The Panther is a very ancient and powerful spirit guide.
Panther holds the secrets of worlds that are unseen and are associated with lunar energies.
Within the darkness of night resides the truth of creation.
Black panthers have great mysticism associated with them.
They represent the life and power of the night.
They can show us how to welcome the darkness and rouse the light within it.
Those with this power animal contain knowledge of a galactic origin, and have a responsibility to look after and respect this knowledge.
Caution must be used when sharing it with others.
When the student is ready the teacher appears, and vice versa. If the student isn’t ripe the information given could trigger negative consequences
Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when required.
Panthers are able to move gracefully in and out of situations, as well as freeze and not be noticed.
This is a symbol of the ability to shapeshift realities, using all parts of the body to perform a task.
The gift of Panther is the power of silence.
They are near silent when hunting or stalking prey, and know when to make themselves seen and when to become unseen.
People with this power animal can develop clairaudience, the ability to hear communications from other forms of life or dimensions.
They must trust their thoughts and inner voice/visions as they are based in reality.
This is an animal guide to assist you on your path, sometimes in the form of a real person such a mentor or teacher.
The Black Panther is endowed with great magic and power, which will increasingly be experienced.
Those with panther medicine can use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.
Panthers are generally loners, extremely comfortable with themselves and are often drawn to other solitary people.
Women with Panther, Leopard or Jaguar power animals frequently find themselves raising their children alone, whether it be through divorce or circumstance.
Panther is a powerful guide to have, always bringing a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.
-the text in this article is from Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews