However, it appears that a great many leaders of countries and corporations are still frozen in time in their adolescent and as such are incapable of making mature and wise decisions. Decision-making is similar to playing chess - things need to be thought through many moves in advance. Our inner sage is needed now as the grids holding the false reality in place collapse to reveal what is true - and good and evil and imagine how we will respond to whatever comes our way that is outside our realm of influence.
One of my own sage decisions is to post much less on social media. I have shared many of my epiphanies and precious interactions in the past and they rarely receive any interest or comments. This is understandable as it IS social media after all and personal happenings are often just of interest for the individual involved and perhaps one or two close ones. You may also consider the need to be discerning with all the new information coming your way and don't fall into the trap of proselytising or sharing willy-nilly.
Randi Green on The Event and The Resetting
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19.7.18 SAL shows up at significant times as if to confirm I'm on the right track. As I contemplate the possible effects of the energies of 22.7 regarding the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and the collapse of the time matrix as we know it - which coincidentally is the 5 month anniversary of SAL's passing, I was studying the monad and how I feel we have a great opportunity to 'become our Higher Selves' this July/August. I was looking for a pictorial representation for Physical, Soul, Higher Self, Monad, Source and there in the midst of them is SAL's signature Sunflower. I guess that's a YES to these Awakening energies in full throttle now. Thumbs up from SAL.