The Ascension, Travel Timeline Splits, Merges and Parallel Realities, Stuck in Wheel of Dharma, Starseeds, Near Death Experiences, Multidimensional Consciousness, Buddhism, The Bible ...
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Von Galt with Brian Staveley and David Suich The Ascension, Travel Timeline Splits, Merges and Parallel Realities, Stuck in Wheel of Dharma, Starseeds, Near Death Experiences, Multidimensional Consciousness, Buddhism, The Bible ...
I'm aware I post a LOT of YouTube videos. SO much can be shared by being selective with viewing. I've invested in Premium YouTube which makes for ad free viewing.
When I heard my very first talk by Kim Goguen, I didn't get it. My brain didn't have the wiring to understand the fullness of what she was relating. So I was tempted to dismiss her work as nonsense. But that is not my way. I keep an open mind when there is some resonance on what I intuitively feel is critical information. So I persevered, deepened my research, listened to more of her interviews and talks, and began to piece her immense knowledge together. I connected the dots until it began to make sense.
I don't profess to understand at all. However, I'm posting Kim's latest revelations at this link as this is tremendously exciting news, if true, for the liberation of humankind. Join Kim as she updates us on the state of our World. Mirror, mirror… are they still here? Who is left causing chaos, what is an AI and is this almost over? This and more. 29-07-22 United Network News Kim Special Report A revealing and fascinating two-hour conversation between Andrew Bartzis, Sean David Morton and Monty 'Someone' - I couldn't catch his surname. They shine a light on the big picture and some major players. Well worth listening to, in my view and as usual, please use your discernment.
WION World As One News
8:8:2022 Lion's Gate - by Celia Fenn - Click the Lion for the Link
![]() ET Talks P3#04: Q&A - Jab, Greys, Evolution & Time? Is our Fate Sealed? What is Time? END of Time? is another outstanding teaching by Penny Kelly. I can't imagine any person who has not said or done something or many things that negatively impacted their lives or the lives of others by causing pain, misunderstanding or regret. Penny gives an effective teaching illustrated by a dynamic with one of her daughters, who was three at the time of the incident. If you wish, YOU, too, can travel back in time to change a particular incident/s by applying or modifying her process to achieve clearing and resolution. It works brilliantly for me. Think about a situation where you could have acted with more thoughtfulness or courage and know that you CAN go back in time and change it. Start with one of the 'big ones' in your life where your behaviour or responses caused hurt, damage or regret then apply Penny's life-changing process to drill deeper to clear It's also a practical process to change and replay something traumatic that was said or done to you. As always, if this doesn't resonate move on to something else that appeals for your continued healing. Ravenwolf Writes ...
She’s not going to tell that she’s perfect or flawless, but that doesn’t mean
she’ll ever stop striving to reach perfection. She understands that people will let her down, but she’s not okay with lazy love, lack of effort or with anyone acting poorly, unable to take responsibility. She’ll treat you with grace and respect, adding her genuine passion to the mix… And she expects your version of the same in return. So, be her friend, be her admirer or try to love her, But don’t interrupt her rise to greatness if you’re not willing to give her your best. She deserves that.. And so very much more. Anything less and you’ll watch her walk away, And she won’t look back. ravenwolf
Questionable and dark forces operate in most fields of endeavour, whether to elevate themselves for their five minutes of fame and riches or to deliberately muddy progress. Who knows?
Sadly, this includes the areas of extraterrestrial studies and ascension, where we have more than our fair share of mischief makers with sick agendas. Could it be to throw us off our ascension path? We must either ignore them and their shonky messages or shine a light on their mischievousness and call them out. I feel the MAIN SKILLS needed to navigate any speaker's authenticity, whether in politics, religion, science, technology, the economy, AND extraterrestrial and galactic research, ARE OUR INTUITION, DISCERNMENT AND PERSONAL RESEARCH. I know my intuition is the Voice of my Higher Self, so I trust it 100% backed up by how I FEEL after interaction or hearing ANYONE'S information. Through years of deep study and personal experience, I have the utmost respect for the work of Elena Danaan and Dr Michael Salla. I debated whether to address this slander by Ismael Perez and decided to share this post as these critical times call for integrity and truth-telling like never before. I'm at a loss as to why Ismael or anyone sees the need to repeatedly lie and gossip about another. True colours - says more about the critic than the one they criticise. As so much hangs in the balance, we can do without misinformants. Advanced souls are tasked with spreading goodwill, truth, accuracy and wisdom. So PLEASE always be very discerning about who you believe and all that you share. Kerry Cassidy interviews Ismael Perez 'The Event Is Here with Ismael Perez - The Great Solar Flash'. I follow neither but persevered with this even though I have difficulty listening to both but am posting in the interests of balance and transparency.
CHECK OUT 7 YEARS OF ARCHIVED MATERIAL >>>>>>>> It is undoubtedly evident that the dial is being turned up on chaos and calamities. The world has entered the nexus point of mounting catastrophic issues such as expanding wars, a world drowning in debt and corruption, extreme climate change, earthquakes and volcanoes, uprisings, political mayhem, misuse of artificial intelligence, food and water shortages, etc. These problems are deliberately designed by the heartless and soulless ones who hold power over the political, religious, corporate and media influencers who semi-blindly dictate edicts to we ordinary folk. Kim Goguen of Global Network News and the GFS Global Financial System gives a comprehensive report on the real news behind the news of July 2022. Click here. I haven't entirely made up my mind about Kim - however, so much of what she says has the ring of truth and gels with a great deal of my other deep research. She's a tireless worker for her cause for humanity and more, and she has the highest level of contact with powers on and beyond Earth.
As always, I implore readers and listeners to use deep discernment and measure the content against their intuition. As Kim rightly says - WE must become the news reporters and the leaders. Before listening, I suggest you take time to do your safety procedures, such as clearing and breathing techniques and engage your protective routine from evil and nefarious entities who work assiduously to keep you in constant fear, debilitation and slavery. We have put our collective toes in the waters of hardship during the past two and a half years, and I intuitively feel we're entering a period of severe difficulty and extreme chaos. I urge everyone to focus on the best life you want to live for at least the next five years. You may wish to continue your research after listening to Kim's report. You can do so by typing your subject in the search window above right, clicking on Kim's photo or through your preferred search engines. Activate your bullshit detector. Be extremely wary of the malicious ones posing as experts and the duped, well-meaning ones passing on misinformation verbatim like excited juvenile puppies. In light of this information, you may want to modify your lifestyle, so please think things through thoroughly, visualise the ramifications of your choices, seek wise guidance and choose to live a lively, free and happy life. - Cedar
Sterling Psychic Medium is in clear communication with his Spirit Guides and many others on The Other Side. Each week he answers questions sent in from this viewers. My question is below as it's one of my major concerns. If chosen, I'm hoping he can shed some light on this subject for the thousands who tune in.
It appears that a large portion of the global population is either too apathetic or unwilling to make the necessary changes to raise the consciousness of humanity to survive the mounting threats to life. While Mother Earth currently has many diverse civilisations, what is the likelihood of the demise of modern humans such as occurred to the ancient Atlantians, Lemurians, Hyperboreans, Pangeans, The Maya, The Khmer, The Indus, Easter Islanders, Çatalhöyük, Mississippians etcetera. What suggestions do your Guides have for our current humans to markedly improve our chances of surviving and thriving? - Cedar Lovely Synchronicity - I posted my question to Sterling on 17.7 then today Daryl Anka posted What happened to the Atlantean Survivors? - Bashar :: Hidden History - Upcoming Event 30.7.2022 What was the great Atlantean disaster, and what caused it? And what became of the survivors? How is their influence seen in modern cultures? Importantly, how can we apply the Atlantean disaster to what’s happening on Earth right now? Bashar will be revealing all of this in Hidden History: What Happened to the Atlantean Survivors. Because many places on our planet are currently replaying the same sort of experiences that happened in the later Atlantean period, those messages across time, about our own ancient history, are more relevant now than ever before. We can use this information to go in a different direction rather than repeating the cycle that took Atlantis down.
HOMESCHOOLING: As the educational needs of children and young people change in this rapidly changing world the need to access for a variety of exceptional education changes. Some schools have closed temporarily due to extreme circumstances while others are unable to provide appropriate learning and life skills. We can and must broaden our choices and methods to educate this current new generation.
Adults, young people and children can avail themselves of the broad-ranging resources online, in libraries, in community centres and with other homeschoolers. Search for Homeschooling parents and groups and resources in your area. The Ringing Cedars series with suggestions on child rearing by Anastasia the Siberian Shaman is a terrific resource. Beverley Paine and April Jermey have provided this useful booklet 'The Educating Parent'. Most countries worldwide are bankrupt as many Federal Governments are trillions in debt. For example, in May 2022, Australia's conservative Liberal National Party left a debt for the incoming Labor Government of over $1.3 trillion. The USA has a Federal debt of over $30 trillion. The majority of expenditure goes to weaponry and covert military operations. A growing number of countries are so broke they cannot afford petrol, energy and food for their people, and when they can, the inflation is so high it makes purchasing necessities out of reach for many.
Heatwaves and widespread fires in many parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 47C Portugal, 52C late June in Iran. Please take all the precautions you can to safeguard your health and that of those in your care. Also please put water out for animals and create shade where possible.
"I am a mother. I am a bereaved mother.
My child died, and this is my reluctant path. It is not a path of my choice, but it is a path I must walk mindfully and with intention. It is a journey through the darkest night of my soul and it will take time to wind through the places that scare me. Every cell in my body aches and longs to be with my beloved child. On days when grief is loud, I may be impatient, distracted, frustrated, and unfocused. I may get angry more easily, or I may seem hopeless. I will shed many, many, many tears. I won’t smile as often as my old self. Smiling hurts now. Most everything hurts some days, even breathing. But please, just sit beside me. Say nothing. Do not offer a cure. Or a pill, or a word, or a potion. Witness my suffering. Don’t turn away from me. Please be gentle with me. And I will try to be gentle with me too. I will not ever "get over" my child's death so please don’t urge me down that path. Even on days when grief is quiescent, when it isn't standing loudly in the foreground, even on days when I am even able to smile again, the pain is just beneath the surface. There are days when I still feel paralysed. My chest feels the sinking weight of my child's absence and, sometimes, I feel as if I will explode from the grief. Losing my child affects me in so many ways: as a woman, a mother, a human being. It affects every aspect of me: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are days when I barely recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Grief is as personal to me as my fingerprint. Don't tell me how I should or shouldn’t be grieving or that I should or shouldn’t “feel better by now.” Don't tell me what's right or wrong. I'm doing it my way, in my time. If I am to survive this, I must do what is best for me. My understanding of life will change and a different meaning of life will slowly evolve. What I knew to be true or absolute or real or fair about the world has been challenged so I'm finding my way, moment-to-moment in this new place. Things that once seemed important to me are barely thoughts any longer. I notice life's suffering more- hungry children, the homeless and the destitute, a mother’s harsh voice toward her young child- or an elderly person struggling with the door. There are so many things about the world which I now struggle to understand: Why do children die? There are some questions, I've learned, which are simply unanswerable. So please don’t tell me that “ God has a plan ” for me. This, my friend, is between me and my God. Those platitudes slip far too easily from the mouths of those who tuck their own child into a safe, warm bed at night: Can you begin to imagine your own child, flesh of your flesh, lying lifeless in a casket, when “goodbye” means you’ll never see them on this Earth again? Grieving mothers- and fathers- and grandparents- and siblings won’t wake up one day with everything ’okay’ and life back to normal. I have a new normal now. As time passes, I may gain gifts, and treasures, and insights but anything gained was too high a cost when compared to what was lost. Perhaps, one day, when I am very, very old, I will say that time has truly helped to heal my broken heart. But always remember that not a second of any minute of any hour of any day passes when I am not aware of the presence of my child's absence, no matter how many years lurk over my shoulder, don’t forget that I have another one, another child, whose absence, like the sky, is spread over everything as C.S. Lewis said ... “My child may have died; but my love - and my motherhood - never will.” - Dr. Joanne Cacciatore ❤️ |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life