‘Thanks to the team at Lorna Jane Coffs Harbour store, Kylie and Emma were so very supportive, attentive and genuinely friendly yesterday. They made my shopping experience fun and interesting. Since being diagnosed with "terminal/incurable cancer" in February, I have been on a life-changing and Life-Giving health and wellbeing regime re-writing the prognosis. Trying on Lorna Jane clothing yesterday instore made me feel beautiful, healthy, inspired and motivated to continue my path of taking responsibility to live well and make the most of each day. Life is precious, take and make the time to appreciate the beauty and goodness in ourselves and each other. Deep gratitude for the loving service I received at Lorna Jane.’ ~ Sally |
On the 8th of February 2017 the oncologist gave his prognosis that Sally has a widespread ‘incurable’ cancer, and gave Sal up to 12 months to live. He didn’t reckon on Sal’s remarkable determination to live and to take ownership of her own healing. Now 7 months later it has been, and still is, a encyclopaedic journey of research, resetting, inner strength, positive thinking, personal creation, tenacity, and deep understanding of the body-mind-spirit. As your greatest ‘fan’ I’m with you every leap of the way Sal. Forever onwards Sweetheart.
Eclipse Dreaming - a vortex of galactic encodings pouring into Mother Earth to help all beings become more of who we are. Dream BIG. Quills poised please ~ Translation: watch this video - it’s glistening with gems that you may wish to integrate. :) Let’s all use this time to reset our lives to the highest version of ourselves possible. Remember to focus on what you want - rather than what you don’t. In order to release old patterns that aren’t working, you can renew and reset by adopting exercises such as writing your 3 (or 30+) key intentions and place them on your mirror or wall to activate the highest. If you’re a tad stuck on how to begin here are a few suggestions to get you started - * radiant health * meeting highest potentials * creativity * superpowers * beauty * harmonious relationships * empowerment * self-love * courage
An interesting conversation between Channelers of Change Steve Rother, Jim Self and Geoffrey Hoppe about the future of humanity and the Earth - Listen to the discussion here.
#SolarEclipse 21 August Prepare for the shadow that will cross the United States dividing the country in half. Plan well and stay balanced to prevent mood swings and confusion. Expect ‘unexpected’ announcements. Refuse to be influenced by mainstream media’s continual stream and loops of violent images and stories. Use the heightened energies to anchor more of your Higher Unlimited Self/Source into your being. ~ Cedar Gaia via Tom Moore says ‘For the upcoming August 21st eclipse, its presence will act as a catalyst too, but not so much as a magnet, but as a harbinger of changes in attitudes about such things as religions and political beliefs—although this will not be noticed at first, except when there is disclosure by the Russians—and yes, it is coming—people who have believed you are the only intelligent beings in the universe will have those beliefs shattered.’ and much more …
* Possible announcement by the Russians of extraterrestrial presence * Large earthquake offshore New Zealand * Scandals in US politics * Removal of Kim Jong Un as leader of North Korea Our ‘Qcards 88 Conversation Starters’ are getting rave reviews. Thanks for the feedback folks - it’s showing that our intention in creating them has hit the mark which is so gratifying. My 44 year old son Paul brought crayons and paper and we had roundtable fun also illustrating what ‘home’ means to each of us participating. Sally sees her humble abode as a majestic castle and sacred sanctuary - see the drawing above :) Derek Tickner sent this feedback - ’I had four friends over for dinner last night and we used the Qcards, a great success. The first question about where you would call home spiralled on for 40 minutes! I decided that wherever I hang my hat and have an internet connection is home. Everyone enjoyed the mental stimulation and tangents the conversation took.’ Click here for more information and purchase details Uncanny daily synchronicities continue for personal and planetary TRANSFORMATION. Less than ONE DAY after I posted my suggestion to clarify our expressions for PEACE and GOODWILL then to place our INTENTION into water - in a glass, bowl, or by the river or ocean ~ I came across this splendid event on August 20th called ‘Touch the Water’ Here are two videos describing the concept - I’ve been doing this daily and will definitely join others around the planet on August 20th. Will you join us too? And if so, how?
Authoritarian, unpredictable leaders both with their fingers on the nuclear buttons North Korea lost close to 30% of its population as a result of US bombings in the 1950s Comparatively that would be about 100 million Americans on todays US population US interest?? in NK $trillions of untapped minerals gold, iron, copper, zinc, magnesite ... Bombs, missiles, and nuclear testing that could further corrupt the tectonic plates - ring of fire Bombing others with nuclear weapons is akin to bombing ourselves i.e. our lives, environment Cosmic waves of intense energies affecting physical and emotional bodies Intense electromagnetic radiation affecting human emotions and some technology Challenges and unexpected announcements around Solar Eclipse 21 August - Equinox 22 Sept Degrading plastics and other rubbish in the ocean mutating ocean life and destroying livelihoods Severe climate hardships affecting food production and distribution, mass migration of millions Fukushima poisons and other toxins including plastics destroying the Pacific Ocean, ocean life Warming oceans, killing life, contaminated waterways, destroying forests, farmlands and gardens Conservative mass-media focusses on propaganda, conflict, negativity, sensationalism, gossip Possibility of a failing economy and what that may mean to your livelihood and lifestyle Watch stock market, banks, government spending, financial crisis, private debt Do the people want another large scale war? Media focusses on North Korea and US thus distracted from what is happening elsewhere Problems associated with the effects of shortages and inaccessibility of legal and illegal drugs Diaspora of displaced people and the associated needs and difficulties US provocation - hundreds of US military bases around North Korea, China, Russia, and the world Find Appropriate Ways to Increase the Possibility of PeaceWork to ensure your own life is in order and in harmony
Immerse Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump and their advisers in love, restraint, and wisdom Send positive thoughts to China to help them diffuse the tensions between USA and North Korea Explore possibilities for US and NK to accept China being the Peacemaker Think things through to at least the next 3 possible outcomes - and then? and then? and then? Amplify your calming energy, love, kindness, creativity, and service to others Simplify and make the best use of your technology, current skills, and friendship circles Energise compassion and empathy, and refuse to spread fear and criticism Be proactive and find solutions, rather than being disparaging, whiney, and undermining Get together with friends for solution-oriented conversations and practical action Volunteer, make music, dance, meditate, envision harmony, be loving, enquire with sincerity Clarify what you would like to see in your community - and the world - as a whole Energise water in any form with your intentions for global goodwill - individually and in groups 'Beings don’t know we have this Buddha nature. The Lotus Scripture says to lead all Beings to see what a Buddha sees. See like a Buddha sees and witness what a Buddha sees. When ignorance is exhausted we see our Original Nature. '
Sensitives may be feeling intense physical symptoms today. My collation of ‘Ascension Symptoms’ has received over a million views across three of my websites. www.cedar-rivers.com/articles/consciousness-spirituality/70-ascension-symptoms-from-homo-sapien-to-homo-luminous.html
Dear Readers - I’ve chosen this surfer navigating a massive wave to demonstrate how I see the need for the awakening ones to ‘surf’ the cosmic energy waves that you may also be experiencing. It’s most likely magical synchronicities and almost instant manifestations of your thoughts and wishes are occurring daily. Life may be flowing effortlessly. I feel sure large numbers have entered a New Earth of higher 4D and 5D+ vibrational existence, leaving once and for all the duality and craziness of the old 3D matrix. Our minds and memories may keep us believing we’re still in 3D. Open to the Living Field beyond the matrix of illusion. Tips for Daily Progress
Rising in Consciousness ~ Questions for You Earlier this year, Sally and I created a deck of 88 general questions to assist in deepening and enlivening conversations with family, friends and aquaintances. See our Qcards 88 Conversation Starters by clicking here for the process and to purchase. Here are some additional questions of a spiritual nature for those working on greater awareness and who are literally co-creating a new world using imagination, intuition, and rediscovery and implementation of your innate abilities. What's the one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't yet done? Have any major changes occurred in your relationships lately and if yes, why? How would you rate your connection with your intuition or inner guidance? How are you dealing with the emotional and physical challenges of the incoming Great Shift? What have you done to prepare yourself, your loved ones, and your home for The Great Shift in Consciousness. What do you imagine is on ‘the other side’ of The Great Shift? How can you make the most of your discoveries of the New Earth? What are your internal and physical processes for mastering so-called ‘para-normal’ skills? What dejavu’s, synchronicities, and manifestations have you been most wonderstruck by recently? What have your dreams been teaching you over these past few weeks? Are you finding exciting opportunities coming your way more frequently, and life flowing/glowing with grace? Have you recently made significant changes to your daily activities and also what you consume? Have you had a need to overcome some of the key features of the old earth such as negative ego, fear, addiction, and greed? On a scale of 0 to 10 how happy are you with your life at present? What now? My Life as a Piece of StringI played around with the concept of ‘my life as a piece of string’ and at 71 I’m possibly at the ‘knot’ and surely more than 3/4 of the way done - unless I decide upon immortality and make a few mindset and lifestyle changes. :) I love to learn through metaphor and have had hours of fun wringing this one for all it’s worth. In the Quantum Field I saw that I’ve already lived my life to the right of the knot - and the next life and the next ad infinitum. Then there are the infinite other strings with ‘knots’ at varying places showing my other multidimensional, multiple timeline, and parallel selves. Boggle. The Long Breath of Centeredness - an extraordinary article by a woman from the future
In these videos, Lily not only reveals the Deception, but cracks it wide open as only the truth can for all Wild Wisdom Warriors. As the layers are peeled back, the Gnosis can be found and the shackles are broken allowing humanity to ride the exciting new wave of freedom.
How a Man Witnessed The Coming Shift - The New EarthOh, distractions. I see. What are we being distracted by right now?
Gary: Our ego. Greed. Many are blind here? Gary: Yes. Alba: Blind to what? Gary: Their full potential. What’s happening? Gary: The auras around the earth. Many are focusing on the new earth. God seeks companions not followers. Creator is … It is in each of us to look within at any time of your choosing. You need only seek the Creator. Look within. Meditate. You must learn to create your own radiant being. The stronger the spin, vibrational spin … Read full article by clicking here |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life