"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." Dr. F. Batmanghelidj | Mother Earth is always ready to embrace us and help nourish and heal us. We don’t have to do anything at all. Just surrender ourselves to Mother Earth and she will do everything for us. We can experience healing through sitting, walking, or simply by breathing. There’s no healing without relaxation. So we relax and simply enjoy our breathing, our walking. Healing begins when you aren’t trying to do anything. - Calligraphy by Thich Nhat Hanh |
‘’If we choose to truly mimic life’s genius, the future I see would be beauty, and abundance and certainly fewer regrets. In the natural world the definition of success is the continuity of life …..you keep yourself alive and you keep your offspring alive that’s success but it’s not the offspring in this generation, success is keeping your offspring alive 10,000 generations and more. … organisms have learnt to take care of the place and that’s going to take care of their offspring…. Life creates conditions conducive to life.’’
My dear friend Nina Angelo and her friend Riverbank Frank have been tireless in their efforts to bring peaceful and positive change for refugees, as well as for all those suffering in their local communities. Nina screen printed the T Shirt you see on Frank which sums it up very well. This poem is relevant for incarcerated refugee children wherever they may be after escaping from conflict and chaos in their homelands.
One of my favourite things to do at night is to listen to podcasts from ABC Radio. ‘Conversations’ is a favourite. Amanda McClelland was awarded the 'Florence Nightingale Medal 2015' by the International Committee of the Red Cross for 'exceptional courage and devotion to victims of armed conflict and natural disasters'. Click for a fabulous interview: Amanda McClelland: nursing communities to health after disaster Imagine technology that can neutralise evil ...
Robert Scott Lemriel website
Robert recommends chanting HU for 10 to 15 minutes daily in order to reconnect to Universal Wisdom. ‘HU ....Safely show me purposefully hidden truth, on a grand multidimensional scale, and the much greater expanded love within it. HU’ "For the first time, The Seres Agenda adventure uncovers the recently green-lit hidden truth about what is soon coming to our planet Earth no one will anticipate. This is not about a prediction of the end of the world, a foreboding Armageddon, or doomed fate for our planet. However, it is the pronouncement of the coming of an event that has never happened before, an event that will liberate all life on our planet in entirely unexpected uplifting new ways. When this event is openly apparent worldwide in the near future, all the people of Earth will know with certainty extraterrestrials exist. We are all about to experience highly evolved benevolent friends in our galaxy because they have finally decided to awaken our suppressed potentials and transform the Earth in a new safe way they only recently experienced as a wondrous transformation.'' Clarity for Life Modules 1 and 2 are now available online by clicking here. Module 3 The New Earth Creatives, - posted on sufficient expressions of interest The special talents of the ‘New’ Children and Young People - Characteristics and suggestions for parenting, grand-parenting and educators. Ideas for these earth angels, also known as star, crystal, autistic, golden, indigo, special, rainbow, stellar, ... It is recommended that you complete Modules 1 and 2 before commencing 3. Module #1 Know who your allies are and why. Establishing daily movement, contemplative routines and time in nature.
Module #2 General preparedness for all contingencies Plus updating or writing a valid Will and funeral requirements Clarity for Life Module 1 TIP Make the most of the research options on the internet such as YouTube and Vimeo, TED Talks, Podcasts, Audio Books, e-books, Translation Services, Radio, Soundcloud, Social Media, Music Programs, Relationship Quizzes, Counselling Advice etc. Please be sure to explore the Archives in the right hand column >>> Private Consultations with Cedar Life direction, dealing with awakening symptoms, reassessing relationships, relocating home, changing career, writing your will, death and dying, funeral preparations, your creative talents, psychic guidance, the new children
Isis was the Great Mother Goddess of ancient Egypt, regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris. She is the goddess of magic, medicine, art and nature, and like the herbalists and midwives of old she is currently being slandered and slaughtered and her name defiled. ISIS - from Goddess to horrendous terrorist state. Islamic State in Syria has extended far beyond the borders of Syria. I urge everyone and the media to call this army of murderous thugs and terrorists DAESH which derives from the Arabic name with which they refer to themselves, “al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham.” This new “loose” acronym is pronounced “Die-esh”. They want to establish an Islamic caliphate over the entire world, starting with countries in the Middle East. The fact that they don’t like it is good enough for me to call them DAESH. ’Islamic State’ is unfair to Islam. IS is unfair to the All That IS or ISness - that which is beyond God and the Creator. Everytime headlines tout ISIS or IS it undermines the sacred. Will you join with me and re-language this perverted group to DAESH and return ISIS and IS to their original meanings? And while I’m on language in 2016 I’m hoping that all those who use Man and Mankind will upgrade to become inclusive of women and children and begin using Humankind and Humanity. The etymology argument doesn’t wash with me as written language was created by arrogant old men when women and children weren’t even afforded equality or an education. As life is ‘going quantum’ and we witness our thoughts and words becoming creations, we need to be precise. That’s what The Inness responds to. While rescuing injured birds, the swan wrapped his neck around the rescuer's neck. Usually swans are very territorial and don't like human company, but Richard Wiese experiences a moving and wonderful moment during a rescue operation executed with several of his friends from a foundation aiding and rescuing injured birds in England. This is how he describes this moment: "I lifted him, gently pressed on his chest so that he felt confident and safe. After a few moments the swan stopped resisting and literally wrapped himself around my neck. I could feel his heart beating besides mine. I wanted to shut my eyes in order to enjoy this moment completely. It's really a wonderful feeling when you sense a true connection and mutual trust- when an animal realises you mean him no harm". —via Ross Bishop
'What happens to China in 2016 will directly affect how the rest of the world experiences itself’ - Jim Self 'This whole year will be reflective of what happens in January - a presidential leader will step down - great chaos in world' - Joni Patry
Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
January 2025
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life