and subtitles to help summarize and convey the meaning of the words. If you are unfamiliar with Douglas' work, he is a trance intuitive in the same vein and style as Edgar Cayce.
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life