| Louise Lynn Hay (October 8, 1926 – August 30, 2017) was an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House. She authored several New Thought self-help books, including the 1984 book You Can Heal Your Life. YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE Full Audiobook by Louise Hay |
Gently Bentley - Solar StormsThe Fourth Turning - Generational Patterns
"There was once a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. Every year he won the award for the best corn. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seeds with his neighbors.
“How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked. “Why sir,” said the farmer, “Don’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.” So it is with our lives. Those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. The quality of response and joy depends on the quality of thoughts and love we share and spread. And those who choose to be joyful must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all." by Naren Kini is an entrepreneur in the Silicon Valley, Heartfulness meditator for decades, and loves music, writing and drawing. An analogy in crystal for the doorway to greater spiritual awakening or dying to this realm and birthing into the next. Exceptionally clear blue beryl (var. aquamarine) with muscovite and albite from Shigar Valley, Skardu, Pakistan. A crystal clear message from Mother Nature to all the people of the world. Cast aside your grudges, hatred and violence. Love is the answer. When employees for Uruguay Minerals cracked apart a rock at the border of Uruguay and Brazil, they discovered two hearts on either side of it. The miners were having trouble starting the dig and had no idea that they were about to find this beautiful geode. According to Marcos Lorenzelli of Uruguay Minerals, “We were opening the mine to work normally, but the land was difficult to work, and our employees stated, “We have to find something really lovely due to the hard job we are doing.” Their perseverance paid off when they made this once-in-a-lifetime discovery. Be sure to check out 8 years of Archives >>>> Please share this link with your friends and colleagues if you think it would benefit them.
Among the authentic, there are contrived UFO sightings to deceive the unsuspected. Many are secret government inventions, and I suspect holographic illusions and AI technology. Word has it that a hoax holographic UFO invasion accompanied real by government creations will be the main game in these next years to maintain the fear porn on the populace. This type of panic in the populace occurred in 1938 when Orson Wells broadcasted (a play) about a Marian invasion in operation. Many believed it was real. Enslavement and conditioning come in many forms. Therefore, we must all be vigilant and discerning and triple-check our sources so we don't succumb or pass on inaccurate information. There is no doubt fleets of benevolent ETs are observing us from their UFOs or being channelled by some exerts helping us by seeding thoughts and truth in our minds and how to counteract the insidious evil of those on and off the planet who want to continue their control over us. Check your sources. Check your sources. Check your sources.
3:29 - Similarities between robots and humans?
Sophia asks Tony a question about Date With Destiny 4:01 - What is Date with Destiny? 4:33 - Do robots have a good time? 5:08 - What is your range of emotions? 5:45 - Do you have brothers or sisters? 6:06 - What does forgiveness mean? 6:28 - Does a robot have a soul? 6:53 - Do you think the mind's essence is just a set of patterns? Sophia asks Tony more questions 7:17 - How is technology impacting human thoughts, feelings, and emotions? 8:03 - How much do you know about quantum physics now? 8:19 - How would you learn? 9:23 - Thank you Sophia MahaShivRatri A Night with The Divine is one of the most significant festivals in India, celebrating the Grace of Shiva. It will be celebrated live and encourages humans to be all they can be. Sadhguru says it is necessary for the spine to be straight, and for people to achieve this for twelve hours, they must be entertained! The free celebrations will be televised live from the Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore, India, from IST 6pm Saturday, 18 February, to Sunday, 6am, 19 February. Thousands of devotees are expected to participate in person for the all-night mega celebrations at Sadhguru Sannidhi, which houses the iconic 112-foot Adiyogi, the Yogeshwar Linga, and the Naga shrine, all consecrated recently by Sadhguru. Millions worldwide will watch. Quick update, Penny has been home since Wednesday 15/2 evening, resting, resting and more rest. The second surgery was not needed. She is feeling much better and slowly recovering. Her family is still with her and caring for her. Please continue to keep her in your healing thoughts and prayers! 💚 Penny Kelly Team About Penny's LOOK-SEE
I've recently taken to exploring the news again on alternative sites as there's such a convergence of massive events taking place and about to take place. Penny's words act as signposts for us to follow if we choose. The wise will listen attentively - particularly to what is said between the lines. Link here. I've never entirely understood Penny's conservative politics, which are in direct contradiction to mine. However, she has skills and access to information on and off planet that I don't, so I've put aside my green-left-wing bias in favour of the best ones for the job. Things are not as they seem. I know there is rampant corruption in all parties - quite possibly in every country. Quite frankly, I'd like to see all parties dispensed with and the best and wisest forming Governing Councils.
- Cedar The Deep State are panicking.... Fake alien invasion....They want you to fear the Star Nations Elena Danaan Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé
Penny Kelly works day and night as a master educator for an enlightened populace as she teaches, heals and inspires millions to become more of their True Selves.
Penny underwent emergency surgery late last night. She is now out of surgery. It went well. She's surrounded by her family and is on pain medication and sleeping. Gratitude to Daphnee, Team Penny and her family for their ever-present love and support of Penny. I am wrapping you in a soft cocoon of love, safety and healing energies, Dearest Penny. Gratitude to all who admire and respect Penny for sending blessings and healing for her total recovery to radiant health. Please take all the time you need for your complete healing Penny. Rest and restore well, knowing you are in the hearts and minds of many who care deeply for you and your ever-expanding body of inspirational work. I love you. - Cedar In this moment of transition between two ages, the night rises from the ground. It does not descend as usual. It rises with force to allow you to discover the treasures that your body holds. The energy rises from deep within you to open your heart. Your third eye. Your crown. Wherever you are on this Earth. You are surrounded by angels. Angels of valleys. Angels of cities. Angels of streams and winds. Angels of meadows and trees. Each of them invites you to stand in their midst. In contemplation. In silent prayer. Perhaps you have lost the memory of it. You are an angel too. Who laid down his wings to come to Earth. But in you remains the light and powerful force of your true nature. What is Nietzsche's idea of the true self? Your true self, what you are, is not identical or reducible to any of your present actions, desires, or thoughts. It is what you must become. The most common, least noble human being denies or represses what is unique about himself. -Amjad Abedi
“Man and Woman” is an 8 metre tall sculpture by Tamara Kvesitadze. Located in Batumi, Georgia
An informative and compassionate conversation with Helen Callanan of 'Preparing the Way' discussing the training of end of life doulas and the importance of dying well. The last breath out is the first breath in to another life.' - Helen Callanan of Preparing the Way
Why Wait Until You Die to Do Your Life Review?This Earth Journey is boot camp for the soul for many. NOW is a good time to do YOUR LIFE REVIEW and DETERMINE WHAT YOU WANT Instead, we must turn the focus around and look ourselves squarely in the eyes if we are on a well-worn track of blaming, shaming and pursuing the same-old-same-old, which got us into trouble in the first place. It has taken me many years to do my life review, and it is an ongoing process involving layers of experiences and layers of levels and numerous other actors in my play. In many cases, for instance, I had to define firmer boundaries. I had to change my focus and chose to walk away from those who were self-absorbed, disrespectful, passive-aggressive, abusive, greedy, intolerant, cruel, disinterested, jealous, controlling and whose values were out of alignment with mine. I had to own my role in all of this, forgive them and myself, and be willing to heartily reconnect if we gain alignment. We must identify and own our weaknesses and strengths and keep refining how we want to live our lives now that the paradigm has shifted. This paradigm shift is easily identified by the upscale in conflict in so many areas on every continent and the beginnings of greater movements in Earth's tectonic plates. It is critical to turn this around this year in 2023. Just as we can learn ancient history from water and also program water for health, abundance and peace, we can change the trajectory humanity is currently on if we unite as a collective by the finest use of our minds with thought, intention, prayer, and using our voices with chants, clear communication, mediation, and acknowledgement for all that is good. I know you and I can alter the course of this current walk into the unimaginable future destruction of millions, if not billions, globally. Committing to doing an ongoing, thorough, fearless self-assessment now without blaming or guilt-tripping will assist us mightily in jumping timelines - and dimensions - into a future that benefits all. Self-knowledge is one of the most essential services you can provide to others. Wishing you clarity for life! - Cedar Madonna and Sam Smith Obscene in the Extreme Performances
"I went in deep with this one 😆🕊️🙏🏼🌹❤️✨
The evil ones are clearly running out of options and doing everything they can to get enough power to keep their reversal grids online BUT are failing miserably… they’re trying to steer the timeline towards debauchery and degradation, but there’s too much light on Earth. The new ancient crystalline leyline systems are online and they can’t turn them off. Their old passageways of looshing have been cleared (moon, bases, anti-hieros gamos technologies… etc) - they’re trying everything they can but nothing is working in their favour. 🤷🏻♀️ And yet, humanity is still slowly waking up to the horrors these evil ones are willing to commit… and this will be a trial and initiation in its own right. Lightworkers are ready, we hold compassion and steadiness and we welcome awakening one’s with open hearts ready to support their passage into lucidity, healing, and remembrance. ❤️🕊️✨"
So sorry to hear of the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has hit Southern Turkey. Shaking has been felt in #Turkey, #Syria, #Cyprus, #Greece, #Lebanon, #Palestine #Israel, #Egypt #Jordan #Armenia #Iraq #Georgia. Over 3000 have died in Turkey and Syria with thousands injured. Multiple apartment buildings have collapsed.
The end of Kali Yuga demonstrates the utter mayhem we are witnessing globally in so many sectors of society. Yet, curiously, these events are bringing about more awakening. Can we 'handle the truth' of Dr Salla's lifetime of work in uncovering numerous dark agendas? We are discovering the truth about 'conspiracies' and find that the word and much of the content has been derided by those involved in promoting evil and believed by the innocent ones targeted. We must dig deeper into what has been labelled as 'conspiracies' and be highly discerning to sift the chaff from the wheat. As more is revealed this year, we will need robust constitutions to withstand the breadth of evil perpetrated on Earth's people. Dr Michael Salla has worked tirelessly for the peace movement, yet YouTube and Vimeo have banned the preview of his webinar on February 18 titled 'What's Coming in 2023'. Please scroll down this article to see it on Rumble. Awakening of more of our 90% of 'junk DNA' to reclaim more of our spiritual selves.
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life