She is feeling much better and slowly recovering. Her family is still with her and caring for her.
Please continue to keep her in your healing thoughts and prayers!
💚 Penny Kelly Team
I've recently taken to exploring the news again on alternative sites as there's such a convergence of massive events taking place and about to take place. Penny's words act as signposts for us to follow if we choose. The wise will listen attentively - particularly to what is said between the lines.
Link here.
I've never entirely understood Penny's conservative politics, which are in direct contradiction to mine. However, she has skills and access to information on and off planet that I don't, so I've put aside my green-left-wing bias in favour of the best ones for the job. Things are not as they seem. I know there is rampant corruption in all parties - quite possibly in every country. Quite frankly, I'd like to see all parties dispensed with and the best and wisest forming Governing Councils.
- Some obvious takeaways are the critical importance of being as self-reliant as possible and not automatically relying on governments for assistance - financial and otherwise.
- The importance of urgently preparing ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
- War is coming, and some countries will need clarification about who to associate with. Previously neutral countries may be forced to take sides.
- There will be massive unemployment, homelessness, hunger and numbers of refugees.
- Civil war is coming to the USA as it has to so many other countries already. Penny has previously seen the US split into four regions.
- NOW is the time to simplify, lighten up, get your life in order and question your beliefs.
- Stay calm, responsible, focussed, free, and refuse to be influenced by dingbats.
- Cedar