Shunyamurti is one of my chosen guides (in human form) and several other Self-realised teachers - Penny Kelly, Sadhguru and Matias De Stephano. Their combined work helps explain the history of the homo-sapien race and our potential in this modern age. They detail Divine and achievable blueprints for self-transformation to work on our personal evolution and contributions during this pivotal point in our story. | |
Preparing for Contact with Off and In Planet Humanoids During The Great Shift with Cedar Rivers *** Please observe any uneasiness that may arise when reading this content. Take what works for you and leave the rest. I have written it with the loving intention to aid you with information and possible events that you may experience in the future. *** As events in our world and solar system heat up, it seems inevitable that even more damaging happenings, perhaps including cosmic influences, will soon become evident. Destructive events on Earth are well known, ranging from human apathy, civil unrest, lies and misinformation, failure of world governments, invasions, wars, nuclear accidents, degradation of the environment, food and water shortages, under-tested vaccines, economic collapse in many countries, hyperinflation, pollution, depravity, interference by malevolent beings, evil use of artificial intelligence, extreme weather, asteroids, solar activity, possible micro nova etc. Some of the powerful boys in charge are desperate to assert their 'superiority' with deadly 'toys' aided by the evil Cabal and malevolent extraterrestrials who have given certain 'livestock', resources and regions to participating 'leaders'. BUT, they haven't reckoned on you and me strengthening our connection to Source and asserting our power and our God-given right to personal freedom, superconsciousness and evolution. Have YOU Considered Cooperation and Intervention by Extraterrestrial Beings? Extraterrestrial, Hybrid, Inner-Earth and Inter-dimensional races of goodwill follow the Cosmic Law of Non-Interference. They may intervene and remove us to their craft, safe place or even planet of our choice if there is a likelihood of immense destruction to life on Earth. But first, we must prepare and extend the invitation to them. If this is on your radar, how have you prepared for such an eventuality? Of course, this may all seem like an overdramatic possibility for some. Nevertheless, escalating global events and cosmic activity make it very likely. Stay or Go? Would you stay on Earth or go by choosing to be lifted off if invited to spacecraft and even taken to other planetary systems and cultures? Why? Cedar's Tips to Train Your Brain for Those Who Would Go With ETs, Hybrids, IDs
We are transitioning into a new human species from homo sapiens to what I refer to as homo-luminous - the co-creators of the New Earth. This article is just a glimpse into one possibility for the future that I'm working towards, and I wonder, is it yet time for more of us to reveal who we are? Those who do may discover more kin prior to the upcoming events. I'd love your feedback, experiences, and comments on any of the areas touched upon here if you care to share. Thank you for reading, and let's go forward with empathy, courage and enthusiasm in the spirit of discovery and co-creation of a much better, more loving and fairer world. - Cedar
Visit Vashta Nerada's Remarkable Galactic Art by clicking the picsExplanatory article at this link ...
Click here Dear Readers to see some of my major upcoming life changes #MovingOn #GoingWest mid-June. #QuestForTheWest #FollowingMyPassion #GoingWithTheFlow #PackingForPerth #TheLongRoad #TheHighRoad #TheInnerJourney #Nomads #Wanderers #Adventures #Birdos #MotherNature #BefriendingTheElements #SacredPlaces #EnergyCentres #NoongarCountry #Stillness #LettingGo #ListeningToTheWhispers #OldFriends #NewFriends #Housesitting #AirBNB #Creativity #Journalling #Photography #FunAndGames #ConversationsWithGod #SunrisesSunsets #Nightskies #SwanRiver #IndianOcean #HelpingHands #OnTheWallaby #LastLookAround #ConsciousCommunities #EnergyExchanges #ConsciousnessShift #Awakening #Expansion #UnlimitedHigherSelf #CoCreation #Transformation #NewTimelines #ET #UFOs #TheUnseens #TheNewReality #GoingForIt #ToLife! The time is approaching when we will begin experiencing many more manufactured challenges and natural disasters. Mother Earth has had enough and will do what she must to rebalance. Great gratitude to all who work to cleanse her of human ignorance and help alleviate her pain. It looks as if the byproducts of the coronavirus and vaccine with all the ensuing tragedy, deaths, debilitation, not to mention all the new laws and added security now put in place, are warm-ups to awaken and toughen us up and make us more self-reliant. Some ordinary folk will join the awakening ones and will begin to turn away from the evil agendas of the cabal and mainstream media, especially the Murdoch Media, with its cruel deceitfulness that influences people in every corner of the globe. I believe consumers will turn off anything to do with NewsCorp as the undeniable truth of their evil begins seeping through via alternative media channels. I seek reliable news from alternatives such as Penny Kelly, Jean-Claude, clif_high, Sadhguru, Reddit, and The Guardian in the mainstream. We have to also be highly discerning about who we believe in the alternative press as there are numerous presenters that I'll never give space to here on my blog. The best preparation we can do is to continue honing our superpowers to navigate the coming changes. My preferred superpowers are my intuition, telepathy, empathy, remote viewing, clairsentience, clairvoyance and curiosity. Please stay strong, become the best you possibly can and keep developing your soul.
Autobiography of a Yogi Parts 1 and 2
Sages, nomads, adventurers and mystics such as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Sadhguru, shamans, traditional indigenous people, and regular modern-day Wanderers travel with a thirst for discovery and understanding of diverse peoples, this paradisiacal planet and Cosmic Consciousness. Then there are also innumerable Cosmic Wanderers focussing on our evolving humanity at this time.
I have the most profound respect for many of the pioneering presenters of 'Contact in the Desert', having studied their work for decades. Great gratitude for their life-changing research, presentations, products and tireless and fearless work. "The world's largest UFO conference, Contact in the Desert (CITD), announces the launch of their Eighth Annual and FIRST VIRTUAL EVENT, focusing on UFO's and the YEAR OF SCIENCE, CONSCIOUSNESS & THE FUTURE – to be held June 24-28, 2021. CITD is renowned for its top line-up of experts in the fields of ufology, forbidden archaeology, government disclosure, alien phenomenon, crop circles and more. The event, attended by thousands in its previous seven shows, marks the return of celebrated speakers, with the exciting addition of new presenters, from all over the world. CITD, already the largest UFO Conference in history, will now be the largest UFO conference in the virtual world, with over 60 lectures, 40 workshops, 11 panels, featured speakers' presentations, virtual tours to Giant Rock; and interactive events." Presenters and Schedule Dr Steven Greer Hans Wilhelm
When we reach critical mass by our positive thoughts, prayers, intentions and use of Light - and our Love - the effects are reflected in our third and fourth-dimensional worlds and beyond. Please always appreciate and acknowledge even your littlest synchronicities, achievements and manifestations. They are essential building blocks of The New Earth > The New Lemuria.
Years and years of comments, information, links, and memes
My favourite thing is the mute button on my computer, TV and radio. The incessant fear agenda blaring through these outlets since March 2020 is a classic example of lazy and directed journalists broadcasting similar and same scripts from the corporations/cabal who think they own us play out 24/7. My Observer Self sees it as disgusting and oh so tragic in how 'they' condition beautiful people and keep them in low or high grade disquiet. I did my thorough research then dropped it but it takes discipline.
MUCH more difficult for me is ignoring/muting politicians and corporate leaders - the former because many not all are dangerously inept and self-serving and the latter because many not all are evil and will resort to wicked behaviour to keep people in slavery and poverty in their lust for power and profit. I have a clear vision (and remembrance of elsewhere) of how glorious our lives can be if we opt for self-rule, self-sufficiently, cooperation, creativity and enlightenment. This is where I endeavour to give MY attention 24/7 - Even when it feels like a David and Goliath impossibility I'm optimistic as I do see wonderful stirring and awakening among more of the populace.
I shared this important message over a decade ago, and it's vital that we share it widely again, given the disintegrating state of the world and the upcoming official disclosure by governments.
I have privately journaled numerous reasons why I invite willing helpers from benevolent space nations to show up and help us out of this mess urgently. My questions are: Do enough humans care and also want help from our Space Brothers and Sisters, and if so, what practical things are they doing to facilitate that? Please click here for the message.
PayPal and card donations for readers who have appreciated my work over the years and would like to support the self-publication of my new handbook on death, grief and the afterlife, which will be published in 2025.
All donations are very welcome. Thank you. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
September 2024
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life