Niara Terela Isley's message just after the 2-hour mark in the Above Majestic documentary made the most significant impact on me. Thank you Niara. Brava! I trust your encouragement and wisdom will give viewers the impetus to delve deeper within themselves and be enriched and enlivened. The conditions as of 31:10:2018 are ripe for positive change for the great majority if we have the willingness and courage to go for it. Niara posted 'It finally hit me, late this afternoon, that those words I spoke about consciousness are now “out there” and thousands of people are or will be hearing them. And they cannot be unheard. Once people wake up to how their very minds and consciousness energy have been manipulated and for how long, and for how many generations, the consciousness genie will be out of the bottle, nevermore to be bottled up and controlled ever again. Please see Above Majestic soon.' Despite censorship attempts, Above Majestic is #1 on iTunes and Amazon and also #28 in the top 200 of all films on iTunes! THE THREE 'AND THENS ....' is a technique I devised years ago to assist clients in finding clarity to make the wisest decisions possible. Simply put, once clarity is achieved and a creative decision made, take time to think through all the potential ramifications then take it another two levels. See below also I trust the presenters, their partners, families, kindred and colleagues have taken their 'AND THENS' to (at least) the third possible scenarios. I wish them well and ask that responders are considerate in their comments as these experiencers and researchers are shining a bright light on long-held secrets and come forward to reveal this information at significant risk to themselves and streams of constant abuse. Please view the information with an open mind free of prejudice, take notes, and think things through before responding on social media. Once published it can never be unpublished in the minds of readers and viewers. Doors are soon to be flung open on information that only a minority of the population has been privy to or even interested in researching. Wisdom calls for a Peaceful Revolution. Let's engage the very best of ourselves and make the most of these revelations. I applaud the men and women who had the foresight and courage to make this documentary 'Above Majestic' (MJ-12 or “Majestic 12” refers to a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads. Appointed by Harry S. Truman in 1952, they were to manage and handle all information related to extraterrestrial craft retrieval and the reverse engineering of technology.) How far 'Above Majestic' do these Labyrinthian secret programs go and precisely who is involved? Please shine your LIGHT, POSITIVE INTENTIONS and PRAYERS on projects such as these to contribute to making an evolutionary leap for humanity, Mother Earth and all who dwell on and within Her. If this documentary raises the question in you; What can I do? - please consider my 'THREE AND THENS' and roll up your sleeves and TAKE SOME ACTION. Feel free to share this link. Shine on Cedar
Above Majestic: The Implications of a Secret Space Program Oct 31st Amazon, iTunes, Vudu, Xbox, and Google Play
SUIT UP! Don’t leave home without your energy protection.
IS IT GOSSIP? Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? FORGIVE AND LET GO! Maintain focus on your highest objectives for the good of the whole. BE AWARE! Strong cosmic and earth energies may be impacting your sleep, emotions and output. This article is for those who wish to learn more about free energy, natural healing technologies with sound, the masterminds in physics, math, quantum energy, sacred geometric designers, visionaries, inventors and all of those who are interested in ancient knowledge, wisdom, pyramids, Nikola Tesla etc. Dear Readers, The following is just a sampling of tweets from 22 - 28 October 2018 of Cobra's Teachings by an enthusiastic student of his work. I'm posting in trust that the tweeter has accurately portrayed Cobra's material. You may explore more of the teaching and meditations at Cobra's website at The Click here for the collation with many thanks to @Cobrainfo1 on Twitter Some aspects of the New Timeline are being released now. The most sane, healed and integrated, awakened individuals will begin to transmit through their bodies the energy of the Galactic Central Sun coming to them through the Fleets of the Galactic Confederation in space. Through their bodies our STAR Brothers and STAR Sisters send the energies of the Galactic Wave of Love to Earth. These individuals will be the catalysts of the phase transition to a new society. The Galactic Wave of Love will be the trigger through which humanity will change and face its New Reality. 2018 is a special time because it contains the completion of a galactic cycle and a cosmic cycle. 13,4 billion years ago it expanded; now it is getting smaller again. The Will of the Absolute descends right through the dimensions and clears the Primary Anomaly. The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute, representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for transformation. Goddess Energy is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity. When humanity started to awaken, it signalled the end of their control and suppression. Goddess Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose. The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed the planet. The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain, Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18th Century. The energy of the Goddess will change our perspective on everything on this planet. E.g. our physical bodies, art, and the way we communicate. It will transform human society, anchor the Galactic Wave of Love and prepare us for First Contact. Cobra is The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family - Pleiadian Click for his website I have collated a few weeks of tweets by a kind soul who has created the collection @cobrainfo1 . I'm posting in good faith that these tweets accurately reflect Cobra's Teaching. Please click here for my collation of the student's tweets. Notes of the Budapest Cobra Ascension Conference, April 2018 by Richard Small
Join People Worldwide on Sunday 11-11-18 for a Unified Meditation
Aluna discusses * how the brain works to create and view our reality * higher self, avatar - so this resonates * technology change * human race changing * false ascension matrix * the ascension process is internal * New Earth experiences * 3.6.9 code * huge synchronicities * veil has gone * 5D 4th density * full transparency * humbling * spiritual evolution * everything based on OUR perception * dragons * We're merging with the aspect we were at the beginning * Mars, Maldek, Atlantis, Lemuria, Antares, Arcturus * IS * free will experiment * rainbow wave * more will see and feel energy * sun and moon codes * everything is based on what you're projecting * cosmic intelligence * downloads * earth expansion and contraction * manipulation of November 1 rituals * vatican
A Special Tribute to Our SAL 🌻 on the 8th month of her passing at 9 pm on 22:2:2018.
SAL is forever sprinkling stardust, guidance, healing, and blowing kisses on those she knows and loves and even many she didn't know in her short life on Earth. My journey exploring Life After Life with her continues in the most remarkable ways. Thank you to everyone who contributes in your unique and thoughtful ways to help in my grieving and also in the discovery of The Afterlife. I have placed many of SAL's treasured gifts from friends on her altar here at home. 'Tell them LIFE there on Earth is for ENJOYING. Keep it simple and have fun. PURE and SIMPLE.' Sally Sunflower 🌻 STOP PRESS GREAT NEWS: And now humanitarian and environmental activist Father Rod Bower of Gosford NSW has thrown his hat in the ring to stand as an Independent for the Federal Senate. I met this fine gentleman on the Central Coast and wish him every success in his endeavour to join with Kerryn in bringing 'dignity, integrity and humanity to the Australian Parliament.
Thankfully, we have quite a number of excellent Independents and hopefully more will emerge. .............................................................................................................................................................. #auspol A Vote for DECENCY and RESPECT in Politics - Good luck in lifting the bar in Australian Politics. Kerryn has broadranging interests and hopefully your wisdom and humanitarianism will rub off on others. Congratulations to @drkerrynphelps Independent for Wentworth - winning ex-Prime Minister's @MalcolmTurnbull seat. Dr Phelps made history overnight as the first candidate to take a seat held by the Liberals and its predecessors since Federation in 1901. Your win proves beyond doubt that the majority of Australians are working hard for a change of government from the far right fundamentalist Christian Conservatives. The disgusting shenanigans of leadership challenges, factionalism, corruption and rorting in politics has to stop, and your proven voice of reason and wisdom will be refreshing. Hopefully the embarrassing yelling rabble will take a leaf or two out of your book. Phelps has an impressive bio 'I’ve been a local doctor in Wentworth for almost 20 years. And as a City of Sydney Councillor, Former Deputy Lord Mayor, and former Federal President of the Australian Medical Association, I have extensive experience working in business, health and social justice advocacy at all levels of Government.' I care about: • A secure future for Medicare and better delivery of health services • Protecting our environment, including real action on climate change • We must maintain an independent ABC free from political interference • Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small business • Protecting your investments and superannuation • Fast-tracking investment in renewable energy • Social justice and inclusion • Secular government • Humane treatment of asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island • I believe it is our moral and ethical responsibility to bring an end to Live Sheep Exports And I promise to behave like I have always done, with decency and respect for the people I represent. Kerryn Phelps makes refugees her first priority. Could it be said that the average human is a unique yet mostly un-evolved life-form that hasn't yet discovered the exceptional gift of this planet with all its natural treasures and innate consciousness? The masses are still the self-absorbed baby in the highchair gorging on the cake and throwing food and precious gifts all over its home. These 'infants' are yet to learn values, caring, self-knowledge, finesse and what it means to be human even at the most basic level of self-awareness. The good news is that the cosmic energies and planetary circumstances of this current phase are enabling individuals to take a massive leap in evolution to thus become wise sages at any age if they take up the opportunity. Engage. Regroup. Research. Listen. Find your mentor. Be your own mentor. Good Luck! Go! This delightful synchronicity is saying so much. Cathy Wilcox and Michael Leunig are two astute Australian cartoonists, and I follow their work with relish every day. Bingo! I just finished my meme above and was about to post it on twitter and Cathy's tweet was the first to come up. The Soul, Higher Selves, Guides and Loved ones in other realms orchestrate synchronicities like these all the time. We often miss the cues.
What are YOUR PROACTIVE PLANS * IF * the grids go down resulting in irregular and on-going power outages in your region? ie: NO internet, NO smartphone, NO ATM, NO lights, NO fridge, etc..
YouTube went down for a short while in 'some' places in 'some' countries yesterday and 'some' users went into YIKES!! .... combustion mode and conspiracy overload! Is your Higher Self/Superconscious Self twiddling It's thumbs just waiting for YOUR clear direction? You're doing Its work on Earth. There are SO many aspects of ourselves plus Guides in Spirit longing to help and just waiting to be ASKED and integrated.
'Higher Self is a term associated with multiple belief systems, but its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self.' Welcome to a place of seclusion and serenity. This lovely home has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and open plan living/dining/kitchen with over 1.5 acres (6684 sq. m) of lifestyle opportunities. Megan is located 13km from Dorrigo and 20k to Ulong via exceptional farming and rainforest landscapes. Megan is a small village that enjoys every season, where the ‘old values’ still matter and where you feel deep peacefulness and expansiveness from the moment you arrive. This property is now available for inspection by appointment. Please contact Andrew or John at OPENHOMEONLINE.COM.AU Click On the Blue Print for Photos and Contact Details Tell them Cedar sent you! Please share this link with any friends who are looking to buy. As you enter this home, you will step into the entry hall and be drawn to the central light and spacious living area. There is a large formal lounge with slow combustion fire and delightful views through all the windows to the rolling grass and permanent creek beyond.
There is also direct access to the back deck. A place with splendid views to sit, relax and entertain. The formal lounge area opens onto the generous, central dining area which, in turn, opens to the breakfast room/kitchen area. The kitchen features locally hand-crafted timber drawers, cupboards, and countertops along with a walk-in pantry. The views are delightful. Bedroom 1 has a fantastic outlook from large windows on two walls as well as a walk-in wardrobe and ensuite bathroom. Bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 are also both generous in size with bedroom 3 featuring ensuite access to the main bathroom with separate shower, bath, small vanity and second dual flush toilet. Under the house, you will find the laundry and third toilet and convenient parking, workshop and storage space while outside you will also find a single garage and potting shed as well as two netted veggie gardens for your new, self-sustaining lifestyle. There are well established rambling roses, wisteria, camellia and towering trees. The spring fed, ever-flowing creek over the waterfall at the back is an ideal place to think, feel, read and drink in the serenity and antics of abundant birdlife. This is one of those rare affordable lifestyle properties. Escape from the city and make this your choice of life, with style and privacy. price: $370,000 - $390,000
If you click on the white type in the title you will be taken to youtube to listen and you'll be able to read Aluna's very important written additions below the video.
And Then - After the Deluge - The New Earth
is a place and a space of ____________ (please fill in the gaps). First we have to I M A G I N E Please send your ideas, articles, poems, artwork, photography, philosophy, science, technology, etc and I will collate them so we can all energise our common visions. * 'Deluge: A great quantity of something arriving at the same time.' SAL sent me a powerful 'message' in the form of an illustration on SUNday 30th September 2018 for us to decipher the clues in its symbolism. Here is my initial reading that SAL confirms: * There are a series of gigantic energy waves entering our solar system * They enter via the portal of our Sun and impact all life on Earth * We 'may' expect some damage as a consequence of the solar/cosmic flashes/energy waves * These energy waves bring great opportunities for massive evolution for both individuals and all species alike * SAL and many other superconscious beings ('some' like her) are working to lessen any possible damage to life and infrastructure * During these changes, many will have proof of the existence of Non-Earth-Human beings * Trust your instincts and bravery to guide you through this transition * Some human leaders and non-humans will help you if you respectfully seek their assistance * Everyone on Earth will witness things beyond their current experiences and understandings * What people do with these experiences is entirely up to them * Some will become aware that we are becoming Galactic Humans with all that it entails * Look to the skies every day and every night throughout October 2018 for changes * Keep your thoughts and feelings anchored in love, co-operation and courage It would be much appreciated if readers add your thoughts and embellishments as you feel appropriate. Sally Sunflower - A Special SignatureLast week I visited dear friends in three different places in Hepburn Springs and Daylesford. I'm always overjoyed to see Sal's signature SUNFLOWERS confirming her presence with us too. Blessings to ALL my readers. When you review your first nine months of 2018 have you noticed (like me) life-changing transformations and growth within your awareness, perspectives, relationships, interests, and living situations? We are a microcosm of the macrocosm. As within, so without. As above, so below. Please know YOUR remarkable power to effect positive change. As we 'expand' so too does the Universe - Ground yourself and ground the Light. Let's Unite and get this right! - Cedar
URGENT need for LOVING KINDNESS to everyone and everything.
Immense PRESSURE has to be RELEASED from MOTHER EARTH ... gently. Rage, corruption, violence, obscene killing of humans and animals and profit-driven desecration of the environment cause discord in Mother Earth. Tune in deeply to observe what murder and disregard do to Her. She has to readjust her body soon and will release the pressure by intense earthquake and volcanic activity, tornadoes and other extreme weather. This readjustment and cleansing have to take place, and you and I help alleviate pressure when we clean up OUR acts to be the best human possible. Only when more humans hold the balance, turn from criminal activity and treat Mother Earth with respect will we avoid experiencing the elements becoming more destructive. Those who NEED to lift their games are unlikely to read this - though rest assured WE are making a huge difference when we live in loving kindness in our homes, workplaces and elsewhere. Gently Bentley. Conscious awareness is rising, and humanity is evolving. The non-secret now is take on something new. We can do this! |
However, if you would like to make a contribution, your kindness and generosity will go towards the self-publication of my forthcoming guidebook on death, grief and the afterlife, which I have been working on for many years. Due late 2025
Please check my many years of postings in the archives below. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
February 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life