Last night for example, I was ruminating on doppelgängers and ‘perchance’ clicked on a Netflix movie on that very theme. The Scapegoat written by Daphne du Maurier deals with familiar Du Maurier subjects: identity and self, unknown territories, feelings of belonging, and spiritual questions.
I’ve been thoroughly absorbed in profound personal experiences, and a deep study of timeline jumping, doppelgängers, quantum jumping, remote viewing, parallel lives, and time travel and will write about them here at some time. The synchronicities and magic of it is quite off the chart and keep me shaking my head with wonder at the elegant timing of them all. Last night for example, I was ruminating on doppelgängers and ‘perchance’ clicked on a Netflix movie on that very theme. The Scapegoat written by Daphne du Maurier deals with familiar Du Maurier subjects: identity and self, unknown territories, feelings of belonging, and spiritual questions.
The three weeks between the September 1st solar eclipse through to the September equinox on the 22nd will *begin* removing brutality from the blueprint of men. Expect some who peddle domestic, political, and religious superiority to become confused by this recalibration of their current status. - Cedar
Amped up solar activity and electromagnetics are heightening consciousness for those who can handle it. Gently bentley. When conflict arises and if people get angry and direct their venom and fear at you, remember to stay in your love and wisdom and ‘be peace’.
The spectacular design in the glyph at Ansty, near Salisbury, Wiltshire. Reported 12th August 2016 has brought up issues that surely make even the greatest skeptic wonder about the crop circle phenomena. The immense and magnificently crafted design turns out to be an almost exact replica of the logo for glass makers who make bongs with the company name of - wait for it - Mothership. What comes first in the quantum field? The chicken or the egg or both? I had my very own experience wondering ‘Did my intense fascination and focus on a tube torus have something to do with the crop circle crafted in a field in Alton Barnes on August 1997? Here is a small fragment from my ebook published exactly four years ago in August 2012. You may like to purchase The New Frontier: multidimensionality for the full account. I have often wondered whether I may also have connected to a similar group intention or stream of consciousness. In 1997, I was led by many remarkable synchronicities from Mt. Shasta in California, to a field in Wiltshire in the United Kingdom, all in less than a week, to have my first momentous experience with a crop circle.
Our planet and solar system is going through a change far more profound than most people could ever imagine. Not only are extraterrestrials very real, both the positive and negative groups are far more involved in our own lives than most of us could ever realize. Although many people now discount the classic spiritual teachings that we have received over the millennia, it turns out that nothing could be of greater significance for us to study and practice. Regular readers and those who have explored my Clarity for Life Module 2 on Preparing for Change know that for years I have been encouraging householders to grow as much as your own food as possible. The videos posted below give a glimpse of the more extreme weather being experienced around the planet, and expected in the future which is resulting in scarcity of food due to damage to crops and hyperinflation as we’re currently witnessing in Venezuela. clif high on twitter gnawing on time.... with respect...a bit of advice… disturbing days are just ahead. Also see clif's article on TIMETALKS Webbot Predictions of Immense Floods and Freezing Weather
Over the months of June and July, China received over 6 feet of rain in the major crop growing areas of the entire country. Dams and levees broke and over topped which further flooded farmlands, cities and towns. Two years worth of rain in weeks. The current evacuation and displaced individuals tops 300 million. This is the story that will pull grain stocks from around the world.
Cleverest advertising I've ever seen or are The CircleMakers keen to get our attention once and for all? Yet to be revealed - Is this the artistry of the CircleMakers or the BongMakers? Curiouser and curiouser - this glyph appears to be a logo for Mothership Glass. I suspect it's the CircleMakers having a good laugh. I think it's hilarious and surely THIS will awaken more people to WONDER given the immense size of the glyph and artistry in the grain crop. Me: Of course humans didn't make it! There's a great deal of controversy surrounding this crop circle - some of which can be found on Colin Andrews' Facebook page >>> Link The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak say "The circles and shapes being put on earth are here to assist you in holding and managing your frequency and having the courage to live your light. They make frequency information available in a very subtle way, and no one can figure them out yet. These shapes are all connected to one another, and if they were all written out simultaneously on some farmer's field, something would happen to them immediately. They are spaced from one continent to another, and they move a frequency band around the planet that will help activate earth's grid-work. They will allow you not to feel so weird with what you know and to feel more comfortable with the changes in frequency as they occur. |
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Energy flows where attention goes. It is far easier to berate and criticise than to show up and be creative, yet that is precisely what is needed now. The Zionists, NATO and US want to expand the wars, so we the people need to show up in peaceful and effective ways or else tragically the horrific scenes on the nightly news could very well come to your and my neighbourhoods.
In a nuclear-based world war, few would be exempt from harm, whether in the short or long term. We can begin by turning away from fascination with the latest gaff or disaster of so-called leaders like Clinton, Trump, Erdogan and Netanyahu - four of the most dangerous enemies of peace on the planet.
How can we make things better? If this strikes a cord with you, I urge you to be proactive and gather your loved ones together to discuss and plan what you intend to do for your families, friends and communities. Deal with what is, and what your heart and soul tell you to do.
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It IS possible - please listen all the way through to get the facts.
The world depends on you.
From Stein’s Facebook page:
In the first 100 days of a #SteinBaraka Presidency we will:
•Bail out students by cancelling student debt via the Fed
Ed The future belongs to the young people if we give them a chance.
•Enact a #GreenNewDeal to create 20 million jobs & halt climate meltdown
•Begin a #PeaceOffensive to make wars for oil obsolete
•Legalize marijuana/hemp & free all nonviolent drug offenders
And much more! #ItsInOurHands
Please get organised if you are not already. You will want to be in a position to help others. -Resist any urges to wait or procrastinate.
Book a session with me if you need assistance preparing yourself and your household for all contingencies. Click Here >>>
In addition to the links to lists given in Module 2 Prepare for Change -
such as here on my Celtic Gardens website
QUESTION: If you had 5 minutes warning to move yourself and your loved ones -
are you prepared with everything you’ll need for at least a week ?
~ always keep vehicle tanks full of petrol
~ food and water for at least 72 hours for everyone including pets
~ all batteries fully charged - cameras, lights, torches and mobiles
~ phone fully powered with plenty of credit
~ your grab bags packed
~ a written Contact List of important telephone numbers, email addresses and addresses
~ internet and cell phones may go down for periods of time
~ copies of passport and important documents
More suggestions here
It astonishes me that often during an emergency people wait in line for hours to buy disposable nappies and toilet paper. * Install a Bidet * Install a bathroom hose *Use an enema kit * Use cloth nappies * Hankies not tissues
The Big Picture
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co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends.
Please share this link with your networks.
These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other.
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Co-Creating New Earth
Raising Resonance Consciousness
Healthy Living, Community
Co-Creating with ET Races
Death, NDEs, The Afterlife
Developing Superpowers
The Great Mother Nature
Becoming a Galactic Citizen
3 FREE Modules
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1 Ancestors and Allies
2 Preparing for Change
3 The New Children
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Clarity for Life
Online Course
Helping You Navigate the Changes
Clarity for Life is designed to help midwife you and your loved ones through the massive changes now being experienced, and through the exciting times ahead.
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