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Sally is very active with many of us at this time of great need. She has led me to some extraordinary information that involves The CircleMakers and I hope readers are taking their messages to heart. Interestingly the latest yin-yang symbol found in a field somewhere in Wiltshire reflects my harmony and balance meme. We must work assiduously on these qualities to become as mentally strong and self-governing as possible. The possibility of a false alien invasion is high in the coming years and we must be extremely discerning to sift the lies from what's True. Randy Cramer and Emery Smith have a series called Cosmic Disclosure of brilliant discussions on Gaia TV that I urge anyone with an interest in the subject to view. Two other researchers and experiencers I respect are Steven Greer 'Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind' and David Wilcock. You will have noticed that government-sanctioned videos of navy and airforce sightings of UFO's are being drip-fed through mainstream media to prepare humanity for what's to come. This is why I keep encouraging everyone to be discerning to learn to assess what is truth and what are lies. Hollywood has been complicit by imprinting ET largely as fearsome and negative with the exception being ET The ExtraTerrestrial. I can only surmise that some kind of holographic technology will fill the skies with Spaceships and more. ... which will 'muddy the waters' of all the positives the benevolent ET races are giving and the increase of sightings we're getting on a daily basis. It reminds me how astute children in warzones can determine which bombs and missiles to be worried about - we must learn that kind of discernment. Here is a tiny smattering of areas in the word-clouds to get you started. Extremes are wanting our attention - or not. I honour everyone's choice fro what they involve themselves in.
As for me, I volunteered to be here at this time with these skills to do whatever I can for the polarity worlds. I do my best to inform and offer signposts and solace. I find I spend more time than I want of my day immersed in research and doing what I can to shine a light on the evil shenanigans and how to overcome them. We've gone quantum, and I have to learn how to pace myself and be disciplined about scheduling my day. I wish you all the very illuminating best if you decide to reflect on my question. An warm invitation to watch and discuss Amma's teachings in these five short videos with family and friends. If people care enough to act on them we will certainly change the world for the better.
"Exchange words and messages that inspire enthusiasm and optimism ..... Be a pencil in the hands of God .... Even holidays were mostly spent with the laptop .. with no room on the lap for the child .. this was the atmosphere before corona .... While on one hand, the death toll is creating agony, on the other, nature's harmony is being restored.... This is a learning curve for us .... We have been exploiting nature, her resources and creatures for centuries. We didn't realise that what we were doing was tantamount to sawing the very branch of the tree we were sitting on. ... We have begun seeing this world as a business, not as a family .... Human beings are also becoming like these hybrid animals and plants .... If humans protect the creatures of the world, these creatures will protect humans as well .... This is a good time to try to understand ourselves .... You are not helpless lost kittens; you are brave, roaring lion cubs ...." Aussies - Are you aware that the Federal Government has been further eroding our rights while they've had us locked up? I've largely turned away from politics out of disgust but sadly come now with a warning to all.
Are you aware of the lies around the destruction of the World Trade Centre on 9:11? Airport and intense scrutiny of individuals was instigated and after 19 years has not been rescinded - in fact, surveillance has been increased including here in Australia. Robodebt and lockup - causing stress and suicides (up by 50%), costs of refugee centres and torturous incarceration, family violence massively increasing, excessive military spending on submarines etc, additional police powers, the scrapping of Council of Australian Governments (COAG), the installation of almost 500 5G towers, and I could go on and on. LNP Government blunders and fear-based programs, their brutality, ineptitude and spying, have cost the taxpayers billions upon billions. While Dutton didn't appear to give a fig about border protection when it came to the coronavirus on Ruby Princess cruise ship he is eagerly expanding the ASIO spy agency and other security agencies. While security is important, Dutton and his team seemingly have a penchant for jackboots with no planned end game (witness never-ending incarceration of refugees) and proven zero interest in peacekeeping. They don't appear to have the wiring for compassion and actually believe in what they're doing is good and true. The current riots in the USA demonstrate again and again that violence and heavy-handedness solve nothing. We must be better and smarter than that if we are to avoid riots similar to what we are seeing in Minneapolis and Hong Kong on our streets. We must not acquiesce to questionable lawmaking. Next may come mandatory vaccines and restrictive everything - a 'them and us' society. We must intervene wherever we see injustice anywhere; otherwise, we too are culpable.
I have largely stopped posting on social media as there is very little interaction from readers and my inner world and service absorbs my ever reducing time each day and what little time there is is precious. I am most active on mewe.com where there is no censorship or advertising. Do befriend me there if it feels right to do so. In June exhaustion continues; erratic energy difficult for human system; 20% of us are sensitive to energies; erratic behaviour; pandemic continues; increase thoughts, words, actions of love to raise vibration; extra care needed for human body; dangerous weather; early July tensions increase; New Earth is shifting and emerging; Balance feminine and masculine energies; Find ways to experience joy; Donations and help for the needy is most important; past life issues arising; heightened paranormal abilities; continue building your vibration and immune systems; heart chakra activation; some will feel as though they're moving into new timeline or parallel reality; Schumann resonance increases; meeting more of soul tribe; changes in earth's magnetic field; cosmic waves on energy; Word has it that Corona Virus 2 will break out at the end of September
Ladakh, India Taiwan Hong Kong It surprises me just how many Lightworkers join the masses in the game of pushing the barrow of duality and opposition parties as if all on the left - or the right - of politics are pure and true. Bollocks. Pushing agendas such as - in USA Republican V Democrat - in Britain Tory V Whip - in Oz LNP V Labour etc needs to be urgently reviewed in my view. Wisdom does not scapegoat others, and we must be above that silly bandwagon. The world is largely run by adults in sheep's clothing. Adults frozen in 'adolescent psychology' have most of the power --- SO many with their repulsive morals, language, behaviour, myopic decision-making, obscene spending on military etc while billions in the global population go thirsty, hungry and homeless. Not to mention the poverty of kindness, creativity and culture which makes an entity human. We must find the good in every politician and reward the wisest with our vote rather than continue to play the party politics game. Clearly, the only way through is - if humanity is to evolve in harmony and balance - is to UNITE behind the best person/s for the job of leadership in our region. We're living the extremes as we approach zero-point and Lightworkers are tasked with being exemplary role-models. ONE HUMANITY.
My Post on Facebook today
I implore Red Pill People who demand that Blue Pill 'Sheeple' WAKE UP!!! to PLEASE be aware that Red is a tiny fragment of just one reality within the tip of the tip of the iceberg of awareness and existence. Amanda Ellis has some excellent teachings on this subject demonstrating that red + blue = violet and violet + red = magenta and I know there are so many more 'pills' Beyond where it gets REALLY interesting for me. Every day my Messenger is still being filled by Red-Pilled People who dump links of research by others without any personal comment or analysis with info on the negative polarity and conspiracies! - 5G, vaccinations, traffickers, Illuminati, dualistic politics, nesara, chemtrails, NWO, mainstream media etc etc. A glance on my wall reveals that I support a different reality and *** from Monday I intend unfriending old friends *** who do mass dumps of negative agendas and unsubstantiated theories - unless they include their personal explanations of why they're sharing. I'm discerning, and even though I honour your right to pursue your interests, please understand that RED alone is not where I want to give my energy. I certainly DO NOT enjoy accusations of others or the company of Trump, Biden, Gates, Fauci, Pelosi, Soros, Johnson, Morrison, Dutton, McCormack, Hanson, Sather, Icke and the like - so WHY would I want to spend my precious creative time with them? Individuals perceive their world through a kaleidoscope of colours - blue, red, violet, magenta, and those beyond the spectrum. We change colour as we evolve and see people as souls. - Cedar 🌱 I'm delighted to have discovered the fantastic talents of Akvile Sava. I've watched two of her videos and intend watching many more. Her discoveries of the workings of the Universe are astounding and not for the faint-hearted. I woke this morning with the message that this really is a prison planet, with an even clearer understanding of WHY. It's up to each of us to make what we will of our individual and group reality. I'm doing my utmost not to buy any of the consensus realities. My best bet is to make my corner of the world as spectacular as possible while finding a way out of the matrix. This is why I pursue and recommend Sadhguru's work for Self-knowledge, liberation and moksha. Speaking of which - as a fan of the Wachowski's I'm thrilled to discover that Lana is writing and directing Matrix 4 due out next year
I slow the speech to .75 and add subtitles
Akvile on Twitter At the end of the last century Anastasia, the heroine of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" book series inspired people to create family homesteads in the form of Kin's domains which has turned out into national movement with more than 400 eco-communities of Kin's domains developing now in Russia. Click here to read full article
I want to make a recommendation for all those doing the DEEP inner work. Matias De Stephano has created a comprehensive presentation called Initiation on Gaia.com There is a one-week free trial for non-members to have a peek to see if it floats your boat. I have enormous respect for Matias work, and it is timely information to understand the profound changes that all life on Earth and throughout the Universe is experiencing as we speak.
Keep on with the inner work in your way - In working with the Soul's journey in this multidimensional life, Matias recommends asking WHY? Ask why? To everything. I think I'm up to 100,000 why's??? Stay gentle on yourself and make time for rest as The Quickening is at turbo speed now - keep integrating, clearing, releasing, dissolving, and renewing. IF you are suffering palpitations, belly aches, headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, please see a health professional if that resonates. I have all those symptoms and am working at home alone and pleased to report significant progress. Todd Medina and Judith Kusel shine a light on many of the influences impacting us now in this terrific conversation. I follow their work as they are both working tirelessly to help midwife themselves and us through the changes. Please take care of yourselves and be unafraid to soar way, way out of your comfort zones! I often receive messages and guidance from our friends in The Beyond as many others do. Sometimes they come as a snippet of a song that leads me on to marvellous revelations. I've trained myself always to follow the prompts for these teachings and gifts from Spirit. On 15th May 2020, I heard the words in my mind "I closed my eyes, drew back the curtains.... " prompting me to find the song from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat from the musical comedy with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story was based on the "coat of many colours" story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis. Regular readers will be aware that I apply Tesla's teaching: "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." I've been tracking my deepening changes and the apparent changes in others with the rising of the magnetics of the Schumann resonance, solar activity and cosmic energies. The lock-up is giving time to be ever more silent and attentive to these frequencies as they're gradually dialled up in increments to support our Awakening to more of our True Selves. I've been giving a great deal of thought to this gradual Awakening in progress. It is prophesied that the rousing will come from the east and travel around the planet. An upcoming major Event is frequently discussed in spiritual circles as a flash of light from the Sun, which will awaken many in an instant. Thank you, Tim Rice, for being another Messenger.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how secure and joyful do you feel right now?
The Awakening Ones are calling on all humans to dig deeper and question everything that your governments, media and religious organisations present as 'truth' and 'law' on a continuous loop of fear and misinformation. These tactics are designed to condition our minds so we will never discover the real Truth about the extent of evil sweeping the globe and keeping us compliant at all times. Many politicians, journalists and publishers are also victims of this depraved and shameless control. Just as restrictive airport security was enacted after the 9:11 Twin Towers fiasco and not redacted after 19 years, so now even more binding laws are being stealthily put into place never to be lifted unless you and I say NO MORE! 98%?? of humans are slaves and prisoners on an ever-shortening leash. How long will citizens tolerate these mounting injustices? Here's a tip for becoming free and self-governing: If you feel fear in your belly, anxiety in your heart or depression in your mind - you're being manipulated by outside forces. Breaking free from the slavish chains takes constant vigilance as the very air we breathe is also imbued with this toxicity. Many liberated and powerful activists are very vocal in having you join the revolution. In most cases, I applaud their enthusiasm as time is short if the change for Truth and Freedom is to be successful. However, I urge you to be discerning in your bid to have the prevailing authoritative edicts rewritten and benevolent New Ways anchored in modern society for present and future generations. There's no question that our conscious activism is needed NOW. Please determine YOUR best approach and do not be coerced or shamed into joining any particular worthwhile 'Movement'. Take what resonates and stretch beyond your comfort zone. Mindfulness in Nature and consciously pursuing your creative endeavours are as valid forms of activism as participating in interviews, hands-on public work, petitioning governments and corporations, publishing articles, marching openly on the streets, communitarianism, and writing new laws and rewriting to influence outdated laws. It's impossible to overstate the importance of YOUR ACTIVISM. I know many of you are also working tirelessly to make this world a better place for your loved ones and all. My contributions to social media and my blog are a part of my peaceful activism. If they resonate will you please be bold and share with your readership as we need to spread common sense as far as possible before it's too late as new prohibitions are coming in. Speak UP for yourself and others. Speak OUT against injustice. Will you join me in speaking FOR a New Way and a NEW EARTH? 'FIND YOUR WAY' has many, many meanings. I encourage YOU to deepen to FIND ever MORE of YOUR WAY. Time really is at a premium. Please start today. To Truth and Freedom! Cedar I wrote this to a multi-skilled friend in his 60's on a forum who is suffering from anxiety. I know the dials have been turned up by the recent herds of buffaloes running through my chest. I have a weak heart and a pacemaker that keeps me going over 80% of the time. I pace myself well yet the pain in recent days has been excruciating. If you are suffering in any way, please remember to use every skill in your kitbag and please reach out for support and healing if needed. ........ Dearest ****, My thoughts are with you as you struggle with that awful anxiety. Please take care and continue to unplug at times from the multitudinous threads impacting this crescendo of change. Deepen into your music and the beauty of the glorious nature around you as much as you can. Anxiety is understandable, knowing what you know and being as sensitive as you are. I sense that you have all your physical and financial needs well and truly covered for the rest of your and your wife's life. What if 'Life on Earth' is one incredibly intricate 'video game' in a teeming cosmos designed by a group of emotionless ET gamers? Or what if it's a farm for harvesting us as resources by malevolent off-planet lifeforms/extraterrestrials? I choose to see Earth as a garden with all the exquisite beauty and complexity of infinite ecosystems, and that within the polarity good will overcome evil. How? By: Choosing love and compassion. Escaping the grids of dominant reality. Jumping timelines. Being selective and even refocussing our interests. Embodying our mentors' attitudes and lifestyles. I have to believe there is an in-built 'Home Safe to Creator Source' key. There is no doubt the dials have been turned up. One mission is to find a way through the mazes to overthrow the evil implants, debilitating technologies, mind-control, anxieties, nightmares, illnesses, etc and find a way out of the game or find sovereignty and joy within the hologram within the hologram within the fractal Humans have been at this stage before, and before. These years can be compared to the historical end game called 'The Final Days of Atlantis'. Even though many were lost, the savvy and informed survived to continue the species. And the game plays on. We have our Avatars. Is it wise to reboot, expand our strategies or alter our focus? The doors to the safety of higher consciousness are open. Could it be that our task now is to BECOME our Higher Self ... and more? Does it make sense to focus on embodying our Higher Self more fully into our Avatar like a Walk-In from Source? |
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life