Our deceased loved ones are 'just a thought away' and I value the messages from those of you from various parts of the world who contact me telling how Sal has helped in their healing and dispensing perfect guidance. This help enormously in my ongoing studies of The Afterlife. She learns and works together with 3 other highly awakened Souls that she calls 'her gang - The Invincibles' and she reminds us all to strengthen the qualities of our own invincibility for these awakening times.
Do you have an Anam Cara or more and how do they show up in your life?
Thank you Cedar Rivers for being in my life each day for 7 years -You’ve been dedicated, committed, present, and interactive daily in our connection (2555+ days!) I am so grateful for your unconditional friendship.
I value and treasure the countless and myriad of ways you have supported me and our friendship. From the numerous milestones and highlights over the years, to the greatest challenges of this year, you’ve been right by me every single day.
Thank you for sharing your world with me so fully and generously, and for co-creating our world, our Home (sacred sanctuary), our journey.
Thank you for the thousands of hours of deep listening, guidance, light, trust, love, clarity, wisdom, laughs, adventures, stories, epiphanies, and memories created. Thank you for holding a safe, respectful and honouring space for me to heal, learn and evolve. Thank you for bringing out the best in me. Thank you for encouraging me with great skill, interest and patience to reach for the stars, to soar above and beyond, and to be the best version of myself.
Thank you for meeting me emotionally, mentally and spiritually with courage and trust to journey together. Here’s and cheers to many more years. In unconditional love AllWays xx