| I've been privileged to do this online course and also to have participated in Sadhguru's Inner Engineering Weekend in Melbourne this past July. Sadhguru's teachings and exercises are profoundly life-changing. Thank you for your kindness and ever-present generosity Sadhguru. Register for FREE DIWALI COURSE HERE |
The body of the human being is phenomenal. As a vessel for the Soul which has memories of civilisations that have come and gone, it may feel as though our bodies are transforming and that humanity is at the end of yet another subsiding era. Our shadow aspects are surfacing and demanding understanding and clearing. Of the 195 countries currently on Earth, most are experiencing low points of conflict similar to the ego dramas partly responsible for the downfall of past civilisations. Similar weather anomalies as we see presently also played a part as did specific cosmic configurations. As above, so below. As within, so without. Gigi Young writes "Earth has had many different eras in which there were actually different harmonics than what we experience now. These unique harmonic environments can differ so much that as we look back within the Akashic records (or library of the cosmos), they could feel like a completely different planet. Each specific harmonic creates a certain perspective and experience for the soul to incarnate into. We cycle through these eras to advance our soul."
I'm releasing my past by gifting a lifetime of belongings and keeping only off-season clothes and official documents in a tiny storage unit and my car. I've allowed weeks to do the inner work to complete this process taking time to turn over every item of furniture, utensil and pretty thing with gratitude before letting it, and soon my home go on December 5th.
This journey from hoarder to minimalist is intensely liberating insofar as stepping out of lifetimes of conditioned reality imposed by those in authority. I'm simplifying and lightening up with a sense of total trust as I feel I and all willing Lightworkers will soon be further called upon to publicly action the fruits of our awakening, specific talents and life purpose. I intend to lighten myself sufficiently to be free to move anywhere on the planet at a moment's notice. I've fallen backwards into the arms of the Universe in total trust. Of many crimes that humans can perpetrate upon each other, the worst of all crimes is Heaven, the very idea that there is a better place than this. To destroy heavens and make this planet a Paradise is Mission One. Let's make it happen. - Sadhguru
Dear Readers,
I'm thinking of you all with such love and support as we integrate these massive energies and consciousness changes. Hang in there. This ascension is happening everywhere in the Cosmos. I'm finding that by tuning in to the quantum field both within and without helps focus my personal ascension and contribution to the larger web for those who are choosing it whether on Earth or Beyond. The importance of emitting love and wisdom to the collective cannot be overstated. I think the key is to do our very best to be discerning, focussed and kind. Come the December Solstice, and we'll look back on how far this season has brought us. I also suggest you minimise any fascination with conspiracies and the 'news' propaganda that is steeped in the old paradigm of patriarchal control and religiosity. - With Love, Cedar Sharing this from Amanda Lorence who is doing intense work for the collective as well as for her own evolution. WAYSHOWERS: Unprecedented energies are here. Flooding our bodies. Bright GOLD Ray today. To be integrated, absorbed. Each receive in energy (Hz), as much as their body is capable of managing. Hz attracts Hz. Bare in mind the three trajectories (streams) each individual is in. So one will not feel anything, whilst another will feel so much energy. Forerunners will find LINEAR brain function difficult. As FEELING energy will and IS superseding the previous LINEAR thought process, communication system. Energy is everything. Thoughts and words being a stepped down manifestation of sine waves that always carry data of higher Hz frequency. We tune into the energy waves first NOW, via FEELING, no thought, to receive the purer (Higher Hz) perspective the previous LINEAR thought system could not perceive as a lower Hz frequency system of operating or navigating the previous human being. It’s a HUGE timeline we are in. Each having their own story that guided them. Each story is unique, and gets you so far. Then there’s no story, just NOW. And it’s all about energy, FEELING everything. Because you CAN FEEL the energies in everything. The acts of thinking, and talking is just that. It can not feel. It can only communicate the FEELING experienced of any said energy. We act, we do, we receive, we give...all by energy. Everything carries energy frequency from a low Hz to highest Hz. The most efficient way of giving and receiving is by dropping the LINEAR processes and BEING the energetic ITSelf. What we were, is NOW changing. We are in a huge process. To become full on, 24/7 energy of our soul/light body. Wearing the human body only as suit or overlay. Knowing that emitting ENERGY in its purest possible form is a conscious act of our ENERGETIC emission. This can’t be done via any LINEAR method that was or still is available. As it just downgrades the highest emission to 3D and 4D frequency. FEELING energy and emitting it, supersedes the linear mind and linear processes. Previous incoming energies have altered in recent weeks. As well as the typical yet simple energy patterns and pulses we have been receiving, we have also been receiving far more complex energy light encodement patterns to the brain and body. DNA upgrades can reach about 5-7 per week, dependent on each’s stage. Everything is fast now, where ALL energy in all its forms is NO LONGER subtle, as we, the previous human rise to be, interact, be easily attentive to all forms of energy. Energy that was once subtle, became less subtle as we advanced our own awakening path, but NOW we become it and IT becomes us...our foremost navigation system we NOW exist by. Huge period ahead of us, between now and 21 December when our Solstice presents the greatest Gateway yet. Our hearts as One with Gaia. One Love. 21 October 2019
At this final stage, before a final living death in the next 3 months for some, which is before the final re-birth, that leads into an initially gentle alteration in state, then a final and sudden consciousness state change: Dear One are you sure you want to do this? It is going to be more challenging than you think. Upon crossing the border, you will forget everything you ever learned. You will forget we even had this conversation. You may even blame Us, saying that We have forsaken you. It will be the most terrifying mission of your eternal life.
What You are Looking for Is Looking for You It's a frequency thing. It's a self-worth thing. It's a clarity thing. It's a timing thing.
Here are a few examples of what people tell me.
Question: What are you presently DOING to achieve your desired objectives? Recently the ABC did a survey of how Australians perceive their lives. An overwhelming majority are lonely and surprisingly the 18 - 24 year old are the loneliest of all. Let's briefly take the loving relationship from the list above.
Have you raised your frequency in order to attract the very best in who you seek? Examples: Frequency is raised by giving and receiving love, your thoughts, what you consume, positivity and fun, essential oils, crystals, meditation, expressing gratitude and kindness, epsom salt baths, breathing well, mixing with high vibe friends, a fit body, movement by dancing exercising. Your loving partner is out there ready, willing and also looking for you. Check out The Universe Will Manifest FOR You If you Do This with Aaron Doughty Dear Ones
How are you travelling in these hard times as parts of the outer world descend into more and more turmoil? Ascending ones do well to stay focused on the inner world journey of rising in Self and galactic awareness. Challenges will continue as we progress through this season to the December Solstice. We've got this! Please support each other as the distortions become even more apparent. Keep opening your heart and mind further and further and send love to yourself and into the world. As I gift and release a lifetime of belongings save the bare minimum, I'm turning things over with much love and gratitude. I'm giving many thanks for the furniture, clothes, books, kitchen items and trinkets that supported my daily existence to date. They're now finding new homes, and my energy goes with them. An interesting byproduct of simplifying and becoming an extreme minimalist is that as I lighten up, I find attachments in my personality are also revealed for release. As I cremated documents and photos that belonged to my old personality self I coincidentally permitted more of my Soul Self to emerge. I love scarves! I've been through my scarf collection dozens of times with still more culling to come. The minimalist movement has some terrific websites for how to declutter. There's one called Project 333 that is the minimalist fashion challenge that invites you to dress with 33 items or less for 3 months. I've taken many further steps by simplifying all of my belongings. Initially, I began this to facilitate a return to my nomadic lifestyle to make my contribution as I wander starting in December. Now I find that as I surrender into the arms of the Universe in absolute trust the lighter I am, the better it is to be truly unencumbered and free. Find mentors in people you admire and trust and allow them to inspire and guide you online and in life. Please don't be seduced by those with a low frequency whose antics are reported on a continuous loop on the 'news' and social media. Follow your inner guidance and stay in love, joy and neutrality by midwifing more of your Soul Self to replace your personality self. This is the way to zero point and Unity Consciousness. It is the ones of high frequency who will be able to match and meet our star brothers and sisters in the coming times. I heartily recommend the work of Lee Carroll and Kryon Official Website Kryon on YouTube Sadhguru on YouTube and all social media Amanda Lorence on Facebook Even though portions of humanity are experiencing The Great Shift in Conscious Evolution it may be generations before the lust for killing and torturing humans who dare to be different in some way is exorcised out of the human blueprint. Rivers of blood haven't and won't do it. Killing feeds the cruel vampiric nature of so many (mostly men) in charge and the millions who follow their leaders without question. The 'Christian' lust after war for its momentary gratifying headcount and spoils has never been satiated. War criminal George Bush claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. John Howard colluded and followed suit. It is of great concern that Howard is a mentor to Australia's evangelistic Prime Minister. The slaughter and misery in invaded countries continue to this day. Now televangelist Pat Robertson has criticised Trump's new position on Syria, warning the president that it may cost him 'the mandate of heaven.' The world suffers continuous war in the name of ancient and outmoded religions. The USA invades other countries and leaves slaughter and destruction in its wake. Turmoil appears to be coming to their homeland brought on entirely by this innate craving for violence and dominance that even many apolitical citizens and military seem to revel in. Fighting Will Never Bring Lasting Peace The rising tensions in Hong Kong and yellow vests in France are tragic examples of how peaceful protests escalate into violence, destruction, mental health issues, and suicide. Activists must make sure this does not happen in the 'Climate Emergency' and 'Extinction Rebellion' movements. Politically, the self-righteous insist that the right is superior to the left and vice versa. The wars taking place in backrooms and parliaments all over the world is ending up on the streets among disillusioned citizens. I've taken a non-political stance since Donald Trump became the most powerful leader in the world. I have done so because there were promises of exposing pedophilia networks, draining the swamp - deep state - satanic cabal, and ending human trafficking. While these are monumental investigations to stitch up, they have not happened in three years. However, we may soon see some of these revelations and sentencing procedures as a possible 'weapon' brought out to fight impeachment proceedings. It's Time for Great Maturity, Self-Responsibility and Wisdom - What You Can Do
Please absorb this information from Simon Parkes. Apply Cedar's 3 and thens? .... And then? Gandhi Proved that Peaceful Protests Can Bring Monumental Change
Mahatma Gandhi led India's independence movement in the 1930s and 40s by speaking softly and facing down the British colonialists with stirring speeches and non-violent protest. He's often named among the 20th century's most influential figures and remains revered in India as a father of the nation.
AS I WANDER, I Want to Share Cedar's 3 And Thens? Process
When clarifying a decision, craft your clear statement then explore all the possible consequences of your choice by asking And Then? 3 times. I do my best to go to 7 And Thens? Example 1. MISMANAGEMENT OF RIVERS AND WATER SUPPLIES Australian political leadership of all parties ignored the water and soil crises of country food production regions 1. And then? The heartbreak, suffering and $$ loss of losing their animals, crops and livelihoods 2. And then? Businesses and schools in towns close 3. And then? Suicides, mental health issues create overwhelming demands on health resources 4. And then? Climate refugees as farms and towns and money to truck water dry up. 5. And then? Zero government plans for infrastructure to relocate and house climate refugees 6 And then? Fractured families, some domestic violence, welfare programs, jobs in short supply 7. And then? Your ideas go here .... Example 2. IMPEACH TRUMP 1. And then? ..... 2. And then? .... 3. And then? I'll leave it to you to think through, research, visualise or remote view. Trump has sown the seeds for a Civil War, and armed militias are taking it seriously. Australia's examples of political coups prove that overthrowing an elected leader makes it virtually impossible for the new leader to govern due to increased resentment and hostility; relentless opposition; the skewed balance of power making it difficult to pass laws Example 3. POSSIBLE GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE My research indicates there could be a global economic catastrophe beginning somewhere between October 2019 and February 2020 that will make 2008 seem like a walk in the park. World debt is an unknown though I've seen a guesstimate of between 3 and 4 quadrillion dollars. A quadrillion is a thousand trillion. So here's $3,000,000,000,000,000. Whether you are in debt or not: What would be the immediate effect on you and your family? And then? Your community. And then? Banks. And then? The stock market? And then? Cost of living And then? Jobs And then? Example 4. Your Subject Here - My three examples are pretty grim so I suggest you go for a really uplifting one. If this resonates and you think it will help people - please share it with your networks I took a series of photos on my smartphone upon descent into Coffs Harbour NSW, Australia at 8.50am on 2:8:2019 Please click here for my article and photos Since the late 1980's various friends have been reporting sightings of spherical, cigar-shaped and the familiar saucer type of UFOs in all manner of sizes. I have witnessed all three types either in Australia, UK and USA. A close friend also had fascinating experiences on a craft in NSW and came back with full recall which is unusual. Individuals and various governments have been in contact with extraterrestrials for decades. The current increase in reported UFO sightings including my own on 2nd August 2019 makes me wonder if the global community is being prepared for open contact. Classic comments on the internet when viewing and videotaping spacecraft: WOW! ##@&&$%%!!**$ Did you see that?!!!!! %%##$@@**&(%%$ Wow oh wow Beam me up Scotty I want to go Home If you're interested, what measures do you have in place to ascertain whether the occupants are benevolent or malevolent? Things are getting really interesting and perhaps it's time to go beyond the WOW! Factor. Please click here to see more photos and article on my sighting of UFOs. If you find this of interest, please share with your friends and groups interested in extraterrestrials and the UFO phenomena.
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
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Clarity for Life