| Nick Sutton's December Energy Update Sun activity triggering unusual behaviours Pineal Pressure - headaches - 3rd eye workout Twin Flame activity Spontaneous energy releases Newly awakened since August ’17 ‘Unawakened ones’ hold others in 3D Seeing ripples in reality Programming breaking down faster Outpourings of emotions Envision a new future/new reality |
The Australian economy is so intricately dependent upon the solvency of the Chinese economy that implosion seems a foregone conclusion. Then what? and then? and then?
The Awakening is bringing about a recognition beyond doubt that old dysfunctional systems and illusionary ways of experiencing reality are in the process of being dismantled or modified. Mainstream and alternative media are reporting the corrupt and evil agendas of some in leadership influencing the masses in Hollywood, politics, religion, media sources, and business. Life can become chaotic as things fall apart and we adjust to our changes in mindset and life choices. In many cases, illness can usher in dramatic shifts, and career and relationship changes may require massive adjustment to all areas of life. Some people I talk with are experiencing off-the-chart synchronicities and manifestations (like me). All manner of ‘techniques’ are utilised by those alive in Spirit to assist us on our mystical journey into The New - dreams, visions, ‘chance’ meetings, materialisations, enhanced psychic abilities, releasing friendships and belongings that have lost their juice, wisdom out of the mouths of babes, and the list goes on and on. Stay strong. Be clear. Have courage. Follow your passion. Have fun. Be creative. Be wild and free. These photos of Beings of Light (photographer unknown) are similar to the one I call The Goddess of the Gardens in my little ebook The New Frontier: multidimensionality
‘Here is one of my afternoon paintings titled ''The Vision'' inspired by my childhood experience.’ - Akiane This test and the many youtube discussions of the 16 personality types is really interesting and fun. Use with discernment as each person is unique. You might also like to explore it and also see how you gel with your partner. FYI I’m an INFP-A The Mediator - and came up with that assessment on EACH of the three times I took the test. Isabel Briggs-Myers Take the test here >>>
It's difficult to imagine a more cruel, homophobic, divisive and wasteful vote organised by the Australian Government. Spending in excess of $122 million and millions more in lost productivity and wages with the taxpayer footing the bill. Ultra conservatives adhering to the perceived edicts of antiquated religions forced this vote and created untold emotional stress and tears for the LGBTQI community and their loved ones. Are asexual people asked 'Why are you celibate?' or heterosexual people 'Why are you straight?' Conservatives seem to have a great fascination with gay sex, (witness One Nation) and take the lead from so-called 'celibate' priests and fundamental interpretations of their religious texts. What they fail to understand are the role of genetics, past lives, and very often childhood maltreatment in the formation of sexual preferences. Religion has a lot to answer for. Most of the conflicts and wars have race and religion at the core. We are one humanity and it's beyond time bigots, racists, sexists and homophobes put aside their prejudices and came together as one human community to co-create a better future.
I was ASTONISHED to have a US resident enquire about the world outside the USA. Brava Hillary Raimo and thanks for asking. ‘To all my Facebook friends who live outside the United States. I would really love to know what your news outlets are saying about the United States right now.’ My response: Thank you for asking Hillary. It’s rare to find an American genuinely curious about us here in Australia. I can speak for myself and the general consensus of friends and we’re very well informed and TERRIFIED for the survival of people and the planet. Mainstream media is pretty similar to US reporting as it’s largely owned by Murdoch and thus his ultra conservative views have enormous sway here, including influence in installing right of centre political parties. Our TV outlets focus largely on puerile stories, reality shows, sensationalising atrocities, and presenting the most fear-engendering news stories on a continuous loop all day, every day. There are some really good investigative journalists such as John Pilger, Fran Kelly (host, ABC Radio National Breakfast) and Phillip Adams. I read papers over a broad spectrum from The BBC, The Guardian, Wikileaks, The Conversation, Al Jazerra, Russia Today and The Age and follow far right to far left and sundry satyrical publications. We’re appalled at the US LUST for CONFLICT and WAR, gun ownership, and profit before people, and Oz is really just another ‘state’ of the US as we trot after the US into every ill-conceived war supporting your scramble for supreme power and resources. We’re aware of the very worst of your culture and the very best in science, the Arts, inventions, and sport. It’s a genuine fear that Trump’s narcissistic and unpredictable judgements could lead the entire world into a nuclear and possibly final war bringing widespread annihilation and destruction of the environment, oceans and air. Had Hillary been selected it’s likely US/Oz would already be at war with either Russia or Iran or both. From where I sit in a remote part of Oz it appears that a continuing escalation of violence is on the agenda, as the people seem angry enough for ‘civil war’ (in pockets) and no doubt will become angrier and disillusioned as greater corruption and disgusting behaviour is revealed. US leadership appears to inflame this anger by encouraging divisiveness, racial hatred, self-importance and profit for profit’s sake. It also appears there will be a massive cleanup of those lacking in values and integrity in politics, banking, hollywood, and the military, and the many wonderful and intelligent ‘we centred’ Americans may simply refuse to follow orders to fight. It's likely the more evolved Americans will become more vocal and hands-on in organising humanitarian and humane community projects, caring for the environment, utilising already available free energy technology and establishing a fairer distribution of wealth. It is obvious that millions of good people have the capacity, though may have not yet responded to the urgent call for fair play, peace, and the raising of personal and national standards that signify a truly human and humane society.
PS: A job for some good investigators would be to uncover what sounds like secret yet major negotiations going on between Donald Trump and possibly an east African country. I have it on good authority that there are significant events of a ’subterranean’ nature quietly taking place that could potentially affect the world. Hello Everyone, I’ve updated my other website with some of my latest video viewing which are by people whose interests and influence I appreciate. You can find them in the right hand column at www.cedar-rivers.com I’m thrilled to see my collation on Ascension Symptoms has enjoyed almost 930,000 views on this website alone. Hold your balance and highest visions throughout the month of November. This month will present both challenges and epiphanies and you may find yourself changing course from some long-held beliefs and interests. Dive in with passion and imagination. New Life - Nature as EducatorThe energies of November look set to accelerate chaos in many, many diverse areas ~ as well as in profound realisations and wonderful manifestations. Please stay focussed, savvy, and heart-centred. My loving thoughts and prayers go to all who are suffering at this time. Some insidious and evil events happening worldwide are designed by those who would control humanity for their own nefarious needs. The airways are not only filled with news of horrendous events, they are also filled with pulses and toxins designed to debilitate and keep us off-centre and disempowered.
As we re-evaluate and elevate consciousness and move more fully into The New Frontier of multidimensionality and our Spirit/Light bodies, the evil ones react forcefully to maintain some semblance of control over our minds and bodies. Humans are young in terms of cosmic species, and a great deal is asked of each of us if we are to awaken beyond the matrix of conditioning and control. Some Things to Consider * Stay focussed on love, compassion, courage, and freedom * Choose NOT to be fed by the continuous 'news' loops of the mind controllers * Awareness of your Higher Self, Divine Self, Sacred Self * Meditate by watching your breath, even for two minutes daily * Dare to be wild and free - whatever that means for you * Stay conscious by continuing to elevate personal awareness * Rest. Eat nutritious food. Hydrate your body well * Study the work of those who inspire you * Pursue your creativity with passion * Find new aways to fill your home and workplace with love and laughter 1. Abundant laughter is the hallmark of spiritual achievement. Laugh first and laugh often. Readers may have noticed that quite a number of seers, teachers, and organisations are GIVING AWAY a great deal of the work they have created over many years and decades. Among these are game changers such as Kryon, Jasmuheen, The Shift Network, and Sounds True. It’s unmistakable that humanity is already dwelling ’in the great shift’ and that ‘the new earth’ has arrived and is intertwined with the ‘old’.
Some of the features you may have already experienced are surprising changes in friendships and relationships, changing material needs, courageously pursuing your highest dreams, phenomenal shifts in perception, positive lifestyle modification and eating habits, and heartwarming synchronicities and mystical occurrences that clearly point The New Way. You will find my 3 Clarity for Life Modules free of charge at the links in the column to the right. I had such fun creating them over many months. Please be sure to read Working with the Course before doing any of the exercises. Enjoy and feel free to share! www.clarityforlife.training/blog |
PayPal and card donations for readers who have appreciated my work over the years and would like to support the self-publication of my new handbook on death, grief and the afterlife, which will be published in 2025.
All donations are very welcome. Thank you. Cedar is creating a conscious online community and supporting readers to
co-create their own New Earth Communities with family and friends. Please share this link with your networks. These times of chaos and transformation call for kindness and on-going support for each other. Archives
September 2024
Self-Reliance, Responsibility
Co-Creating New Earth Raising Resonance Consciousness Healthy Living, Community Co-Creating with ET Races Death, NDEs, The Afterlife Developing Superpowers The Great Mother Nature Becoming a Galactic Citizen Clarity for Life
3 FREE Modules Working With the Course 1 Ancestors and Allies 2 Preparing for Change 3 The New Children Favourite ChantsPlease click on the white type in each video
Clarity for Life