️Moment Of Awakening
As the new reality comes fully into human consciousness (at that moment when the Creator’s luminous field comes into perfect alignment with the Earth Mother), all illusion of a destructive nature will be dissolved. Though there have been many centuries leading up to this Moment, when the Moment comes, it will be decisive.
There will be a great shift then, a Single Moment of quantum awakening. In this Moment, the smallest interval of time measured in these dimensions – the interval that occurs in every atom between each of its billions of oscillations per second – will be lengthened unto Infinity. An interval of non-time will expand. Through that expansion, Eternity will flow. Some will experience this Moment as minutes or hours, others as a lifetime. Still others will experience this flash of non-time as a succession of many lives, and some few will, in this Moment, know the Nagual itself, the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
In the expanse of the non-time interval, human beings will have all the time they require to realise, experience, and remember the full consciousness of their eternal Spirits and the recall the origin of their individuality in the primordial fields of being. All will have ample time to recharge their form identity and its biological projection with the awareness of who they are, why they have individualised, and why they have chosen to associate with this planet’s human expression. Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of discarnate awareness.
Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be but partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures, sharing the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will know themselves to be.
Subconscious orientation in Fear will be replaced by conscious orientation in Love. The sudden release of power, as the polarity of the collective human emotional field shifts from outer to inner orientation, cannot be avoided, no matter how smoothly we seek to guide this transition. All will feel an unmistakable surge of power in the instant of quantum awakening.
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