Please review your current situation and that of your family and friends. It may be time for you to seek new or additional mentors. Consider working in even closer relationship with your Higher Self and Soul Tribe. Also, make contact with your guides, which may include benevolent extraterrestrials and intraterrestrials. Revelations are coming thick and fast and that can be read in two ways. Intentional.
Find wise people and exchange energy or money for their guidance and time. Pick up the tab for those who assist. Generosity is good. Short of cash? Consider cleaning, cooking, ironing, gardening, or running errands. We all know many of the problems. Let's turn our attention and energy to the SOLUTIONS. Be sure to have photocopies of your Will and all other important documents. Create a hard copy of all contact details, bank accounts, and other important information that is currently only in digital form. Consider life for a time without the internet and cell phones. Imagine you have everything you desire now and for the next three years. Make a list of what that entails. Enjoy the process! Happy manifesting.
It’s no secret the world still stands in the balance between make it or break it. Think about what that means. Peer down the timeline to the adulthood of your children’s children and into the possible world they will inherit. If only US voters had done that at the polls in 2000. At 58 minutes Randy Cramer speaks of the 2000 elections and how Bush Co ‘won’ that election by two hundred votes. That’s 200! A mere 2 0 0. It’s impossible to assess how the world would have been a different place with Al Gore at the helm.
Please click to see the National electoral calendar 2016 to ascertain just how important these many elections are. Educate yourselves on the issues, get involved with the political process, and help non-voters do the same. The quality if our lives depend on it. If you have been following my ‘blog’ you already know that a large number of major issues and scenarios are poised to impact our little planet, and now, more than ever we need the most mature, wisest and humane humans making decisions for us. Good people are doing great things. Only when kindness and compassion for all overcome bullying and force will humans be worthy of the title ‘humanity’ as a whole. See Module 2 Prepare for Change
Andrew Bartzis speaks of Ireland being the key that will unlock everything. Galactic ascension machine. Your akashic record. Tara Hill. Ishnook. Dublin. Multidimensional tunnel systems. Timelines. Multidimensional portals to Agartha. In the second video, Andrew speaks of the nature of The Event. Very important information from Steven Greer. Please absorb and share if it resonates. My view is that we cannot leave leadership and innovation to the governments of the world as they thrive on opposition, egotism, secrecy, bullying, specialness, and nepotism. Planetary and cosmic evolution require co-operation, honesty, humility, generosity, and sharing. It's up to us. Please Contribute Where and What You Can - ‘Not all Way-Showers and Teachers are financially abundant, and many are doing it tough just to pay the bills, even though they’re willingly pursuing their missions, and happily giving of themselves and their gifts for long hours daily. I urge you to take the time to identify your most influential and treasured teachers and organisations, and consider contributing to them if you can, so they may continue their important work of inspiring readers and participants in co-creating a New Earth.’
Nancy Talbot writes: After the taped part of his interview with Ans was over, Robbert again felt the presence of her husband Frits (who had died only 2 months earlier) and also an "extra-terrestrial" being again. Both Robbert & Ans have repeatedly gotten the "message" that until humans learn to stop discriminating against people (based on religion, skin color, sexual orientation, their physical appearance, etc. etc.) it is NOT POSSIBLE for large groups of people to experience contact with these cosmic consciousnesses. Here are the photos Robbert took with his camera aimed at Ans in the May 7th cc. Again her deceased husband Frits and the same "extra-terrestrial" creature appeared.
Please note that there were multiple witnesses present at the interview when Robbert took these photos. Also, that I have done nothing to these photos other than re-sizing & a slight crop. [For more info about Robbert, in English, see his BLT Research website page:] Mark this date on your calendar dear readers. Why? you ask. I strongly feel that May 1, 2016 will be the commencement of a four month period where most people on the planet finally fathom without doubt that the Old World is an illusion, and indeed exactly what ‘illusion’ means at a deep, core level. The responsibilities of karmic ties and relationships are complete if we choose as we are now karmically immune, and can create magnificent realities with our conscious thoughts and intentions. The shocking extent of the lies and nefarious plots of the creatures in control are up for open exposure and it’s up to we, the workers, to imagine the finest society possible, and hold the line and work cleverly to usher in genuine change. Let’s make our focus for these four months * love, * generosity, * co-operation and * connection. ‘Workers Unite’ takes on an even deeper meaning now. As the extent of the corruption, manipulation and cover-ups are revealed in fullness, it is human nature to feel betrayed and angry. At these times, please remember - love, generosity, co-operation and connection - to ensure your actions come from those places. Be informed, though not mesmerised or seduced by the energy created by the shenanigans of politicians, bankers, Old World leaders, and endless conspiracies. ’Time’ has become synchronous, and we are seeing the results of our thoughts and intentions almost instantly. This means ’time’ has ‘collapsed’ so it’s crucial that we all take personal responsibility for what we put in the quantum field of manifestation. Work the field with love, generosity, co-operation and connection. Please Contribute Where and What You Can Not all Way-Showers and Teachers are financially abundant, and many are doing it tough just to pay the bills, even though they’re willingly pursuing their missions, and happily giving of themselves and their gifts for long hours daily. I urge you to take the time to identify your most influential and treasured teachers and organisations, and consider contributing to them if you can, so they may continue their important work of inspiring readers and participants in co-creating a New Earth. Workers Unite Alternatively imagine the joy of having volunteers quietly taking the initiative of running errands, cleaning house, cooking meals, and assisting with marketing and promotion etc. There is enormous value in volunteerism. Please be aware that things on the home front might get more difficult for you also. We will need to be creative-with-integrity. For example, if your rent or mortgage becomes overwhelming due to job or pension loss, and if hyperinflation occurs in your country, you may consider turning your home into a 'mini community' by renting out rooms to like-minded friends. The positives of a decision such as this are obvious and incalculable if you make it so. Clarity for Life The three modules in my ‘Clarity for Life Online Course’ have been designed to prepare participants for these changing times. The New Children discussed in Module 3 are inheriting a bloodied and polluted world to set right, and my crystal ball says this will occur over four decades. Their children and children’s children will be the beneficiaries of a New Earth based on * love, * generosity, * co-operation and * connection. High Magic is Afoot I’m in a great personal space and am enthusiastic and excited by the spectacular work and creations so many are doing. Please keep up the splendid work, and continue crafting a dynamic, loving and Spirit filled life. With Great Love, Cedar Rivers
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life