I enjoy creating memes. They provide signposts that stretch the reader and me to tailor meaning pertinent to the reality we have created for ourselves. You can find a selection of my memes by clicking here |
Mother Nature, Animals, Pets: Do they dream? Waystation?
Thank you, ABC 4 Corners, for excellent investigative reporting on the Qanon conspiracy group. Australians and others have an opportunity to put aside emotional responses and unequivocal belief in such conspiracies in favour of exceptional discernment and wisdom.
I looked deeply into this cryptic global game of posing questions, innuendo and accusations by an anonymous individual or group over many months. As with many extremist organisations, I concluded that there are slivers of truth as far as I'm aware and a whole lot of utter hogwash that excites and satiates the gullible. However, Karen Stewart's comments about this extreme-right organisation dividing families and friendships with devotees caring more for the 'juiciness' of the organisation than for the healing of survivors of sexual abuse rings true to me. Australia's ultra-conservative Prime Minister favours close friendships with extreme right Qanon supporters and the elites of the fundamentalist Hillsong Church. He is systematically destroying Australian society before our eyes, and the citizens are allowing it. I urge voters to urgently do their unbiased political homework, or we shall see civil disobedience and God-forbid mayhem and mutiny and the possibility of war in short order. Cruelty to the underprivileged, profit for the elites, decimation of our standard of living, destruction of the environment and making enemies of foreigners must be stopped urgently. I've seen Australia's most likely future on the current trajectory under this LNP government, and it's not pretty UNLESS you and I act productively now.
Politicians, except for the minority, have proven that they add to the problems by pointing fingers and spending more time critical of their peers' ineptitude and lousy behaviour than they do in governing well for the people and country. The job is too big for most, and the people must unite and formulate viable alternatives to make the necessary effective change. Radical times call for radical innovation. We must change our thinking and lift our game. It is clear that borders must be dissolved, and Councils of the Wise replace the current forms of governments. Pie in the sky? No, not if enough genuinely want change. Governing eight billion people would be a mammoth task requiring numerous Councils. If you agree with my suggestion, WHO would YOU like to see on such Councils? I'd like to see visionaries with proven track records in educating and leading large numbers of people. My vote is for Sadhguru of India and Penny Kelly of the USA. Matias De Stephano discusses the features of the society of Khem (The New Atlantis) in ancient Egypt. ".... as with all empires that focus on power and control, what rises must also fall." Tragically this fall now also appears to be in motion in modern civilisation. We have models for building a perfected society. I recently posted the latest crop circle in Wiltshire of Metatron's Cube, which Matias discusses in his presentation in the series 'Initiation'. ******
We're in an undeclared world war. I started counting all the countries in conflict and gave up as there are more in chaos than not - which in my view is the definition of world war.
Inept and often corrupt governments have created these catastrophes. We must trade politicians and inefficient governments for wise, enlightened spiritual leaders if we are to have any hope of stopping the devolution, destruction and deaths. Many more people must stir from their slumber, unify and trade apathy for the peaceful use of our superpowers. I'm an advocate for supporting the truly caring politicians and enlightened spiritual teachers and not giving bumbling politicians our precious energy as they have no intention of lifting their game.
Brian Scott writes "Von D. Galt is an author who has studied Buddhism for the past four decades and counting. She grew up studying metaphysics, consciousness, eastern energy medicine, and Buddhist art history from her Laotian Buddhist upbringing. In Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry, readers worldwide get insight into the process of spiritual awakening and ascension up the levels of consciousness into Buddhahood through an introductory study of sacred geometry in Buddhist mandalas. Von is also a hypnosis practitioner, and a working mom in the IT industry. She spent her entire life following the ascension/awakening of Earth into the 5th dimension, the incoming galactic Golden Age of Humanity among the multiverse, and the interstellar commerce with civilizations of the cosmos. Her knowledge about this topic comes from her upbringing as a Buddhist, Laos-Hmong ancestral folklores, 20 years studying Buddhist academic research, and her QHHT clients. Her Buddhist studies in how consciousness changes reality helped her in the shift from the 2010-2012 end of the Cycle of Polarity into the 5D Cycle of Unity Consciousness. Her Buddhist focus areas are Wheel of Dharma/Great Library/Nirvana, reincarnation/pre-life planning, Mandela Effects (parallel realities), Buddhist mandalas (sacred geometry), Starseeds, Tulku souls, and Buddhist-Lemurian folklores. The Light System with Jason Shurka and Emery SmithGaiaTV Cosmic Disclosure Secret Space Program "Intergalactic Organisation Revealed" - Jason Shurka speaks with Emery Smith about The Light System.
TLS is a worldwide and universal organisation with over 7000 human and extraterrestrial initiated agents. There are centres in every capital city. The Academy of Divine Knowledge
UPDATE 2: 'Maybe the thing that we need to ask is not what do you want? ... it is WHAT IS YOUR GIFT? What do you have to do to develop that gift? .....' In QandA 2/2 Penny Kelly continues making sense of the times we live in and how we can empower ourselves to live our most remarkable life. UPDATE: Penny briefly discusses the evolution of homo-sapiens coming from the stars and why the benevolent Star Nations of the Pleiadian Alliance want to help us to become highly, highly spiritual and to evolve into our light bodies. Penny Kelly's information in this video is why I prefer to follow Self-realised, fully awakened teachers immersed in the All-Knowing. I trust her words even though I might not have the reliable information to understand their political persuasions fully. My sincere wish is that you will watch and absorb 'The Big Picture' several times, and if you find resonance, you won't simply move on to another video, article, or usual content. Australia was the dumping ground for Britain's riff-raff that systematically did their utmost to destroy the indigenous people. Penny demonstrates how Earth too was the dumping ground for riff-raff from other planetary systems that, along with their masters, now look set to destroy Earth - unless you and I act with clarity and fortitude now. I do what I can yet still feel somewhat impotent as I watch the immaturity of the far-right fascist federal government in Australia, along with some other countries, systematically destroying the very fabric of our societies in favour of profit, themselves and the elite.
As Penny says at the end of the video, "Eventually, I hope we can look back and realise we have made the right choice."
I posted my reply to a question under Penny's YouTube video three times but YouTube's algorithms disallowed it - possibly because I posted a link in it ????
Free Dom I like Penny but I don't necessarily buy that aliens are going to save us by bringing us off planet. I have a direct connection with Jesus and it has never rung true. Cedar: Most of us are fortunate to be free to believe as we wish yet I feel this goes beyond ‘belief’ into Penny's knowing and my instinct. It seems unlikely that ET would make the offer to anyone who is closed to the idea or who hasn’t prepared themselves physically and psychologically for such a possibility. There’d be too much fear and more chaos in an already obviously chaotic scenario. We all know the story of the guy caught in a flood waiting for God to save him rejecting the rowboat, motorboat and helicopter. Perhaps Jesus is working through ET to save more precious humans |
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January 2025
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