Blessed how life has gone Highly Magical. Another example. The imagine on the left was just few clicks away after reading an article about ancient wisdom classes at a monastery in the Himalayas. … after watching ’The Mythical Caves of the Himalayas’ this morning. The lesson was on the importance of meditating about death, and how to have a ‘near death’ experience. I posted the seed of life crop glyph at Hampshire two days ago. 28 June 2016 Hampshire. Courtesy of
More about the inner earth cultures are being revealed. Russian painter Nicolas Roerich is one of my favourite artists - On an expedition he observed - ’The concept of a subterranean realm is common throughout the world’s religions and mythologies. With regard to the present study, we can identify a powerful antecedent to the legends and rumours still extant today in the mythology of Tibet. In his 1930 book Shambhala, Roerich describes his attempts to understand the origins of underworld legends ‘to discover what memories were being cherished in the folk-memory’.’
Walking, chanting, baths, meditating, journalling, discussions and active visualisation are proactive and effective ways to work with the powerful energies that are supporting greater consciousness growth at this time.
Imagine millions of soldiers and their families and friends saying NO TO WAR. I am visualising mass disobedience by military personal that they refuse to engage their rifles, tanks, drones, missiles, bombs and all other manner of slaughtering equipment. Surely life is worth forgoing a pay check or more by refusing to kill the populace and destroy cities and livelihoods. The June Winter/Summer Solstice 2016 looks set to mark a season of extremes of both exciting new discovery in our personal lives, and challenges in various parts of the world of a magnitude that may affect the global psyche.
My Winter/Summer June Solstice message is to give gratitude for all that is positive, and to choose to focus on what we DO want, rather than what we DON’T. Energy flows where our attention goes. It’s clear we’re now manifesting instantly with our thoughts, feelings and intentions. We are rapidly saying goodbye to the Old Earth and co-creating the New Earth by our levels of consciousness and creativity. This transition may cause tiredness, broken sleep, sudden depression, lapses of time, body aches, headaches, and other awakening symptoms. Remember, we are midwifing ourselves and others while birthing the new. The rising energies are reconfiguring us at a cellular level, while also reconnecting us to conscious awareness of the Cosmic Mind. We know the problems and we know the solutions. It’s up to us to create the scenarios in which to enact the solutions. I’ve created a list of Cedar’s Positives for you to focus upon as an exercise or ritual for this Solstice. You might like to print these ‘signposts’ or ‘gentle nudges’ for the Solstice and beyond to remind you to refocus and choose again if your thoughts ever become fearful, angry or dark. I urge you to create a sacred space for yourself, with another, or a group to discuss this list and how clarity on the topics will create positive change in our lives and in the lives of others. Make your environment beautiful with candles, music, a fire, and a delicious meal. Please expand my list to include your own unique interests. See ‘Cedar’s Contemplation and Conversation Starters’ A Field of 100 Suggestions for Co-Creating a New Earth Clarity + Positive Thought + Enthusiastic Feeling + Focussed Attention = High Magic and New Manifestation You may also like to explore one or two suggestions each day throughout the new season. With Love, Cedar Rivers The awakening is happening. Picture with me, if you will, millions upon millions of individuals becoming illumined or enlightened and what that will mean to themselves, their loved ones and community, and the planet. Mary Reed writes in her book ’’Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of The Message of Love ‘: Today I know change is coming and it’s not the conflict centered, fear driven story of armageddon. It is love like we have never dared to imagine. I see this love with absolute certainty. It is coming. In fact it is arriving more and more every day. I watch now as a massive gathering of countless divine beings, masters, archangels, angels etc come together throughout the cosmos. They all watch in jubilant celebration as individual bodies of light begin to illuminate one by one around the planet Earth. There is a great love coming like a great tidal wave like a force of a thousand winds. It is unstoppable. You should welcome it when it comes.’ Mary Reed in conversation with Rick Archer from Buddha at the Gas Pump - Interviews with 'Ordinary' Spiritually Awakened People.
A dear friend wrote on my Facebook Page
Liza Watts: This is a lovely one Seeds :) Did you also notice that it has a pair? The latest crop circle is close to the Berlin Wall in West Berlin. The earlier crop circle is just on the other side of the wall in East Berlin. The first crop circle (15 May 2016) looks like a toroid with six crescent moon shaped petals. The second crop circle (12 June 2016) has a smaller version of the first crop circle in its centre, with lovely loop shapes swirling outwards. If the six petals represent six lunar months after each crop circle, the first one would be pointing to the new moon of 30 Oct 2016, and the second one would be pointing to the new moon of 29 Nov 2016. If the size of the crescent represents three or four days after the new moon, then the dates would be 2/3 Nov 2016 and the 2/3 Dec 2016. To me, the energy of the two crop circles implies a leap from East to West Berlin - from a restricted state to a place of freedom. On my lunisolar calendar, the second date, 2/3 Dec 2016 is significant. It is the third day of the final month of the sixth year - the day of the resurrection of the Temple (Ezra 6). To me, it is a time when our embodied spirits lift and blend into the higher consciousness within the newly resurrected 'Temple'. As usual, it will initiate a subtle but profound shift in our perception. (Our physical aspect (on a cellular level) will soon follow - two signs show me that it will be in late September 2017.) So together these two crop circles show me that we move from a constricted state to a state of flowing higher consciousness in Dec 2016. I'm hoping that it will become easier and easier to share my feelings of peacefulness and interconnectedness with those around me (shown by the billowing, flowing energies around the second crop circle) Cedar Rivers: Pure genius Liza Watts. Awesome catch. Thank you so much for sharing your astute observations and analysis, thoughts and feelings here. The Berlin Wall is an appropriate metaphor! Your dates in 2016 and 2017 dovetail with my intuition about the awakening process, which I feel will be subtle for some and mammoth in unimaginable ways for others. These inner changes will make demands on ourselves and all those around us. I’m encouraging everyone to familiarise themselves with awakenings such as kundalini rising and seeing flashes and all manner of ‘invisible’ high frequency beings that occupy our spaces with us. I’ve left a trail of good videos and blurbs on my blog. So too, a possible gradual or spontaneous ability to access the akashic records of Earth and Cosmos - with surprises in store. My concern is that many might not feel capable of midwifing themselves and others through these massive changes. My mantra to folks is ‘DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF’ for obvious reasons. Patience will be appreciated, as it may look to some that loved ones are having psychotic episodes, so thoughtfulness in holding the line for others may be required. I’m certainly experiencing heightening and profound awareness, and while my body sometimes groans, I pay attention by resting and having frequent bodywork and baths. I clearly remember the energies around the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 when I simply had to surrender to crashing tiredness, so I rested and napped, and later discovered I was changed forever in a great way. These energies feel HC squared :) I’m spending much less time on Facebook as I feel I’ve said all I can say - and I need the time to walk my own preparedness talk, and help midwife family, friends and clients. It’s all beyond exciting! I’ll put your analysis on my blog for my readers there Liza. Thanks again. Please stay in touch through your process and let me know if there’s any way I can assist. Let’s start a Worldwide Peace Revolution.
Join me in wearing a Leunig Peace Duck. A Little Duck With a bit of luck A duck Will come into your life. When you are at the peak Of your great powers, And your achievement towers Like a smoking chimney stack, There’ll be a quack And right there at your feet A little duck will stand; She will take you by the hand And lead you Like a child with no defence; She will lead you Into wisdom, joy and innocence. That little duck. I wish you luck. … Michael Leunig Paul and Elena discuss the state of current evolution, disclosure, ET experiences, human awakening, paradigm shifts in consciousness, ways of life, advanced technology, Mars, Secret Space Programs, Time Corps, Photon Belt, Wave X, and much more.
By Dr. Michael Salla
On June 15, I received an informal “briefing” by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, about recent events that include an aerial battle over Antarctica involving various syndicate groups (Cabal/Illuminati) that had over the last six months fled there, and also the current status of negotiations involving different extraterrestrial and “Inner Earth” civilizations over “open contact” with humanity. What follows will appear fantastic to those new to Goode’s revelations, which he has been releasing over the last 18 months. A detailed resource page has been created listing most of Goode’s interviews, reports, videos, along with articles about him. Read More Here >>> I wonder what stories our great, great, great grand children will be told in their history classes about the period of time on Earth 2016 to 2026? In Part (1 of 3) of the never-before-heard "Answers From The Akashic Records" about The Tunnel of Light After Death, Ahonu and Aingeal Rose discussed the Archons and their devious tricks. Ahonu interviewed by Lesley Mitchell-Clarke on the historic roots of BELTANE, and ancient Irish Gods. Annunaki, giants, Hy-Brasil, and much more. About INDIGO Children, The CRYSTAL Child and RAINBOW Child See my Module on The New Children
It’s been a truly magical journey researching 1440. I've trained myself to observe the signs and symbols as messages from my BHS (Beloved Higher Self) and Team. If we listen and observe, we find that our Spirit Teams are working assiduously to help us through the massive evolutionary changes currently in progress. I feel extremely blessed, as major gifts were given today around the 1440. As I researched patterns in nature, the honeycomb kept coming up - even though it’s a hexagon and 1440 is represented by the octagon, there is an interweaving connection. Curio: I use the honeycomb as a template for my Clarity for Life online modules! A few thoughts and links * 1440 minutes in a day - Hint: make the most of every minute. * The sum of the angles of the platonic solids is 3600 degrees for the icosahedron, 6480 for the dodecahedron, 1440 for the octahedron, 2160 for the cube, and 720 for the tetrahedron. * ’’Angel Number 1440 is a message from your angels that you are to look to new ways to go about getting your work done more effectively and efficiently. Listen to your intuition as your angels are sending you messages and ushering positive energies towards and around you. Keep your thoughts positive and optimistic as you undertake an important new role or venture. Your positive energies, intentions and actions will manifest your expected results. Trust your angels to deliver all that you’ll need.’’ * In the year 1440, China was extremely active around the precious metal silver. China is stockpiling silver today. Zero hedge - ‘It looks like something big may happen to the silver market and the Chinese are preparing for it. After China launched it's new Yuan Gold Fix today, the prices of the precious metals surged. At one point today, silver was up 5%. Silver is now trading at the $17 level, a price not seen in over a year.’ The signpost here may be to buy silver in small denominations - larger if you can manage it. Silver as real currency and metal will be valuable long after paper money collapses. I keep having this vision that tens of thousands??? UFO’s are set to ‘uncloak’ sometime this year - today?? around the September solstice?? December? 2017? :) Timing is always tricky. Intricate and complex manoeuvres. Questions are: Do you feel prepared to connect with other lifeforms and cultures? To what end? Up to speed with peaceful and honouring protocol? How to make best possible use of the connection? This discussion on 22 June between Darryl Anka and Rob Gauthier may interest those of us interested in such evolution.
Look to the right of my Spirit Guide in zoom mode for added detail. I have written an ebook featuring almost 200 of my Spirit photographs, and my experiences with life in the multidimensional worlds. It is available here:
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
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Clarity for Life