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SOLSTICE and Solar Eclipse in Cancer 20 21st June 2020
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Tune in for further Awakening and grand new perceptions.
You may like to ensure periods of silent retreat during this time.
#WagTheDog. The US drags its allies into unjust never-ending wars just prior to a presidential election. Study the history. The next election is due on November 3. Watch the months leading up to November. SAY NO TO WAR. Don't go. Disobey orders. They can't arrest millions. ONLY the people can stop another murderous and destructive war. What if the USA tried to start another futile war and no-one came? Our sons and daughters disobeyed orders and put down their weapons to put life before death and destruction? ‘Awakening to conspiracy is a whole different level to awakening to ascension.’ - Sandra Walter | #NoMoreWar TAKE NOTE PLEASE: #SteveBannon reads this #NewFederalStateOfCHINADeclaration on water ie: #AdmiraltyLaw IMPLORE your governments NOT TO START YET ANOTHER WAR WITH NO END PLAN. It would be almost laughable with all the violence and current mayhem going on in the USA form of democracy if it wasn't so terrifying. I have almost ZERO respect for the CCP or for the US Government. Don't fall for another endless war that kills and injures our cherished sons and daughters and innocent people in foreign lands. Any new war will not only be fought on foreign lands Bannon, Trump and Co are made of different stock and the sooner people research this possibility the better we'll all be. Elitist, without emotions by and large, wealth-loving, power-driven, terrified of intimacy, and sexually frozen in a kind of pre-adolescence stage. I am HORRIFIED at the mindless parroting - or perhaps better said - the intentional conditioning of some so-called 'spiritual' groups whose members claim to be 'awake'. Many well-known centre stage presenters of the 'spiritual' retreats and forums sing Trump's praises and talk up left/right divisions - somehow failing to see the damage being done - witness calling in the military - authorities against their own people by using force - let alone all the warring with humans in foreign lands. They're being played for fools by far-right manipulators and so they attack the left. They must start holding up the mirror to themselves to work out their own ideas, ideals and character structures. We simply HAVE to put party politics aside and work for the good of all 'humans' (sic) |